< Mark 1 >

1 Beginning of the glad-message of Jesus Christ.
Mban ya imbɨr Jisas Kraisɨnd, ndɨn Yakŋ Ohɨrand Nor. Ya hamb mbanave ahevakarɨmar.
2 According as it is written in Isaiah the prophet—Lo! I send my messenger before thy face, Who shall prepare thy way, —
Eŋambɨr han Aisaiav, wɨram Yakŋ Ohɨrand ya injambɨr ahe kahɨnd hamb mbɨ mbanave mpamar. Ndɨh wan amar. Nzɨ kaŋ ihɨnd wɨram ya hɨrandand hamb mboz injore ondari amar. Mbɨ mboz we nandɨv empasam osarɨndari amar.
3 A voice of one crying aloud—In the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord, straight, be making his paths.
Mbɨ isupɨr wɨram mah haŋ itɨkɨrɨm aware kandari amar. Anɨŋnsar Ohɨrandɨv empasam osarɨvar arar kandari amar. Ndɨndɨv empasam impumpɨr ohɨra akŋ han omanenta sɨvar arar kandari amar.
4 John the Immerser came, in the wilderness, proclaiming an immersion of repentance for remission of sins;
Mach, Jonɨmb isupɨr wɨram mah handɨh ahevakarɨmar. Ahevakare osa anchɨ han ya mbanave sɨkah omar. Amɨ mpɨ itɨmaimŋgɨn nzɨ andɨŋ yambɨŋ ŋazɨkŋirɨŋgwɨŋgw ŋambiahaŋ, Yakŋ Ohɨrav amandɨŋ enta kɨvah han usɨndari amar.
5 and there were going out unto him all the Judaea country and all they of Jerusalem, and were being immersed by him in the Jordan river, openly confessing their sins;
Mach, wɨram akŋ anchɨ akŋ isupɨr Judiand aiampɨra Jerusalemɨnd hamb Jonɨnd pɨŋ ai, mbɨndɨŋ enta kɨvah sɨmŋganj han injambɨr ahah kamŋgɨmar. Kamŋgɨz mach raz, Jonɨmb ndɨŋ yamb Jordan handɨh ŋazɨkŋirɨŋgwɨŋgw ŋambiahah omar.
6 and John was clothed with camel’s-hair and a leathern girdle about his loins, and was eating locusts and wild honey;
Jonɨmb yupɨr hɨrahɨr osapɨr kamelɨnd ndɨ han hɨranj. Mbɨ orɨham uŋkɨruŋgɨr han mɨra ohɨrand upɨrɨŋ uŋkɨranj. Unsa mbɨkɨr han etameram akaraŋk antand, mbɨ han nanj.
7 and he proclaimed, saying—He that is mightier than I cometh after [me], of whom I am not worthy to stoop and unloose the strap of his sandals:
Mach, mbɨ ya eŋgwe kamar. Wɨram emŋga hamb ihɨnd mapɨŋ aindari amar. Ndɨn wɨram ohɨra aŋkarɨpɨrnsɨnd, mbɨ yan epari amar. Yan wɨram imbɨm amar. Nzɨ andamesa mpɨrorɨzɨŋgwi nzɨhanave mɨrupɨr mbɨkɨr han inɨmbɨmɨñ amar.
8 I, have immersed you, with water, —He, will immerse you, with the Holy Spirit.
Nzɨ andɨŋ yamb imbɨmun ŋazɨkŋirɨŋgwɨŋgw ŋambiahajin amar. Mbɨp Kɨpɨr Imbɨr Yakŋ Ohɨrand han kaz ŋkai andɨŋ ŋgwevondari amar.
9 And it came to pass, in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was immersed into the Jordan by John;
Mach, haŋonaŋg Jisasɨv aiampɨra mbɨkɨr Nasaret, isupɨr Galilind haŋ erere avɨhomar. Avɨhoz Jonɨmb ndɨn yamb Jordanɨŋ ŋazɨkŋirɨŋgwi ŋambiahamar.
