< Matthew 13 >
1 On that day, Jesus, going out of the house, was sitting near the sea:
Guyyuma sana Yesuus manaa baʼee galaana bira taaʼe.
2 and there were gathered unto him, large multitudes, so that, he, into a boat, entered, and was sitting, and, all the multitude, on the beach was standing.
Tuunni namootaa guddaan naannoo isaatti walitti qabame; utuu namoonni hundi qarqara galaanichaa dhadhaabachaa jiranuu, inni bidiruu yaabbatee taaʼe.
3 And he spake unto them many things, in parables, saying: Lo! the sower went forth to sow, —
Innis akkana jedhee waan baayʼee fakkeenyaan isaanitti hime; “Kunoo, namichi sanyii facaasu tokko sanyii facaafachuu baʼe.
4 and, as he sowed, some, indeed, fell by the pathway, and, the birds, came, and devoured it;
Utuu inni facaasaa jiruus sanyiin tokko tokko karaa irra buʼe; simbirroonnis dhufanii nyaatanii fixan.
5 And, some, fell on the rocky places, where it had not much earth, —and, straightway, it sprang up, because if had no depth of earth;
Kaan immoo lafa kattaa, iddoo biyyoo baayʼee hin qabne irra buʼe. Sanyiin sunis sababii biyyoon sun gad fageenya hin qabaatiniif dafee biqile.
6 and, the sun arising, it was scorched, and, because it had no root, it withered away;
Yommuu aduun baatetti garuu biqiltuun sun ni coollage; waan hidda hin qabaatiniifis ni goge.
7 And, some, fell upon the thorns, and the thorns came up, and choked it;
Sanyiin biraas qoraattii keessa buʼe; qoraattiin sunis guddatee biqiltuu sana hudhe.
8 But, some, fell upon the good ground, and did yield fruit, —this, indeed a hundred fold, and, that, sixty, and, the other, thirty.
Ammas sanyiin kaan biyyoo gaarii irra buʼee achitti ija naqate; garri tokko dachaa dhibba, kaan dachaa jaatama, kaan immoo dachaa soddoma naqate.
9 He that hath ears, let him hear.
Namni gurra qabu kam iyyuu haa dhagaʼu.”
10 And the disciples, coming near, said to him, Wherefore, in parables, art thou speaking to them?
Barattoonnis gara isaa dhufanii, “Ati maaliif fakkeenyaan namootatti dubbatta?” jedhanii isa gaafatan.
11 And, he, answering, said, Because, unto you, hath it been given, to get to know the sacred secrets of the kingdom of the heavens, —whereas, unto them, hath it not been given.
Innis akkana jedhee deebiseef; “Icciitii mootummaa samii beekuun isiniif kennameera; isaaniif garuu hin kennamne.
12 For, whosoever hath, it shall be given, to him, and he shall be made to abound, —but, whoever hath not, even what he hath, shall be taken from him?
Kan qabu kamiif iyyuu itti dabalamee ni kennama; irraa hafaas ni qabaata. Kan hin qabne garuu wanni inni qabu iyyuu irraa fudhatama.
13 For this reason, in parables, unto them, do I speak, —because, seeing, they see not, and, hearing, they hear not, —neither do they understand.
Wanni ani akkana jedhee fakkeenyaan isaanitti dubbadhuufis kana: “Isaan utuma ilaalanuu hin argan; utuma dhaggeeffatanuus hin dhagaʼan yookaan hin hubatan.
14 And, again is being fulfilled in them, the prophecy of Isaiah, which saith, —They shall, surely hear, and yet will not understand, and, surely see, and yet not perceive;
Raajiin Isaayyaas dubbate sun isaan irratti raawwatameera; innis akkana jedha: “‘Dhagaʼuu inuma dhageessu; garuu hin hubattan; ilaaluus inuma ilaaltu; garuu hin qalbeeffattan.
15 For the heart of this people hath become dense, and, with their ears, heavily have they heard, and, their eyes, have they closed, —lest, once they should see with their eyes, and, with their ears, should hear, and, with their hearts, should understand, and return; when I would certainly heal them.
Qalbiin saba kanaa doomeeraatii; gurri isaanii sirriitti hin dhagaʼu; ija isaaniis dunuunfataniiru. Utuu akkas taʼuu baatee silaa ija isaaniitiin arganii, gurra isaaniitiin dhagaʼanii, qalbii isaaniitiinis hubatanii ni deebiʼu turan; anis isaan nan fayyisa ture.’
