< Luke 21 >
1 And, looking up, he saw the, rich, who were casting their gifts into the treasury, —
Jesuh naw mang hü lü, bawimangki he naw, Temple khawh petnak üng ami khawh pe u se a jah hmuh.
2 and he saw a certain poor widow, casting in thither two mites;
Acunüng, m'yenksekia hmeinu mat pi, tangka ca nghngih pe law hnga se hmu lü,
3 and he said—Of a truth, I say unto you—This destitute widow, more than they all, hath cast in;
“Akcanga ka ning jah mthehki, hin hea kthaka pi, acuna m'yenkse hmeinu naw a pet däm bawk ve;
4 For, all these, out of their superfluity, have cast in among the gifts, but, she, out of her deficiency, all the living that she had, hath cast in.
“Hin he naw ami taka kpawih pe lawki he; cunsepi, hina hmeinu naw a xünnak vaia a tak naküt pe ve,” a ti.
5 And, certain saying, of the temple—With beautiful stones and offerings, hath it been adorned! he said—
Acunüng, axüisaw he avang naw, Temple lunga kyäpa mawng, a dawa mawng la Pamhnam ami petmsawta mawng pyen u se,
6 As to these things, which ye are looking upon, There will come days, in which there will not be left here, stone upon stone, which will not be taken down.
Jesuh naw, “Hin atuh nami jah hmuh, hin üng lung matca pi am ve se, avan a kpyehnaka kcün pha law khai,” a ti.
7 And they questioned him, saying—Teacher! when, therefore, will these things be? And, what the sign, when these things shall be about to come to pass?
Amimi naw, “Saja aw, acun cun itia kya law khai? Acun a pha law hlü üng msingnak i ve law khai?” tia, ami kthäh.
8 And, he, said—Be taking heed ye be not deceived; for, many, will come upon my name, saying—I, am he, —and—The season, hath drawn near! Do not go after them.
Jesuh naw, “Ä ami ning jah hleihlaknak vaia a na cäiei ua. Khyang khawjah naw, ‘Kei Khritaw ni,’ ‘Akcün pha law hlü ve,’ ti u lü, keia ngming pyen u lü, ngdang law khai he; acun he ä nami jah läk vai.
9 But, whensoever ye shall hear of wars and revolutions, be not terrified, —for these things, must needs, come to pass first, but, not immediately, is the end.
Acunüng, ngtungahnak la nghnengnaka ngthu nami ngjak üng, ä nami kyüh vai. Acun he akcüka ve law khai he, cunsepi acuna phäha adütnak ng'et lawkia am kya pha naw.
10 Then, said he unto them—There will rise up, nation against nation, and kingdom against kingdom;
“Pung la pung ngtu law khai he, khawe la khawe ngtu law khai he;
11 As well great earthquakes, as also, in places, pestilences and famines, will there be, as well objects of terror, as also, from heaven, great signs, will there be.
“Mkhyü aknuia ngsün law khai, pung avana khawjaw law khai, mnehmnang da law khai, khankhawa am hmuh khawia msingnak he aktäkpaia ngdang law khai he.
12 And before, all these things, they will thrust upon you their hands, and persecute you, delivering you up into the synagogues and prisons, —when ye have been led away before kings and governors, for the sake of my name;
“Acun he avan am a pha law hlan üng, ka ngminga phäha, ning jah man u lü, ning jah mkhuimkha u lü, Sinakok la thawngima ning jah cehpüi khai he. Sangpuxang he la khawbawi hea veia ning jah cehpüi khai he.
13 But it shall turn out to you for a witness.
“Cunsepi, acun cun thangkdaw nami pyenak vaia kcün kdawa kya khai.
14 Settle, then, in your hearts, not to be studying beforehand, how to make defense;
“Akcün am a pha law hlan üng ikba nami pyen be vaia ä cäi ua.
15 For, I, will give you a mouth and wisdom, which one-and-all who are setting themselves against, you shall be unable to withstand or gainsay.
“Nami ye he naw, am ami ning jah nängnak vaia, khyaihnaka ngthu la ksingnak kei naw ka ning jah pe khai.
16 But ye will be delivered up, even by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolk, and friends, and they will put to death some from among you;
“Nami nu la nami pa he, nami hnunpüi he, nami püi he naw pi ning jah ceng u lü ning jah man law sak khai he; avang ning jah hnim khai he.
17 And ye will be hated by all, because of my name:
“Keia ngminga phäha khyang avan naw ning jah hneng law khai he.
18 And, a hair of your head, in nowise shall perish, —
“Cunsepi, nami lusam matca pi am khyük khai ni.
19 By your endurance, shall ye gain your lives for a possession.
“Nami khängceknak am nami ngküikyanei kyu khai.
20 But whensoever ye shall see Jerusalem, encompassed by armies, then, know, that her desolation hath drawn near.
“Acunüng, yekap he naw Jerusalem nglung law na u se nami hmuh üng, Jerusalem pyeh law hlüki ti nami ksing vai.