10 And, straightway, as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens rending asunder, and, the Spirit, as a dove, descending unto him;
Ŋambiahazand sɨhawarohe waz rakav kɨrɨm ŋenduwamar. Ŋenduwazand Kɨpɨr Imbɨr Yakŋ Ohɨrand hamb apa ikŋɨŋgwɨm emamp ipɨndahe ndɨnɨŋ ŋkaimar.
11 and a voice [came] out of the heavens—Thou, art my Son, the Beloved, —In thee, I delight.
Az Yakŋ Ohɨrav mbɨkɨr Aiampɨra Ohɨra Ñaŋ handɨh ñi kamar. Nan ihɨnd Nor amar. Nzɨ nandɨvon rin amar. Ihɨnd mpɨ hamb nandɨv imbɨrpamun ñi amar.
12 And, straightway, the Spirit urgeth him forth into the wilderness;
Mach, haŋonaŋg Kɨpɨr Imbɨr Yakŋ Ohɨrand hamb Jisasɨh ke mpimbi ŋavɨzuz isupɨr wɨram mah handɨh omar.
13 and he was in the wilderness, forty days, tempted by Satan, and was with the wild beasts, —and, the messengers, were ministering unto him.
We yuŋk undɨmajɨvam ohɨra ñɨz ñɨzand Satanɨmb ndɨnɨh mbɨŋgɨr eŋgwanj. Mbɨŋgɨr eŋgwazand, Jisasɨv mɨroyam antandmen ñɨzand, Yakŋ Ohɨrand mapɨŋ akŋ hamb ndɨn pɨrasɨmŋganj.
14 And after John was delivered up, Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming the glad-message of God,
Mach, Herotɨv Jonɨh oram kɨvahɨŋ ŋgame inchakarɨz ñɨzand, Jisasɨv erai isupɨr Galilind handɨh ahevakarɨmar. Ahevakare Yakŋ Ohɨrand ya imbɨr han hɨro hɨrai eŋgwanj.
15 [and saying]—The season is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God hath drawn near, —Repent ye, and have faith in the glad-message.
Ave mbɨ mbanave kanj. Yuŋk Yakŋ Ohɨrav ŋgamɨmar hamb ndɨh ahevakari aranj. Yuŋk Yakŋ Ohɨrav osa anchɨ hanaveaŋg ŋɨmbɨz mbɨkɨr kwɨŋ ñɨndɨramŋgi kehamb ikwɨm ndɨh ivivmbɨri aranj. Amɨ Yakŋ Ohɨrand ya imbɨr mban njɨhame mpɨ itɨmai njɨhi aŋkarɨpɨr ŋe njɨhambar aranj.
16 And, passing by near the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon, and Andrew the brother of Simon, casting a net in the sea, —for they were fishers;
Mach ave, Jisasɨv yamb ohɨra ondɨhondɨh Galilind ampaŋam omar. We nde waz Saimonɨmb ranɨr Andrumen mbɨndɨŋ añaŋan han avɨzɨŋgwɨŋgw ñɨmŋgɨmar. Mbɨndɨŋ ntɨŋ han oma ŋaŋɨndɨvam.
17 and Jesus said unto them—Come after me, and I will make you become fishers of men;
Az Jisasɨv ndɨŋ kamar. Amɨ ai yan mpehɨraivar amar. Aimŋgɨn nzɨ andɨŋ wɨram hanave ŋɨmbɨmb han mbɨramɨŋ amar.
18 and, straightway, leaving the nets, they followed him.
Avɨz mach, pams haŋon ŋondɨrahe mbɨndɨŋ añaŋan akŋ han erere ndɨn kɨrɨm mpehɨromŋgɨmar.
19 And, going forward a little, he saw James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, and them who were in the boat putting in order the nets;
Mach, mbɨ sɨwaŋkw sɨwaŋkw re waz Sebedind nor kɨra undɨmaj hamb Jemsɨnd Jonɨnd utɨŋg unchaŋ ñɨhɨri mbɨndɨŋ añaŋan akŋ han omanenta sɨz ñɨmŋgɨmar.