16 But happy are, your, eyes, that they see, and your ears, that they hear;
Iji keessan garuu waan arguuf eebbifamaa dha; gurri keessanis waan dhagaʼuuf eebbifamaa dha.
17 For, verily, I say unto you—Many prophets and righteous men, have coveted to see what ye see, and have not seen, and to hear what ye hear, and have not heard.
Ani dhuguma isinittin himaatii; raajonnii fi qajeeltonni baayʼeen waan isin argitan kana arguu hawwan; garuu hin argine; waan isin dhageessan kanas dhagaʼuu hawwan; garuu hin dhageenye.
18 Hear, ye, then, the parable of him that sowed: —
“Egaa fakkeenyi namicha sanyii facaasuu maal akka taʼe dhagaʼaa:
19 When anyone heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, the wicked one cometh, and catcheth up that which hath been sown in his heart, —this, is he, by the pathway, sown.
Yoo namni kam iyyuu dubbii mootummichaa dhagaʼee hubachuu baate, inni hamaan sun dhufee waan garaa isaa keessatti facaafame sana butata. Kun sanyii karaa irratti facaafamee dha.
20 And, he on the rocky places sown, the same, is he that, heareth the word, and, straightway, with joy, receiveth it;
Sanyiin lafa kattaa irratti facaafame, nama dubbicha dhagaʼee yommusuma gammachuun fudhatuu dha.
21 yet hath he no root in himself, but is, only for a season, —and, there arising, tribulation or persecution because of the word, straightway, he findeth cause of stumbling.
Garuu inni waan hidda hin qabneef yeroo gabaabaa qofa tura. Yeroo rakkinni yookaan ariʼatamni sababii dubbichaatiif dhufutti inni dafee gufata.
22 And, he among the thorns sown, the same, is he that, heareth the word, —and, the anxiety of the age and the deceit of riches, choke up the word, and, unfruitful, it becometh. (aiōn )
Sanyiin qoraattii keessatti facaafame sunis nama dubbicha dhagaʼu argisiisa; garuu yaaddoon addunyaa kanaatii fi gowwoomsaan qabeenyaa dubbicha hudhee ija naqachuu dhowwa. (aiōn )
23 But, he on the good ground sown, the same, is he who doth hear and understand the word, who, indeed, beareth fruit and produceth, —this, a hundred, and, that, sixty, and, the other, thirty.
Sanyiin biyyoo gaarii irratti facaafame garuu nama dubbicha dhagaʼee hubatu argisiisa. Innis ija kenna; garri tokko dhibba, kaan jaatama, kaan immoo soddoma naqata.”
24 Another parable, put he before them, saying—The kingdom of the heavens hath become like a man sowing good seed in his field;
Yesuus akkana jedhee fakkeenya biraa isaanitti hime; “Mootummaan samii nama lafa qotiisaa isaa keessatti sanyii gaarii facaafate tokko fakkaata.
25 and, while men were sleeping, his enemy came, and sowed over darnel, in among the wheat, —and away he went.
Garuu utuu namoonni rafanuu diinni isaa dhufee qamadii keessatti inkirdaada facaasee deeme.
26 And, when the blade shot up, and brought forth, fruit, then, appeared, the darnel also.
Yeroo qamadiin sun guddatee ija naqatetti inkirdaadnis ni mulʼate.
27 And the servants of the householder, coming near, said to him, —Sir! was it not, good seed, thou didst sow in thy field? Whence then hath it, darnel?
“Garboonni abbaa lafa qotiisaa sanaas gara isaa dhufanii, ‘Gooftaa, ati lafa qotiisaa kee keessatti sanyii gaarii hin facaafnee? Yoos inkirdaadni eessaa dhufe ree?’ jedhaniin.
28 And he said unto them—An enemy, hath, done this. And they say, unto him—Wilt thou, then, that we go and collect it?
“Innis deebisee, ‘Diinatu kana hojjete’ jedhe. “Garboonnis, ‘Akka nu dhaqnee buqqifnu ni barbaaddaa?’ jedhanii isa gaafatan.
29 And, he, saith—Nay! lest, at any time, while collecting the darnel, ye uproot, along with it, the wheat:
“Namichi garuu akkana jedhee deebiseef; ‘Lakki, utuu inkirdaada buqqiftanuu, akka isa wajjin qamadii hin buqqifneef dhiisaa.
