< Numbers 35 >

1 And Yahweh spake unto Moses in the waste plains of Moab, —by Jordan, near Jericho, saying:
A filayen Mowab, wajen Urdun, ɗaura da Yeriko, Ubangiji ya yi magana da Musa ya ce,
2 Command the sons of Israel, that they give unto the Levites—out of the inheritance which they possess—cities to dwell in, —pasture land also unto the cities, round about them, shall ye give unto the Levites.
“Ka umarci Isra’ilawa su ba wa Lawiyawa garuruwan da za su zauna a ciki daga cikin gādon da Isra’ilawa za su mallaka. A kuma ba su wurin kiwo kewaye da garuruwan.
3 So shall the cities be theirs, to dwell in, —and their pasture lands, shall, be for their cattle and for their goods and for all their beasts.
Sa’an nan za su kasance da garuruwan da za su zauna, su sami fili, da kuma za su yi kiwon garkensu na shanu da tumaki da kuma sauran dabbobinsu.
4 And, the pasture lands of the cities which ye shall give unto the Levite, shall be, —from the wall of the city, and outwards, a thousand cubits round about
“Wuraren kiwo a kewayen garuruwan da za a ba wa Lawiyawa, girmansu zai zama mai fāɗin kamu dubu ɗaya daga katangar garin.
5 So ye shall measure—on the outside of the city—the eastward quarter two thousand by the cubit, and the south quarter two thousand by the cubit, and the west quarter two thousand by the cubit and the north quarter two thousand by the cubit, with, the city, in the midst. This, shall be unto them the pasture lands of the cities,
A bayan garin, ka auna kamu dubu biyu a wajen gabas, kamu dubu biyu a wajen yamma, kamu dubu biyu wajen kudu, da kuma kamu dubu uku wajen arewa, a bar garin a tsakiya. Za su kasance da wannan a matsayin wurin kiwo na garuruwan.
6 And, among the cities which ye shall give unto the Levites, shall be the six cities of refuge, which ye shall give that the manslayer may flee thither, —and besides them, ye shall give, forty-two cities,
“A cikin biranen da za a ba Lawiyawa, shida daga cikin garuruwan za su zama biranen mafaka, inda wanda ya kashe mutum zai gudu yă je. Ban da wannan, a ba su waɗansu garuruwa arba’in da biyu.
7 All the cities which ye shall give unto the Levites, shall be forty-eight cities, —them, and their pasture lands,
Duka-duka dai a ba Lawiyawa garuruwa arba’in da takwas, tare da wuraren kiwonsu.
8 And as touching the cities which ye shall give out of the possession of the sons of Israel from the many, shall ye take many, and from the few, shall ye take few, —each, according to his inheritance, which they shall inherit, shall give of his cities unto the Levites.
Garuruwan da za ku ba wa Lawiyawa daga ƙasar da Isra’ilawa suka mallaka, za a ba da su bisa girman gādon kowace kabila. Ka karɓi garuruwa masu yawa daga kabilar da take da garuruwa masu yawa, amma kaɗan daga kabilar da ba ta da garuruwa masu yawa.”
9 Then spake Yahweh unto Moses, saying:
Sa’an nan Ubangiji ya ce wa Musa,
10 Speak unto the sons of Israel, and thou shalt say unto them, —When ye are passing over the Jordan unto the land of Canaan,
“Ka yi magana da Isra’ilawa, ka ce musu, ‘Sa’ad da kuka haye Urdun zuwa Kan’ana,
11 then shall ye find for you, convenient cities, cities of refuge, shall they be unto you, —and the manslayer, who hath slain a person, by mistake, shall flee thither.
ku zaɓi waɗansu garuruwan da za su zama biranen mafakarku, inda wanda ya kashe mutum cikin kuskure zai iya gudu zuwa.
12 So shall the cities serve you for places of refuge from the redeemer, —that the manslayer may not die, until he has stood before the assembly, for judgment,
Za su zama wuraren mafaka daga hannun mai bin hakki, don kada a kashe mai kisankai, tun ba a kai shi gaban shari’a, a gaban taron jama’a ba.
13 And as touching the cities which ye shall give six cities of refuge, shall there be unto you.
Waɗannan garuruwa shida da aka bayar za su zama biranen mafakarku.
14 Three of the cities, shall ye give, on this side the Jordan, and three of the cities, shall ye give in the land of Canaan, —cities of refuge, shall they be.
A ba da uku a wannan gefe na Urdun, a kuma ba da uku a Kan’ana, su zama biranen mafaka.
15 For the sons of Israel and for the sojourner. and for the settler in your midst, shall these six cities serve, as places of refuge, —that any one may flee thither who hath slain a person, by mistake.
Waɗannan garuruwa shida za su zama wurin mafaka wa Isra’ilawa, baƙi da duk sauran mutanen da suke zama a cikinsu, saboda duk wanda ya kashe mutum cikin kuskure yă iya gudu zuwa.
16 If, then, with an instrument of iron, he smote him, and he died, a manslayer, he is, —a manslayer, shall surely die.
“‘In wani ya bugi wani da makami na ƙarfe har ya mutu, to, shi mai kisankai ne; sai a kashe mai kisankan nan.
17 Or if with a stone thrown by hand, where-by one might die, he smote him and he died, a manslayer, he is, —the man-slayer, shall surely die,
Ko kuwa in wani yana riƙe da dutsen da ya isa yă kashe mutum a hannunsa, ya kuma harbi wani da dutsen har ya mutu, to, shi mai kisankai ne, sai a kashe mai kisankan nan.
