< Psalms 31 >

1 To the Chief Musician. A Melody of David. In thee, O Yahweh, have I sought refuge, Let me not be ashamed to times age-abiding, In thy righteousness, deliver me:
Nkunga Davidi kuidi pfumu minyimbidi. Kuidi ngeyo, Yave ndintombila suamunu; kadi khumbu yimosi ndifua tsoni; wukhula mu busonga buaku.
2 Incline unto me, thine ear, Speedily rescue me, —Become to me a Rock of refuge, a Place of security, For saving me.
Yinika dikutu diaku kuidi minu, Yiza nsualu, mu kukhula! Kuidi minu, bika wuba ditadi diama dingolo disuamina, suamunu kingolo, mu diambu di kuphukisa.
3 Because, my mountain crag and my stronghold, thou art, Therefore, for the sake of thine own Name, wilt thou lead me and guide me?
Sumbu didi ti ngeyo ditadi diama dingolo ayi suamunu kiama kingolo. Mu diambu di dizina diaku bika wuthuadisa ayi wundiatisa.
4 Wilt thou bring me forth, out of the net which they have hidden for me? For, thou, art my refuge.
Bika wuthotula mu ntambu wu bathambila, bila ngeyo suamunu kiama.
5 Into thy hand, do I commit my spirit—Thou hast ransomed me, O Yahweh, GOD most faithful.
Mu mioko miaku ndintambika pheve ama; Wukhula, a Yave, ngeyo Nzambi yi kiedika.
6 I hate such as give heed to false vanities, I, then, in Yahweh, have set my hope.
Ndieti lenda bobo bansingiminanga mu bitumba biphamba. Vayi minu diana diama didi mu Yave.
7 I will indeed exult and rejoice, in thy lovingkindness, —In that thou hast looked upon my humiliation, thou hast taken note that in distresses was my life;
Ndiela mona khini ayi ndiela yangalala mu diambu di luzolo luaku; bila wumona ziphasi ziama; wuzaba kiadi ki muelꞌama.
8 And hast not shut me up in the hand of the foe, Thou hast given standing, in a roomy place, unto my feet.
Ayi wusia ku ndiekula ko mu mioko mi mbeni. Vayi ngeyo malu mama va buangu ki yalumuka.
9 Show me favour, O Yahweh, for in distress am I, —Wasted with vexation, is mine eye—my soul and my body;
Bika wumbona kiadi, a Yave, bila mu ziphasi ndidi. Meso mama; mabividi mu diambu di maniongo muelꞌama ayi nitu ama bibividi mu diambu di phasi
10 For, consumed with sorrow, is my life, and my years with sighing, —My strength hath staggered with my humiliation, and, my bones, are without marrow.
Luzingu luama lulembo suki mu kiadi ayi mimvu miama milembo suki mu diambu di kunga. Zingolo ziama zilembo suki mu diambu di ziphasi ziama, ayi mimvesi miama milembo lebakana ngolo.
11 By reason of all mine adversaries, have I become a reproach. Even to my neighbours, altogether, and a dread to mine acquaintance, —They who have seen me abroad, have fled from me:
Mu diambu di bambeni ziama zioso, ndiyikidi bila ki nlenzo kuidi bobo bafikimini yami ayi bila ki tsisi yiwombo mu diambu di batu bobo bazabini yama. Bobo bakumbona mu nzila balembo tini va ndidi.
12 I have been forgotten, like one dead—out of mind, I have been as a missing vessel.
Banzimbikini banga ti ndifua Ndidi banga nzungu tuma yibudika.
13 For I have heard the whispering of many—A terror round about! When they have sat in conclave together against me, to take away my life, have they intrigued.
Bila ndilembo wi balembo thubidila buwombo ku ndambu ayi tsisi yingolo mu zindambu zioso balembo kutakananga va kimosi mu diambu banduanisa; balembo yendila luzingu luama manenga.
14 I, therefore. in thee, have put my trust, O Yahweh, I have said, My God, thou art!
Vayi minu, mu ngeyo ndintula diana diama, a Yave, Ndieti tuba: “Ngeyo Nzambi ama.”
15 In thy hand, are my times, Rescue me from the hand of my foes and from my pursuers!
Bilumbu biama bioso bidi mu mioko miaku; wukhula mu mioko mi bambeni ziama ayi mu mioko mi bobo balembo ndandakana.
16 Cause thy face to shine upon thy servant, Save me in thy lovingkindness.
Bika zizi kiaku kikienzukila kisadi kiaku; wuphukisa mu diambu di luzolo luaku lungolo.
17 O Yahweh! let me not be ashamed, For I have called upon thee, Let the lawless be ashamed, Go down in silence to hades! (Sheol h7585)
Kadi tala ti ndifua tsoni, a Yave, bila kuidi ngeyo ndiyamikina. Vayi bika batu bambimbi bafua tsoni! Bika baba dio sui ku tsi bafua! (Sheol h7585)
18 Let false lips be made dumb, —which are speaking—against a righteous one—arrogantly, with pride and contempt.
Bika bididi bintotulanga luvunu biba dio sui; mu luniemo ayi mu mvuezolo beti yolukila mu luyanu kuidi mutu wusonga.
19 How great is thy goodness, which thou hast hidden away for them who revere thee, —Thou hast wrought for them who seek refuge in thee, in sight of the sons of men.
A phila, mamboti maku madidi manneni; momo wulundila bobo beti kukinzika; momo wuvangila bobo beti tomba suamunu kuidi ngeyo va ntuala batu.
20 Thou wilt conceal them, in the secrecy of thine own presence, from the conspiracies of men, —Thou wilt hide them in a pavilion, from the strife of tongues.
Va ntuala meso maku, ngeyo weti kuba suekanga mu diambu di mambimbi mayindulanga batu ku buangu kioki wumvuandanga, ngeyo weti kuba keba mu luvovomo mu ludimi lueti funda.
21 Blessed be Yahweh, for he hath made wonderful his lovingkindness for me, in a fortified city.
Nzitusu wuba kuidi Yave Bila niandi wumbonisini luzolo luandi lungolo mu thangu ndiba mu divula dizungulu kuidi masodi.
22 But, I, had said in mine alarm, I am cut off from before thine eyes, —But, indeed, thou didst hear the voice of my supplication, when I cried for help unto thee.
Mu boma buama minu ndituba: “Minu ndivengumunu thama va ntualꞌaku.” Muaki ngeyo wuwa yamikina kuama mu diambu di kiadi mu thangu nditela mu diambu di lusadusu.
23 Love Yahweh, all ye his men of lovingkindness, —Faithfulness, doth Yahweh observe, but repayeth abundantly him that worketh proudly.
Bika luzola Yave beno banlongo bandi boso. Yave wunkebanga minkhuikizi Vayi wumvutudilanga mu bufuana bobo badi luniemo.
24 Be strong, and let your heart be bold, all ye who are waiting for Yahweh.
Lukikindisa ayi bika luba bukhafi mu mintima mieno; beno boso bobo luntulanga diana dieno mu Yave.

< Psalms 31 >