< Proverbs 25 >

1 These also, are proverbs of Solomon, —which the men of Hezekiah king of Judah transcribed.
I ovo su mudre izreke Salomonove; sabrali ih ljudi Ezekije, kralja judejskog.
2 The glory of God, is to conceal a thing, but, the glory of kings, is to search out a thing.
Slava je Božja sakrivati stvar, a slava kraljevska istraživati je.
3 The heavens for height, and the earth for depth, but, the heart of kings, cannot be searched.
Neistražljivo je nebo u visinu, zemlja u dubinu i srce kraljevsko.
4 Remove the dross from the silver, and there cometh forth, to the refiner, a vessel:
Ukloni trosku od srebra, i uspjet će posao zlataru.
5 Remove a lawless man from before the king, that his throne, may be established in righteousness.
Ukloni opakoga ispred kralja, i utvrdit će se pravicom prijestol njegov.
6 Do not honour thyself before a king, nor, in the place of great men, do thou stand;
Ne veličaj se pred kraljem i ne sjedaj na mjesto velikaško,
7 For better it be said to thee, Come up hither, —than that thou be put lower down before a noble, whom thine own eyes, have beheld.
jer je bolje da ti se kaže: “Popni se gore” nego da te ponize pred odličnikom.
8 Do not go forth to strive in haste, —lest [thou know not] what to do in the latter end thereof, when thy neighbour, hath put thee to shame.
Što su ti oči vidjele ne iznosi prebrzo na raspru; jer što ćeš učiniti na koncu kad te opovrgne bližnji tvoj?
9 Thy contention, urge thou with thy neighbour, and, the secret of another, do not reveal:
Kad si u parbi s bližnjim svojim, ne otkrivaj tuđe tajne,
10 Lest he that heareth expose thee, and, the report concerning thee, turn not away.
da te ne izgrdi tko čuje i da ti se kleveta ne vrati.
11 Golden fruit in figured silver baskets, is a word spoken on fitting occasion.
Riječi kazane u pravo vrijeme zlatne su jabuke u srebrnim posudama.
12 A ring of gold, and a vessel of precious metal, is a wise reprover, on a hearing ear.
Mudrac koji kori uhu je poslušnu zlatan prsten i ogrlica od tanka zlata.
13 As the cold of snow in the day of harvest, is a faithful messenger to them who send him, —when, the life of his masters, he restoreth.
Vjeran je glasnik onomu tko ga šalje kao ledena studen u doba žetve: on krijepi dušu svoga gospodara.
14 Clouds and wind, when rain there is none, is the man who boasteth himself of a pretended gift.
Tko se diči lažljivim darom, on je kao oblak i vjetar bez kiše.
15 By long patience, is a judge persuaded, and, a soft tongue, breaketh the bone.
Strpljivošću se ublažava sudac, mek jezik i kosti lomi.
16 Honey having found, eat to suffice thee, lest thou loathe it, and vomit it forth.
Kad naiđeš na med, jedi umjereno, kako se ne bi prejeo i pojedeno izbljuvao.
17 Withhold thy foot from the house of thy neighbour, —lest he be weary of thee, and hate thee.
Rijetko zalazi u kuću bližnjega svoga, da te se ne zasiti i ne zamrzi na te.
18 A hammer and a sword, and a sharpened arrow, is a man becoming a false witness against his neighbour.
Čovjek koji svjedoči lažno na bližnjega svoga on je kao bojni malj i mač i oštra strijela.
19 A broken tooth and a faltering foot, is confidence in the treacherous, in the day of danger.
Uzdanje u bezbožnika na dan nevolje - krnjav je zub i noga klecava.
20 As splendour of dress on a cold day—vinegar upon nitre, so is a singer with songs, unto a sad heart.
Kao onaj koji skida haljinu u zimski dan ili ocat lije na ranu, takav je onaj tko pjeva pjesmu turobnu srcu.
21 If he that hateth thee hunger, give him bread to eat, and, if he be thirsty, give him water to drink;
Ako je gladan neprijatelj tvoj, nahrani ga kruhom, i ako je žedan, napoji ga vodom.
22 For, burning coals, shalt thou be heaping upon his head, —and, Yahweh, will repay thee.
Jer mu zgrćeš ugljevlje na glavu i Jahve će ti platiti.
23 A north wind, bringeth forth rain, and, a face stirred with indignation, a secretive tongue.
Sjeverni vjetar donosi dažd, a himben jezik srdito lice.
24 Better to dwell on the corner of the roof, than a quarrelsome wife, and a house in common.
Bolje je stanovati pod rubom krova nego u zajedničkoj kući sa ženom svadljivom.
25 As cold water to a thirsty soul, so is a good report from a far country.
Kao studena voda žednu grlu, takva je dobra vijest iz zemlje daleke.
26 A fountain fouled, a spring spoiled, is a righteous man tottering before one who is lawless.
Kao zatrpan izvor i vrelo zamućeno, takav je pravednik koji kleca pred opakim.
27 To eat honey in abundance, is not good, nor is, searching out their own honour, an honourable thing.
Jesti mnogo meda nije dobro niti tražiti pretjerane časti.
28 A city broken down without a wall, is a man who hath no control over his own spirit.
Grad razvaljen i bez zidova - takav je čovjek koji nema vlasti nad sobom.

< Proverbs 25 >