< Proverbs 29 >

1 He that being often reproved stiffeneth his neck, suddenly shall be hurt, and there be no healing.
A man often reproved, hardening the neck, Is suddenly broken, and there is no healing.
2 When the righteous become great, the people rejoice, but, when a lawless man beareth rule, a people sigh.
In the multiplying of the righteous the people rejoice, And in the ruling of the wicked the people sigh.
3 A man who loveth wisdom, gladdeneth his father, but, a companion of harlots, destroyeth wealth.
A man loving wisdom makes his father glad, And a friend of harlots destroys wealth.
4 A king, by justice, shall establish a land, —but, a man open to bribes, bringeth it to ruin.
A king establishes a land by judgment, And one receiving gifts throws it down.
5 A man who flattereth his neighbour, spreadeth, a net, over his steps.
A man taking a portion above his neighbor, Spreads a net for his own steps.
6 In the transgression of a wicked man, is a snare, but, the righteous, doth shout in triumph and rejoice.
A snare [is] in the transgression of the evil, And the righteous sing and rejoice.
7 The righteous doth acknowledge the plea of the poor, but, the lawless, regardeth not knowledge.
The righteous knows the plea of the poor, The wicked does not understand knowledge.
8 Men given to mockery, inflame a city, —but, wise men, turn away anger.
Men of scorning ensnare a city, And the wise turn back anger.
9 A wise man pleading with a foolish man, whether he rage or laugh, there is no settlement.
A wise man is judged by the foolish man, And he has been angry, And he has laughed, and there is no rest.
10 Blood-thirsty men, hate the blameless man, and, as for the upright, they seek his life.
Men of blood hate the perfect, And the upright seek his soul.
11 All his anger, doth a dullard let go, but, a wise man, by keeping it back, stilleth it.
A fool brings out all his mind, And the wise restrains it until afterward.
12 When a ruler giveth heed to the word of falsehood, all his attendants, become lawless.
A ruler who is attending to lying words, All his ministers [are] wicked.
13 The poor man and the man of usury, meet together, he that enlighteneth the eyes of them both, is Yahweh.
The poor and the man of frauds have met together, YHWH is enlightening the eyes of them both.
14 When a king judgeth faithfully the poor, his throne, to futurity, shall be established.
A king that is judging the poor with truth, His throne is established forever.
15 A rod with rebuke, giveth wisdom, but, a youth unrestrained, bringeth shame to his mother.
A rod and reproof give wisdom, And a youth let away is shaming his mother.
16 When the lawless become great, transgression increaseth, but, the righteous, shall behold, their ruin.
In the multiplying of the wicked transgression multiplies, And the righteous look on their fall.
17 Correct thy son, that he may give thee rest, that he may give delight to thy soul.
Discipline your son, and he gives you comfort, Indeed, he gives delights to your soul.
18 Where there is no vision, a people is let loose, but, he that keepeth instruction, how happy is he!
A people is made naked without a vision, And whoever is keeping the Law, O his blessedness!
19 By words, a servant will not be corrected, though he perceiveth, yet is there no answer.
By words a servant is not instructed though he understand, And there is nothing answering.
20 Thou hast seen a man hasty in his words, —there is, more hope of a dullard, than of him.
You have seen a man hasty in his words! More hope of a fool than of him.
21 He that dealeth tenderly with his servant from childhood, in his after life, shall have him for a son.
Whoever is bringing up his servant delicately, from youth, [At] his latter end he is also continuator.
22 A man given to anger, stirreth up strife, and, he that exceedeth in wrath, aboundeth in transgression.
An angry man stirs up contention, And a furious man is multiplying transgression.
23 The loftiness of a man, layeth him low, —but, one of a lowly spirit, shall attain unto honour.
The pride of man humbles him, And humility of spirit upholds honor.
24 He that shareth with a thief, hateth himself, an oath, he heareth, yet may not tell.
Whoever is sharing with a thief is hating his own soul, He hears execration, and does not tell.
25 The fear of man, setteth a snare, but, he that trusteth in Yahweh, shall be placed on high.
Fear of man causes a snare, And the confident in YHWH is set on high.
26 Many, seek the face of a ruler, but, from Yahweh, is the sentence of each one.
Many are seeking the face of a ruler, And the judgment of each [is] from YHWH.
27 An abomination to the righteous, is the man of perversity, and, an abomination to the lawless, is a man of straightforward way.
The perverse man [is] an abomination to the righteous, And the upright in the way [is] an abomination to the wicked!

< Proverbs 29 >