< Matthew 10 >

1 And, calling near his twelve disciples, he gave them authority over impure spirits, —so as to be casting them out, and curing every disease and every infirmity.
OTSIPUK'SŬPINNIKŎTŬSAX na'tsikoputtsiau otŭsksĭnĭmatsax, ikotsiu'ax otŭma'sĭnni mŏk'saipiksĭstosauax sauum'itsistaax, ki mok'ŏkuttutsĭsax amian'ĭstokhtokosĭsts ki amian'ĭstatŭnikĕsts.
2 Now, the twelve apostles’ names, are these: —first Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother, —and James, the son of Zebedee, and John, his brother;
Na'tsikoputtsixk itokŏt'tsiuax otsĭn'ikŏsoauĕsts am'ostsiaukiĕsts; Matom'itappiu, Simon, mat'anistau Peter, ki Andrew oskŭn: James, Zebedee okku'i ki John oskŭn';
3 Philip, and Bartholomew, —Thomas, and Matthew, the tax-collector; James, the son of Alphaeus, and Thadaeus;
Philip, ki Bartholemew; Thomas, ki Matthew, annŏk' publicanŏk; James, Alphæus okku'i. Ki Lebbæus, mat'anistau Thaddæus;
4 Simon, the zealot, and Judas Iscariot, who also delivered him up.
Simon, Canaanite; Ki Judas Iscariot annŏk' aien'ŭpanistsiuŏkaie.
5 These twelve, Jesus sent forth, charging them, saying: —Into any way to the nations, do not depart, —and, into any city of Samaritans, do not enter;
Anniks'isk natsikoputsixk Jesus itokŏt'tsiuax ki saiem'iuax ki an'ĭstsiuax, Gentiles oksoku'auĕsts pinitap'pok, ki Samaritans otakap'ioyimoauests pinŭt'sĭtsipik:
6 But be going, rather, unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
Ki Israel oko'au otomŭk'ikĭnaumix ats'ax ĭs'tapuk.
7 And, as ye go, proclaim, saying, The kingdom of the heavens hath drawn near!
Ki auau'ŏkainoniki sem'okik, ki anik', spots'im ĭstsĭn'naiisĭnni aststsiu'.
8 Be curing, the sick, raising, the dead, —cleansing, lepers, casting out, demons: freely, ye have, received, freely, give.
Ai'oktokosix kut'tutokau, leperix ĭssin'nomokau, enix' nipua'atsokau, sauum'itsistaawx sai'aipiksĭstokau; Kitsiksist'okoko, ksistoko'tŭkkik.
9 Ye may procure—neither gold, nor silver, nor copper, for your belts, —
Gold ki silver ki brass pinitsŭp'pitŭkkik kitsitai'sŭpopumatsopuauĕsts,
10 neither satchel for journey, nor two tunics, nor sandals, nor staff; for, worthy, is the labourer, of his maintenance.
Assuia'tsĭman pinots'ik aumatto'ainoainiki, pinots'ikau na'tokaists spĭks'isokŏsĭsts, ki a'tsikists, ki otoats'ists; ap'otŭkkiuã ak'otsĭmaie otso'ŏsĭn.
11 And, into whatsoever city or village ye enter, search out who in it is, worthy, and, there, abide, till ye go forth.
Annik' akap'ioyĭsk kĭtai'akitsipipika sŭppo'ŏttsesatsĭk annok' oks'apsiuok; ki annim' stau'pik kitsauomai'sŭkskitsĭssuai.
12 And, as ye enter the house, salute it;
Ki pim'ĭnnoainiki nap'ioyĭs, ksematsĭm'attok.
13 And, if the house be worthy, let your peace come upon it, but, if it be not worthy, let your peace, unto you, return.
Ki ŏkhs'issi nap'ioyĭs ŭnnianĭstsito'tos kitsĭn'nŭstseisuauĕsts; ki sauŏkhs'ĭssi ŭnnianĭstsska'atok kitsĭn'nŭstseisuauĕsts.
14 And, whosoever shall neither welcome you, nor hear your words, as ye go forth outside that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet:
Ki annŏk' kikŭt'tautokŏk, ki kŭt'tauotsĭmikŏk kitse'poawsĭsts, sŭkskitsĭm'ĭnnoainiki annik' akap'ioyĭsk sostsĭk'asattok.
15 Verily, I say unto you, —More tolerable, will it be, for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for, that, city!
Kitau'mŭnĭstopuau akŏk'itsĭmaiksĭstsikuĭk Sodom ki Gomorrha ak'skĭtstom annik' akap'ioyĭsk.
