< Psalms 143 >

1 A Melody of David. O Yahweh, hear my prayer, Give ear to my supplications, In thy faithfulness, answer me, in thy righteousness.
MAING Ieowa, kom kotin ereki ai kapakap, o karong ar en mangi ai ngidingid; mangi ia ni ar melel o ar pung.
2 Do not then enter into judgment with thy servant, for no one living, can appear just before thee.
Kom der kotin kadeikada sapwilim omui ladu, pwe mo’mui sota me maur men me pung.
3 For an enemy hath pursued my soul, hath crushed, to the earth, my life, hath made me dwell in dark places, like the ancient dead.
Pwe imwintiti kin masamasan ia, o kin tiakedi maur i; a kin kase ia di wasa rotorot dueta ir me melar mas o.
4 Therefore hath my spirit, fainted concerning myself, Within me, hath, my heart, been confounded.
Ngen i kin luetala, o mongiong i ponla.
5 I have remembered the days of aforetime, I have talked with myself of every deed of thine, Of the work of thy hands, I would speak:
I kin tamanda ansau mas akan, o madamadaua duen ar wiawia kan; i kin lamelame duen dodok en lim omui kan.
6 I have spread out my hands unto thee, My soul, is as a thirsty land, for thee. (Selah)
I kin kapa wong komui pa i kat, duen sap madekong eu, me kin inong iong katau, iduen ngen i kin inong iong ir. (Sela)
7 Speedily answer me, O Yahweh, My spirit faileth, —Do not hide thy face from me, or I shall be made like unto them who go down into the pit.
Maing Ieowa, kom kotin mangi ia madang, ngen i kin dupokala. Kom der kotin karirala silang omui sang mo i, pwe i ender dueta ir, me pan lokidokila.
8 Let me hear, in the morning, thy lovingkindness, for, in thee, have, I trusted, —Let me know the way in which I should walk, for, unto thee, have I uplifted my soul.
Nin soran omui kalangan en pwara dong ia, pwe i kin liki komui; kom kotin kasale ong ia al, me i en weid ia, pwe ngen i kin auiaui komui.
9 Rescue me from my foes, O Yahweh, Unto thee, have I come seeking refuge.
Maing Ieowa, kom kotin dore ia la sang ai imwintiti kan, i kin kaporoporeki komui.
10 Teach me to do thy good pleasure, for, thou, art my God, —Thy spirit, is good, thou wilt set me down to rest in a level land.
Padaki ong ia, pwe i en dodok duen kupur omui; pwe komui ai Kot; ngen omui mau en kotin kalua ia pon al pung;
11 For the sake of thy Name, O Yahweh, wilt thou give unto me life, In thy righteousness, wilt thou bring forth, out of distress, my soul;
Maing Ieowa, kom kotin kamau ia da pweki mar omui; kalua ia sang nan wasa apwal ni omui pung.
12 And, in thy lovingkindness, wilt thou exterminate my foes, —and destroy all the adversaries of my soul, because, I, am thy servant.
O kotin kawela ai imwintiti kan, pweki omui kalangan; o kotin kamela karos me kin katoutoui ngen i, pwe ngai sapwilim omui ladu.

< Psalms 143 >