< Psalms 29 >

1 A Melody of David. Give to Yahweh, ye sons of the mighty, —Give to Yahweh, [both] glory and strength:
Ein salme av David. Gjev Herren, de Guds søner, gjev Herren æra og magt!
2 Give to Yahweh, the glory of his Name, Bow down to Yahweh, in the adornment of holiness.
Gjev Herren hans namns æra, tilbed Herren i heilag prydnad!
3 The voice of Yahweh, is upon the waters, —The GOD of glory, hath thundered, Yahweh, is upon mighty waters;
Herrens røyst ljodar yver vatni, Gud den herlege torar, Herren yver dei store vatn.
4 The voice of Yahweh, is with power, The voice of Yahweh, is with majesty;
Herrens røyst ljodar med velde, Herrens røyst med herlegdom.
5 The voice of Yahweh, is breaking cedars, Now hath Yahweh, broken down, the cedars of Lebanon!
Herrens røyst bryt sund cedertre, ja, Herren bryt sund cedertrei på Libanon.
6 And hath made them leap like a calf, Lebanon and Sirion, like the bull-calf of wild-oxen;
Og han fær deim til å hoppa som ein kalv, Libanon og Sirjon som ein ung villukse.
7 The voice of Yahweh, is cleaving out flames of fire;
Herrens røyst sprengjer eldslogar fram.
8 The voice of Yahweh, bringeth birth-pains upon the wilderness; Yahweh bringeth birth-pains upon the wilderness of Kadesh!
Herrens røyst fær øydemarki til å skjelva, Herren fær øydemarki ved Kades til å skjelva.
9 The voice of Yahweh, causeth the gazelles to bring forth, and hath stript forests; and, in his own temple, every one there, is saying, Glory!
Herrens røyst fær hindarne til å kalva og snøyder skogarne, og i hans tempel segjer alt: «Æra!»
10 Yahweh, at the Flood, was seated, And Yahweh hath taken his seat, as king, unto times age-abiding.
Herren sat yver storflodi, og Herren sit konge til æveleg tid.
11 Yahweh, will give, strength to his people, —Yahweh, will bless his people with prosperity.
Herren gjeve sitt folk styrke, Herren velsigne sitt folk med fred!

< Psalms 29 >