< Numbers 3 >

1 Now, these, were the pedigrees of Aaron and Moses, —in the day when Yahweh spake with Moses in Mount Sinai.
Nke a bụ akụkọ banyere usoro agbụrụ Erọn na Mosis nʼoge Onyenwe anyị gwara Mosis okwu nʼugwu Saịnaị.
2 And these, are the names of the sons of Aaron—the firstborn Nadab, —and Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar.
Ndị a bụ aha ụmụ ndị ikom Erọn, Nadab, ọkpara ya, Abihu, Elieza na Itama.
3 These, are the names of the sons of Aaron, the priests that were anointed, —who were installed to minister as priests.
Ndị a bụ aha ụmụ ndị ikom Erọn, ndị e tere mmanụ ịbụ ndị nchụaja, ndị e doro nsọ nʼihi ije ozi dịka ndị nchụaja.
4 But Nadab and Abihu died before Yahweh when they brought near strange fire before Yahweh in the desert of Sinai, and sons, had they none, —so then Eleazar and Ithamar ministered as priests, in the presence of Aaron their father.
Ma Onyenwe anyị mere ka Nadab na Abihu nwụọ, nʼihu ya nʼime ọzara Saịnaị, mgbe ha ji ọkụ na-adịghị nsọ wetara ya onyinye. Ebe ọ bụ na ha amụtaghị ụmụ ndị ikom nke aka ha, ọ bụ naanị Elieza na Itama jere ozi dịka ndị nchụaja ogologo ụbọchị ndụ nna ha bụ Erọn.
5 Then spake Yahweh unto Moses, saying—
Nʼoge ahụ, Onyenwe anyị gwara Mosis okwu sị,
6 Bring near the tribe of Levi, and thou shalt cause it to stand before Aaron the priest, —so shall they wait upon him;
“Kpọkọtaa ebo Livayị niile were ha nyefee Erọn onye nchụaja nʼaka, ka ha bụrụ ndị inyeaka ya.
7 so shall they keep his charge, and the charge of all the assembly, before the tent of meeting, —to do the laborious work of the habitation;
Ha ga-ejere ya na nzukọ Izrel niile ozi nʼụlọ nzute ahụ site na ịrụ ọrụ metụtara ebe obibi ahụ.
8 so shall they have charge of all the furniture of the tent of meeting, even the charge of the sons of Israel, —to do the laborious work of the habitation.
Ha ga-elekọta ngwongwo ụlọ nzute, rụọ ọrụ metụtara ndị Izrel niile mgbe ha na-eje ozi ha nʼebe obibi ahụ.
9 Thus shalt thou give the Levites unto Aaron and unto his sons, —given, given, they are unto him, from among the sons of Israel;
Were ndị Livayị nyefee Erọn na ụmụ ya ndị ikom nʼaka. Ọ bụ ha ka a ga-esi nʼetiti ụmụ Izrel nyefee ha nʼaka kpamkpam.
10 but unto Aaron, and unto his sons, shalt thou give oversight, so shall they keep charge of their priesthood, —and, the stranger who cometh near, shall be put to death.
Họpụta Erọn na ụmụ ya ndị ikom ka ha bụrụ ndị na-eje ozi dịka ndị nchụaja. Onye ọbụla ọzọ bịara nso ebe nsọ ahụ ka a ga-egbu.”
11 Then spake Yahweh unto Moses, saying—
Onyenwe anyị gwara Mosis okwu sị,
12 I, therefore, lo! I have taken the Levites out of the midst of the sons of Israel, instead of every firstborn that a mother beareth, from among the sons of Israel, —so shall the Levites be mine;
“Anarala m ndị Livayị dịka ndị nọchitere anya ụmụ ndị ikom mbụ niile a mụrụ nʼetiti ndị Izrel. Ndị Livayị niile bụ nke m.
13 for, mine, is every firstborn, in the day when I smote every firstborn in the land of Egypt, I hallowed unto myself every firstborn in Israel, both of man and of beast, —mine, did they become, and belong unto me, Yahweh.
Nʼihi na ihe niile meghere akpanwa bụ nke m. Site nʼụbọchị ahụ m gburu ụmụ ndị ikom niile e buru ụzọ mụọ nʼala Ijipt ka m doro ụmụ ndị ikom niile e buru ụzọ mụọ nʼetiti ndị Izrel nsọ nye onwe m, ma mmadụ, ma anụmanụ bụ nke m. Abụ m Onyenwe anyị.”
