< Numbers 20 >

1 Then came the sons of Israel the whole assembly, into the desert of Zin in the first month, and the people dwelt in Kadesh, —and Miriam died there, and was buried there.
Israelviwo ɖo Zin gbedzi le ƒea ƒe ɣleti gbãtɔ me. Woƒu asaɖa anyi ɖe Kades. Miriam ku, eye woɖii ɖe afi ma.
2 And there was no water for the assembly, —so they gathered together against Moses and against Aaron.
Tsi mebɔ ɖe afi ma na nono o, ale ameawo gadze aglã ɖe Mose kple Aron ŋu. Ameha gã aɖe ɖi anyi,
3 And the people contended with Moses, —and spake saying, Would then we had died when our brethren died, before Yahweh!
eye wowɔ takpekpe ɖe Mose kple Aron ŋu. Wodo ɣli ɖe Mose ta gblɔ be, “Ɖe míawo hã míaku kple mía nɔvi lɔlɔ̃a siwo Yehowa wu hafi!
4 Wherefore then hast thou brought the convocation of Yahweh into this desert, —to die there, we, and our cattle?
Ɖe nèɖoe koŋ kplɔ Yehowa ƒe amewo va gbedzi le afi sia be míawo kple míaƒe lãhawo siaa natsrɔ̃!
5 And wherefore did ye cause us to come up out of Egypt, to bring us into this wretched place?—not a place of seeds, and figs, and vines and pomegranates, even water, is there none to drink.
Nu ka koŋkoŋkoŋ ta nèna míedzo le Egipte, eye nèkplɔ mí va teƒe sesẽ sia ɖo? Ègblɔ na mí be míayi anyigba nyui si dzi nuku wɔnukuwo abe gbotiwo, wain tsetsewo kple yevuboɖatiwo ene le. Anyigba si ƒe nya nègblɔ na mí ɖe? Tsi teti gɔ̃ hã meli ade mía nu míano le afi sia o!”
6 And Moses and Aaron went in from the presence of the multitude unto the entrance of the tent of meeting, and fell upon their faces, —and the glory of Yahweh appeared unto them.
Mose kple Aron wotrɔ le wo gbɔ yi Agbadɔ la ƒe mɔnu. Wotsyɔ mo anyi le Yehowa ŋkume. Tete Yehowa ƒe ŋutikɔkɔe ɖe eɖokui fia wo.
7 Then spake Yahweh unto Moses, saying:
Yehowa gblɔ na Mose be,
8 Take the staff and gather together the assembly, thou, and Aaron thy brother, then shall ye speak unto the cliff before their eyes and it shall give forth its waters, —so shalt thou bring forth unto them water, out of the cliff, and shalt cause the assembly, and their cattle to drink.
“Tsɔ Aron ƒe atikplɔ la. Mi kple Aron miƒo ameawo nu ƒu. Ƒo nu le ameawo ƒe ŋkume na agakpe si le afi mɛ ɖa la be wòana tsi nado tso eme; eye nàna tsi wo tso agakpe la me wòade na ameawo kple woƒe lãwo katã.”
9 And Moses took the staff from before Yahweh, —as he commanded him.
Mose wɔ nu si Mawu ɖo nɛ. Etsɔ atikplɔ la tso afi si wòdzrae ɖo le Yehowa ŋkume.
10 And Moses and Aaron gathered together the convocation before the cliff, —and he said unto them: Hear I pray you ye rebels! Out of this cliff, must we bring forth for you water?
Mose kple Aron woyɔ ameawo, eye wona woƒo ƒu ɖe agakpe la gbɔ. Mose gblɔ na wo be, “Miɖo to, mi aglãdzelawo! Ɖe míaɖe tsi tso agakpe sia me na mia?”
11 And Moses lifted high his hand and smote the cliff with his staff, twice, —and there came forth water in abundance, and the assembly and their cattle, did drink.
Mose kɔ atikplɔ la dzi, eye wòƒo agakpe la zi eve. Enumake tsi do bababa tso agakpe la me ameawo kple woƒe lãwo no.
12 Then said Yahweh unto Moses and unto Aaron, Because ye believed not in me, to hallow me in the eyes of the sons of Israel, therefore, shall ye not bring in this convocation into the land which I have given unto them.
Ke Yehowa gblɔ na Mose kple Aron be, “Zi ale si mieɖo ŋu ɖe ŋunye o, eye miekɔ ŋutinye le Israelviwo ŋkume o ta la, miakplɔ Israelviwo ade anyigba si ŋugbe medo na wo la dzi o!”
13 The same, were the waters of Meribah [that is "Contention"] in that the sons of Israel contended with Yahweh, —and so he hallowed himself among them.
Wona ŋkɔ teƒe sia be Meriba, si gɔmee nye “Dzrewɔtsi,” elabena afi siae Israelviwo tso ɖe Yehowa ŋu le eye Yehowa ɖee fia wo be yele kɔkɔe le woƒe ŋkume.
