< Psalms 137 >

1 By the rivers of Babylon, there, we sat down, yea we wept—when we remembered Zion:
Na vodama Vavilonskim sjeðasmo i plakasmo opominjuæi se Siona.
2 Upon the willows—in the midst thereof, hanged we our lyres:
O vrbama sred njega vješasmo harfe svoje.
3 For, there, our captors asked of us words of song, and our plunderers—gladness, —Sing us of the songs of Zion!
Ondje iskahu koji nas zarobiše da pjevamo, i koji nas oboriše da se veselimo: “pjevajte nam pjesmu Sionsku.”
4 How shall we sing the song of Yahweh, on a foreign soil?
Kako æemo pjevati pjesmu Gospodnju u zemlji tuðoj?
5 If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, Let my right-hand forget:
Ako zaboravim tebe, Jerusalime, neka me zaboravi desnica moja.
6 Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I do not remember thee! if I do not lift up Jerusalem above the head of mine own gladness.
Neka prione jezik moj za usta moja, ako tebe ne uspamtim, ako ne uzdržim Jerusalima svrh veselja svojega.
7 Remember, O Yahweh, against the sons of Edom, the day of Jerusalem, —how they continued to say—Overthrow! Overthrow! unto the foundation within it.
Napomeni, Gospode, sinovima Edomovijem dan Jerusalimski, kad govoriše: raskopajte, raskopajte ga do temelja.
8 O ruined daughter of Babylon, —how happy the man who shall repay thee thy dealing, wherewith thou didst deal with us!
Kæeri Vavilonska, krvnico, blago onome ko ti plati za djelo koje si nama uèinila!
9 How happy the man who shall snatch away and dash thy children against the crag.
Blago onome koji uzme i razbije djecu tvoju o kamen.

< Psalms 137 >