20 and, straightway, he called them, —and, leaving their father Zebedee in the boat, with the hired men, they came away after him.
Ñɨmŋgɨzand Jisasɨv ndɨŋ oreŋgɨmar. Oreŋgɨz, mbɨ ŋondɨrahe wanɨr mbɨndɨŋ Sebedih erere etomŋgɨmar. Sebediv mbɨkɨr wɨram kɨra ntɨŋɨndɨmen utɨŋg unchaŋ ñɨmŋgɨzand, undɨmaj hamb ŋondɨrahe Jisasɨh kɨrɨm mpehɨromŋgɨmar.
21 And they journey into Capernaum. And, straightway, on the Sabbath, entering into the synagogue, he began teaching;
Mach, Jisasɨv sezɨrmen aiampɨra Kaperneam handɨh omŋgɨmar. Omŋgɨz wer Yakŋ Ohɨrand Yuŋk Wɨr Ñɨñɨnd hamb ahevakarɨz, Jisasɨv Yakŋ Ohɨrand marɨvai oramɨŋ ahevohe ya sɨkanj.
22 and they were being struck with astonishment at his teaching, —for he was teaching them as one having authority, and, not as the Scribes.
Wɨram kɨra ya Mosesɨnd injambɨr ahe sɨkahɨnd kehamb, mbɨ njɨhi wɨram emŋgand ŋe osa anchɨ han sɨkamŋganj. Jisasɨp, mbɨ nend. Mbɨ mbɨkɨrun njɨhiŋam ŋe wɨram ensansɨnd emamp sɨkanj. Handɨv wɨram akŋ anchɨ akŋ hamb Jisasɨnd ya han njɨhamam ntamŋganj.
23 And, straightway, there was in their synagogue, a man in an impure spirit, —and he cried out aloud,
Mach, yuŋk emŋga haŋ Jisasɨv ya sɨkazand wɨram itɨ kɨvahɨnsɨnd hamb mbɨndɨŋ Yakŋ Ohɨrand marɨvai oramɨŋ ñɨmar. Avɨz itɨ kɨvah mbanamb aware kamar.
24 saying—What have we in common with thee, Jesus of Nazareth? Hast thou come to destroy us? I know thee, who thou art, The Holy One of God.
Jisas, nan wɨram Nasaretɨnd amar. Amɨ arɨŋ utɨ sɨŋɨn are ain amar. Ave arɨŋ mɨŋam kiaŋgworaŋgwi kɨvah sɨŋɨn are ain oh a amar. Nzɨ nan ndɨh wajin amar. Nan wɨram Yakŋ Ohɨrav kaz aimandɨn hamb amar.
25 And Jesus rebuked him, [saying]—Be silenced, and come forth out of him!
Hanave kaz, Jisasɨv itɨ kɨvah mban ya aŋkarɨpɨr ke kamar. Amɨ ya erere wɨram mban etov amar.
26 And the impure spirit, tearing him, and calling out with a loud voice, came forth out of him;
Mach, Jisasɨv hanave kaz, itɨ kɨvah mbanamb raz wɨram mbanamb nte kɨrɨm ntahorɨmar. Ntahorɨzand itɨ kɨvah hamb itɨkɨrɨmun aware kɨrɨm enduwaŋgɨŋgamar.
27 and they were amazed, one and all, so that they began to discuss among themselves, saying—What is this? New teaching! With authority, to the impure spirits also, he giveth orders, and they obey him!
Mach az, wɨram akŋ anchɨ akŋ hamb wamŋgɨz, ndɨŋ zɨŋɨmb pɨrorɨŋgaz mbon ya mbon ya ke kamŋgɨmar. Mban utɨman ya arɨmŋgɨmar. Wɨram mbanamb ya icha toh ki arɨmŋgɨmar. Ave mbɨ ya han wɨram ensansɨnd emamp kazand itɨ kɨvah hamb mbɨkɨr ya njɨhamŋgɨj arɨmŋgɨmar.
