< Numbers 30 >

1 And Moses spake unto the heads of the tribes of the sons of Israel saying: This, is the thing which Yahweh hath commanded-
Moses/I spoke with the leaders of the Israeli tribes. He/I told them these commands that Yahweh had given to him/me:
2 When, a man, shall vow a vow unto Yahweh, or swear an oath to bind a bond upon his soul, he shall not break his word, —according to all that proceedeth out of his mouth, shall he do.
“If a man solemnly promises Yahweh that he will do something, he must do what he promised.
3 And, when, a woman, shall vow a vow unto Yahweh, and bind a bond, in the house of her father, in her youth;
“If a young woman who is still living with her parents solemnly promises to Yahweh to do something,
4 and her father shall hear her vow or her bond which she bindeth upon her soul, and her father shall hold his peace at her, then shall all her vows stand, and every bond which she hath bound upon her soul shall stand.
and if her father hears about what she promised, and if he does not object, she must do what she promised [DOU].
5 But, if her father forbade her, in the day when he heard, none of her vows or her bonds which she hath bound upon her soul, shall stand, —and, Yahweh, will pardon her, because her father forbade her.
But if her father hears about what she promised and does not allow her to do that, then she does not need to do what she promised. Yahweh will forgive her for not doing what she promised.
6 But, if she, belonged to a husband, when her vows were taken upon her, —or a rash utterance fell from her lips, wherewith she put a bond upon her soul;
“If a woman promises Yahweh that she will do something, but then she gets married,
7 and her husband heard it, and on the day that he heard, he held his peace at her, then shall her vows stand and her bonds which she hath bound upon her soul, shall stand,
if her husband hears about what she promised to do, and he does not object, she must do what she promised [DOU].
8 But if, on the day her husband heard, he forbade her, then shall he have made of none effect her vow that is upon her, or the rash utterance of her lips, wherewith she put a bond upon her soul, —and, Yahweh, will pardon her.
But if her husband hears about it and does not allow her to do that, she does not need to do what she promised, and Yahweh will forgive her for not doing what she promised.
9 But as for the vow of a widow, or of a woman divorced, whatsoever she hath bound on her soul, shall stand against her.
“If a widow or a woman who has been divorced makes a promise, she must do what she promised.
10 But, if in the house of her husband, she vowed, or bound a bond upon her soul. with an oath;
“If a woman who is married promises [DOU] to do something,
11 and her husband heard, and held his peace at her, did not forbid her, then shall all her vows stand, and every bond which she hath bound upon her soul, shall stand.
and if her husband hears about it but does not object, she must do what she promised.
12 But if her husband, did make, them, of none effect, on the day he heard, nothing which came forth out of her lips—of her vows, or of the bond of her soul, shall stand, —her husband, made it of none effect, and Yahweh, will pardon her:
But if he hears about it and does not allow her to do that, she does not need to do what she promised, and Yahweh will forgive her for not doing it.
13 As for any vow, or any oath of binding, to humble one’s soul, her husband, may make it stand, or, her husband, may make it of none effect.
A woman’s husband may require her to do what she has promised, or he may not allow her to do what she has promised.
14 But if her husband do hold his peace, at her, from day to day, then shall he cause all her vows to stand, or all her bonds which are upon her, —cause them to stand, because he held his peace at her, on the day when he heard.
If he does not object for several days [after he hears about it], she must do what she promised.
15 And, if he, do make them of none effect, after that he hath heard them, then shall he bear her iniquity.
But if he waits a long time after she has promised to do something and then he tells her that he will not permit her to do it, if she does not do what she promised, [she will not be punished]; her husband is the one whom [Yahweh] will punish.”
16 These are the statutes which Yahweh commanded Moses, between a man and his wife, between a father and his daughter, in her youth in the house of her father.
Those are the rules that Yahweh gave to Moses/me for husbands and wives, and for young women who are still living with their parents.

< Numbers 30 >