< Luke 17 >
1 And he said unto his disciples: —It is, impossible, that occasions of stumbling should not come, notwithstanding, alas! for him through whom they do come:
Yesuusi ba tamaaretakko, “Ase dhubethidi nagaran gelssiyabay yoonna aggenna. Gidoshin, nagaran gelana mela oothiya uraa ayye” yaagis.
2 It profiteth him, if, a mill-stone, is hung about his neck, and he is cast into the sea, than that he cause, one, of these little ones, to stumble.
He uray kaalotappe issuwa balethanaappe woxa ba qoodhen qachchidi abban wulliko iyaw lo77o.
3 Be taking heed to yourselves, —If thy brother sin, rebuke him, and, if he repent, forgive him;
Hessa gisho naagettite. “Ne ishay nagara oothiko hanqetta; qiirottidi maarotethan simmiko, iyaw atto yaaga.
4 Even if, seven times a day, he sin against thee, and, seven times, turn to thee, saying, I repent, thou shalt forgive him.
Issi gallasan laappun toho qohidi, laappun toho, ‘Taani ta balaa eras tana maara’ yaagidi neekko yiikko iyaw atto ga.”
5 And the apostles said unto the Lord—Bestow on us faith!
Hawaareti Godaakko, “Ammano nuus gujjarkkii” yaagidosona.
6 And the Lord said—If ye have faith like a grain of mustard-seed, ye should be saying unto [this] mulberry-tree—Be uprooted! and be planted in the sea, —and it should obey you.
Goday, “Gaashe ayfe mela ammanoy hinttew de7ikko ‘Hayssa wolaa shodettada abbaa giddon toketta’ yaagikko hinttew kiitettana” yaagis.
7 But, who from among you, having, a servant, plowing or keeping sheep, when he hath come in out of the field, will say to him—Straightway, come, and recline; —
Gujjidikka Yesuusi, “Hintte giddofe issuwas goshshanchchoy woykko dorsse heemmiya aylley de7ikko ooso gadeppe woykko wudeppe soo simmiya wode, ‘Elle haayada kathi maanaw utta’ yaagey de7ii?
8 on the contrary, will not say to him—Make somewhat ready, that I may dine, —and, girding thyself, be ministering unto me, until I have eaten and drunk; and, after these things, thou, shalt eat and drink?
Deenna, ‘Taw kaho giigisa; taani mada, uyada aggana gakkanaw eqqada muza. Hessafe guye, neeni qassi maasanne uyaasa’ yaagenneyye?
9 Doth he offer thanks unto the servant, because he hath done the things enjoined?
Hiza, goday, aylley kiitaa polida gisho anjjiyye?
10 Thus, ye also, when ye have done all the things enjoined upon you, say—Unprofitable servants, are we, —What we were bound to do, we have done!
Hessa gisho, hintteka kiitettoyssa ubbaa polida wode, ‘Nu pathonna aylleta; oothanaw bessiya oosuwa polida’ yaagite” yaagis.
11 And it came to pass, during the journey unto Jerusalem, that, he, was going through the midst of Samaria and Galilee.
Yesuusi Yerusalaame bishe Samaarisinne Galiila biittaas giddora kanthidi aadhdhis.
12 And, as he was entering into a certain village, there met him ten leprous men, who stood still, afar off;
Issi gutaa geliya wode baro harggen oykettida tammu asati iya demmidosona. Enttika haahon eqqidi,
13 and, they, lifted up a voice, saying—Jesus! Master! have mercy on us!
“Godaa Yesuusa, nuus qadhettarkii” yaagidi waassidosona.
14 And, beholding, he said unto them—Go your way, and show yourselves unto the priests. And it came to pass, as they withdrew, they were cleansed.
I entta be7ida wode, “Bidi hinttenatethaa Ayhude kahine bessite” yaagis. Entti ogiya bolla bishe paxidosona.
15 But, one from among them, beholding that he was healed, returned, with a loud voice, glorifying God, —
Enttafe issoy ba paxuwa be7ida wode dhoqqu gida qaalan Xoossaa bonchchishe Yesuusakko simmis.
16 and fell prostrate at his feet, giving him thanks; and, he, was a Samaritan.
I Samaare biitta asi, shin Yesuusa tohuwa bolla gufannidi iya galatis.
17 And Jesus, answering, said—Were not, the ten, cleansed? [but, ] where, are, the nine?
Yesuusi, “Paxiday tammu asata gidokkonaayye? Yaatin, uddufunati aw bidonaa?
