< Numbers 18 >

1 And Yahweh said unto Aaron, Thou and thy sons and the house of thy father with thee, shall bear the iniquity of the sanctuary, —and, thou, and thy sons with thee, shall bear the iniquity of your priesthood.
Anante Ra Anumzamo'a amanage huno Aronina asami'ne, Kagrane Livae naga'mo'zane mofavre nagakamo'zanema ruotage'ma hu'nea seli mono noni'afima pristi eri'zama eriso'ema osnazana, kna'a tamagra'a erigahaze.
2 Therefore also thy brethren of the tribe of Levi the stem of thy father, bring thou near with thee, and let them be joined unto thee, and let them wait upon thee, —both on thee and on thy sons with thee, before the tent of the testimony.
Hagi tamafuhe'i Livae nagara zamavareta enke'za, tamagrane erimago hu'za tamaza hanageta seli mono nomofo avuga eri'zana eriho.
3 So shall they keep thy charge, and the charge of all the tent, —only, unto the vessels of the sanctuary, and unto the altar, shall they not come near, lest they die—both they, and ye.
Hagi zamagra maka tamagrama zamisaza eri'za e'neri'za, seli mono nomofo eri'zana eriho. Hianagi ruotage'ma hu'nea zantaminte'ene, kresramna vu itarera erava'o osiho. Hagi erava'oma hanazana tamagrane, zmagranena frigahaze.
4 So shall they be joined unto thee, and shall keep the charge of the tent of meeting, as to all the laborious work of the tent, —but a stranger, shall not come near unto you.
Livae vahe'mo'zage seli mono nompina eri'zana tamaza hu'za eriho. Hianagi ru vahe'mo'za erava'o osuge, eri'zana tamaza hu'za e'origahaze.
5 So shall ye keep the charge of the sanctuary, and the charge of the altar, —that there no more be wrath against the sons of Israel.
Hagi kagrake seli mono nompi eri'zane, kresramna vu itare'enena eri'zana erigahane. E'inahukna hanankeno Ra Anumzamo'a Israeli vahe'mota arimpa aheoramantegahie.
6 I, therefore, lo! I have taken your brethren the Levites, out of the midst of the sons of Israel, —unto you, as a gift are they given, unto Yahweh, to do the laborious work of the tent of meeting.
Hagi ko, Nagra'a Israeli vahepintira Livae nagara zamavare'na mago museza zamiaza hu'na negamina, zamazeri ruotage huge'za seli mono nompina eri'zana e'nerize.
7 But thou and thy sons with thee, shall keep the charge of your priesthood, as to every matter of the altar and as to the interior of the veil, and shall do the laborious work, as a laborious service of gifts, do I give your priesthood, and, the stranger who cometh near shall be put to death.
Hianagi kagrane mofavreka'aramine pristi eri'zane, kresramna vu itare'ene, hunagru'ma hu'nefinka eri'zana erigahaze. Hagi muse'za tamiankna hu'na pristi eri'zana tami'noanki, ru vahe'mo'zama seli mono nomofo tavaonte'ma erava'oma hanazana zamahe friho.
8 And Yahweh spake unto Aaron, I, therefore, lo! I have given unto thee the charge of my heave-offerings, —as to all the hallowed things of the sons of Israel—unto thee, have I given them. as pertaining to the anointing, and unto thy sons. for a statute age-abiding,
Anante Ra Anumzamo'a anage huno mago'ane Aronina asmi'ne, Veamo'zama ofama eri'za esaza ofaramina kegavama hu eri'zana, kagri kamuankinka ruotage'ma hu'nea ofama Israeli vahe'mo'za eri'za esazana kagri'ene mofavre zagaka'ane tamamuankita anampintira tamagra'a suzana maka kna erigahaze.
9 This, shall be thine, out of the things most holy, out of the fire, —their every oblation—to the extent of their every meal-offering, and their every sin-bearer, and their every guilt-bearer wherewith they make amends unto me, most holy unto thee, shall it be and unto thy sons.
Ama'i ruotage'ma hu'nea ofama tevefima negrenka atresanama'ane, muse ofane, witi ofane, kumizmire'ma hu ofane, hazenke'ma hu'nesaza zante'ma hu ofama eri'za eme namisazana, ruotage hu'neakino kagri'ene mofavre nagakamofo su'a megahie.
10 As something most holy, shall ye eat it, —every male, shall eat it, holy, shall it be unto thee.
E'i ruotage hu'nea ofagita kagrane, ne' mofavre nagakamo'zane ruotage hu'ne hutma nentahita negahaze.