16 Lo! I, send you forth as sheep amidst wolves; become ye therefore—prudent, as serpents, and simple, as doves.
Sat'sĭk emŭk'ikĭnax mĭs'tŭpskoawkiapis'ix neto'yik kanĭstsĭs'tŭpskopuau: mokŏk'ik manĭstsokŏkipi pitse'ksĭnax, ki ĭkkĭnaps'ik manĭstĭk'kĭnapspi kŭkku'ix,
17 But beware of men; for they will deliver you up into high-councils, and, in their synagogues, will they scourge you, —
Ki ŭsks'kŭmokau matap'pix; kitakaumŭts'kaukoau akŏk'itsĭmani, ki otatoi'apioyimoauĕsts kitakitaipstŭsĭstsipĭs'okoau;
18 And, before both governor and kings, shall ye be brought, for my sake—for a witness to them and the nations.
Kinĭn'ax ki omŭx'ĭnax kitakittŭpĭp'iokoai, nĕsto'a kumut'aiakaitŭpipiokoai, kŏkkite'nŭpanĭstosau ki Gentiles.
19 And, when they deliver you up, be not anxious how or what ye shall speak, —for it shall be given you in that hour what ye shall speak;
Ki aumŭts'kaukuĭnnoainiki pinstak kŏkŭnĭstse'puyĭsuai; annik' kitak'okokoau kitai'akanipuai.
20 For it is not, ye, who are speaking, but, the Spirit of your Father, that is speaking in you.
Kimats'epuyipuau, Kĭn'oau osta'aw ksĕsto'au itsĭpstai'puyiu.
21 And, brother, will deliver up, brother, unto death, and, father, child, —and, children, will rise up, against parents, and will put them to death.
Ki umu'pappiipi akumŭts'kaiuaie umu'pappiipi mŏks'eĭnsi, ki nĭn' a akumŭts'kaiuaie okku'i; ki pokax aksenŭpanĭstaiau un'oauax ki oksĭs'toauax mŏks'enitŏsauax.
22 And ye will be hated by all, because of my name, —but, he that endureth throughout, the same, shall be saved.
Ki kŏnai' tappix kumut'akaukĭmokoaiau nĕsto'i; ki annŏk' eikak'imauŏk umuts'ipaitappiuaspi akitsikŏmotse'piauaie.
23 And, when they persecute you in this city, flee into another, —for, verily, I say unto you, in nowise shall ye finish the cities of Israel, till, he Son of Man, come.
Kĭm'atsĭstototsenoainiki tuks'kai akap'ioyĭs, mĭs'tŭpokskasik stsĭk'i: kitau'mŭnĭstopuau kimatakokŏnitotopuau Israel ĭstokŏnau'akapioyists otsauomai'akotosi Nĭn'au okku'i.
24 A, disciple, is not above, the teacher, nor, a servant, above, his lord:
Ŭsksĭnĭmats'au matskĭtsĭmiu'ats otŭsksĭnĭmats'tokiuă, ki apotŭk'kiuă matskĭtsĭmiu'ats otsĭn'aim.
25 Sufficient for the disciple, that he become, as his teacher, and, the servant, as, his lord. If, the master of the house, Beelzebul, they called, how much more, the men of his house!
Ŏkh'siu ŭsksĭnĭmats'au mŏketŭm'anĭstsau otŭsksĭnĭmats'tokiuă, ki apotŭk'kiuă mŏketŭm'anĭstsau otsĭn'aim. Anĭstsĭn'nikŏttŭsauaie nap'ioyĭs otsĭn'aim Beelzebub, ak'staianĭstsĭnnikŏttaiau itsĭpstaupixk oko'ai?
26 Then do not fear them, —for, nothing hath been covered, which shall not be, uncovered, and, hidden, which shall not be, made known.
Pin stŭn'nokau; matsekipats akstaisaiipasokĭnnĭs; matsitsiksĭs'pats ak'staisaiĭsksĭnĭs.
27 What I am saying to you in the darkness, tell ye in the light, —and, what [whispered] into the ear ye are hearing, proclaim ye on the housetops.
Kĭtse'itsĭnikopuai ski'natsii matai'itsĭnikok ksĭstsiku'inatsii: ki kitai'okhtsipuai kotokhĭs'suai, sem'ik spots' im nap'ioyĭsts.
