< Matthew 20 >
1 For the kingdom of the heavens, is like, a man, a householder, —who went forth with the morning, to hire labourers into his vineyard;
Kumdogoilyo utemi nuakilunde ukimpyananu muntu nukete umugunda, nai wiandiie ukedaudau nsoko akuaika anyamilimo mumugunda wakwe nuamizabibu.
2 and, when he had agreed with the labourers for a denary the day, he sent them into his vineyard.
Nae igombya neanyamilemo dinalu ing'wi kumung'wi, wikaayuma ende kumugunda nua mezabibu.
3 And, going forth about the third hour, he saw others, standing in the market-place, unemployed;
Nai akeile masaa ataatu wikenda hange uu wikaaona itumi angiza aeimekule akeeze agila anga mulemo pake awiza kisoko.
4 and, to them, he said—ye also, go your way into the vineyard, and, whatsoever may be right, I will give you;
Wikaaila, ''Nunyenye gwa, longoli mumugunda nuamuzabibu, hange kehi nemutakile kumupa Uuu ekalongola kitumia umulemo.
5 and, they, departed. And, again, going forth about the sixth and ninth hour, he did likewise.
Wikalongola hange naakela masaa mutandatu muma saa nemutandatu, wikituma uulukulu.
6 And, about the eleventh, going forth, he found others, standing, and saith unto them—Why, here, stand ye, all the day, unemployed?
Nkua yedu hange naepikile saa ikumi neleng'wi akenda nukuahanga eantu neangiza imekile akeze angila anga mulemo. Wikaaila, ''kuneke mumehile apa nuagile anga mulemo wehi kuluhiku lehi?
7 They say unto him—Because, no one, hath hired, us. He saith unto them—Ye also, go your way into the vineyard.
Ika muila kunsoko kutile umuntu wehi nukupee umulemo. Wika aila nunyenye gaa lungoli mumugunda nua mezabibu.
8 And, when evening came, the master of the vineyard saith unto his steward—Call the labourers, and pay the hire, —beginning from the last, unto the first.
Imatungo ampinde napikile, umuhola mugunda nua mezabibu wikamuila umemeeli wakwe, ''Itange eitumi wape ekinyamulimo, kandiilya nua musho sunga nua nguandyo.
9 And they of the eleventh hour, coming, received severally a denary.
Nae ekiza awa nae aikilwe saa kumi ne ng'wi, kelaung'wi ausengiiye dinali.
10 And, when the first came, they supposed that, more, they should receive, —and, they also, received severally a denary.
Nae ekiza eitumi ang'wandyo, aeasigike kena akupegwa kukele, kuite ekasingiilyegua kela ung'wi dinali ing'wi kela umuntu.
11 And, having received it, they began to murmur against the householder, saying—
Nae ikasingiilya dunyamulimo kao, ikamisusumelya umukola mugunda.
12 These last, one hour, wrought, and thou hast made them, equal unto us, who have borne the burden of the day, and the scorching heat.
Ikalunga, ''Ee eitumi neampelo aeitumiile isaa Ing'wi udu muitumi mulemo kuite waempyania nusese use kukenkile imeligo kuluhuku lelinukupya mpasui.
13 And, he, answering, unto one of them, said, —Friend! I wrong thee not: Was it not, for a denary, thou didst agree with me?
Kuite umuhola nuugunda wihesusha nukulunga kung'wi wao, muhumbe miane, singa nutumile anga ubii.
14 Take thine own, and go thy way; but I please, unto this last, to give, as also to thee:
Itee? singa aelugombilyene nunene kudinali eng'wi?
15 Is it not allowed me to do, what I please, with my own? or is, thine eye, evil, because I good?
Itee singa taine leung'wane kutuma anga nendilwe ninsao yane? Ang'wi iliho lako ibe nsoho une nemuza?
16 Thus, shall be—The last first, and the first last.
Unu nua mwisho ukutula wang'wendyo nuyu nua ng'wandyo ukutula wa mwisho.
17 And, Jesus, being about to go up unto Jerusalem, took unto him the twelve [disciples], apart, and, in the way, he said unto them—
U Yesu nauhunankila kena kuyelusalemu awahoile iamanyisigwa akwe ikumi nuubiili kumpelo, numunzila wikaaila.
