< Psalms 106 >

1 Praise ye Yah, Give ye thanks to Yahweh—For he is good, For age-abiding, is his lovingkindness.
Bawipa taw kyihcah lah uh. Bawipa taw a leek a dawngawh, a venawh zeelnaak awi kqawn lah uh; a lungnaak awm kumqui dyna cak hy.
2 Who can relate the mighty deeds of Yahweh? can cause to be heard, all his praise?
U ing Bawipa ak thaawm ik-oeih sai ce kqawn thai nawh a kyihcahnaak ce ak kqawn thai boeih kaw?
3 How happy! They who observe justice, He that executeth righteousness at all times.
Ik-oeih thym ce sai phat nawh, ik-oeih thym ce ak sai phatkhqi taw a zoseen hy.
4 Remember me, O Yahweh, when thou acceptest thy people, Visit me, with thy salvation;
Aw Bawipa nak thlangkhqi venawh nak kaw a law awh kai awm koeh nim hilh, cekkhqi ce na hul awh kai anik hulkung law lawt seh,
5 That I may look upon the welfare of thy chosen ones, That I may rejoice in the joy of thy nation, That I may glory, with thine inheritance.
nak tyh thlangkhqi a zo awmnaak ce pang lawt kawng nyng saw, na pilnamkhqi a zeelnaak ce ka bawm coengawh namah kyihcah doena ka qo ce pang thai lawt kawng.
6 We have sinned—with our fathers, We have acted perversely, we have committed lawlessness;
Ka pakhqi ami thawlh amyihna, kaimih awm thawlh unyng; ik-oeih sai thawlh unyng ak che soeih na sai unyng.
7 Our fathers, in Egypt, understood not thy wonders, They remembered not the abounding of thy lovingkindnesses, but rebelled by the sea—at the Red Sea.
Ka pakhqi Izip qam awh ami awm awh, nang ak kawpoek kyi ik-oeih saikhqi ce ikaw na awm am poek unawh; nam qeennaak khawzah ce am sim voel uhy, tuicunli keng awh, Tuicunli Sen awh oelh uhy.
8 Yet he saved them, for the sake of his Name, to make known his mighty power;
Cehlai amah ak thaawm ik-oeih sai thainaak ce ang dang thainaak aham ang ming ak caming cekkhqi ce hul hy.
9 So he rebuked the Red Sea, and it dried up, And he led them through deeps, as pasture-land;
Tuicunli Sen ce zyi nawh kak qup hy; cekkhqi ce qamkoh awhkaw amyihna tuihdung khuiawh kawng hquisawi poe hy.
10 And saved them from the hand of one full of hatred, And redeemed them out of the hand of the foe;
A thunkhakhqi kut awhkawng hul nawh; a qaalkhqi kut awhkawng thaawng hy.
11 So the waters covered their adversaries, Not one from among them, was left.
Tui ing a qaalkhqi ce sing khup nawh; pynoet awm am loet uhy.
12 They believed therefore in his words, They sang his praise.
Cawh ak awikamnaak ce cangna unawh amah kyihcahnaak laa ce sa uhy.
13 Soon forgat they his works, —They waited not for his counsel;
Cehlai iqyt awm a dii hlanawh ik-oeih a sai peekkhqi ce hilh nawn bai unawh am cuk kiknaak awm am sim voel bai uhy.
14 But lusted a lust in the desert, and tested GOD in the waste.
Qamkoh awh a mimah a ngaihnaak awh pe qu unawh; khawkpawng awh Khawsa ce noek a dak uhy.
15 So he gave them their request, but sent leanness into their soul.
Cedawngawh cekkhqi ing a thoeh ce pehy, cehlai pimqep tlawhnaak ce pha pe sak hy.
16 And they became jealous of Moses in the camp, —of Aaron the holy one of Yahweh;
Hi im awh Mosi ingkaw Bawipa venawh nawn na ak awm Aaron ce yt uhy.
17 The earth opened and engulfed Dathan, and covered up the assembly of Abiram;
Khawmdek ing ang nawh Dathan ce daih hy; Abiqam a pyikhqi ce pup malh hy.
18 Then was kindled a fire in their assembly, —a flame, consumed the lawless ones.
A hubatkhqing lak awh mai kqawng pung nawh, maikqawng ing thlakchekhqi ce ui boeih hy.
19 They made a calf in Horeb, —and bowed down to a molten image;
Horeb awh vaitaw ca sai unawh cawhkaw myi thi ing ami hloi ce bawk uhy.
20 Thus changed they my glory, for the similitude of an ox that eateth grass.
A mimah a boeimangnaak ce qam ak ai vaitaw myi ing thung uhy.
21 They forgat GOD their saviour, who had done great things in Egypt:
Izip qam awh ik-oeih ak bau soeih sai nawh a mingmih ak hulkung Khawsa ce hilh uhy;
22 Wonders in the land of Ham, Terrible things by the Red Sea.
anih ing Ham qam awh kawpoek kyi ik-oeihkhqi sai nawh Tuicunli Sen keng awh kqih awm ik-oeih ce sai pehy.
23 Then would he have bidden to destroy them, —had not Moses his chosen, stood in the breach before him, To turn back his wrath from destroying.
Ce a dawngawh a mingmih ama seetnaak aham ak kawsonaak sit sak aham, amah ak thlang tyh Mosi mah a kunnaak hly kawi awh ama nang dyih khoep mantaw cekkhqi ce plawci sak kaw.
