< Proverbs 2 >
1 My son, if thou wilt receive my sayings, and, my commandments, wilt treasure up by thee;
Wuoda, ka iyie rwako wechena kendo kano chikena e chunyi;
2 So that thou direct, unto wisdom, thine ear, bend thy heart, unto understanding;
ka ichiko iti ni weche mag rieko kendo kiketo chunyi mondo iwinj tiend weche,
3 Yea if, for understanding, thou cry aloud, for knowledge, utter thy voice;
to ka imanyo ngʼeyo malingʼ-lingʼ, kendo ikwayo ngʼeyo tiend wach,
4 If thou seek her as silver, and, like hid treasure, thou search for her,
to ka idware ka fedha kendo imanye ka mwandu mopandi,
5 Then, shalt thou understand the reverence of Yahweh, and, the knowledge of God, shalt thou find.
eka iniwinj malongʼo tiend luoro Jehova Nyasaye, kendo iniyud rieko mar ngʼeyo Nyasaye.
6 For, Yahweh, giveth wisdom, out of his mouth, knowledge and understanding;
Jehova Nyasaye chiwo rieko kendo ngʼeyo gi winjo aa e dhoge.
7 Yea he treasureth, for the upright, safety, A shield [is he] to them who walk in integrity,
Oiko loch ni joma kare, en okumba ni jogo ma wuodhgi ler,
8 To him that observeth the paths of justice, yea, the way of his men of lovingkindness, he doth guard.
nimar en okumba mar joma kare kendo orito yor joge ma jo-adiera.
9 Then, shalt thou understand righteousness and justice, and equity—every noble course.
Ka iwinjo wachna, eka iningʼe gima kare, kendo mowinjore ma gin yore duto mabeyo.
10 When wisdom entereth thy heart, and, knowledge, to thy soul, is sweet,
Nimar rieko nodonj e chunyi, kendo ngʼeyo nomi ngimani bedo mamor.
11 Discretion, shall watch over thee, understanding, shall preserve thee: —
Rieko mar pogo tiend wach noriti, kendo winjo tiend wach nobedni okumba.
12 To rescue thee from the way of the wrongful, from the man that speaketh perverse things;
Rieko noresi kuom yore mag joma mono, kuom jogo mawacho weche mochido,
13 From them who forsake the paths of rectitude, to walk in the ways of darkness;
jogo moweyo yore moriere mag bidhruok, mondo giwuothi e yore mag mudho,
14 Who rejoice to do wrong, exult in the perversities of the wrongful;
joma mor kuom timo maricho kendo giil e duwruok mar richo,
15 Whose paths, are twisted, and they are tortuous in their tracks:
jogo ma yoregi ogajore ogajore kendo gin jowuond e yoregi.
16 To rescue thee, from the woman that is a stranger, from the female unknown, who with her speeches seduceth;
Bende enoresi kuom dhako ma jachode, kuom dhako mabayo gi wechege maywayo ji,
17 Who forsaketh the friend of her youth, and, the covenant of her God, hath forgotten;
moseweyo chwore mane okende konyako, kendo oketho singruok mane otimo e nyim Nyasaye.
18 For she hath appointed, unto death, her house, and unto the shades, her courses;
Nikech ode tero ji e tho to yorene tero ji e piny joma otho.
19 None who go in unto her, come back, neither attain they unto the paths of life:
Onge ngʼato madhi ire maduogo kata yudo yor ngima.
20 To the end that thou walk in the way of good men, and, the paths of the righteous, that thou observe.
Kuom mano, iniluw yore joma beyo kendo irit yore joma kare.
21 For, the upright, shall abide on the earth, —and, the men of integrity, shall remain therein;
Nimar joma kare ema nodag e piny kendo jogo maonge bura ema nosiki e piny;
22 But, the lawless, out of the earth, shall be cut off, and, traitors, shall they tear away therefrom.
to joma timbegi mono nogol oko e piny kendo jogo ma ok jo-adiera ok nobedie ngangʼ.