18 Lo! we are going up unto Jerusalem; and, the Son of Man, will be delivered up unto the chief-priests and Scribes, and they will condemn him, [to death],
Gozi kuunaikela kuyelusalemu, nu Ng'wana wang'wa Adamu uhukwa mumikono aakulu aakuhani neaandeki. Akumulamuila ensha.
19 And deliver him up unto the nations, to mock and to scourge and to crucify, —and, on the third day, he will, arise.
Hange akamupunya kuantu ne amahi nsoko kumumela, kumukua nukumutumbeka. Kuite uluhiku laka taatu ukuiuka.
20 Then came unto him the mother of the sons of Zebedee, with her sons, bowing down, and asking something from him.
Hange uia nua ng'wana wang'wa Zebedayo ae uzile kung'wa Yesu niana akwe. Wikatungama ntongeela akwe nukulompa kentu kupuma kung'waakwe.
21 And, he, said to her—What desirest thou? She saith unto him—Bid, that these my two sons may sit, one on thy right hand, and one on thy left, in thy kingdom.
U Yesu wika nuila, ''utakile ntuni? Wikamuiila, ''Lunga kena iana ane neabiiliikie, ung'wi kumohono wako nua hegoha hange ung'wi kumokono wako nua kekema nuuitemi wako''
22 But Jesus, answering, said—Ye know not what ye are asking: Are ye able to drink the cup, which, I, am about to drink; They say unto him—We are able.
Kuite u Yesu wihasusha nululunga, ''singauine eke nukulompa. Itee? Uhumilene kung'wela ekekole nekung'wela? ekamuila''Kuuhuma''
23 He saith unto them—My cup, indeed, ye shall drink; but, to sit on my right hand and on my left, is not mine to give, —except unto those for whom it hath been prepared by my Father.
Aaaila, ekehole kane mukuhingwela. Kuite kikie umukono wane nua kulela numokono wane nuakekema singa anga nene kumupa, kuite kuawa neanoneeigwe nutata wane''.
24 And the ten, hearing, were sorely displeased, concerning the two brethren.
Eamanyisigwa neangeza ikuminaeigule uu, iha ambwa ukea nea luna ao neabiili.
25 But, Jesus, calling them near, said—Ye know that, the rulers of the nations, lord it over them, and, the great ones, wield authority over them:
Kuite u Yesu wikaitanga ung'wenso nukuaile, ''Muleugile kena eahumu nea mihe amuduile, nea hulu ao ituma uuhumi kitalao.
26 Not so, is it, among you, —but, whosoever shall desire, among you, to become, great, shall be, your minister;
Kuite ileke kutula uu kitulanyu kuleka ite, wehi nakulowa kutula mukulu nulalanyu kusinjawatule mutumi wanyu.
27 And, whosoever shall desire, among you, to be first, shall be, your servant: —
Nunyu nukulula wang'wendyo kusinja watu mitumi wanyu.
28 Just as, the Son of Man, came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom instead of many.
Anga uu ung'wana nuang'wa Adamu singa ae uzitumilwa inge kituma, nukupunya uupanga wakwe kutule ukomoli waantu duu.''
29 And, as they were going forth from Jericho, there followed him a great multitude;
Imatungo naeapumile kuyeliko, iimbe ikulu lekamityata.
30 and lo! two blind men, sitting beside the road, hearing that Jesus was passing by, cried aloud saying—Lord! have mercy on us! Son of David!
Hange ika aona apoku abiili ikie mumpelompelo anzila. Naeigule kena Uyesu ukukela, ekitanta mduli ekalunga, ''Mukulu, Ng'wana wang'wa Daudi ukugeze.''
31 But the multitude rebuked them, that they might hold their peace. But, they, the more, cried aloud, saying—Lord, have mercy on us! Son of David!
Kuite iumbe likaakenda nukuaila kulagi. Ata uu, neanso ekahulya unduli kukile nukulunga '' Mukulu Ng'wana wang'wa Daudi kugoze.''
32 And, standing still, Jesus called them, and said—What desire ye I should do for you?
Hange u Yesu wikenuka wikailanga nukuaholya mutakile numulendele ulee?
33 They say unto him—Lord! that, our eyes, may open.
Ikamuila, ''Mukulku kena emiho itu apelye.
34 And, moved with compassion, Jesus touched their eyes, —and, straightway, they recovered sight, and followed him.
Inge u Yesu wikalutwe nuukea, wika maambaemiho ao, inge uu ekasingiilya uhumi wakuona hange ikanityata.