18 Or, if with hand-weapon of wood, wherewith one might die, he smote him and he died a manslayer, he is, —the manslayer shall surely die.
Ko kuwa wani yana da makami na itace a hannunsa da ya isa yă kashe mutum, ya kuma bugi wani da shi har ya mutu, shi ma mai kisankai ne, sai a kashe mai kisankan nan.
19 The blood-redeemer, he, shall put to death the man-slayer, —when he lighteth upon him, he, shall put him to death.
Sai mai bin hakkin jinin yă kashe mai kisankan, sa’ad da ya sadu da mai kisankan, sai yă kashe shi.
20 Or if with hate, he shall thrust at him, or hurl at him designedly, and he have died,
In saboda ƙiyayya, mutum ya laɓe, ya soke wani, ko ya jefe shi da wani abu da gangan har ya mutu,
21 or if with enmity, he hath smitten him with his hand and he is dead, then shall he that dealt the blow, be surely put to death. a manslayer, he is—the blood-redeemer shall put to death the man-slayer, when he lighteth upon him.
ko kuwa saboda ƙiyayya ya naushe shi har ya mutu, sai a kashe wannan mutumin da ya yi haka; shi mai kisankai ne. Sai mai bin hakkin jini yă kashe mai kisankan in ya same shi.
22 But if suddenly, without enmity, he shall thrust him, or hurl upon him any missile, without design;
“‘Amma in cikin tsautsayi ne ya soke shi, ba don ƙiyayya ba, ko kuma ya jefe shi, ba da gangan ba,
23 Or with any stone whereby one might die without seeing him, and it fall upon him, and he dieth; he, not being at enmity with him, nor seeking to harm him,
ko kuwa bai gan shi ba, ya jefa dutsen da zai kashe shi a kansa, ya kuwa mutu, to, da yake shi ba abokin gābansa ba ne, bai kuma yi nufi yă ji masa ba,
24 then shall the assembly judge, between him that smote and the blood-redeemer, —according to these regulations;
dole taro su yi hukunci tsakanin mai laifin, da mai bin hakkin jini bisa waɗannan ƙa’idodi.
25 and the assembly shall rescue the manslayer out of the hand of the blood-redeemer, and the assembly shall restore him unto his city of refuge whither he had fled, —and he shall dwell therein until the death of the high priest, who hath been anointed with the hallowing oil.
Dole taro su kāre wanda ake zargi da kisa, daga mai bin hakkin jini. Su mai da shi birnin mafaka inda ya gudu ya tafi. Dole yă kasance a can sai mutuwar babban firist, wanda aka shafe da mai mai tsarki.
26 But if the man-slayer, go out, of the bounds of his city of refuge, whereinto he hath fled;
“‘Amma in wanda ake zargin ya kuskura ya fita, ya kai iyakar birnin mafaka wadda ya gudu ya je,
27 and the blood-redeemer, find him, outside the bounds of his city of refuge, then may the blood-redeemer slay the slayer, without being guilty of blood;
idan mai bin hakkin jinin ya same shi a bayan gari, mai bin hakkin jinin zai iya kashe mai kisankai ɗin ba tare da wani laifi ba.
28 for in his city of refuge, should he have remained, until the death of the high priest, —and, after the death of the high priest, might he have returned into the land which he doth possess.
Dole wanda ake zargin, yă kasance a birninsa na mafaka sai bayan mutuwa babban firist; sai bayan mutuwar babban firist ne kawai zai iya komo ga mallakarsa.
29 So shall these serve you as a regulative statute unto your generations, —wheresoever ye may dwell.
“‘Waɗannan su ne za su zama ƙa’idodin da za ku kasance da su, a dukan tsararraki masu zuwa.
30 Whosoever taketh away life, at the mouth of witnesses, shall, the slayer be slain, —but, one witness, shall not testify against a person, to put him to death.
“‘Kowa da ya kashe wani, za a kashe shi a matsayin mai kisankai, bisa ga shaidar shaidu. Amma kada a kashe wani bisa ga shaidar mutum ɗaya.
31 And ye shall accept no ransom for the life of him that slayeth, if he have unlawfully caused death, —but he, must surely be put to death.
“‘Kada a karɓi fansa don ran wanda ya yi kisankai, wanda ya cancanci mutuwa. Lalle ne a kashe shi.
32 And ye shall accept no ransom for him that hath fled to his city of refuge, if he should return to dwell in the land before the death of the priest.
“‘Kada a karɓi fansa saboda wanda ya tsere zuwa birnin mafaka don yă koma yă zauna gidansa tun babban firist bai rasu ba.
33 So shall ye not pollute the land wherein ye are, for blood, doth pollute the land, and for the land, no propitiatory-covering can be made, as touching blood, that is shed therein, save with the blood of him that shed it;
“‘Kada ku ƙazantar da ƙasar da kuke zama a ciki. Zub da jini yakan ƙazantar da ƙasa, ba a kuma iya yin kafara saboda wannan ƙasa da aka zub da jini, sai dai ta wurin jinin mutumin da ya zub da jinin.
34 thou must not then make unclean the land wherein, ye, are dwelling, in the midst of which, I, have my habitation; for, I,—Yahweh, am making my habitation in the midst of the sons of Israel.
Kada ku ƙazantar da ƙasar da kuke zama, wadda ni kuma nake zama a ciki, gama Ni Ubangiji, ina zama a cikin Isra’ilawa.’”

< Numbers 35 >