< Proverbs 10 >
1 The Proverbs of Solomon: A wise son, maketh a glad father, but, a foolish son, is the grief of his mother.
ソロモンの箴言 智慧ある子は父を欣ばす 愚なる子は母の憂なり
2 The treasures of lawlessness, do not profit, but, righteousness, delivereth from death.
不義の財は益なし されど正義は救ひて死を脱かれしむ
3 Yahweh, suffereth not to famish, the soul of the righteous, but, the desire of the lawless, he thrusteth away.
ヱホバは義者の霊魂を餓ゑしめず 惡者にその欲するところを得ざらしむ
4 He becometh poor, who dealeth with a slack hand, but, the hand of the diligent, maketh rich.
手をものうくして動くものは貧くなり 勤めはたらく者の手は富を得
5 He that gathereth in summer, is a prudent son, he that sleepeth long in harvest, is a son causing shame.
夏のうちに斂むる者は智き子なり 収穫の時にねむる者は辱をきたす子なり
6 Blessings, are for the head of the righteous man, but, the mouth of the lawless, covereth up wrong.
義者の首には福祉きたり 惡者の口は強暴を掩ふ
7 The memory of the righteous, yieldeth blessing, but, the name of the lawless, dieth out.
義者の名は讃られ 惡者の名は腐る
8 The wise in heart, will accept commandments, but, he that is foolish with his lips, shall be thrust away.
心の智き者は誡命を受く されど口の頑愚なる者は滅さる
9 He that walketh uprightly, may walk securely, but, he that maketh crooked his ways, shall be found out.
直くあゆむ者はそのあゆむこと安し されどその途を曲ぐる者は知らるべし
10 He that winketh with the eye, causeth sorrow, and, he that is foolish with his lips, shall be thrust aside.
眼をもて眴せする者は憂をおこし 口の頑愚なる者は亡さる
11 A well-spring of life, is the mouth of the righteous, but, the mouth of the lawless, covereth wrong.
義者の口は生命の泉なり 惡者の口は強暴を掩ふ
12 Hatred, stirreth up strifes, but, over all transgressions, love throweth a covering.
怨恨は爭端をおこし 愛はすべての愆を掩ふ
13 In the lips of the intelligent, is found wisdom, but, a rod, is for the back of him that lacketh sense.
哲者のくちびるには智慧あり 智慧なき者の背のためには鞭あり
14 Wise men, treasure up knowledge, but, the mouth of the foolish, is a terror near at hand.
智慧ある者は知識をたくはふ 愚かなる者の口はいまにも滅亡をきたらす
15 The substance of the rich, is his strong city, the terror of the poor, is their poverty.
富者の資財はその堅き城なり 貧者のともしきはそのほろびなり
16 The labour of the righteous, [leadeth] to life, the increase of the lawless, to sin.
義者が動作は生命にいたり 惡者の利得は罪にいたる
17 On the way to life, is he that heedeth correction, but, he that hateth reproof, is going astray.
18 He that concealeth hatred, hath false lips, and he that sendeth forth slander, the same, is a dullard.
怨をかくす者には虚偽のくちびるあり 誹謗をいだす者は愚かなる者なり
19 In the multitude of words, there wanteth not transgression, but, he that restraineth his lips, sheweth prudence.
言おほけれぼ罪なきことあたはず その口唇を禁むるものは智慧あり
20 Choice silver, is the tongue of the righteous, but, the sense of the lawless, is very small.
義者の舌は精銀のごとし 惡者の心は値すくなし
21 The lips of the righteous, feed multitudes, but, the foolish, for lack of sense, shall die.
義者の口唇はおほくの人をやしなひ 愚なる者は智慧なきに由て死ぬ
22 The blessing of Yahweh, itself maketh rich, and he addeth no grievance therewith.
ヱホバの祝福は人を富す 人の勞苦はこれに加ふるところなし
23 It is, mere sport to a stupid man, to commit lewdness, but, wisdom, pertaineth to a man of understanding.
愚かなる者は惡をなすを戯れごとのごとくす 智慧のさとかる人にとりても是のごとし
24 The dread of the lawless one, the same, shall overtake him, but, the desire of the righteous, shall he granted.
惡者の怖るるところは自己にきたり 義者のねがふところはあたへらる
25 Like the passing away of a tempest, so the lawless one is not, but, the righteous, [hath] an age-abiding foundation.
狂風のすぐるとき惡者は無に歸せん 義者は窮なくたもつ基のごとし
26 As vinegar to the teeth, and as smoke to the eyes, so, is the sluggard, to them who send him.
27 The reverence of Yahweh, addeth days, but, the years of the lawless, shall be shortened.
ヱホバを畏るることは人の日を多くす されど惡者の年はちぢめらる
28 The hope of the righteous, shall be gladness, but, the expectation of the lawless, shall vanish.
29 A refuge for the blameless, is the path of Yahweh, but, destruction, [awaiteth] the workers of iniquity.
ヱホバの途は直者の城となり 惡を行ふものの滅亡となる
30 The righteous, to times age-abiding, shall remain unshaken, but, the lawless, shall not inhabit the earth.
義者は何時までも動かされず 惡者は地に住むことを得じ
31 The mouth of the righteous, beareth the fruit of wisdom, but, a perverse tongue, shall be cut off.
義者の口は智慧をいだすなり 虚偽の舌は抜るべし
32 The lips of the righteous, know what is pleasing, but, the mouth of the lawless, [speaketh] perversities.
義者のくちびるは喜ばるべきことをわきまへ 惡者の口はいつはりを語る