< Mark 16 >

1 And, the Sabbath having passed, Mary the Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, bought spices, that, coming, they might anoint him.
Sa uwui kapata wa aki, madakin nan maremu a ino yakubu wan salomi, wa kpi ti runga ti unya urunta barki waka wuna ikizi Yesu ayimo icau me
2 And, very early, on the first of the week, they are coming towards the tomb—when, the sun, arose.
wa hiri inisisizo uwui uladi uwui utu ba wa ha ahira sa avati Yeso ni uganiya usuro uwui.
3 And they were saying one to another—Who, shall roll away for us the stone, out of the door of the tomb?
Wa gamari acece awa me aveni madi hingirkon duru nipo sa atara icau me?
4 And, looking up, they observe that the stone hath been rolled up, —for it was exceeding great.
sa wa gunkuno, wairi uye mamu hin-girko nipo me barki mazi nidandan.
5 And, entering into the tomb, they saw a young man, sitting on the right, clothed with a white robe, —and they were greatly alarmed.
Wa ribe ayimo icau me wa iri uye ma turi ayimo me in te runga ti rum, maciki tari tina re, wa kuna biyau iriba iweme,
6 But, he, saith unto them—Be not alarmed! Jesus, ye are seeking, the Nazarene, the crucified: He hath arisen! he is not here, —See! the place where they laid him!
ma gun we,”kati ikunna iyau ba,”ya ira Yesu una unazaret, de sa a vati me abame. ma hiri, ma zoni abama. irani ahira me sa a nati
7 But go your way, tell his disciples, and Peter—He is going before you into Galilee: there, shall ye yourselves see him, —according as he said unto you.
. dusani, ika bukani anu tarsa umeme nan bitrus ma ra ajeshime uhana ugalili. abi ne ani idi iri meni kasi sa ma buki shi,”
8 And, going out, they fled from the tomb, for, trembling and transport, were holding them; and, unto no one, said they, anything, for they were afraid.
Wa suri unu sum, wa bilozo nan uganara utize. vat uwe wa myinca in bi yau.
9 (note: The most reliable and earliest manuscripts do not include Mark 16:9-20.) And, arising early, on the first of the week, he was manifested, first, unto Mary the Magdalene, from whom he had cast, seven demons.
(note: The most reliable and earliest manuscripts do not include Mark 16:9-20.) Nisisizo uwui utuba ayinmo tiye sunare, natubi aye ahira
10 She, going her way, bare tidings unto them who had come to be with him, as they were mourning and weeping.
maremu madakin, de sa ma sussume agwergenen usunare. marenu ma ha maka buka adesa mazina na we a hira aso atiyon.
11 And, they, hearing that he was living, and had been looked upon by her, disbelieved.
sa wa kunna agi ma hira maremu ma ira me, da wa hem ba.
12 But, after these things, unto two from among them, as they were walking, was he manifested, in a different form, as they were going unto a country place;
Ma e makem ana wa re ayimo aweme sa wa hazi suro a yimo ani pin me.
13 and, they, departing, bare tidings unto the rest, —but, even them, they believed not.
Wa ha waka buka nihenu, ni henu cangi da wa hem ba.
14 But, afterwards, unto the eleven themselves, as they reclined, was he manifested, and he upbraided their disbelief and hardness of heart, —because, them who had looked upon him when arisen [from among the dead] they believed not;
A dodonkino Yeso ma kem anj kirau unu inde, wa kete acece, ma bezi we bezi we uzatu uya iriba i weme nan ni mumme saikartiziwe uhem in me. barki sa da wa him nan adesa wa irame, sa mahiri ahira iwono imeme.
15 and he said unto them—Go ye into all the world, and proclaim the glad-message, to the whole creation:
ma gun we,” lana ni ayimo une i boo ni henu vat.
16 He that hath believed, and been immersed, shall be saved; but, he that hath disbelieved, shall be condemned:
de sa mahem azoro me madi venke, de sa magame madi ribe ijassi.
17 Signs, moreover, shall follow, them who have believed, —these: —In my name, shall they cast, demons, out, with tongues, shall they speak, —[and, in their hands, ] they shall take up, serpents;
An desa wa hem tidi zi nigome. ayimo ni za num wadi suzzo agwerge. wadi boo ni lem ni soo.
18 And, if, any deadly thing, they have drunk, in nowise, shall it, hurt, them: Upon sick persons, shall they lay, hands, and, well, shall they remain.
wadi mesi iwa in tari, in wa sa iri mum iti kono i da huna we ba, wadi tarsa ana ti koni tari barki wa humza
19 The Lord [Jesus], therefore, on the one hand, after talking with them, was taken up into heaven, and sat down on the right hand of God:
Sa ma mari tize wan we adusa aziki me u hana aseseri maka cukuno atari tine reta asere.
20 They, on the other hand, going forth, proclaimed on every side, the Lord, co-working, and confirming, the word, through, the closely following signs. OTHERWISE. All the things given in charge unto the companions of Peter, they concisely reported. But, after these things, Jesus also, himself, from east even unto west, sent forth, through them, the sacred and incorruptible proclamation of the age-abiding salvation.
anu tarsa umeme wa dingi ubo abanga me vataba, ogomo asere ma tarsin in we unu wuza i mumu obasa utize.

< Mark 16 >