11 This, therefore, shall be thine—the heave-offering of their gift even all the wave-offerings of the sons of Israel, unto thee, have I given them and unto thy sons and unto thy daughters with thee by a statute age-abiding, —every one that is clean in thy house, shall eat it.
Hagi eri verave hu ofama Israeli vahe'mo'zama eri'zama esaza ofa kagri'ene ne'mofaka'ane miko nagaka'ane zamue. Hagi ana ne'zana, Nagri navure'ma agruma hu'nesaza nagakamo'zage negahaze.
12 All the best of oil, and all the best of new-wine and corn, —the firstfruits thereof which they shall give unto Yahweh, unto thee, have I given them.
Hagi maka knare'ma hu'nea olivi masavene, knare'ma hu'nea wainine, knare'ma hu'nea witine, ese ne'zama hamare'za Ra Anumzamo'na eme namisazana, kagri kamue.
13 The firstfruits of all that is in their land which they shall bring in unto Yahweh, thine, shall it be, —every one that is clean in thy house, shall eat it:
Hagi ese ne'zama afumaresige'za eri'za esazana, agruma hu'nesaza nagaka'amozage negahaze.
14 every devoted thing in Israel, thine, shall it be:
Maka'zama Ra Anumzamo'nama nami'nesaza zana, amne kagra erigahane.
15 every thing that is born first of all flesh that may be offered unto Yahweh among men and among beasts, shall be thine, —only thou shalt, redeem, the firstborn of men, and the firstborn of unclean beasts, shalt thou redeem.
Hagi ese mofavre'ma Israeli vahe'mozo, zagagafamo'zama kasentesage'za, Ra Anumzamonare ofa eme namisazana kagri'za megahie. Hagi Israeli vahe'mo'zane zmagonesa mofavrene, agruma osu'nesia zagagafarera nona hu'za mizaseza avreho.
16 And, as to the redemption price thereof, from a month old, shalt thou redeem, by thine estimate five shekels of silver by the shekel of the sanctuary, —twenty gerahs, it is.
Hagi Israeli vahe'mo'za mago ikama hu'nesia agonesa mofavrere'ma ete mizase'za zamavaresaza mizana, seli mono nompi zagomofo avamente erinte'za 5fu'a silva zagoa mizasegahaze.
17 Only a firstling ox or a firstling sheep or a firstling goat, shalt thou not redeem, hallowed, they are, —their blood, shalt thou dash against the altar and of their fat, shalt thou make a perfume, an altar-flame, for a satisfying odour unto Yahweh:
Hianagi bulimakao'o, sipisipio meme afumo'zama ese kasezmantesa anentara, ruotage hu'neankino ete Israeli vahe'mo'za mizana osegahaze. Hagi kagra kresramna vu itare korazmia taginka ru tritri nehunka, afova'a tevefi kregeno, sramnamo'a kumpi marerinke'na Ra Anumzamo'na mna'a nentahina musena haneno.
18 and their flesh, shall be thine, —as the wave-breast and as the right leg, thine, shall it be:
Hagi ana ofama hu afumofo ame'a tamagri suza mesigeno, eri verave hu ofama nehaza ahihiza'ane, tamaga kaziga amo'anena tamagri su'za megahie.
19 all the heave-offerings of the holy things which the sons of Israel shall heave up unto Yahweh, have I given unto thee and unto thy sons and unto thy daughters with thee by a statute age-abiding, —an age-abiding covenant of salt, it is before Yahweh, for thee and for thy seed with thee.
Hagi meninteti'ma agafama huno'ma vaniana, Israeli vahe'mo'zama Ra Anumzamo'nare'ma eri'za esaza ofamo'a tamagri'ene, ne'mofatamimofo suza mevava hugahie. Hagi ama ana zamo'a mevava huhagerafi huvempage Nagrite'ene henkama tamagripinti fore'ma hanaza vahetera meno vugahie.
20 Then said Yahweh unto Aaron: In their land, thou shalt have no inheritance, and no allotted portion, shalt thou have in their midst, —I, am thine allotted portion and thine inheritance in the midst of the sons of Israel.
Hagi Ra Anumzamo'a Aronina amanage huno asami'ne, Israeli mopafina tamagra mago mopa erinafa'a osugahze. Tamagrama eri santima hare'nazazana Nagrake'za manigahue.
21 And unto the sons of Levi, lo! I have given all the tenth in Israel for an inheritance, —the allotted portion for their laborious work which, they are performing, the laborious work of the tent of meeting:
Hagi Livae naga'nofimo'za atruma hu seli mono nompima eri'zama erisa mizana, Israeli vahe'mo'zama 10ni'a kevu ante'nenafinti mago kevuma namisaza zantaminteti, ana eri'zama erisarera erisantima hare'saza zana zamigahue.