30 Suffer both to grow together until the harvest, and at, harvest time, I will say unto the reapers, —Collect ye first, the darnel, and bind it into bundles, with a view to the burning it up; but, the wheat, be gathering it into my barn.
Hamma yeroo haamaatti lachanuu walumaan haa guddatan. Anis yeroo sana warra midhaan haamaniin, “Jalqabatti inkirdaada sana buqqisaa; akka gubamuufis bissii bissiidhaan hidhaa; qamadii garuu walitti qabaatii gombisaa kootti naa naqaa” jedhee isaanitti nan hima.’”
31 Another parable, put he before them, saying—The kingdom of the heavens is like unto, a grain of mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field;
Innis akkana jedhee fakkeenya biraa isaanitti hime; “Mootummaan samii sanyii sanaaficaa kan namni fuudhee lafa qotiisaa isaa keessatti facaase tokko fakkaata.
32 which, indeed, is, less, than all seeds, but, when grown, is greater than garden-plants, and becometh a tree, —so that the birds of heaven come, and lodge among its branches.
Inni dhugumaan sanyii hunda irra xinnaa dha; erga guddatee garuu biqiltuu hunda caalee muka taʼa; simbirroonnis dhufanii dameewwan isaa irra jiraatu.”
33 Another parable, [spake he unto them]: —The kingdom of the heavens is like, unto leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of flour until, the whole, was leavened.
Amma illee akkana jedhee fakkeenya biraa isaanitti hime; “Mootummaan samii raacitii dubartiin tokko fuutee hamma inni guutummaatti bukeessutti daakuu safartuu sadiitti makte fakkaata.”
34 All these things, spake Jesus in parables, unto the multitudes, and, without a parable, was he speaking, nothing, unto them:
Yesuus waan kana hundumaa fakkeenyaan namootatti dubbate; innis fakkeenyaan malee waan tokko illee isaanitti hin dubbanne.
35 that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken through the prophet, saying—I will open, in parables, my mouth, I will bring up things hidden from the foundation!
Kunis akka wanni raajichi, “Ani fakkeenyaan afaan koo nan banadha; waan gaafa addunyaan uumamee jalqabee dhokfames nan dubbadha” jedhe sun raawwatamuuf taʼe.
36 Then, dismissing the multitudes, he went into the house, and his disciples came near to him, saying—Make quite plain to us the parable of the darnel of the field.
Yesuusis tuuta namootaa achumatti dhiisee mana ol seene. Barattoonni isaas gara isaa dhufanii, “Hiikkaa fakkeenya inkirdaada lafa qotiisaa keessaa sana nutti himi” jedhaniin.
37 And, he, answering, said—He that soweth the good seed, is the Son of Man;
Innis akkana jedhee deebise; “Namichi sanyii gaarii facaase sun Ilma Namaa ti.
38 And, the field, is the world, and, the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom, —and, the darnel seeds, are the sons of the evil one;
Lafti qotiisaa sun addunyaa dha; sanyiin gaariinis ijoollee mootummichaa ti. Inkirdaadni sun ijoollee isa hamaa sanaa ti;
39 And, the enemy that sowed them, is the adversary, and, the harvest, is, the conclusion of an age, and, the reapers, are, messengers. (aiōn )
diinni inkirdaada facaase immoo diiyaabiloos dha. Haamaan dhuma addunyaa ti; warri haaman immoo ergamoota Waaqaa ti. (aiōn )
40 Just, therefore, as collected is the darnel, and, with fire is burned, so, will it be in the conclusion of the age: — (aiōn )
“Akkuma inkirdaadni walitti qabamee ibiddaan gubamu sana, dhuma addunyaattis akkasuma taʼa. (aiōn )
41 The Son of Man will send forth his messengers, and they will collect, out of his kingdom, all the causes of stumbling, and the doers of lawlessness,
Ilmi Namaa ergamoota isaa ni erga; isaanis waan cubbuutti nama geessu hundaa fi warra waan hamaa hojjetan hunda mootummaa isaa keessaa baasanii walitti qabu.
42 and will cast them into the furnace of fire: there, will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Boolla ibiddaattis isaan darbatu; achittis wawwaannaa fi ilkaan qaruutu taʼa.
43 Then, the righteous, will shine forth as the sun, in the kingdom of their Father. He that hath ears, let him hear!
Yeroo sana qajeeltonni mootummaa Abbaa isaanii keessatti akka aduu ni ifu. Namni gurra qabu haa dhagaʼu.
