< Proverbs 15 >

1 A soft answer, turneth away wrath, but a cutting word raiseth anger.
O nem heova mi akidonbut teng alunghang jong alungdam theijin, ahinlah O ngailou tah’a thu kisei vang hin mi aphin lunghang jin ahi.
2 The tongue of the wise, adorneth knowledge, —but, the mouth of dullards, belcheth out folly.
Miching ho leigui hin hetna le thepna thu jeng aphongdoh in, mingol ho kamsung invang ngolna thu jeng aphongdoh jin ahi.
3 In every place, are the eyes of Yahweh, observing the evil and the good.
Pakaiyin muntin hi amit tenin avelhih jing in, thilse le thilpha kibol jouse jong ahesoh keijin ahi.
4 Gentleness of the tongue, is a tree of life, but, crookedness therein, a grievous wound in the spirit.
O nem heova thu kiseihi hinna thingphung tobang ahin, thu gilou seina leigui hinvang, mihem lungthim asusen ahi.
5 A foolish [son], spurneth the correction of his father, but, he that heedeth a reproof, sheweth prudence.
Apan ahilna jahda mihem chu angol ahin, asuhkhel na chunga apan ahilna sanga chu miching ahi.
6 The household of the righteous man, is a great treasure, but, in the increase of the lawless, is disturbance.
Midihte insunga nei le gou tampi aum jin, miphalou din akilamdoh jeng jong chu gimna bep ahi.
7 The lips of the wise, scatter abroad knowledge, but, the heart of dullards, is not right.
Miching kamcheng akon’in thupha jeng apot in, mingol lungsunga kon in vang hiche hi thil-hahsa ahi
8 The sacrifice of lawless men, is an abomination to Yahweh, but, the prayer of the upright, is his delight.
Miphaloute kilhaina gantha hi Pakai dinga thet umtah ahin, midih ho taona vang Pakai ding in lunglhai umtah ahi.
9 An abomination to Yahweh, is the way of the lawless, but, the pursuer of righteousness, he loveth.
Miphalou chena lampi chu Pakai dinga thet umtah ahin, thildih lam jenga chepa vang Pakai hepina achangin ahi.
10 There is, grievous correction, for him that forsaketh the right path, He that hateth rebuke, shall die.
Koi hileh lamdih jot nomlou chu engbolna achansah jin, min aphona sangnom lou hon athipi teidiu ahi.
11 Hades and destruction, are before Yahweh, how much more then, the hearts of the sons of men. (Sheol h7585)
Pakai masang achun, thina le thikhol khul gonsa ahin, achutileh mihem lungthim chu ichan geijin ahechen tadem! (Sheol h7585)
12 A scoffer, loveth not, one who reproveth him, unto the wise, doth he not go.
Adihlou a chonpan, min aphondoh ding anom pon, hichepa chu miching ho henga jong ache poi.
13 A joyful heart, maketh a pleasing countenance, —but, in sorrow of heart, is a stricken spirit.
Lungthim kipanan mai alhaisah in, lungthim ahesoh teng lhagao jong angui jitai.
14 The heart of the intelligent, seeketh knowledge, but, the mouth of dullards, feedeth on folly.
Hetthemna neipan alunggil in hetna ahol jing in, mingol kamsung'a kon in vang ngolna thu jeng apot e.
15 All the days of the afflicted, are sorrowful, but, a cheerful heart, is a continual banquet.
Gim le hesoh’a umho hinkho hi nitin’a thilsen abop ahin, lungthim kipah tah’a um hoding in golvah abang jing in ahi.
16 Better is a little, with the reverence of Yahweh, than great treasure, and disquietude therewith.
Nei le gou tampi neija, gentheipi sang in, themcha bou neija Pakai gin ding athupi joi.
17 Better is an allowance of herbs, and love, there, than a fatted ox, and hatred therewith.
Bongchal thaotah kitha’a kitomona aso-bep sang in, kingailutah-a ancheme neh khom aphajoi.
18 A wrathful man, stirreth up strife, but, he that is slow to anger, calmeth contention.
Milungkhoh in kinahna apunsah in, mi lungneng lunghang vahlou in kitomona jong akichamsah in ahi.
19 The way of the sluggard, is like a thorn hedge, but, the path of the upright, is a raised road.
Mithase ho lamlhahna jouse lingle khao’in abap in, midihho lampi vang lamlen kilhong peh-ji ahi.
20 A wise son, maketh a glad father, —but, a dullard, despiseth his own mother.
Chapa ching in apa akipa sah jin, chapa ngol in vang anu jeng jong iman agel-ji poi.
21 Folly, is joy to him that lacketh sense, —but, a man of understanding, taketh a straight course.
Lungthim beipa din ngolna chu lunglhaina ahin, thil hethempa vang ama chal peh jitai.
22 Plans, are frustrated, for lack of consultation, but, by the multitude of counsellors, shall counsel, be established.
Kithumopna alhahsam teng, tohgon ache khel jin, mi akithumop to teng lolhinna ahi.
23 A man hath joy, in the answer of his own mouth, and, a word in its season, —how good!
Phatah a kidonbut hi mijouse lunglhaina ahin, hijeh chun aphat toh kitoh a thu kisei hi aphat a pha ahi.
24 The way of life, is upwards to the prudent, that he may depart from hades beneath. (Sheol h7585)
Michingpa lamlhahna chu hinna lampia akilhung tou in, aman gotmun apeldoh jin ahi. (Sheol h7585)
25 The house of proud men, will Yahweh tear down, but he will maintain the boundary of the widow.
Pakaiyin mi kiletsahho in aphet lha jin, meithai ho gamgi vang aphet peh jipoi.
26 An abomination to Yahweh, are the plottings of the wicked, but, with the pure, are sayings of sweetness.
Miphalou lunggel jouse Pakaiyin athet in, Mi lungdih ho kamcheng soh vang Pakai dinga lunglhai um ahi.
27 He, troubleth his own house, who graspeth with greed, but, he that hateth gifts, shall live.
Koi hileh lamdih louva mutei ding gochan chun, a-insung dinga gimna alhut ahin, ajeh chu neh guh thetbol chan chun hinna amu ding ahi.
28 The heart of the righteous, studieth to answer, but, the mouth of the lawless, belcheth out mischiefs.
Midih hon min thu asei teng, lunggil in adonbut ding dan angaito jin, hinlah mingol te kamcheng soh jouse thilphalou jeng twi kisung lha abang jin ahi.
29 Far off is Yahweh, from the lawless, but, the prayer of the righteous, will he hear.
Miphalou hoa kon in Pakai akidalsen, midih ho taona vang angai peh jin ahi.
30 The sparkling of bright eyes, rejoiceth the heart, Good news, giveth marrow to the bones.
Mit-ha hoisel’a mi akivet teng midinga lungthim kipana ahin, thupha kiseidoh jousen mihem gu le chang adamsah ahi.
31 The ear that heareth the reproof which giveth life, in the midst of the wise, shall remain.
Min ahilna ngainom mi chu, miching ho lah’a lha thei ding ahi.
32 He that declineth correction, despiseth his own soul, but, he that heareth reproof, gaineth sense.
Koi hileh min ahilna sang thei loupa chun ahinkho agimsah ahin, ajehhcu min ahilna ngainom mi chun hetthemna anei tei ding ahi.
33 The reverence of Yahweh, is the correction of wisdom, and, before honour, is humility.
Pakai gin hi chihna dinga kihilna ahin, chule kisuhnemna hi jabolna’a pang ahi.

< Proverbs 15 >