28 And forth went the report of him, straightway, on every hand, into the surrounding country of Galilee.
Avɨz pams haŋon, wɨram akŋ anchɨ akŋ isupɨr Galilind hamb Jisasɨndɨv ya kɨrɨm hɨro hɨrai kamŋgɨmar.
29 And, straightway, out of the synagogue, going forth, he went unto the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John.
Mach ave, Jisasɨv Jemsmen Jonmen Yakŋ Ohɨrand marɨvai oramɨŋ ñɨhɨri ahevetai Saimonɨnd Andrund oramɨŋ omŋgɨmar.
30 Now, the mother-in-law of Simon, was lying in a fever, and, straightway, they speak to him concerning her;
Saimonɨnd mɨŋɨr anchɨndɨrɨh mbɨkɨr yupɨr hamb pɨr ohɨra ñɨzand, antɨm mbɨkɨr handɨh ŋgañɨmar. Az Jisasɨh mahoror mbɨkɨr handɨv kamŋgɨmar.
31 and, coming near, he raised her up, grasping her hand, —and the fever left her, and she began ministering unto them.
Kamŋgɨz we omanampɨra mbɨkɨr han ŋe ndɨn ŋambiahamar. Ndɨn ŋambiahaz mach, yupɨr mbɨkɨr hamb kɨrɨm imi ŋamar. Az ndɨŋ hɨrawi unsa eŋkwanamar.
32 And, evening arriving, when the sun went in, they were bearing unto him all who were sick, and them who were demonized;
Mach, rapɨrɨv ŋkwuhi zuh razand, mbɨ osa anchɨ hamb wɨram mahororɨnsɨnd han, itɨ kɨvahɨnsɨnd hanez mɨŋam ŋɨmbi Jisasɨnd pɨŋ hɨraimŋgɨmar.
33 and all the city was gathered unto the door;
Osa anchɨ aiampɨraŋ ñɨmŋgɨmar kehamb mɨŋam ai oram impikŋ handɨh aŋkwezawi ñɨmŋgɨmar.
34 and he cured many that were sick with divers diseases, and, many demons, he cast out, and suffered not the demons to be talking, —because they knew him [to be Christ].
Avɨz Jisasɨv wɨram akŋ anchɨ akŋ mahoror endɨraparamnsɨnd han omanenta si, mach itɨ kɨvahɨnsɨnd kehan itɨ kɨvah han mɨŋam kiaŋgworaŋgwɨmar. Itɨ kɨvah hamb Jisasɨh ndɨh wamŋganj. Ave ndɨn injambɨr ahamŋgɨmɨnj are ndɨŋ erokare kamar. Amɨ yaya kamŋgɨmɨn amar.
35 And, very early by night arising, he went out [and departed] into a desert place, and, there, was praying;
Mach, Jisasɨv mband zuhun ŋaiahe ahevai isupɨr wɨram mah handɨh we Yakŋ Ohɨra ahaz oror ñɨmar.
36 and Simon, and they who were with him, went in quest of him,
We ñɨzand Saimonɨmb wɨram emŋgemŋgamen Jisasɨh kɨrahɨr omŋgɨmar.
37 and found him, and say unto him—All, are seeking thee;
We ndɨn we kamŋgɨmar. Wɨram akŋ anchɨ akŋ hamb nan kɨramŋgɨmbɨri arɨmŋgɨmar.
38 and he saith unto them—Let us be going elsewhere, into the neighbouring country-towns, in order that, there also, I may be making proclamation, —for, to this end, came I forth;
Az Jisasɨv ndɨŋ kamar. Aimŋgɨn aiampɨra emŋgemŋga ikwɨm ikwɨm ñɨmŋgi mbanaŋ om amar. Nzɨ wɨram akŋ anchɨ akŋ ya eŋgwaŋɨn are ondarin amar. Nzɨ ntɨŋ handɨvon aindaiyin amar.