14 Then spake Yahweh unto Moses, in the desert of Sinai, saying: —
Onyenwe anyị gwara Mosis okwu nʼọzara Saịnaị sị ya,
15 Number thou the sons of Levi, by their ancestral houses, by their families, —every male, from one month old and upwards, shalt thou number them.
“Gụọ, chọpụta ihe ọnụọgụgụ ebo Livayị bụ. Gosi ikwu na ezinaụlọ onye ọbụla si nʼime ya pụta. Chọpụta ọnụọgụgụ ndị ikom niile site nʼonye dị otu ọnwa.”
16 So then Moses numbered them according to the bidding of Yahweh, —as he was commanded.
Ya mere, Mosis gụrụ ha ọnụ dịka iwu ọ natara site nʼokwu Onyenwe anyị si dị.
17 And these were the sons of Levi, by their names, —Gershon, and Kohath, and Merari.
Ndị a bụ aha ụmụ ndị ikom Livayị: Geshọn, Kohat na Merari.
18 And these, the names of the sons of Gershon by their families, —Libni and Shimei.
Ndị a bụ aha ndị ikwu Geshọn dịka ezinaụlọ ha si dị: Libni na Shimei.
19 And, the sons of Kohath, by their families Amram, and Izhar, Hebron and Uzziel.
Ụmụ Kohat dịka ikwu ha si dị: Amram, Izha, Hebrọn na Uziel.
20 And the sons of Merari by their families, Mahli and Mushi. These, are they—the families of the Levites by their ancestral houses.
Ụmụ Merari dịka ikwu ha si dị: Mahali na Mushi. Ndị a bụ ndị agbụrụ Livayị, dịka ezinaụlọ ha si dị.
21 To, Gershon, belonged the family of the Libnites, and the family of the Shimeites, —these, are they—the families of the Gershonites.
Ndị Geshọn bụ ndị ikwu Libni na Shimei. Ndị a bụ ndị ikwu Geshọn.
22 They who were numbered of them in the counting of every male, from one month old, and upwards, —they who were num-bered of them, were seven thousand and five hundred.
Ọnụọgụgụ ndị ikom dị otu ọnwa gbagoo dị puku asaa na narị ise.
23 the families of the Gershonites, to the rear of the habitation, were to encamp, westward.
Ndị ikwu Geshọn mara ụlọ ikwu ha nʼakụkụ ọdịda anyanwụ, nʼazụ ụlọ nzute.
24 And, the prince of the ancestral house of the Gershonites, was Eliasaph son of Lael.
Onyendu ezinaụlọ ndị Geshọn bụ Eliasaf nwa Lael.
25 And, the charge, of the sons of Gershon, was over the tent of meeting, the habitation, and the tent, —the covering thereof, and the screen for the entrance of the tent of meeting;
Ọrụ dịrị ụmụ Geshọn bụ ilekọta ụlọ nzute ahụ, na ụlọ ikwu ya, na ihe mkpuchi ya, na akwa mgbochi ọnụ ụzọ ụlọ nzute.
26 and the hangings of the court, and the screen for the entrance of the court which was near the habitation and near the altar, round about, —and the cords thereof, as to all the laborious work thereof.
Ọ dịkwa ha nʼaka ilekọta akwa mgbochi niile nke ogige gbara ya gburugburu, na akwa e ji gechie ọnụ ụzọ ogige ahụ. Ha nwekwara ọrụ ilekọta ebe ịchụ aja, na ụdọ niile, na ozi niile metụtara ihe ndị a.
27 And to Kohath, belonged the family of the Amramites and the family of the Izharites, and the family of the Hebronites, and the family of the Uzzielites, —these, are they—the families of the Kohathites.
Nke Kohat bụ ikwu ndị Aram, ndị Izha, ndị Hebrọn na ndị Uziel. Ndị a bụ ndị ikwu Kohat.
28 In, the counting of every male, from one month old and upwards, there were eight thousand and six hundred, to keep the charge of the sanctuary.
