< Psalms 12 >

1 To the Chief Musician. On the Octave. A Melody of David. O save Yahweh, for the man of lovingkindness, is no more, for the faithful, have vanished, from among the sons of men.
Siza, Nkosi, ngoba owesaba uNkulunkulu kasekho, ngoba abathembekileyo banyamalele basuka ebantwaneni babantu.
2 Deception, speak they, every one with his neighbour, —with lips uttering smooth things—with a heart and a heart, do they speak.
Bakhuluma okuyize, ngulowo lalowo lomakhelwane wakhe; indebe ezilalisayo, bakhuluma nganhliziyombili.
3 May Yahweh cut off All the lips that utter smooth things, —the tongue that speaketh swelling words;
INkosi izaquma zonke indebe ezilalisayo, ulimi olukhuluma izinto zokuzidla;
4 Them who say—With our tongue, will we prevail, our lips, are our own, who is our master?
abathi: Sizanqoba ngolimi lwethu, indebe zethu ngezethu; ngubani oyinkosi phezu kwethu?
5 Because of violence done to the poor, because of the crying of the needy, Now, will I arise! O may Yahweh say, —I will place [him] in safety—let him puff at him!
Ngenxa yokubandezelwa kwabayanga, ngenxa yokububula kwabaswelayo, sengizavuka, kutsho iNkosi. Ngizabeka ekulondolozekeni amvuthelayo.
6 The words of Yahweh, are words, that are pure, silver refined in a crucible of earth, purified seven times!
Amazwi eNkosi angamazwi ahlambulukileyo, isiliva esizanywe esithandweni senhlabathi, sihlanjululwe kasikhombisa.
7 Thou, O Yahweh, wilt keep them, —Thou wilt guard him, from this generation unto times age-abiding.
Wena, Nkosi, uzabagcina, ubavikele kulesisizukulwana kuze kube nininini.
8 On every side, the lawless, march about, —when worthlessness is exalted by the sons of men.
Ababi bayahambahamba inhlangothi zonke, lapho amanyala ephakanyiswa phakathi kwabantwana babantu.

< Psalms 12 >