< Luke 24 >

1 but, on the first day of the week, at early dawn, unto the tomb, came they, bringing the spices which they had prepared.
atha saptāhaprathamadinē'tipratyūṣē tā yōṣitaḥ sampāditaṁ sugandhidravyaṁ gr̥hītvā tadanyābhiḥ kiyatībhiḥ strībhiḥ saha śmaśānaṁ yayuḥ|
2 And they found the stone, rolled away from the tomb;
kintu śmaśānadvārāt pāṣāṇamapasāritaṁ dr̥ṣṭvā
3 but, when they entered, they found not the body of the Lord Jesus.
tāḥ praviśya prabhō rdēhamaprāpya
4 And it came to pass, while they were perplexing themselves concerning this, that lo! two men, stood near them, in dazzling raiment.
vyākulā bhavanti ētarhi tējōmayavastrānvitau dvau puruṣau tāsāṁ samīpē samupasthitau
5 And, they becoming afraid, and bending their faces unto the ground, they said unto them—Why seek ye the Living One with the dead?
tasmāttāḥ śaṅkāyuktā bhūmāvadhōmukhyasyasthuḥ| tadā tau tā ūcatu rmr̥tānāṁ madhyē jīvantaṁ kutō mr̥gayatha?
6 He is not here, but hath arisen: Remember how he spake unto you while yet he was in Galilee:
sōtra nāsti sa udasthāt|
7 Saying, as to the Son of Man, that he must needs be delivered up into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, —and, on the third day, arise.
pāpināṁ karēṣu samarpitēna kruśē hatēna ca manuṣyaputrēṇa tr̥tīyadivasē śmaśānādutthātavyam iti kathāṁ sa galīli tiṣṭhan yuṣmabhyaṁ kathitavān tāṁ smarata|
8 And they remembered his sayings;
tadā tasya sā kathā tāsāṁ manaḥsu jātā|
9 and, returning [from the tomb], reported all these things unto the eleven, and unto all the rest.
anantaraṁ śmaśānād gatvā tā ēkādaśaśiṣyādibhyaḥ sarvvēbhyastāṁ vārttāṁ kathayāmāsuḥ|
10 Now they were the Magdalene Mary, and Joana, and Mary the mother of James; and, the other women with them, were telling, unto the apostles, these things.
magdalīnīmariyam, yōhanā, yākūbō mātā mariyam tadanyāḥ saṅginyō yōṣitaśca prēritēbhya ētāḥ sarvvā vārttāḥ kathayāmāsuḥ
11 And these sayings appeared before them, as if idle talk, and they were minded to disbelieve them.
kintu tāsāṁ kathām anarthakākhyānamātraṁ buddhvā kōpi na pratyait|
12 But, Peter, arising, ran unto the tomb, —and, bending near, beholdeth the linen bandages, alone; and departed, unto himself, marvelling at the thing that had happened.
tadā pitara utthāya śmaśānāntikaṁ dadhāva, tatra ca prahvō bhūtvā pārśvaikasthāpitaṁ kēvalaṁ vastraṁ dadarśa; tasmādāścaryyaṁ manyamānō yadaghaṭata tanmanasi vicārayan pratasthē|
13 And lo! two from among them, on the selfsame day, were journeying unto a village, distant sixty furlongs from Jerusalem, the name of which, was Emmaus;
tasminnēva dinē dvau śiyyau yirūśālamaścatuṣkrōśāntaritam immāyugrāmaṁ gacchantau
14 and, they, were conversing one with another, about all these things which had occurred.
tāsāṁ ghaṭanānāṁ kathāmakathayatāṁ
15 And it came to pass, as they were conversing and reasoning together, that, Jesus himself, drawing near, was journeying with them;
tayōrālāpavicārayōḥ kālē yīśurāgatya tābhyāṁ saha jagāma
16 but, their eyes, were held, so as not to know him.
kintu yathā tau taṁ na paricinutastadarthaṁ tayō rdr̥ṣṭiḥ saṁruddhā|
17 And he said unto them—What are these things which ye are debating one with another, as ye walk along? And they came to a stand, sad in countenance.
sa tau pr̥ṣṭavān yuvāṁ viṣaṇṇau kiṁ vicārayantau gacchathaḥ?
18 But one, by name Cleopas, answering, said unto him—Art, thou, lodging, alone, in Jerusalem, and knowest not the things which have come to pass therein in these days?
tatastayōḥ kliyapānāmā pratyuvāca yirūśālamapurē'dhunā yānyaghaṭanta tvaṁ kēvalavidēśī kiṁ tadvr̥ttāntaṁ na jānāsi?
