< Numbers 5 >

1 And Yahweh spake unto Moses, saying: —
2 Command the sons of Israel, that they send forth out of the camp, every leper, and every one that hath a flux, —and every one that is unclean by the dead:
3 whether male or female, ye shall send them forth, unto the outside of the camp, shall ye send them, —that they make not their camps unclean, in the midst whereof, I, have my habitation.
4 And the sons of Israel did so, and sent them forth unto the outside of the camp, —as Yahweh spake unto Moses, so, did the sons of Israel.
5 And Yahweh spake unto Moses, saying:
6 Speak unto the sons of Israel: When any man or woman, shall do aught of any human sin, in acting unfaithfully against Yahweh, —and that person shall become aware of his guilt,
7 then shall they confess their sin which they have done, and he shall make good that wherein he is guilty, in the principal thereof, and the fifth part thereof, shall he add thereunto, —and give to him against whom he is guilty,
8 But if one have no kinsman unto whom he may make good that wherein he is guilty, then that wherein he is guilty, which is to be restored to Yahweh, shall be the priest’s, —besides the ram of propitiation, wherewith a propitiatory-covering is to be put over him.
9 And every heave-offering, of all the hallowed things of the sons of Israel which they bring near to the priest, unto him, shall it belong.
10 And, every man’s hallowed things, shall be, his own, —what any man giveth to the priest, shall be his.
11 And Yahweh spake unto Moses saying:
12 Speak unto the sons of Israel, and thou shalt say unto them, —When any man’s wife, shall turn aside, and commit against him an act of unfaithfulness;
13 and a man shall lie with her carnally, and it shall be concealed from the eyes of her husband and be kept close but, she, hath committed uncleanness, —though witness, there is none against her, and she, hath not been caught;
14 but there shall pass over him a spirit of jealousy, and he shall become jealous of his wife, she having committed uncleanness, —or there shall pass over him a spirit of jealousy, and he shall become jealous of his wife, she not, having committed uncleanness,
15 then shall the man bring in his wife unto the priest, and shall bring in her offering for her, the tenth of an ephah of the meal of barley, —he shall not pour thereon oil, nor put thereon frankincense, for a jealousy gift, it is, a reminding gift bringing to mind iniquity.
16 Then shall the priest bring her near, —and cause her to stand before Yahweh;
17 and the priest shall take hallowed water in an earthen vessel, —and of the dust which shall be upon the floor of the habitation, shall the priest take, and put into the water;
18 and the priest shall cause the woman to stand before Yahweh, and shall bare the head of the woman, and shall place upon her hands the reminding gift, it being a jealousy gift, —and in the hand of the priest, shall be the deadly water that bringeth a curse;
19 and the priest shall put her on oath and shall say unto the woman: —If no man hath lain with thee, and if thou hast not turned aside in uncleanness, [unto another] instead of thy husband, be thou clear from this deadly water that causeth a curse.
20 But, if, thou, hast turned aside, [to another] instead of thy husband and if thou hast made thyself unclean, —in that a man hath known thee carnally, other than thy husband,
21 then shall the priest put the woman on oath with an oath of cursing, and the priest shall say unto the woman, Yahweh give thee up for a curse and for an oath in the midst of thy people, —in that Yahweh shall give up thy thigh to fall away, and thy womb to swell:
22 so shall this water that causeth a curse enter into thy body, causing womb to swell and thigh to fall away. And the woman shall say, Amen, Amen.
願這招致咒罵的水進入你的五臟,使你肚腹腫脹,使你大腿萎縮! 」女人答說:「阿們、阿們。」
23 Then shall the priest write these curses in a scroll, —and wipe them out into the deadly water;
24 and shall cause the woman to drink the deadly water that causeth a curse, —and the deadly water that causeth a curse shall enter into her.
25 Then shall the priest take from the hand of the woman the jealousy meal-offering, —and shall wave the meal-offering before Yahweh, and bring it near unto the altar;
26 and the priest shall take a handful from the meal-offering, a remembrancer thereof, and make a perfume at the altar, —and afterwards, shall cause the woman to drink the water.
27 And as soon as he causeth her to drink, the water, then shall it be, that, if she have fallen into uncleanness and committed unfaithfulness against her husband, as soon as the deadly water that causeth a curse hath entered into her, so soon shall her womb swell and her thigh fall away, —thus shall the woman become a curse in the midst of her people.
28 But, if the woman have not fallen into uncleanness, but is pure, then shall she be clear and shall bear seed.
29 This, is the law of jealousies, —when a wife shall turn aside [to another] instead of her husband, and fall into uncleanness;
30 or when there passeth over, a husband, a spirit of jealousy, and he becometh jealous of his wife, then shall he cause the woman to stand before Yahweh, and the priest shall execute upon her all this law:
31 thus shall the man be clear of iniquity; but that woman, shall bear her iniquity.

< Numbers 5 >