24 And they refused the delightful land, They believed not his word;
Qam leek soeih mai ikaw na am hu unawh; ak awikamnaak awm ap cangna uhy.
25 But murmured in their tents, —They hearkened not unto the voice of Yahweh.
A mimah a hi imkhqi awh kawso unawh Bawipak awi ce am ngai uhy.
26 So he lifted up his hand unto them, that he would let them fall in the desert;
Cedawngawh cekkhqi ce qamkoh awh tluk sak aham a kut phyl nawh tuui khyn hy,
27 And would disperse their seed among the nations, and would scatter them throughout the lands.
a cadil naakhqi ing phynlum kut awh tlu unawh qampum awh a thek a zak na ami awmnaak aham tuui khyn sih hy.
28 Yet they let themselves be bound to Baal-peor, —and did eat sacrifices to the dead:
Peor awhkaw Baal benna hawi qu lat nawh, hqingnaak amak ta khawsakhqi venawh ami nawn lucik buh a ankhqi ce ai uhy;
29 So they provoked to anger by their doings, and a plague, made a breach among them.
ik-oeih che sainaak ingkaw Khawsak kawsonaak ce ami sai a dawngawh, a mingmih anglakawh tlawhnaak ce tlung pehy.
30 Then stood up Phinehas, and interposed, and stayed was the plague:
Cehlai Phinehas ce tho nawh cekkhqing lak awh ang dyih a dawngawh tlawh khap qu dup hy.
31 So it was counted unto him, for righteousness, To generation after generation, unto times age abiding.
Vawhkaw ik-oeih a sai awh anih ak law hly kawi amak dyt qoe cadil naa dy ing thlakdyng na kqawn uhy.
32 And they provoked by the waters of Meribah, —And it fared ill with Moses, for their sakes;
Meribah a tuihkawng awh Bawipa kawso sak unawh, cekkhqi dawngawh Mosi a venawh kyinaak pha pehy;
33 For they embittered his spirit, and he spake rashly with his lips.
Khawsa Myihla ce amim tu a dawngawh, Mosi a hui awhkawng poek kaana awi thoeng tara hy.
34 They destroyed not the peoples of which Yahweh had spoken to them;
Bawipa ing awi a peeknaak amyihna, cekkhqi ing thlangkhqi cetaw am plawci sak uhy,
35 But had fellowship with the nations, and learned their doings;
cehlai phyn chang thlangkhqi mi kqit qu unawh cekkhqi a singzoe ce oet uhy.
36 Yea they served their idols, and they became to them a snare:
A mimah aham dawng na amik dun qu, thlakchang a myiqawl ce bawk uhy.
37 Yea they sacrificed their sons and their daughters to mischievous demons;
Qaai a venawh a capakhqi ingkaw a canukhqi ce lucik bulnaak na pe uhy.
38 And poured out innocent blood, the blood of their sons and their daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, And the land was polluted with blood-shed;
Thawlhnaak amak awm a capakhqi ingkaw a canukhqi a thi ce Kanankhqi a myiqawl ami bawknaak awh thoeh sak unawh, thi ingkaw qam ce tyih ak awm na sai uhy.
39 And they became unclean by their works, and became unchaste in their doings.
A mimah ingawm ik-oeih sai ing tyih awm sak uhy; a ik-oeih sainaak ing pup zawi na coeng uhy.
40 Then was kindled the anger of Yahweh with his people, and he abhorred his own inheritance.
Cedawngawh Bawipa taw ak thlangkhqik khan awh ak kawso nawh ak qo ak pang hly kawikhqi ce tyih hy.
41 So he delivered them up into the hand of the nations, And they who hated them, had dominion over them;
Cedawngawh cekkhqi ce thlangphyn khqi kut awh pe nawh, a qaalkhqi ing uk khqi hy.
42 And their enemies oppressed them, And they were bowed down under their hand.
A qaalkhqi ing thekha nak khqi nawh a saithainaak ak kaiawh tak khqi hy.
43 Many times, did he rescue them, —But, they, rebelled by their counsel, and sank low in their iniquity.
Cekkhqi ce hul khqi khing hawh hlai hy, amah ce ami tuk lat lat a dawngawh a mimah a thawlhnaak awh cum uhy.
44 Then looked he on the distress which befell them, —when he heard their loud cry;
Cehlai cekkhqi ang kqangnaak awi ce ang zaak awh ami khuikhanaak ce ngai na bai hy;
45 Then remembered he, for them, his covenant, and was moved to pity, according to the abounding of his lovingkindnesses;
cekkhqi ce ak poek awh a paipi sai ce poek tlaih nawh a lungnaak bau soeih awh hul qu tlaih hy.
46 And granted them compassion before all their captors.
A mingmih tamnaa na ak sawikungkhqi ce qeen sak khqi nawn hy.
47 Save us, O Yahweh our God, and gather us from among the nations, That we may give thanks unto thy holy Name, That we may triumph aloud in thy praise.
Nang ming ciim awh zeelnaak awi ka mik kqawn thainaak aham, Aw Bawipa kaimih a Khawsa, kaimih ve ni hul khqi nawhtaw, qampum awhkawng ni cunboem khqi tlaih lah.
48 Blessed be Yahweh, God of Israel, from one age even unto another, And all the people, shall say, Amen! Praise ye Yah!
Bawipa, Israelkhqi a Khawsa venawh kumqui coeng kumqui dy kyihcahnaak awm seh. Thlang boeih ing, “Amen!” ti seh.

< Psalms 106 >