< Proverbs 19 >
1 Better is a poor man, walking in his integrity, than one of perverse lips, and, he, a dullard.
Better is the poore that walketh in his vprightnes, then he that abuseth his lips, and is a foole.
2 Surely, for the soul to be, without knowledge, is not good, and, he that hasteth with his feet, strayeth.
For without knowledge the minde is not good, and he that hasteth with his feete, sinneth.
3 The folly of a man, subverteth his way, and, against Yahweh, his heart is angry.
The foolishnesse of a man peruerteth his way, and his heart freateth against the Lord.
4 Wealth, addeth many friends, but, the poor man, from his own friend, is parted.
Riches gather many friends: but the poore is separated from his neighbour.
5 A false witness, shall not be held innocent, and, he that uttereth lies, shall not escape.
A false witnes shall not be vnpunished: and he that speaketh lyes, shall not escape.
6 Many, will entreat the favour of a noble, and, every one, is a friend to a man abounding in gifts.
Many reuerence the face of the prince, and euery man is friend to him that giueth giftes.
7 All the brethren of a poor man, hate him, how much more have, his friends, gone far from him, he may hunt up promises—there are none.
All the brethren of the poore doe hate him: howe much more will his friends depart farre from him? though hee be instant with wordes, yet they will not.
8 He that acquireth sense, loveth his own soul, he that guardeth understanding, shall find blessing.
He that possesseth vnderstanding, loueth his owne soule, and keepeth wisdome to finde goodnesse.
9 A false witness, shall not be held innocent, and, he that uttereth lies, shall perish.
A false witnes shall not be vnpunished: and he that speaketh lyes, shall perish.
10 Unseemly for a dullard, is delicate living, how much more for, a servant, to bear rule over princes.
Pleasure is not comely for a foole, much lesse for a seruant to haue rule ouer princes.
11 The discretion of a man, deferreth his anger, and, his adorning, is to pass over transgression.
The discretion of man deferreth his anger: and his glory is to passe by an offence.
12 The growl as of a young lion, is the rage of a king, but, like dew upon the grass, is his good pleasure.
The Kings wrath is like the roaring of a lyon: but his fauour is like the dewe vpon ye grasse.
13 Engulfing ruin to his father, is a son that is a dullard, —and, a continuous dripping, are the contentions of a wife.
A foolish sonne is the calamitie of his father, and the contentions of a wife are like a continuall dropping.
14 House and substance, are an inheritance from one’s fathers, but, from Yahweh, cometh a wife who is prudent.
House and riches are the inheritance of the fathers: but a prudent wife commeth of the Lord.
15 Sloth, falleth into a deep sleep, and, a soul that is indolent, shall famish.
Slouthfulnes causeth to fall asleepe, and a deceitfull person shall be affamished.
16 One who guardeth the commandment, guardeth his life, he that is reckless in his ways, shall die.
He that keepeth the commandement, keepeth his owne soule: but hee that despiseth his wayes, shall dye.
17 A lender to Yahweh, is one who sheweth favour to the poor, and, his good deed, He will pay him back.
He that hath mercy vpon the poore, lendeth vnto the Lord: and the Lord will recompense him that which he hath giuen.
18 Correct thy son, because there is hope, yet, not so as to slay him, let thy passion be excited.
Chasten thy sonne while there is hope, and let not thy soule spare for his murmuring.
19 A man in a rage, taketh away the penalty, —nevertheless, if thou let him go free, the more [stripes] must thou add.
A man of much anger shall suffer punishment: and though thou deliuer him, yet wil his anger come againe.
20 Hear counsel, receive correction, that thou mayest be wise in thine after-life.
Heare counsell and receiue instruction, that thou mayest be wise in thy latter ende.
21 Many are the devices in a man’s heart, but, the counsel of Yahweh, that, shall stand.
Many deuises are in a mans heart: but the counsell of the Lord shall stand.
22 The charm of a man, is his lovingkindness, —and better a poor man, than one who deceiveth.
That that is to be desired of a man, is his goodnes, and a poore man is better then a lyer.
23 The reverence of Yahweh, leadeth to life, satisfied then, let a man remain—let him not be visited by calamity.
The feare of the Lord leadeth to life: and he that is filled therewith, shall continue, and shall not be visited with euill.
24 A sluggard burieth his hand in the dish, even unto his own mouth, will he not bring it back.
The slouthfull hideth his hand in his bosome, and wil not put it to his mouth againe.
25 The scoffer, thou shalt smite, and, the simple, will beware, but correct a man of intelligence—he will understand teaching.
Smite a scorner, and the foolish wil beware: and reproue the prudent, and he wil vnderstand knowledge.
26 He that ruineth his father, and chaseth away his mother, is a son causing shame and reproach.
He that destroyeth his father, or chaseth away his mother, is a lewde and shamefull childe.
27 Cease, my son, to hear instruction that would cause thee to wander from the sayings of knowledge.
My sonne, heare no more the instruction, that causeth to erre from ye words of knowledge.
28 An abandoned witness, scorneth justice, and, the mouth of lawless men, swalloweth iniquity.
A wicked witnes mocketh at iudgement, and the mouth of ye wicked swalloweth vp iniquitie.
29 Prepared for scoffers, are punishments, and stripes, for the back of dullards.
But iudgements are prepared for the scorners, and stripes for the backe of the fooles.