19 And he said unto them—What things? And, they, said unto him—The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who became a prophet, mighty in work and word, before God and all the people:
sa papraccha kā ghaṭanāḥ? tadā tau vaktumārēbhātē yīśunāmā yō nāsaratīyō bhaviṣyadvādī īśvarasya mānuṣāṇāñca sākṣāt vākyē karmmaṇi ca śaktimānāsīt
20 In what way also our High-priests and Rulers delivered him up unto a sentence of death, and crucified him.
tam asmākaṁ pradhānayājakā vicārakāśca kēnāpi prakārēṇa kruśē viddhvā tasya prāṇānanāśayan tadīyā ghaṭanāḥ;
21 We, however, were hoping that, he, was the one destined to redeem Israel! But indeed, even with all these things, this brings on, the third, day, since these things happened: —
kintu ya isrāyēlīyalōkān uddhārayiṣyati sa ēvāyam ityāśāsmābhiḥ kr̥tā|tadyathā tathāstu tasyā ghaṭanāyā adya dinatrayaṁ gataṁ|
22 Nay! certain women also, from amongst us, have made us beside ourselves, in that they went early unto the tomb;
adhikantvasmākaṁ saṅginīnāṁ kiyatstrīṇāṁ mukhēbhyō'sambhavavākyamidaṁ śrutaṁ;
23 and, not finding his body, came, saying—that, a vision of messengers, they had seen, who were affirming him to be alive.
tāḥ pratyūṣē śmaśānaṁ gatvā tatra tasya dēham aprāpya vyāghuṭyētvā prōktavatyaḥ svargīsadūtau dr̥ṣṭāvasmābhistau cāvādiṣṭāṁ sa jīvitavān|
24 And certain of them who were with us departed unto the tomb, —and found so, according as, the women, had said; but, him, they saw not.
tatōsmākaṁ kaiścit śmaśānamagamyata tē'pi strīṇāṁ vākyānurūpaṁ dr̥ṣṭavantaḥ kintu taṁ nāpaśyan|
25 And, he, said unto them—O thoughtless ones! and slow in heart to rest your faith upon all things which the prophets have spoken: —
tadā sa tāvuvāca, hē abōdhau hē bhaviṣyadvādibhiruktavākyaṁ pratyētuṁ vilambamānau;
26 Was it not needful for the Christ, these very things, to suffer, and to enter into his glory?
ētatsarvvaduḥkhaṁ bhuktvā svabhūtiprāptiḥ kiṁ khrīṣṭasya na nyāyyā?
27 And, beginning from Moses, and from all the prophets, he thoroughly explained to them, in all the Scriptures, the things concerning himself.
tataḥ sa mūsāgranthamārabhya sarvvabhaviṣyadvādināṁ sarvvaśāstrē svasmin likhitākhyānābhiprāyaṁ bōdhayāmāsa|
28 And they drew near unto the village, whither they were journeying; and, he, made for journeying, further.
atha gamyagrāmābhyarṇaṁ prāpya tēnāgrē gamanalakṣaṇē darśitē
29 And they constrained him, saying—Abide with us; because it is, towards evening, and the day hath already declined. And he went in to abide with them.
tau sādhayitvāvadatāṁ sahāvābhyāṁ tiṣṭha dinē gatē sati rātrirabhūt; tataḥ sa tābhyāṁ sārddhaṁ sthātuṁ gr̥haṁ yayau|
30 And it came to pass, when he reclined with them, taking the loaf, he blessed, and, breaking it, went on to give unto them.
paścādbhōjanōpavēśakālē sa pūpaṁ gr̥hītvā īśvaraguṇān jagāda tañca bhaṁktvā tābhyāṁ dadau|
31 And, their, eyes were opened, and they knew him; and, he, vanished from them.
tadā tayō rdr̥ṣṭau prasannāyāṁ taṁ pratyabhijñatuḥ kintu sa tayōḥ sākṣādantardadhē|
32 And they said one to another—Was not, our heart, burning, as he was speaking to us in the way, as he was opening to us the Scriptures?
tatastau mithōbhidhātum ārabdhavantau gamanakālē yadā kathāmakathayat śāstrārthañcabōdhayat tadāvayō rbuddhiḥ kiṁ na prājvalat?
