< Philemon 1 >

1 Paul, prisoner of Christ Jesus, and Timothy my brother, —unto Philemon the beloved, and a fellow worker of ours,
Paoly, mpifatotra an’ i Kristy Jesosy, ary Timoty rahalahy, mamangy an’ i Filemona, izay malalanay sy mpiara-miasa aminay,
2 And unto Apphia our sister. And unto Archippus our fellow-soldier, and unto the assembly which meeteth, at thy house:
ary mamangy an’ i Apia anabavinay sy Arkipo, miaramila namantsika, ary ny fiangonana ao an-tranonao:
3 Favour unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and Lord Jesus Christ.
ho aminareo anie ny fahasoavana sy ny fiadanana avy amin’ Andriamanitra Raintsika sy Jesosy Kristy Tompo.
4 I am giving thanks unto my God—always, making mention, of thee, in my prayers,
Misaotra an’ Andriamanitro mandrakariva aho, raha mahatsiaro anao amin’ ny fivavahako,
5 Hearing of thy love, and of the faith which thou hast towards the Lord Jesus and towards all the saints, —
satria reko ny fitiavanao sy ny finoana izay anananao ho an’ i Jesosy Tompo sy ho an’ ny olona masìna rehetra,
6 To the end that, the fellowship of thy faith, may become, energetic, by a personal knowledge of every good thing that is in us towards Christ;
mba hiasa mafy ho an’ i Kristy ny fiombonana avy amin’ ny finoanao amin’ ny fahalalana tsara ny zavatra rehetra izay ao anatinareo.
7 For, much joy, have I had, and encouragement, by occasion of thy love, in that, the tender affections of the saints, have had rest given them by thee, brother.
Fa nanana fifaliana sy fiononana amin’ ny fitiavanao aho, satria efa novelombelominao ny fon’ ny olona masìna, ry rahalahy.
8 Wherefore, though I have, much, freedom of speech, in Christ, to be enjoining upon thee that which is befitting,
Koa na dia manana fahasahiana be ao amin’ i Kristy handidy anao amin’ izay mendrika aza aho,
9 Yet, for loves sake, I rather exhort, —being, such a one, as Paul the aged, now, also, even a prisoner of Christ Jesus, —
nefa noho ny fitiavana, izaho Paoly, izay efa anti-panahy sady mpifatotra an’ i Kristy Jesosy koa ankehitriny, dia miangavy aminao.
10 I exhort thee concerning my own child, whom I have begotten in my bonds, —Onesimus:
Eny, miangavy aminao aho ny amin’ ny zanako, izay naterako teto amin’ ny fifatorako, dia Onesimosy,
11 Him who, at one time, was, unto thee, unserviceable, but, now, unto thee and unto me, serviceable;
ilay tsy nahasoa anao fahiny, nefa ankehitriny mahasoa antsika, dia ianao sy izaho;
12 Whom I have sent back unto thee—him, that is, my own, tender affections!—
izay nampodiko indray, dia ilay sombin’ ny aiko;
13 Whom, I, was minded, with myself, to detain, that, in thy behalf, unto me, he might be ministering in the bonds of the joyful message;
saiky nohazoniko tatỳ amiko izy hanompo ahy hisolo anao eto amin’ ny fifatorako noho ny filazantsara;
14 But, apart from thy mind, I wished to do, nothing, that, not as by necessity, thy goodness should be, but, by choice.
nefa raha tsy nahalala izay hevitrao aho aloha, dia tsy ta-hanao na inona na inona, mba tsy ho toy ny amin’ ny fanerena ny soa ataonao, fa amin’ ny sitrapo.
15 For, peradventure, for this cause, was he separated for an hour, that, as an age-abiding possession, thou mightest have him back, — (aiōnios g166)
Fa izany angaha no nialany vetivety, dia ny mba hanananao azy mandrakizay, (aiōnios g166)
16 No longer as a servant, but above a servant—a brother beloved, very greatly to me, but, how much rather, to thee—both in the flesh and in the Lord!
tsy toy ny andevo intsony anefa, fa efa mihoatra noho ny andevo, dia rahalahy malala, indrindra fa ho ahy, mainka fa ho anao, na amin’ ny nofo, na amin’ ny Tompo.
17 If, therefore, thou holdest me as one in thy fellowship, take him unto thee, as myself;
Koa raha ataonao ho namanao aho, dia raiso toa ahy izy.
18 And, if he hath wronged thee at all or oweth thee aught, the same, unto me, do thou reckon: —
Nefa raha nanao izay tsy marina taminao izy, na mitrosa, dia ataovy ho ahy izany;
19 I, Paul, have written [it] with, my own, hand, —I, will repay [it]; that I may not tell thee—that, thyself, unto me, thou still owest.
izaho Paoly no manoratra izany amin’ ny tanako, izaho no handoa izany ― nefa tsy lazaiko aminao fa mitrosa ny tenanao amiko aza ianao.
20 Yea! brother, I, would, from thee, have help, in the Lord: give rest unto my tender affections in Christ.
Eny, ry rahalahy, aoka hanana fifaliana avy aminao ao amin’ ny Tompo aho; velombelomy ny foko ao amin’ i Kristy.
21 Confident of thine obedience, I have written unto thee, knowing that, even beyond what I say, thou wilt do: —
Noho ny fahatokiako fa hanaiky ianao no anoratako aminao, ka fantatro fa hanao mihoatra noho izay lazaiko aza ianao.
22 At the same time, moreover, be also getting ready for me, a lodging; for I am hoping that, through your prayers, I shall be granted as a favour unto you.
Ary izao koa: Mba anamboary trano hitoerako aho; fa manantena aho fa homena anareo noho ny vavaka ataonareo.
23 There salute thee—Epaphras my fellow-captive in Christ Jesus,
Manao veloma anao Epafra, mpifatotra namako ao amin’ i Kristy Jesosy,
24 Mark, Aristarchus, Demas, Luke, —my fellow-workers.
sy Marka sy Aristarko sy Demasy ary Lioka, mpiara-miasa amiko.
25 The favour of the Lord Jesus Christ, be with your spirit.
Ho amin’ ny fanahinareo anie ny fahasoavan’ i Jesosy Kristy Tompontsika. Amena.

< Philemon 1 >