Ọnụọgụgụ ndị ikom niile dị otu ọnwa gbagoo dị puku asatọ na narị isii. Ọrụ dịrị ndị Kohat bụ ilekọta ebe nsọ.
29 The, families of the sons of Kohath, were to encamp, —on the side of the habitation, south-ward.
Ndị ikwu Kohat mara ụlọ ikwu ha nʼakụkụ ndịda nke ebe nsọ.
30 And the prince of the ancestral house of the families of the Kohathites, was Elizaphan, son of Uzziel.
Onyendu ezinaụlọ ndị ikwu Kohat bụ Elizafan nwa Uziel.
31 And their charge, was—the ark and the table and the lampstand and the altars, and the utensils of the sanctuary wherewith they were to minister, —and the screen, as to all the laborious work thereof.
Ọrụ e tinyere ha nʼaka bụ ilekọta igbe ọgbụgba ndụ, tebul ahụ, ihe ịdọba oriọna ahụ na ebe ịchụ aja. Ihe ọzọ bụ ilekọta ngwongwo niile e ji eje ozi nʼebe nsọ ahụ, akwa mgbochi na ihe niile metụtara otu e si e ji ha eje ozi.
32 And the prince of the princes of the Levites, was Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, —to have the oversight of them that were to keep the charge of the sanctuary.
Onyeisi ndị ndu nke ndị Livayị bụ Elieza nwa Erọn, onye nchụaja. Ọ bụ ya na-elekọta ndị ọrụ ha bụ ihu maka ihe niile metụtara ebe nsọ ahụ.
33 To Merari, belonged the family of the Mahlites, and the family of the Mushites, —these, are they—the families of Merari.
Ndị Merari bụ ikwu Mahali na Mushi. Ndị a bụ ndị ikwu Merari.
34 And they who were numbered of them in the counting of every male, from one month old and upwards, were six thousand, and two hundred.
Ọnụọgụgụ ndị ikom niile dị otu ọnwa gbagoo dị puku isii na narị abụọ.
35 And the prince of the ancestral house of the families of Merari, was Zuriel son of Abihail, —on the side of the habitation, were they to encamp northward.
Onyendu ezinaụlọ ndị ikwu Merari bụ Zuniel nwa Abihail. Ha mara ụlọ ikwu ha nʼakụkụ ugwu nke ụlọ nzute ahụ.
36 And the oversight of the charge of the sons of Merari, was—the boards of the habitation, and the bars thereof and the pillars thereof and the sockets thereof, —and all the furniture thereof, as to all the laborious work thereof;
Ọrụ e tinyere nʼaka ndị ikwu Merari bụ ilekọta mbudo niile nke ụlọ nzute ahụ, na mkpọrọ ya niile, ụkwụ ya niile, na ngwongwo niile e kwesiri iji rụọ ọrụ metụtara ha.
37 also the pillars of the court round about and their sockets, —and their pins and their cords.
Ọrụ ndị ọzọ bụ ilekọta ogidi osisi niile dị gburugburu ogige ahụ ha na ụkwụ ha, ǹtu na ụdọ ha niile.
38 But, they who were to encamp before the habitation eastwards before the tent of meeting, towards sunrise, were Moses and Aaron and his sons. to keep the charge of the sanctuary, as the charge of the sons of Israel and, the stranger that came near, was to be put to death.
Mpaghara akụkụ ọwụwa anyanwụ nʼihu ụlọ nzute ahụ ka e debere maka ụlọ ikwu Mosis na Erọn, na nke ụmụ ya ndị ikom. Ọrụ ha bụ ilekọta ebe nsọ ahụ nʼaha ụmụ Izrel niile. Onye ọbụla ọzọ bịara ebe nsọ ahụ nso ka a ga-egbu.
39 All they who were numbered of the Levites whom Moses [and Aaron] numbered at the bidding of Yahweh by their families, —every male, from one month old and upwards, were two-and-twenty thousand.
Ya mere, ọnụọgụgụ ndị ikom Livayị niile Mosis na Erọn nwetara mgbe a gụrụ ha ọnụ nʼikwu nʼikwu dịka iwu Onyenwe anyị nyere ha si dị, bụ iri puku abụọ na puku abụọ. Nke a bụ ọnụọgụgụ ndị ikom niile dị site nʼotu ọnwa gaa nʼihu.