14 And Moses sent messengers from Kadesh, unto the king of Edom, —Thus, saith thy brother Israel, Thou thyself, knowest all the distress which befell us;
Esi Mose nɔ Kades la, eɖo amewo ɖe Edom fia gbɔ be, “Míawoe nye nɔviwò Israel ƒe dzidzimeviwo. Ènya ale si míaƒe ŋutinya wɔ nublanuii,
15 and how our fathers went down to Egypt, and we abode in Egypt, many days, and that the Egyptians ill-treated us, and our fathers;
ale si mía tɔgbuiwo yi Egipte, nɔ afi ma ƒe geɖewo, eye wozu kluviwo na Egiptetɔwo.
16 and we made outcry unto Yahweh, and he heard our voice, and sent a messenger, and brought us forth out of Egypt, —lo! then, we, are in Kadesh, a city at the extremity of thy boundary,
Ke esi míedo ɣli na Yehowa la, ese míaƒe kokoƒoƒo, eye wòɖo mawudɔla aɖe ɖa wòva kplɔ mí dzoe le Egipte. “Fifia míele Kades. Míeƒu asaɖa anyi ɖe wò liƒo dzi.
17 Let us, we pray thee, pass through thy land—we will not pass through field or vineyard, nor will we drink the waters of a well, —by the king’s road, will we go—we will turn neither to the right hand nor to the left, until we get through thy boundary.
Míeɖe kuku ɖe mɔ na mí míato wò anyigba dzi. Míakpɔ nyuie be míato miaƒe agblewo kple waingblewo me o. Míano tsi tso miaƒe vudowo me hã o. Míanɔ mɔ gã la dzi ko tẽe. Míadzo le mɔ gã la dzi o va se ɖe esime míado go le wò anyigba dzi.”
18 And Edom said unto him, Thou shalt not pass through my land, —lest with the sword, I come out to meet thee.
Ke Edom fia gblɔ na wo be, “Migaɖo afɔ nye anyigba dzi o! Ne mietee kpɔ be yewoaɖo afɔ nye anyigba dzi la, nye aʋakɔ akpe aʋa kpli mi!”
19 And the sons of Israel said unto him—By the highway, will we go up, and if thy waters, we should drink—I, and my cattle then would I give the price thereof, —only—it is nothing!—with my feet, would I pass through.
Israelviwo ƒe ame dɔdɔwo yi edzi be, “Fia bubutɔ, mɔ gã la dzi ko míanɔ. Ne míano tsi tso miaƒe vudo me gɔ̃ hã la, míaxe fe ɖe sia ɖe si nàbia la ɖe eta. Ale si míatso eme ayi ko biam míele; míegale nu bubu aɖeke biam o.”
20 And he said, Thou shalt not pass through. And Edom came out to meet him, with a strong people, and with a firm hand.
Edom fia gbe gbidigbidi gblɔ na wo be, “Migage ɖe nye anyigba dzi o.” Ena aʋakɔ gã aɖe ƒu asaɖa anyi ɖe eƒe liƒo dzi.
21 Thus did Edom refuse to give Israel passage through his boundary, —and Israel turned away from him.
Esi Edom gbe be womato yeƒe anyigba dzi o ta la, Israelviwo glɔ̃ mɔ to Edom ŋu.
22 Then set they forward from Kadesh, —and the sons of Israel. all the assembly, came in to Mount Hor.
Israelviwo ƒe ha blibo la ho, dze mɔ tso Kades, eye wova ɖo Hor to la gbɔ.
23 Then spake Yahweh unto Moses and unto Aaron in Mount Hor, —near the boundary of the land of Edom saying:
Le Hor to la gbɔ, teƒe si te ɖe Edom ƒe liƒo ŋu la, Yehowa gblɔ na Mose kple Aron be,
24 Aaron shall be withdrawn unto his kinsfolk, for he shall not enter into the land. which I have given unto the sons of Israel, —because ye spurned my bidding, at the waters of Meribah.
“Azã la su be Aron naku, elabena made anyigba, si metsɔ na Israelviwo la dzi o, le esi mi ame evea mietsi tsitre ɖe nye ɖoɖowo ŋu tso tsi si le Meriba ŋu la ta.
25 Take thou Aaron, and Eleazar his son, —and bring them up Mount Hor;
Azɔ, kplɔ Aron kple via Eleazar yi Hor to la dzi.
26 and strip thou Aaron of his garments, and put them upon Eleazar his son, —and, Aaron, shall be withdrawn and shall die there.
Ɖe Aron ƒe nunɔlawuwo le eŋuti, eye nàdo wo na via, Eleazar. Aron aku ɖe afi ma.”
27 And Moses did as Yahweh commanded, —and they went up into, Mount Hor, in sight of all the assembly.
Ale Mose wɔ nu si Yehowa ɖo nɛ. Wo ame etɔ̃ la wolia Hor to la esi ameawo katã nɔ wo kpɔm.
28 And Moses stripped Aaron of his garments and put them upon Eleazar his son, and Aaron died there, in the top of the mount, —and Moses and Eleazar came down out of the mount.
Esi woɖo toa tame la, Mose ɖe nunɔlawuawo le Aron ŋu, eye wòtsɔ wo do na Aron ƒe viŋutsu Eleazar. Aron ku ɖe to la tame. Mose kple Eleazar trɔ gbɔ,
29 And all the assembly saw that Aaron was dead; and they bewailed Aaron thirty days, even all the house of Israel.
eye esi ameawo se be Aron ku la, Israelviwo fae ŋkeke blaetɔ̃.

< Numbers 20 >