28 And be not in fear, by reason of them that are killing the body, —and, the soul, are not able to kill. But fear, rather, him who is able, both soul and body, to destroy in gehenna! (Geenna g1067)
Ki pinstŭn'nokau anniks'ĭsk akenitomixk mostŭm', ki sta'aw matokotsenĭtsiau'ats: stŭn'nok annŏk' i kots'enĭts iuŏkax mostŭm' ki staaw stakhts'im. (Geenna g1067)
29 Are not, two sparrows, for a farthing, sold? And, one from among them, shall not fall upon the ground, without your Father;
Natokŭmix sĭstsix kŭttomŭtaiponitau'atsax nitsipŭn'asaini? Ki tuks'kŭm matakittotstsiu'ats ksŏk'kum sauŭs'ksĭnoŭssi Kin'oau.
30 But, even the hairs of, your, head, have all been numbered.
Kitoku'yikĭnsĭsts ikŏnŭks'topiau.
31 Then be not in fear—than many sparrows, better are, ye!
Piniko'puk; kitots'ĭtskŭkaiĭxkĭmĭmipuau akaiĕm'ix sĭstsix'.
32 Every one therefore who shall confess me before men, I also, will confess, him, before my Father who is in the heavens;
Annŏk'aie'nŭpanĭstsiuŏk matap'ii nĕsto'i, osto'i nitaks'enŭpanĭstau nĭn'ă spots'im.
33 But, whoever shall deny me before men, I also, will deny, him, before my Father who is in the heavens.
Annŏk' nĭt'saietokŏk matap'piuŏk, osto'i nĭtak'saietoau nĭn'a spots' im.
34 Do not think, that I came to thrust peace upon the earth, —I came not to thrust, peace, but, a sword;
Pinstak nimut'oto ĭnnŭst'sĭnni nŏkitsĭt'apixĭsi ksŏk'kum: nimat'otopa nŏkitsĭt'apĭxĭsi ĭnnŭst'sĭnni, innu'stoan nimut'oto (nŏkitsĭt'apiksĭstos ksŏk'kum).
35 For I came to set at variance—a man, against, his father, and, a daughter, against, her mother, and, a bride, against, her mother-in-law;
Nimut'oto nĭn'au ki un'ni mŏk'itsipotsĭstsĭmmotseĭsau, ki otŭn'ni ki oksĭs'tsi, ki ăum'si ki maawks'i mŏkitsipotsĭstsĭmmotseĭsau.
36 And, a man foes, are, they of his own house.
Ki nĭn'au aks'ikatumĭmmiuax otopokau'pimix anniks'isk matap'pixk oko'ai itsĭpsts' taupixk.
37 He that loveth father or mother above me, is not, worthy, of me, —and, he that loveth son or daughter above me, is not, worthy, of me;
Annŏk' aiĭs'tŭpŭkomĭmmiuŏk un'ni nĕsto'i nimatokotsinanŭk'ats: ki annŏk' aiĭstŭpŭkomĭmmiuŏk oku'yi ki otŭn'ni nĕsto'i nimatokotsinanŭk'ats.
38 And, he that doth not take his cross and follow after me, is not, worthy, of me.
Ki annŏk' sauots'ĭssi otauiĭnan'i sauopokiuo'osi nĕsto'ă, nimatokotsinanŭk'ats.
39 He that hath found his life, shall lose it, —and, he that hath lost his life, for my sake, shall find it.
Annŏk' ikon'ĭmŏk opai'tappiisĭnni, ak'atstomaie; annŏk' at'stomŏk opai'tappiisĭnni, nĕsto'i itat'stomaie, ai'akokonimaie.
40 He that giveth welcome unto you, unto me, giveth welcome, and, he that, unto me, giveth welcome, giveth welcome—unto him that sent me forth.
Annŏk' kĭto'tokŏk nito'tok; ki annŏk' nito'tokŏk ito'toyeuaie annŏk' nitse'tokŭkŏk.
41 He that giveth welcome unto a prophet, in the name of a prophet, the reward of a prophet, shall receive; and, he that giveth welcome unto a righteous man, in the name of a righteous man, the reward of a righteous man, shall receive; —
Annŏk' ito'toyeuŏk prophet otsiprophetisaie otak'okuyĭssi prophet osa'kinosĭnniaie; ki annŏk' ito'toyeuŏk mokŏm'otsitappiuă oto'kŏmotsitappiisaie, otak'okuyĭssi mokŏm'otsitappiuă osa'kinosĭnniaie.
42 And, whosoever shall give to drink—unto one of these little ones—a cup of cold water only, in the name of a disciple, Verily, I say unto you, in nowise, shall lose his reward!
Ki annŏk' ai'akutŭkkuyiuŏk sto'kĭmi tuks'kŭmi anniks'ĭsk inŭks'tsĭmĭxk otŭs'ksĭnĭmatsŏssaie, kitau'mŭnĭstopuau matakatstom'ats osa'kinosĭnniaie.

< Matthew 10 >