22 that the sons of Israel come near no more, unto the tent of meeting, —to bear sin, to die.
Hagi meninteti'ma agafama huno vaniana Israeli vahepinti'ma Livae naga'ma omaninesimo'a, atruma hu seli mono nontera uravaoa osino. Hagi urava'oma hanimo'a kumi hugahiankino, ana nona'a frigahie.
23 So shall the Levites themselves perform the laborious work of the tent of meeting, and, they, shall bear their iniquity, a statute age-abiding, unto your generations, and in the midst of the sons of Israel, shall they take no inheritance.
Hagi Livae naga'mozage atruma hu seli mono nompina vahe kumima apasezmante eri'zana erigahaze. Hagi ama tra kemo'a mevava hugahianki'za, henkama fore'ma hanaza vahe'mo'za amage antegahaze. Hagi Israeli mopafina Livae vahe'mokizmia mopazamia omanegahie.
24 Because the tenth of the sons of Israel which they shall offer up unto Yahweh as a heave-offering, have I given unto the Levites as an inheritance, —for this cause, said I regarding them, In the midst of the sons of Israel, shall they take no inheritance.
Na'ankure Israeli vahe'mo'za 10ni'a kevu antenenafinti mago kevuma ofama Ra Anumzamo'na namisaza zantamina erisante'maharesaza zana zamigahue. Hagi e'i ana agafare Israeli vahepina, Livae naga'mozama erisantima haresaza mopa omanegahie.
25 Then spake Yahweh unto Moses, saying:
Ra Anumzamo'a Mosesena amanage huno asami'ne,
26 Unto the Levites, therefore shalt thou speak and shalt say unto them, When ye shall take of the sons of Israel the tenth which I have given unto you from them as your inheritance, then shall ye offer up therefrom the heave-offering of Yahweh, a tenth of the tenth.
Kagra Livae nagara ke hunka zamasamige'za Israeli vahe'mo'zama 10ni'a kevu ante'nenafinti mago kevuma eri'za emema namisafintira eri'na tamagrira tamigahuanki, anampintira ete hamprinkeno 10nima hania kevua namigahaze.
27 So shall your heave-offering be reckoned your own, —as corn out of the threshing-floor, and as the abundance out of the wine-press.
Hagi ana ofama hanage'na, Ra Anumzamo'na nege'na, hoza tamifinti ese witi hamareta ofa haze nehu'na, wainima regatitima nehazafinti ese waini ofa nehaze hu'na hugahue.
28 Thus, shall ye also, offer up the heave-offering of Yahweh, out of all your tenths which ye shall take from the sons of Israel, —and give therefrom the heave-offering of Yahweh, unto Aaron the priest.
E'inahu kante Israeli vahe'mo'zama 10ni'a kevuma ante'nafinti mago kevuma eme tami'nazana refko huta Ra Anumzamo'na ofa hunantegahaze. Hagi ana ofama Ra Anumzamo'nama namisazana pristi ne' Aroni erigahie.
29 Out of all your gifts, shall ye offer up every heave-offering of Yahweh, —out of all the best thereof, the hallowed pert thereof out of it.
Hagi maka musezama taminafintira knare'zantfama hu'nesiama'a Ra Anumzamo'na namigahaze.
30 And thou shalt say unto them, —When ye offer the best thereof out of it, then shall it be reckoned to belong unto the Levites, as the increase of the threshing-floor and as the increase of the wine-press,
Ana hu'negu Livae nagara zamasamio, anama knare'ma hu'neama'ama ofama hanage'na, Ra Anumzamo'na nege'na, hoza tamifinti witi hamareta ofa haze nehu'na, wainima regatiti'ma nehazafinti waini ofa nehaze hu'na hugahie.
31 And ye shall eat it in any place, ye, and your household, —for a reward, it is unto you, the allotted portion for your laborious work in the tent of meeting.
Hagi Livae naga'mota seli mono nompi eri'zama e'neriza zamofo mizama'agita, a'mofavre taminena inantegama ana ne'zama nenaku'ma hanarega amne negahaze.
32 And ye shall not by reason of it bear sin, when ye offer up the best thereof, out of it; and the hallowed things of the sons of Israel, shall ye not profane neither shall ye die.
Hagi knare'ma hu'nesia ne'zama ofama hanuta, kumira osugahaze. Hianagi Israeli vahe'mo'zama eme tamisaza ruotage ne'zama amnezane huta eri havizama hanuta, haviza hugahazankita knazama'a tamagra'a erita frigahaze.

< Numbers 18 >