< Psalms 127 >

1 A Song of Ascents. Solomon’s. If, Yahweh, build not the house, in vain, have the builders of it toiled thereon, If, Yahweh, watch not the city, in vain, hath the watchman kept awake:
Pesem preizvrstna za Salomona. Ako Gospod ne zida hiše, zastonj bi se trudili zanjo zidarji; ako Gospod ne varuje mesta, zastonj bi bil priden čuvaj.
2 Vain for you, —to be early in rising, to be late in lying down, to be eating the bread of wearisome toil, So, would he give his beloved one sleep.
Zastonj vam bodijo, kateri vstajajo pred svitom, ki sedévajo pozno, ki uživajo jed bolečin; tako daje ljubljencu svojemu spanje.
3 Lo! an inheritance from Yahweh, are children, A reward, the fruit of the womb:
Glej, posest Gospodova so sinovi; plačilo sad telesni.
4 As arrows in the hand of a warrior, so, are the children of young men.
Kakor pušice v močnega roki, tako so dečki.
5 How happy the man who hath filled his quiver with them! They will not be ashamed, but will speak with enemies in the gate.
Blagor možu, kateri bode napolnil tul z njimi; ne bode jih sram, temuč sovražnike pokončajo v njih vratih.

< Psalms 127 >