< Proverbs 8 >
1 Doth not, wisdom, cry aloud? and, understanding, send forth her voice?
Haddaba xigmaddu sow ma dhawaaqin? Waxgarashaduna codkeedii sow kor uma qaadin?
2 At the top of the high places above the way, at the place where paths meet, she taketh her stand:
Waxay taagan tahay meelaha sarreeya Oo jidka agtiisa ah, meesha waddooyinku ku kulmaan.
3 Beside the gates, at the entrance of the city, —at the going in of the openings, she shouteth: —
Oo waxay ka qaylisaa irdaha agtooda, Meesha magaalada laga soo galo, Iyo meesha albaabbada laga soo galoba.
4 Unto you, O men, I call, and, my voice, is unto the sons of men;
Nimanyahow, idinkaan idiin dhawaaqayaa, Oo codkayguna wuxuu u yeedhayaa binu-aadmiga.
5 Understand, ye simple ones, shrewdness, and, ye dullards understand sense;
Garaadlaawayaashow, miyir lahaada, Nacasyadoy, waxgarasho qalbiga ku haysta.
6 Hear, for, princely things, will I speak, and the opening of my lips shall be of equity;
I maqla, waayo, waxaan ku hadlayaa waxyaalo wanaagsan, Oo waxaan bushimaha u kala qaadayaa waxyaalo qumman.
7 For, faithfulness, shall my mouth softly utter, but, the abomination of my lips, shall be lawlessness;
Maxaa yeelay, afkaygu run buu ku hadlayaa; Oo bushimahayguna shar bay karhaan.
8 In righteousness, shall be all the sayings of my mouth, nothing therein, shall be crafty or perverse;
Erayada afkayga oo dhammi waa xaq, Oo innaba wax qalloocan ama maroorsan lagama helo.
9 All of them, shall be plain, to them who would understand, and just, to such as would gain knowledge.
Iyagu dhammaantood waa u cad yihiin kii wax garanaya, Oo waana u qumman yihiin kuwa aqoonta hela.
10 Receive my correction, and not silver, and knowledge, rather than choicest gold.
Edbintayda qaata, lacagse ha qaadanina, Oo aqoontana ka hor doorta dahabka saafiga ah.
11 For better is wisdom, than ornaments of coral, and, no delightful things, can equal her.
Waayo, xigmaddu waa ka sii wanaagsan tahay luulka, Oo wax alla waxa la damci karo oo dhanna iyada lalama simi karo.
12 I, wisdom, inhabit shrewdness, —and, the knowledge of sagacious things, I gain.
Anigoo xigmad ahu, waxaan la fadhiyaa miyir, Oo waxaan helaa aqoon iyo digtoonaan.
13 The reverence of Yahweh, is to hate wickedness: pride, arrogance, and the way of wickedness; And a mouth of perverse things, do I hate.
Rabbiga ka cabsashadiisu waa in sharka la naco. Kibirka, iyo madaxweynaanta, iyo jidka sharka, Iyo afka qalloocan ayaan anigu necbahay.
14 Mine, are counsel, and effective working, I, am understanding, mine, is valour:
Talo iyo xigmad anigaa iska leh, Oo waxaan ahay waxgarasho, xoogna waan leeyahay.
15 By me, kings reign, and dignitaries decree righteousness;
Boqorradu gacantayday wax ku xukumaan, Oo amiirraduna amarkaygay garta ku gooyaan.
16 By me, rulers govern, and nobles—all the righteous judges:
Taliyayaasha iyo saraakiisha iyo weliba xaakinnada dunida oo dhammuna Anigay wax iigu taliyaan.
17 I love, them who love me, and, they who diligently seek me, find me:
Anigu kuwa i jecel waan jeclahay, Oo kuwa aad iyo aad ii doonaana way i heli doonaan.
18 Riches and honour, are with me, lordly wealth, and righteousness;
Anigaa iska leh taajirnimo iyo sharaf. Iyo weliba maal raagaya iyo xaqnimoba.