44 The kingdom of the heavens is like unto, a treasure hid in the field, which a man, finding, hid, —and, by reason of his joy, withdraweth and selleth whatsoever he hath, and buyeth that field.
“Mootummaan samii qabeenya lafa qotiisaa keessa dhokfame fakkaata. Namni tokkos qabeenya kana argatee deebisee dhokse; innis waan gammadeef dhaqee waan qabu hunda gurguree lafa qotiisaa sana bitate.
45 Again, the kingdom of the heavens is, like, unto, a merchant, seeking beautiful pearls, —
“Akkasumas mootummaan samii daldalaa lula gaarii barbaadu tokko fakkaata.
46 and, finding one very precious pearl, departing, he at once sold all things, whatsoever he had, and bought it.
Daldalaan sunis lula gatii guddaa tokko argate; innis dhaqee waan qabu hundumaa gurguree lula sana bitate.
47 Again, the kingdom of the heavens is like unto, a large drag-net, cast into the sea and gathering of every kind, —
“Akkasumas mootummaan samii kiyyoo galaanatti darbatamee qurxummii gosa hundaa walitti qabe fakkaata.
48 which, when it was filled, they dragged up on the beach, and, sitting down, collected the good into vessels, but, the worthless, forth they cast.
Yeroo kiyyoon sun guutamettis qurxummii qabdoonni gara qarqara galaanaatti isa harkisan. Ergasiis tataaʼanii qurxummii gaarii filanii qodaa isaaniitti naqatan; qurxummii gadhee immoo ni gatan.
49 So, will it be in the conclusion of the age: The messengers will come forth, and separate the wicked from among the righteous; (aiōn )
Dhuma addunyaattis akkasuma taʼa. Ergamoonni dhufanii warra hamoo warra qajeeltota irraa gargar baasu; (aiōn )
50 and will cast them into the furnace of fire: there, will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
boolla ibiddaattis isaan darbatu; achittis wawwaannaa fi ilkaan qaruutu taʼa.”
51 Have ye understood all these things? They say unto him, Yea!
Yesuusis, “Waan kana hunda hubattaniirtuu?” jedhee isaan gaafate. Isaanis, “Eeyyee” jedhanii deebisan.
52 And, he, said unto them—Wherefore, every scribe, discipled unto the kingdom of the heavens, is like unto a householder, who putteth forth out of his treasure, things new and old.
Innis, “Kanaafuu barsiisaan seeraa kan barataa mootummaa samii taʼe kam iyyuu abbaa manaa kan qabeenya haaraa fi moofaa mana miʼa isaa keessaa gad baasu tokko fakkaata” jedheen.
53 And it came to pass, when Jesus had finished these parables, he removed from thence;
Yesuus erga fakkeenya kana dubbatee raawwatee booddee achii kaʼee deeme.
54 and, coming into his own city, began teaching them in their synagogue, so that with astonishment were they being struck, and were saying—Whence, hath, this one, this wisdom, and the mighty works?
Innis gara magaalaa itti dhalatee dhaqee mana sagadaa isaanii keessatti namoota barsiisuu jalqabe; isaanis ni dinqisiifatan. Akkana jedhaniis gaafatan; “Namichi kun ogummaa kanaa fi hojiiwwan dinqii kanneen eessaa argate?
55 Is not, this one, the carpenter’s, son? Is not, his mother, called Mary, and are not his brethren—James and Joseph, and Simon, and Judas?
Inni ilma namicha muka soofu sanaati mitii? Maqaan haadha isaas Maariyaam mitii? Obboloonni isaas Yaaqoob, Yoosef, Simoonii fi Yihuudaa mitii?
56 and, his sisters, are they not all with us? Whence, then hath, this one, all these things?
Obboleettonni isaa hundinuu nu bira jiru mitii? Yoos namichi kun waan kana hundumaa eessaa argate?”
57 And they began to find cause of stumbling in him. But, Jesus, said unto them—A prophet is not without honour, save in his city, and in his house.
Isaanis isatti gufatan. Yesuus garuu, “Raajiin magaalaa itti dhalatee fi mana isaatti malee kabaja hin dhabu” jedheen.
58 And he did not, there, many mighty works, because of their unbelief.
Innis sababii amantii dhabuu isaaniitiif hojii dinqii hedduu achitti hin hojjenne.