21 Then they who are in Judaea, let them flee into the mountains, and they who are in her midst, let them go forth, —and they who are in the fields, let them not enter into her;
“Judah khawa awmki he mcung hea dawng u se; mlüh k’uma awmki he kpunga dawng u se; mlüh kpunga awmki he mlüh k’uma ä lut be u se.
22 For, days of avenging, are, these, for all the things written to be fulfilled.
“Acuna mhmüp cun, cangcim üng ng’yuki akümnak vaia, Mkhuimkhanaka Mhmüpa kya khai.
23 Alas! for the women with child, and for them who are giving suck, in those days; for there will be great distress upon the land, and anger against this people.
“Acuna mhmüp üng m'yaieiki he la naca kpawmeiki he ta ami jo se ve; hina mdeka khana khuikhanak cang pha law khai, hina khyang hea khana Mhnama mkhuimkhanak pha law khaia kyaki.
24 And they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be carried away captive into all the nations, and, Jerusalem, shall be trodden down by the nations, until the seasons of the nations shall be fulfilled [and shall be].
“Avang he Mthikcim am jah hnim khai he, avang he pung kcea jah cehpüi u lü thawngim üng jah khyum khai he; khyangmjükce hea mhmüp am a küm hlana küt üng, Jerusalem cun khyangmjükce hea khaw keha ve khai.
25 And there will he signs in sun, and moon, and stars, and, on the earth, anguish of nations in embarrassment—sea and surge resounding, —
“Nghngi, khya la aisi hea khana msingnak he ngdang law khai he; mliktui nghmüm law lü phu law se khawmdek khan avan üng khyang he kyükyawk u lü cäicah law khai he.
26 Men fainting, from fear and expectation of the things overtaking the inhabited earth. For, the powers of the heavens, will be shaken.
“Khan ngsün law khaia kyase, khawmdek khana pha law khaia khuikhanak vai ngaihkyunak la kyühkyawk lawa phäha pi khyang he käikang law khai he.
27 And, then, will they see the Son of Man—coming in a cloud, with great power and glory.
“Acunüng, khyanga Capa cun johit la hlüngtainak am khawngmei üng kyum law lü ngdang law khai.
28 And, when these things are beginning to come to pass, unbend and lift up your heads, because that, your redemption, is drawing near.
“Acun hea tünei law üng, ngdüi u lü han teng u, nami hama küikyannak ng'et law ve,” a ti.
29 And he spake a parable unto them: See the fig-tree, and all the trees, —
Acunüng, Jesuh naw ami veia msuimcäpnak pyen be lü, “Fik thing la thing avan jah ngai u;
30 Whensoever they have already budded, seeing it, of yourselves, ye observe that, already near, is, the summer:
“Hlip law se nami hmuh la khawkhye ng’et lawki ti nami ksingki.
31 Thus, ye also, whensoever ye shall see, these, things coming to pass, observe ye, that, near, is the kingdom of God!
“Acukba bäa nangmi pi acun he awm law u se, nami jah hmu üng, Pamhnama khaw pha law hlüki ni ti ksing ua.
32 Verily, I say unto you—In nowise shall this generation pass away, until, all things, shall happen:
“Hina khyang he am thi pha u se, acun he avan pha law khai ti ksing u.
33 Heaven and earth, will pass away, but, my word, in nowise will pass away.
“Khankhaw la mce khyük ni se pi ka ngthu am khyük.
34 But be taking heed unto yourselves, lest once your hearts be made heavy—with debauch and drunkenness and anxieties about livelihood, and that day come upon you suddenly,
“Acunakyase, a na cäiei u, am acunüng ta ei ngang, aw ngang u lü khawmdek khawhthema phäha nami mlunga bawngkha k'um üng, acuna mhmüp am nami sima pha law sawxat khai ni.
35 as a snare, —For it will come in by surprise, upon all them that are dwelling on the face of all the earth.
“Acuna mhmüp cun ngvaia kba khawmdek avan üng awmkia khyang hea khana pha law khaia kyaki.
36 But be watching in every season, making supplication, that ye may gain full vigour, to escape all these things that are about to be coming to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.
“Acunakyase, kya law khaia khuikhanak üngka naw phyawng u lü khyanga Capaa ma nami ngdüi hlawt khaia anglät se ktaiyü u lü a na k’äih ua,” a ti.
37 And he was, by day, in the temple, teaching; but, by night, going forth, he was lodging in the mount which is called the Mount of Olives.
Acunüng Jesuh cun amhmüp tä se Temple k'uma jah mthei lü amthan tä se Olip mcung ami tia ktaiyü khaia citki.
38 And, all the people, were coming at day-break unto him, in the temple, to be hearkening unto him.
Angawi tä se a ngthu ngai khai hea khyang avan Temple üng citki he.