39 and he came, making proclamation, into their synagogues, throughout the whole of Galilee, —and, was casting the demons out.
Mach ave, mbɨ aiampɨra emŋgemŋga Galilind handɨh we ñi mbɨndɨŋ Yakŋ Ohɨrand marɨvai oram unchaŋ ya eŋgweŋgw ndanj. Ave osa anchɨ itɨ kɨvahɨnsɨnd kehan itɨ kɨvah han kiaŋgworaŋgw ndanj.
40 And there cometh unto him, a leper, beseeching him and [kneeling], —saying unto him—If thou be willing, thou canst cleanse me;
Mach ave, wɨram usɨ aŋkarɨpɨr yupɨr okaŋgaŋgɨnsɨnd hamb Jisasɨnd pɨŋ ai andamesa mpɨrorɨzɨŋgwi ŋgwañ ekeh akŋɨn ŋaŋ kamar. Amɨ yan akŋɨn ñɨŋan han, kan ihɨnd usɨ kɨvah aŋkarɨpɨr hamb kwevɨrɨz amar.
41 and, moved with compassion, he stretched forth the hand, and touched him, and saith unto him—I am willing, Be cleansed!
Hanave kaz, Jisasɨv ndɨn akŋɨn ñi omanaka ndɨn insɨŋ ŋgame kamar. Nzɨ nan akŋɨn ñi nan ndɨh omanenta sin amar.
42 and, straightway, the leprosy departed from him, and he was cleansed;
Mach, Jisasɨv hanave kaz, yupɨr mbɨkɨr hamb pams haŋon omanenta ñɨz, wɨram mbanamb kɨrɨm imbɨr ramar.
43 and, strictly charging him, straightway, he urged him forth;
Avɨz Jisasɨv wɨram mban kamar. Amɨ ov amar. We yupɨr amakɨr han wɨram hanɨhan Yakŋ Ohɨrandɨv ahaz ore ŋgamamɨnd pɨŋ hɨrohe mbɨramɨn waz amar. Mosesɨv kamar amar. Wɨram usɨ aŋkarɨpɨr yupɨr okaŋgaŋgɨnsɨnd hamb, yupɨr mbɨkɨr hamb omanenta ñɨŋɨnj han, mbɨ mɨrunsa ŋe Yakŋ Ohɨrandɨv ahaz ore ŋgamɨz arar kamar amar. Amɨ we hanavɨv amar. Amɨ hanavɨn, wɨram kɨra hanɨhan Yakŋ Ohɨrandɨv ahaz ore ŋgamamɨnd hamb we kandɨramŋgi amar. Yupɨr amakɨr hamb ndɨh omanenta ñi arar kandɨramŋgi amar. Mach, Jisasɨv hanave ke wɨram mban aŋkarɨpɨr erokare kamar. Ndɨh wan amar. Amɨ wɨram emŋga kamɨn amar.
44 and saith unto him—Mind! unto no one, say aught, —but withdraw, thyself, show unto the priest, and offer for thy cleansing what things Moses enjoined, for a witness unto them.
45 But, he, going forth, began to be proclaiming many things, and blazing abroad the story, so that, no longer, was it possible for him, openly, into a city, to enter, —but, outside, in desert places, [was he], and they were coming unto him from every quarter.
Az nend. Wɨram mbanamb ya Jisasɨv utuhutuh sɨmar han hɨro hɨrai kɨrɨm kamar. Handɨv Jisasɨv wɨram akŋɨnd ampɨn insɨŋ nzɨhanave aiampɨraŋ ŋgwevomɨr. Nend, mbɨ isupɨr wɨram mah haŋ ñɨzand wɨram akŋ anchɨ akŋ aiampɨra emŋgemŋgand kehamb ndɨn pɨŋ aimŋgɨmar.

< Mark 1 >