< Psalms 101 >

1 David’s. A Melody. Of lovingkindness and of justice, will I sing! Unto thee, O Yahweh, will I touch the strings!
Salimo la Davide. Ndidzayimba za chikondi ndi chiweruzo chanu cholungama; kwa Inu Yehova ndidzayimba matamando.
2 I will behave myself wisely in a blameless way, When wilt thou come in unto me? I will walk to and fro in the blamelessness of my heart, —in the midst of my house:
Ndidzatsata njira yolungama; nanga mudzabwera liti kwa ine? Ndidzayenda mʼnyumba mwanga ndi mtima wosalakwa.
3 I will not set before mine eyes, a vile thing, —The doing of them who fall away, I hate, It shall not cleave unto me;
Sindidzayika chinthu chilichonse choyipa pamaso panga. Ine ndimadana ndi zochita za anthu opanda chikhulupiriro; iwo sadzadziphatika kwa ine.
4 A perverse heart, shall depart from me, A maker of mischief, will I not acknowledge;
Anthu a mtima wokhota adzakhala kutali ndi ine; ine sindidzalola choyipa chilichonse kulowa mwa ine.
5 He that uttereth slander in secret against his friend, him, will I root out; One of lofty eyes, and of an ambitious heart, him shall I not be able to endure.
Aliyense wosinjirira mnansi wake mseri ameneyo ndidzamuletsa; aliyense amene ali ndi maso amwano ndi mtima wodzikuza, ameneyo sindidzamulekerera.
6 Mine eyes, shall be upon the faithful of the land, That they may dwell with me, —he that walketh in a blameless way, he, shall attend me.
Maso anga adzakhala pa okhulupirika mʼdziko, kuti akhale pamodzi ndi ine; iye amene mayendedwe ake ndi wosalakwa adzanditumikira.
7 There shall not dwell in the midst of my house, One who worketh deceit, —he that speaketh falsehoods, shall not be established before mine eyes;
Aliyense wochita chinyengo sadzakhala mʼnyumba mwanga. Aliyense woyankhula mwachinyengo sadzayima pamaso panga.
8 Morning by morning, will I uproot, All the lawless ones of the land, That I may cut off, out of the city of Yahweh—All the workers of iniquity.
Mmawa uliwonse ndidzatontholetsa anthu onse oyipa mʼdziko; ndidzachotsa aliyense wochita zoyipa mu mzinda wa Yehova.

< Psalms 101 >