< Psalms 149 >
1 Praise ye Yah, Sing to Yahweh a song that is new, his praise in the convocation of the men of lovingkindness.
Rabbiga ammaana. Rabbiga gabay cusub ugu gabya, Oo ammaantiisana shirka quduusiinta kaga dhex gabya.
2 Let Israel rejoice in him that made him, Let the sons of Zion exult in their king;
Reer binu Israa'iil kii iyaga uumay ha ku reyreeyeen, Oo reer Siyoonna boqorkooda ha ku farxeen.
3 Let them praise his Name in the dance, with timbrel and lyre, Let them make music to him.
Magiciisa cayaarta ha ku ammaaneen, Oo ammaan ha ugu gabyeen iyagoo sita daf iyo kataarad.
4 For Yahweh is taking pleasure in his people, He will beautify humbled ones with victory.
Waayo, Rabbigu wuxuu ku farxaa dadkiisa, Wuxuu kuwa camalka qabowna ku qurxin doonaa badbaado.
5 Let the men of lovingkindness exult as they glory, Let them shout aloud upon their beds:
Quduusiintu ammaan ha ku reyreeyeen, Oo farxad ha ku gabyeen iyagoo sariirahooda jiifa.
6 The high songs of GOD be in their throat, and a two-edged sword in their hand:
Ammaanta sare oo Ilaah afkooda ha ku jirto, Seef laba af lahuna gacantooda ha ku jirto,
7 To execute an avenging among the nations, rebukes among the peoples:
Si ay quruumaha uga aargutaan, Oo ay dadyowgana u ciqaabaan,
8 To bind their kings with fetters, and their honoured ones with iron bands:
Si ay boqorradooda silsilado ugu soo xidhaan, Oo ay raggooda gobta ahna jeebbooyin bir ah ugu soo xidhaan,
9 To execute upon them the sentence written, An honour, shall it be to all his men of lovingkindness. Praise ye Yah!
Si ay iyaga ugu soo dejiyaan xukunka qoran, Quduusiintiisa oo dhammuna waxay leeyihiin sharaftan. Rabbiga ammaana.