19 Better is my fruit, than gold—yea fine gold, and mine increase, than choice silver;
Midhahaygu way ka sii wanaagsan yihiin dahab, haah, oo xataa dahab aad u wanaagsan way ka sii wanaagsan yihiin, Oo waxa ii kordhaana way ka sii wanaagsan yihiin lacag la doortay.
20 In the way of righteousness, I march along, in the middle of the paths of justice:
Anigu waxaan ku socdaa jidka xaqnimada, Iyo waddooyinka garta dhexdooda,
21 That I may cause them who love me to inherit substance, and, their treasuries, I may fill.
Si aan kuwa i jecel uga dhigo inay maal dhaxlaan, Oo aan khasnadahooda ugu buuxiyo.
22 Yahweh, had constituted me the beginning of his way, before his works, at the commencement of that time;
Rabbigu wuxuu i lahaan jiray bilowgii jidkiisa Iyo shuqulladiisii hore ka hor.
23 At the outset of the ages, had I been established, in advance of the antiquities of the earth;
Aniga aakhirada hore waa lay taagay, waxaan jiray bilowgii ugu horreeyey, Ama intaan dunidu jirin ka hor.
24 When there was no resounding deep, I had been brought forth, when there were no fountains, abounding with water;
Anigu waxaan dhashay intaan moolal jirin ka hor, Iyo intaanay jirin ilo biyo ka buuxaan.
25 Ere yet the mountains had been settled, before the hills, had I been brought forth;
Intaan la qotomin buuraha Iyo kuraha ka hor ayaan anigu dhashay,
26 Or ever he had made the land and the wastes, or the top of the dry parts of the world:
Intaanuu isagu samayn dhulka iyo berrimmada, Amase ciiddii dunida ugu horraysay.
27 When he prepared the heavens, there, was I! When he decreed a vault upon the face of the resounding deep;
Markuu samooyinka hagaajiyey anigu waan joogay, Markuu xariijinta ku wareejiyey moolka dushiisa,
28 When he made firm the skies above, when the fountains of the resounding deep, waxed strong;
Markuu cirka sare taagay, Markii ilaha moolku xoog yeesheen,
29 When he fixed for the sea its bound, that, the waters, should not go beyond his bidding, when he decreed the foundations of the earth: —
Markuu badda xad u yeelay Si aan biyuhu amarkiisa ugu xadgudbin, Markuu aasaaskii dhulka dhigay,
30 Then became I beside him, a firm and sure worker, then became I filled with delight, day by day, exulting before him on every occasion;
Markaas anigu isagaan dhinac joogay, anigoo ah sidii hawlhoggaamiye, Oo anigu maalin kasta faraxiisaan ahaa, Oo mar kasta hortiisaan ku rayrayn jiray;
31 Exulting in the fruitful land of his earth, Yea, my fulness of delight, was with the sons of men.
Waxaan ku rayrayn jiray inta dhulkiisa la degay, Oo waxaan ku farxi jiray binu-aadmiga.
32 Now, therefore, ye sons, hearken to me, for how happy are they who, to my ways, pay regard!
Haddaba sidaas daraaddeed, wiilashoy, bal i maqla; Waayo, waxaa barakaysan kuwa jidadkayga xajiya.
33 Hear ye correction, and be wise, and do not neglect.
Edbinta dhegaysta, oo caqli yeesha, Oo ha diidina.
34 How happy the man that doth hearken to me, —keeping guard at my doors, day by day, watching at the posts of my gates;
Waxaa barakaysan ninka i maqla, Oo maalin kasta irdahayga igu dhawra, Oo albaabbadayda igu suga.
35 For, he that findeth me, findeth life, and hath obtained favour from Yahweh;
Waayo, ku alla kii i helaa wuxuu helaa nolol, Oo Rabbiguna raalli buu ka ahaan doonaa.
36 But, he that misseth me, wrongeth his own soul, all who hate me, love death.
Laakiinse kii igu dembaabaa naftiisuu wax yeelaa, Kuwa aniga i neceb oo dhammu waxay jecel yihiin dhimasho.