33 And, arising in that very hour, they returned unto Jerusalem, —and found, gathered together, the eleven, and them who were with them,
tau tatkṣaṇādutthāya yirūśālamapuraṁ pratyāyayatuḥ, tatsthānē śiṣyāṇām ēkādaśānāṁ saṅgināñca darśanaṁ jātaṁ|
34 saying—In truth, the Lord hath arisen, and hath appeared unto Simon!
tē prōcuḥ prabhurudatiṣṭhad iti satyaṁ śimōnē darśanamadācca|
35 And, they, went on to relate the things, [that had passed] on the journey, and how he was made known unto them in the breaking of the loaf.
tataḥ pathaḥ sarvvaghaṭanāyāḥ pūpabhañjanēna tatparicayasya ca sarvvavr̥ttāntaṁ tau vaktumārēbhātē|
36 Now, as, these very things, they were telling, he himself, stood in their midst and saith unto them—Peace to you!
itthaṁ tē parasparaṁ vadanti tatkālē yīśuḥ svayaṁ tēṣāṁ madhya prōtthaya yuṣmākaṁ kalyāṇaṁ bhūyād ityuvāca,
37 But, being agitated and becoming, afraid, they began to imagine, that, upon a spirit, they were looking.
kintu bhūtaṁ paśyāma ityanumāya tē samudvivijirē trēṣuśca|
38 And he said unto them—Why are ye troubled? and for what cause do reasonings arise in your hearts?
sa uvāca, kutō duḥkhitā bhavatha? yuṣmākaṁ manaḥsu sandēha udēti ca kutaḥ?
39 See my hands, and my feet, —that it is, I, myself: Handle me, and see! because, a spirit, hath not, flesh and bones, as ye perceive, I, have.
ēṣōhaṁ, mama karau paśyata varaṁ spr̥ṣṭvā paśyata, mama yādr̥śāni paśyatha tādr̥śāni bhūtasya māṁsāsthīni na santi|
40 And, this saying, he pointed out to them his hands and his feet.
ityuktvā sa hastapādān darśayāmāsa|
41 Now, while yet they believed not for the joy, and were marvelling, he said unto them—Have ye anything to eat, here?
tē'sambhavaṁ jñātvā sānandā na pratyayan| tataḥ sa tān papraccha, atra yuṣmākaṁ samīpē khādyaṁ kiñcidasti?
42 And they gave unto him a piece of boiled fish;
tatastē kiyaddagdhamatsyaṁ madhu ca daduḥ
43 and, taking it before them, he did eat.
sa tadādāya tēṣāṁ sākṣād bubhujē
44 And he said unto them—These, are my words, which I spake unto you yet being with you: That all the things that are written in the law of Moses and the Prophets and Psalms, concerning me, must needs be fulfilled.
kathayāmāsa ca mūsāvyavasthāyāṁ bhaviṣyadvādināṁ granthēṣu gītapustakē ca mayi yāni sarvvāṇi vacanāni likhitāni tadanurūpāṇi ghaṭiṣyantē yuṣmābhiḥ sārddhaṁ sthitvāhaṁ yadētadvākyam avadaṁ tadidānīṁ pratyakṣamabhūt|
45 Then, opened he their mind, to understand the Scriptures;
atha tēbhyaḥ śāstrabōdhādhikāraṁ datvāvadat,
46 and said unto them—Thus, it is written, That the Christ, should suffer, and arise from among the dead on the third day;
khrīṣṭēnētthaṁ mr̥tiyātanā bhōktavyā tr̥tīyadinē ca śmaśānādutthātavyañcēti lipirasti;
47 And that repentance for remission of sins should be proclaimed upon his name unto all the nations, —beginning from Jerusalem.
tannāmnā yirūśālamamārabhya sarvvadēśē manaḥparāvarttanasya pāpamōcanasya ca susaṁvādaḥ pracārayitavyaḥ,
48 Ye, are witnesses of these things.
ēṣu sarvvēṣu yūyaṁ sākṣiṇaḥ|
49 And lo! I, am sending forth the promise of my Father upon you; but tarry, ye, in the city, until ye be clothed, from on high, with power.
aparañca paśyata pitrā yat pratijñātaṁ tat prēṣayiṣyāmi, ataēva yāvatkālaṁ yūyaṁ svargīyāṁ śaktiṁ na prāpsyatha tāvatkālaṁ yirūśālamnagarē tiṣṭhata|
50 And he led them forth as far as unto Bethany; and, uplifting his hands, he blessed them.
atha sa tān baithanīyāparyyantaṁ nītvā hastāvuttōlya āśiṣa vaktumārēbhē
51 And it came to pass, while he was blessing them, he parted from them and was born up into heaven.
āśiṣaṁ vadannēva ca tēbhyaḥ pr̥thag bhūtvā svargāya nītō'bhavat|
52 And, they, having bowed down unto him returned unto Jerusalem, with great joy;
tadā tē taṁ bhajamānā mahānandēna yirūśālamaṁ pratyājagmuḥ|
53 and were continually in the temple, blessing God.
tatō nirantaraṁ mandirē tiṣṭhanta īśvarasya praśaṁsāṁ dhanyavādañca karttam ārēbhirē| iti||

< Luke 24 >