40 And Yahweh said unto Moses: Number thou every firstborn male belonging to the sons of Israel, from one month old and upwards, —and reckon up the number of their names;
Mgbe ahụ, Onyenwe anyị sịrị Mosis, “Gụọ ndị ikom Izrel niile e buru ụzọ mụọ, ndị dị site nʼotu ọnwa gbagoo. Chọpụta ọnụọgụgụ ha, dee aha ha niile nʼakwụkwọ.
41 then shalt thou take the Levites for me, me Yahweh, instead of every firstborn among the sons of Israel, —also the cattle of the Levites, instead of every firstling among the cattle of the sons of Israel.
Nabata ndị Livayị ka ha bụrụ nke m nʼọnọdụ ndị ikom niile e bụrụ ụzọ mụọ nʼIzrel. Ọzọkwa, anụ ụlọ ndị Livayị niile bụ nke m, nʼọnọdụ ụmụ mbụ nke anụ ụlọ niile a mụrụ nʼetiti anụ ụlọ ndị Izrel niile. Abụ m Onyenwe anyị.”
42 So then Moses numbered, as Yahweh commanded him, —every firstborn among the sons of Israel.
Ya mere, Mosis gụrụ ndị ikom niile e buru ụzọ mụọ nʼIzrel, dịka Onyenwe anyị nyere ya nʼiwu,
43 And it was so—that all the firstborn of the males in the counting of names from one month old and upwards of such as were numbered of them, —were two-and-twenty thousand, two hundred and seventy-three.
chọpụta na ọnụọgụgụ ndị ikom e buru ụzọ mụọ site nʼonye dị otu ọnwa ruo nʼokenye dị iri puku abụọ na puku abụọ na narị abụọ na iri asaa na atọ.
44 Then spake Yahweh unto Moses, saying: —
Mgbe ahụ, Onyenwe anyị gwara Mosis okwu sị:
45 Take the Levites, instead of all the firstborn among the sons of Israel, and the cattle of the Levites, instead of their cattle, —so shall the Levites belong unto me, me Yahweh;
“Nye m ndị Livayị nʼọnọdụ ndị ikom niile e bụ ụzọ mụọ nʼIzrel. Nyekwa m anụ ụlọ ndị Livayị niile nʼọnọdụ anụ ụlọ niile e bụ ụzọ mụọ nʼIzrel. Ndị Livayị bụ nke m. Mụ onwe m bụ Onyenwe anyị.
46 and as the ransom of the two hundred and seventy-three, —who are more than the Levites, of the firstborn of the sons of Israel,
Ihe a ga-eji gbara narị ụmụ ndị ikom Izrel abụọ na iri ndị ikom asaa, na atọ ndị e buru ụzọ mụọ mapụtara nʼelu ọnụọgụgụ ndị Livayị
47 thou shalt take five shekels apiece by the poll, —by the shekel of the sanctuary, shalt thou take it, twenty gerahs to the shekel;
bụ ego ruru shekel ise, na isi onye ọbụla, ụdị shekel ebe nsọ, nke ọtụtụ ya bụ iri gera abụọ.
48 and shalt give the silver to Aaron and to his sons, —as the ransom of them that are in excess over them.
Were ego mgbapụta a nye Erọn na ụmụ ndị ikom ya.”
49 So Moses took the redemption silver from them who were in excess over them who were redeemed by the Levites:
Ya mere, Mosis natara ego mgbapụta ahụ nʼisi onye ọbụla dị nʼọnụọgụgụ ndị ahụ mara nʼelu ọnụọgụgụ ndị Livayị.
50 from the firstborn of the sons of Israel, took he the silver, —a thousand three hundred and sixty-five shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary,
Ego niile ọ natara site nʼaka ndị ikom Izrel niile e bụ ụzọ mụọ bụ ọlaọcha ruru puku shekel na narị shekel atọ na iri isii na ise, dịka ihe ọtụtụ shekel ebe nsọ si dị.
51 And Moses gave the redemption silver to Aaron and to his sons at the bidding of Yahweh, —As Yahweh commanded Moses.
Mosis nyere Erọn na ụmụ ya ego mgbapụta ndị a dịka Onyenwe anyị nyere ya nʼiwu.

< Numbers 3 >