< Matthew 15 >
1 Then, there come unto Jesus from Jerusalem Pharisees and Scribes, saying—
Ndipo Mafarisayo na waadishi walikuja kwa Yesu kutoka Yerusalemu. Na kusema,
2 Wherefore do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they wash not their hands, when they eat bread!
“Kwa nini wanafunzi wanayahalifu mapokeo ya wazee? Kwa kuwa hawanawi mikono yao wanapokuwa wanakula chakula.''
3 But, he, answering, said unto them—Wherefore do, ye also, transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?
Yesu akawajibu na kuwaambia, “Nanyi kwa nini mnaihalifu sheria ya Bwana kwa ajili ya mapokeo yenu?
4 For, God, said—Honour thy father and thy mother, and—He that revileth father or mother, let him, surely die!
Kwa kuwa Mungu alisema, 'Mheshimu baba yako na mama yako; na 'Asemaye uovu kwa baba yake na mama yake, hakika atakufa.'
5 But, ye, say—Whosoever shall say to his father or his mother—A gift! Whatsoever, out of me, thou mightest be profited,
Lakini ninyi husema, 'Kila amwambiaye baba yake na mama yake, '“Kila msaada ambao angepata kutoka kwangu sasa ni zawadi kutoka kwa Mungu,'''
6 in nowise, shall honour his father or his mother—and so ye have cancelled, the word of God, for the sake of your, tradition.
“Mtu huyo hana haja ya kumuheshimu baba yake. Katika namna hii mmelitangua neno la Mungu kwa ajili ya mapokeo yenu.
7 Hypocrites! well prophesied concerning you, Isaiah, saying—
Enyi wanafiki, ni vema kama Isaya alivyo tabiri juu yenu aliposema,
8 This people, with the lips, do, honour, me, while, their heart, far off, holdeth from me;
'Watu hawa wananiheshimu mimi kwa midomo yao, lakini mioyo yao iko mbali nami.
9 But, in vain, do they pay devotions unto me, teaching, for teachings, the commandments of men.
Wananiabudu bure, kwa sababu wanafundisha mafundisho yaliyo maagizo ya wanadamu.”'
10 And, calling near the multitude, he said to them—Hear and understand!
Ndipo akawaita makutano na kuwaambia,” Sikilizeni na mfahamu
11 Not that which entereth into the mouth, defileth the man, but, that which proceedeth out of the mouth, the same, defileth the man,
Hakuna kitu kiingiacho mdomoni mwa mtu na kumfanya najisi. Bali, kile kitokacho kinywani, hiki ndicho kimfanyacho mtu kuwa najisi.''
12 Then, coming near, his disciples say unto him—Knowest thou, that the Pharisees, hearing the word, were caused to stumble?
Ndipo wanafunzi wakamwendea na kusema na Yesu, “Je!, Unafahamu Mafarisayo walipolisikia lile neno walikwazika?”
13 And, he, answering, said—Every plant which my heavenly Father hath not planted, will be uprooted:
Yesu aliwajibu na kusema, “Kila mmea ambao Baba yangu wa mbinguni hajaupanda utang'olewa.
14 Let them alone! they are, blind leaders; and, if the, blind, lead the, blind, both, into a ditch, will fall.
Waacheni pekee, wao ni viongozi vipofu. Kama mtu kipofu atamuongoza kipofu mwenzake, wote wawili wataanguka shimoni.”
15 And Peter, answering, said unto him, Declare to us the parable.
Petro akajibu na kumwambia Yesu,” Tuelezee mfano huu kwetu,
16 And, he, said, To this moment, are, ye also, without discernment?
Yesu akajibu, ''Nanyi pia bado hamuelewi?
17 Perceive ye not that, every thing which entereth into the mouth, into the stomach, findeth way, and, into the draught, is passed;
Ninyi hamuoni kuwa kila kiendacho mdomoni hupitia tumboni na kwenda chooni?
18 while, the things which proceed out of the mouth, out of the heart, come forth, and, they, defile the man.
Lakini vitu vyote vitokavyo mdomoni hutoka ndani ya moyo. Ndivyo vitu vimtiavyo mtu unajisi.
19 For, out of the heart, come forth wicked designs, —murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false testimonies, profane speakings:
Kwa kuwa katika moyo hutoka mawazo mabaya, uuaji, uzinzi, uasherati, wizi, ushuhuda wa uongo, na matusi.
20 these, are the things which defile the man, but, the eating with unwashed hands, doth not defile the man.
Haya ndiyo mambo yamtiayo mtu unajisi. Lakini kula bila kunawa mikono hakumfanyi mtu kuwa najisi.”
21 And, going forth from thence, Jesus retired into the parts of Tyre and Zidon.
Ndipo Yesu akatoka mahali pale na akajitenga kuelekea pande za miji ya Tiro na Sidoni.
