< Psalms 30 >

1 A Melody. A Song for the Dedication of the House. David’s. I will extol thee, O Yahweh, for thou hast drawn me up, —and not suffered my foes to rejoice over me.
Salmo-cántico para la dedicación de la casa de David. Yo te alabo, Yahvé, porque me libraste y no dejaste que a costa mía se alegraran mis enemigos.
2 O Yahweh, my God, I cried for help unto thee, and thou hast healed me.
Yahvé, Dios mío, clamé a Ti, y me sanaste.
3 O Yahweh! thou hast lifted, out of hades, my soul, Thou hast brought me back to life, from among those who were going down to the pit. (Sheol h7585)
Tú, Yahvé, sacaste mi vida del sepulcro; me sacaste de entre los que descienden a la fosa. (Sheol h7585)
4 Sweep the strings to Yahweh, ye his men of lovingkindness, and give ye praise at the mention of his holiness.
Cantad himnos a Yahvé vosotros sus santos, dad gracias al Nombre de Su santidad.
5 For there is, a Moment, in his anger, a Life-time, in his good-pleasure, In the evening, cometh Weeping to lodge, But, by the morning,’tis a Shout of Triumph!
Porque su enojo dura un instante, mas su benevolencia es por toda la vida, como el llanto viene al anochecer y con la aurora vuelve la alegría.
6 But, I, said, in my tranquility, I shall not be shaken to times age-abiding!
Me decía yo en mi presunción: “Nunca me pasará nada”;
7 O Yahweh, in thy good-pleasure, hadst thou caused my mountain to stand, strong, —Thou didst hide thy face—I was dismayed!
pues Tú, oh Yahvé, en tu benevolencia, me habías prestado honor y poderío; mas apenas escondiste tu rostro, quedé conturbado.
8 Unto thee, O Yahweh, do I cry, —and, unto My Lord, do I make supplication:
Clamé a Ti, oh Yahvé, e imploré la misericordia de mi Dios:
9 What profit in my blood? in my going down into the pit? Can dust praise thee? Can it declare thy faithfulness?
“¿Qué beneficio se obtendrá con mi sangre, cuando yo descienda a la fosa? ¿Acaso te alabará el polvo, o proclamará tu fidelidad?”
10 Hear, O Yahweh, and show me favour, O Yahweh! become thou a helper unto me.
Me oyó Yahvé y tuvo compasión de mí; Yahvé vino en mi socorro.
11 Thou hast turned my lamentation, into a dance for me, —Thou hast torn off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness:
Convertiste en danza mi llanto desataste mi cilicio y me ceñiste de alegría,
12 To the end that mine honour should make melody unto thee, and not be silent. O Yahweh, my God! Unto times age-abiding, will I praise thee.
para que mi alma te cante himnos sin cesar. ¡Oh Yahvé, Dios mío, te alabaré eternamente!

< Psalms 30 >