< Malachi 2 >
1 Now, therefore, for you, is this charge, O ye priests: —
»In sedaj, oh vi duhovniki, ta zapoved je za vas.
2 If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory to my Name, saith Yahweh of hosts, then will I send among you the curse, and will curse your blessings, —and indeed I have cursed them, because ye are not at all laying it to heart.
Če ne boste poslušali in če si tega ne boste položili k srcu, da izročite slavo mojemu imenu, « govori Gospod nad bojevniki, »bom nad vas poslal celo prekletstvo in bom preklel vaše blagoslove. Da, že sem jih preklel, ker si tega niste vzeli k srcu.
3 Behold me! threatening, on your account, the seed, and I will scatter refuse upon your faces, the refuse of your festivals, —and one shall carry you away unto it;
Glejte, pokvaril bom vaše seme in razmazal gnoj na vaše obraze, celó gnoj vaših slovesnih praznikov in nekdo vas bo odvedel z njim.
4 So shall ye know that I sent unto you this charge, —as being my covenant with Levi, saith Yahweh of hosts.
In vedeli boste, da sem to zapoved poslal k vam, da bi bila moja zaveza lahko z Levijem, « govori Gospod nad bojevniki.
5 My covenant, was with him, Life and Well-being, so I gave them to him—[I] as One to be revered— and he did revere me, — and, before my Name, dismayed, was he.
»Moja zaveza z njim je bila o življenju in miru in dal sem mu jih za strah, s katerim se me je bal in je bil prestrašen pred mojim imenom.
6 The deliverance of truth, was in his mouth, and, perverseness, was not found in his lips, — In well-doing and in uprightness, walked he with me, and, multitudes, did he turn from iniquity.
Postava resnice je bila v njegovih ustih in krivičnosti ni bilo najti na njegovih ustnicah. Z menoj je hodil v miru in nepristranskosti in mnoge je odvrnil proč od krivičnosti.
7 For, the lips of a priest, should keep knowledge, and, a deliverance, should men seek at his mouth, — for, the messenger of Yahweh of hosts, he is.
Kajti duhovnikove ustnice naj bi ohranile spoznanje in pri njegovih ustih naj bi iskali postavo, kajti on je poslanec od Gospoda nad bojevniki.
8 But, ye, have departed out of the way, ye have caused multitudes to stumble at the deliverance, — ye have violated the covenant of Levi, saith Yahweh of hosts.
Toda odšli ste iz poti, mnogim ste povzročili, da se spotaknejo ob postavi, pokvarili ste Lévijevo zavezo, « govori Gospod nad bojevniki.
9 Therefore, I also, will suffer you to be despised and of no account unto all the people, —in proportion as none of you have been keeping my ways, but have had respect to persons, in giving your deliverance.
»Zato sem vas tudi naredil zaničevanja vredne in vas ponižal pred vsem ljudstvom, glede na to, da se niste držali mojih poti, temveč ste bili delni v postavi.«
10 Is there not, one Father, to us all? Did not, one GOD, create us? Wherefore should we deal treacherously one with another, profaning the covenant of our fathers?
Mar nimamo vsi istega očeta? Mar nas ni ustvaril en Bog? Zakaj zahrbtno postopamo vsak človek zoper svojega brata z oskrunitvijo zaveze naših očetov?
11 Judah, hath dealt treacherously, and, an abomination, hath been wrought in Israel, and in Jerusalem, — for Judah, had profaned, the holy place of Yahweh, which he had loved, and hath taken to himself the daughter of a foreign GOD.
Juda je postopal zahrbtno in ogabnost je zagrešena v Izraelu in v Jeruzalemu, kajti Juda je oskrunil svetost Gospoda, ki ga je ljubil in poročil hčer tujega boga.
12 May Yahweh, cut off, from the man that doeth it—him that crieth out and him that answereth, out of the tents of Jacob, — him also that bringeth near a present to Yahweh of hosts.
Gospod bo iztrebil človeka, ki to počne, gospodarja in učenca, iz Jakobovih šotorov in tistega, ki daruje daritev Gospodu nad bojevniki.
13 And, this, a second time, will ye do, covering with tears, the altar of Yahweh, weeping and making outcry, —because he will not again turn unto the gift, and receive [it] with acceptance, at your hands?
In to ste ponovno storili, pokrivajoč Gospodov oltar s solzami, z jokanjem in z vzklikanjem, do take mere, da se ni več oziral na daritev ali to z dobro voljo sprejemal iz vaše roke.
14 Yet ye say, For what cause? Because, Yahweh, hath been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth, with whom, thou, hast dealt treacherously, though, she, was thy consort, and thy covenant wife.
Vendar pravite: ›Zakaj?‹ Ker je bil Gospod priča med teboj in ženo tvoje mladosti, proti kateri si zahrbtno ravnal, čeprav je ona tvoja družabnica in žena tvoje zaveze.
15 Now was it not, One, [who] made [you] who had, the residue of the spirit? What, then, of that One? He was seeking a godly seed. Therefore should ye take heed to your spirit, and, with the wife of thy youth, do not thou deal treacherously.
Mar ni on naredil eno? Vendar je imel preostanek duha. In zakaj eno? Da bi lahko iskal bogaboječe seme. Zato pazite na svojega duha in naj nihče ne postopa zahrbtno zoper ženo svoje mladosti.
16 For he hateth divorce, saith Yahweh, God of Israel, him also who covereth with violence his own clothing, saith Yahweh of hosts, —therefore should ye take heed to your spirit, and not deal treacherously.
Kajti Gospod, Izraelov Bog, pravi, da sovraži ločitev, kajti nekdo zakriva nasilje s svojo obleko, ‹ govori Gospod nad bojevniki. ›Zato pazite na svojega duha, da ne ravnate zahrbtno.
17 Ye have wearied Yahweh with your words, and yet ye say, Wherein have we been wearisome? When ye have said, Everyone who doeth wrong, is right in the eyes of Yahweh, and, in them, he hath taken delight, or, Where is the God of justice?
S svojimi besedami ste izmučili Gospoda. Vendar pravite: ›V čem smo ga izmučili?‹ Ko pravite: ›Vsak, kdor počenja zlo, je dober v Gospodovih očeh in on se razveseljuje v njih‹ ali: ›Kje je Bog sodbe?‹«