22 And lo! a Canaanite woman, from those bounds, coming forth, began crying out, saying, Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David! My daughter, is miserably demonized.
Tazama akaja mwanamke Mkanani kutoka pande hizo. Akapaza sauti akisema, ''Nihurumie, Bwana, Mwana wa Daudi; binti yangu anateswa sana na pepo.''
23 But, he, answered her no a word. And his disciples, coming forward began requesting him, saying—Dismiss her, because she is crying out after us.
Lakini Yesu hakumjibu neno. Wanafunzi wake wakaja wakimsihi, wakisema, ''Muondoe aende zake, maana anatupigia kelele.''
24 But, he, answering, said, I was not sent forth, save unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
Yesu aliwajibu na kusema, Sikutumwa kwa mtu yeyoye isipokuwa kwa kondoo waliopotea wa nyumba ya Israeli.''
25 And, she, coming, began bowing down to him, saying, Lord! help me.
Lakini alikuja na kuinama mbele yake, akisema, ''Bwana nisaidie.''
26 But, he, answering, said, It is, not seemly, to take the loaf of, the children, and cast, to the little dogs.
Alimjibu na kusema, “Siyo vema kuchukua chakula cha watoto na kuwatupia mbwa,”
27 And, she, said, True, Lord! [for], even the little dogs, eat of the crumbs which are falling from the table of, their masters.
Akasema, “Ndiyo, Bwana, hata hivyo mbwa wadogo hula chakula kiagukacho mezani mwa Bwana wao.”
28 Then, answering, Jesus said to her—O woman! great, is, thy faith! Be it, done, for thee, as thou desirest. And her daughter was healed, from that hour.
Ndipo Yesu akajibu na akisema “Mwanamke, imani yako ni kubwa. Na ifanyike kwako kama utakavyo.” Na binti yake alikuwa ameponywa katika wakati huo.
29 And, passing on from thence, Jesus came near the sea of Galilee, and, going up into the mountain, was sitting there.
Yesu aliondoka mahali pale na kwenda karibu na bahari ya Galilaya. Kisha alienda juu ya mlima na kuketi huko.
30 And there came unto him large multitudes, having with themselves the lame, the maimed, the blind, the dumb, and many others, —and they cast them near his feet, and he cured them;
Kundi kubwa likaja kwake. Na kumletea viwete, vipofu, bubu, vilema na wengine wengi, waliokuwa wagonjwa. Waliwaweka katika miguu ya Yesu na akawaponya.
31 so that the multitude marvelled, seeing the dumb speaking, the lame walking, and the blind seeing, —and they glorified the God of Israel.
Nao umati wakashangaa walipoona mabubu wakiongea, na vilema wakifanywa wazima, viwete wakitembea, na vipofu wakiona. Walimsifu Mungu wa Israeli.
32 But, Jesus, calling near his disciples, said—My compassions are moved towards the multitude, because [even now], three days, abide they with me, and they have nothing to eat, —and, to dismiss them fasting, I am not willing, lest by any means they faint in the way.
Yesu akawaita wanafunzi wake na kusema, “Nimewaonea huruma umati, kwa sababu wamekuwa nami kwa siku tatu bila kula kitu chochote. Sitawaaga waende kwao bila kula, wasije wakazimia njiani.”
33 And his disciples say unto him—Whence, to us, in a wilderness, loaves in such numbers as to fill a multitude, so great?
Wanafunzi wake wakamwambia, “Ni wapi tunaweza kupata mikate ya kutosha hapa nyikani kushibisha umati mkuwbwa hivi?”
34 And Jesus saith unto them—How many, loaves have ye? And, they, said, —Seven, and a few small fishes.
Yesu akawaambia, “Mna mikate mingapi?” Wakasema, “Saba, na samaki wadogo wachache.”
35 And, sending word to the multitude to recline upon the ground,
Yesu akawaamuru umati uketi chini.
36 he took the seven loaves, and the fishes, and, giving thanks, brake, —and began giving to his disciples, and, the disciples, to the multitudes.
Aliitwaa ile mikate saba na samaki, na baada ya kushukuru, akaimega na kuwapa wanafunzi. Wanafunzi wakawapa umati.
37 And they all did eat and were filled, —and, the remainder of the broken pieces, took they up, seven hampers, full.
Watu wote wakala na kutosheka. Na wakakusanya mabaki ya vipande vya chakula vilivyosalia vipande vipande, vilijaa vikapu saba.
38 And, they who did eat, were four thousand men, besides women and children.
Wote waliokula walikuwa wanaume elfu nne bila wanawake na watoto.
39 And, dismissing the multitudes, he went up into the boat, —and came into the bounds of Magadan.
Kisha Yesu akauaga umati waende zao na akaingia ndani ya mashua na kwenda sehemu za Magadani.