< Proverbs 11 >

1 A deceptive balance, is an abomination to Yahweh, but, a full weight, is his delight.
A deceitful balance is an abomination before the Lord: and a just weight is his will.
2 When pride cometh, then cometh contempt, but, with the modest, is wisdom.
Where pride is, there also shall be reproach: but where humility is, there also is wisdom.
3 The integrity of the upright, shall guide them, but, the crookedness of the treacherous, shall be their ruin.
The simplicity of the just shall guide them: and the deceitfulness of the wicked shall destroy them.
4 Wealth, shall not profit, in the day of wrath, but, righteousness, shall deliver from death.
Riches shall not profit in the day of revenge: but justice shall deliver from death.
5 The righteousness of the blameless, shall smooth his way, but, by his own lawlessness, shall the lawless one, fall.
The justice of the upright shall make his way prosperous: and the wicked man shall fall by his own wickedness.
6 The righteousness of the upright, shall deliver them, but, by their own craving, shall the treacherous be captured.
The justice of the righteous shall deliver them: and the unjust shall be caught in their own snares.
7 When the lawless man dieth, his expectation, perisheth, and, the hope of strong men, hath vanished.
When the wicked man is dead, there shall be no hope any more: and the expectation of the solicitous shall perish.
8 The righteous man, out of distress, is delivered, then cometh a lawless man into his place.
The just is delivered out of distress: and the wicked shall be given up for him.
9 With the mouth, a profane man destroyeth his neighbour, but, through knowledge, shall righteous men be delivered.
The dissembler with his mouth deceiveth his friend: but the just shall be delivered by knowledge.
10 When it is, well with the righteous, the city, exulteth, When the lawless perish, there is a shout of triumph.
When it goeth well with the just the city shall rejoice: and when the wicked perish there shall be praise.
11 When the upright are blessed, exalted is the city, but, by the mouth of the lawless, it is overthrown.
By the blessing of the just the city shall be exalted: and by the mouth of the wicked it shall be overthrown.
12 He that sheweth contempt for his neighbour, lacketh sense, but, a man of understanding, observeth silence.
He that despiseth his friend, is mean of heart: but the wise man will hold his peace.
13 He that goeth about talebearing, revealeth a secret, but, he that is faithful in spirit, concealeth a matter.
He that walketh deceitfully, revealeth secrets: but he that is faithful, concealeth the thing committed to him by his friend.
14 With no guidance, a people will fall, but, safety, lieth in the greatness of the counsellor.
Where there is no governor, the people shall fall: but there is safety where there is much counsel.
15 He that becometh surety for a stranger, goeth to utter ruin, but, he that hateth striking hands, is secure.
He shall be afflicted with evil, that is surety for a stranger: but he that is aware of the snares, shall be secure.
16 A gracious wife, obtaineth honour, but, the diligent, shall obtain wealth.
A gracious woman shall find glory: and the strong shall have riches.
17 The man of lovingkindness, dealeth well with his own soul, but the cruel man, troubleth his own flesh.
A merciful man doth good to his own soul: but he that is cruel casteth off even his own kindred.
18 The lawless man, earneth the wages of falsehood, but, he that soweth righteousness, hath the reward of fidelity.
The wicked maketh an unsteady work: but to him that soweth justice, there is a faithful reward.
19 A righteous son, [turneth] to life, but, he that pursueth wickedness, to his own death.
Clemency prepareth life: and the pursuing of evil things, death.
20 The abomination of Yahweh, are they of perverse heart, but, his delight, are the men of blameless life.
A perverse heart is abominable to the Lord: and his will is in them that walk sincerely.
21 Hand to hand, the wicked man shall not be held innocent, but, the seed of the righteous, hath been delivered.
Hand in hand the evil man shall not be innocent: but the seed of the just shall be saved.
22 As a ring of gold in the snout of a swine, is a woman of beauty who hath abandoned discretion.
A golden ring in a swine’s snout, a woman fair and foolish.
23 The desire of the righteous, is only good, the expectation of the lawless, is wrath.
The desire of the just is all good: the expectation of the wicked is indignation.
24 There is who scattereth, and increaseth yet more, and who withholdeth of what is due, only to come to want.
Some distribute their own goods, and grow richer: others take away what is not their own, and are always in want.
25 The liberal soul, shall be enriched, and, he that refresheth, shall himself also be refreshed.
The soul which blesseth, shall be made fat: and he that inebriateth, shall be inebriated also himself.
26 He that keepeth back corn, the populace will curse him, but there is, a blessing, for the head of him that selleth.
He that hideth up corn, shall be cursed among the people: but a blessing upon the head of them that sell.
27 He that diligently seeketh good, aimeth at favour, but, he that studieth mischief, it shall come on himself.
Well doth he rise early who seeketh good things; but he that seeketh after evil things shall be oppressed by them.
28 He that trusteth in his riches, the same, shall fall, but, like the leaf, shall the righteous break forth.
He that trusteth in his riches shall fall: but the just shall spring up as a green leaf.
29 He that troubleth his own house, shall inherit the wind, but, a servant, shall the foolish be, to the wise in heart.
He that troubleth his own house, shall inherit the winds: and the fool shall serve the wise.
30 The fruit of the righteous, is a tree of life, and, he that rescueth souls, is wise.
The fruit of the just man is a tree of life: and he that gaineth souls, is wise.
31 Lo! the righteous, in the earth shall be recompensed, how much more the lawless and the sinner.
If the just man receive in the earth, how much more the wicked and the sinner.

< Proverbs 11 >