18 Have none been found returning to give glory to God, save this one of another race?
Ha allaga uraappe attin hari simmidi Xoossaa galatey deenna guusseyye?” yaagidi oychchis.
19 And he said unto him—Arise and go thy way: thy faith, hath saved thee.
Uraakko, “Ne ammanoy nena pathis denddada ba” yaagis.
20 And, being questioned by the Pharisees, When cometh the kingdom of God? he answered them and said—The kingdom of God cometh not with narrow watching;
Farisaaweti, “Xoossaa kawotethay awude yaanee?” gidi Yesuusa oychchidosona. I, “Xoossaa kawotethay benttiya mallan yeenna.
21 Neither shall they say—Lo, here! or, There. For lo! the kingdom of God, is, among you.
Qassika iyo, ‘Hannina woykko hinina yaaganaw dandda7enna. Ays giikko, Xoossaa kawotethay hintte giddon de7ees’” yaagidi zaaris.
22 But he said unto the disciples—There will come days—when ye will long to see, one of the days of the Son of Man, and shall not see.
Yesuusi ba tamaaretakko, “Asa Na7aa gallasatappe issuwa be7anaw hintte amottiya wodey yaana, shin hintte be7ekketa.
23 And they will say unto you, Lo there! or, Lo here! Do not [depart, and do not] pursue.
Asay, ‘I yan de7ees’ woykko, ‘Hayssan de7ees’ yaagana, shin enttana kaallidi booppite.
24 For, just as, the lightning, flashing out of the one part under heaven, unto the other part under heaven, shineth, so, shall be, the Son of Man.
Wol77anthi wol77ammidi saluwa gaxappe gaxa poo7isiya mela Asa Na7aa yuussaa gallasay hessada hanana.
25 But, first, he must needs suffer, many things, and be rejected by this generation.
Shin hessi hananaappe sinthe Asa Na7ay daro waayanawunne ha yeletethan ixettanaw bessees.
26 And, as it came to pass in the days of Noah, so, will it be, even in the days of the Son of Man:
Nohe wode hanidayssa mela Asa Na7aa wodiyankka hessada hanana.
27 They were eating, they were drinking, they were marrying, they were being given in marriage, —until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.
Nohey Markkabiyan gelida qammaa gakkanaw asay mishenne uyishe, ekkishenne gelishe de7ishin bashsha haathay yidi ubbaa dhayssis.
28 In like manner, as it came to pass in the days of Lot, They were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building, —
Looxe laythankka hessatho hanis. Asay mishenne uyishe, shammishenne bayzishe, tokkishenne keexishe, gam77idosona.
29 But, on the day Lot came out from Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all: —
Looxey Soodomeppe keyida gallas diinne geetettiya xuuggiyabay saloppe bukkidi ubbaa dhayssis.
30 According to the same things, will it be on the day the Son of Man is revealed.
Asa Na7ay qoncciya wodekka hessada hanana.
31 In that day, he that shall be on the housetop, and his utensils in the house, let him not go down, to take them away! And, he that is in the field, in like manner, let him not turn unto the things behind,
“He gallasan oonikka karen de7ey keethaa giddon de7iyabaa ekkanaw soo geloppo. Hessadakka, gaden de7iya asi aykkoskka soo simmofo.
32 Bear in mind the wife of Lot! Whosoever shall seek to make his life his own, shall lose it,
Looxe machchiw akeekite;
33 But, whosoever shall lose it, shall give it a living birth.
ba shemppiw ashshanaw koyaa asi oonikka dhayssana; ba shemppiw aathi immiya oonikka I ashshana.
34 I say unto you—On the selfsame night, there shall be two men on [one] bed, —the one, shall be taken near, and, the other, left behind;
Ta hinttew odays; he gallasan nam77u asati issi arssan zin77ana. Issoy ekettana, hankkoy attana.
35 There shall be two women grinding together, —the one, shall be taken near, and, the other, left behind.
Nam77u maccasati wolla gaaccishin issiya ekettana, hankkiya attana.
Nam77u asati wolla gaden goyeyssatappe issoy ekettana, hankkoy attana” yaagis.
37 And, answering, they say unto him—Where, Lord? And, he, said unto them—Where the body is, there, the vultures also, will be gathered together.
Entti, “Godaw aw ekettanee?” yaagidi oychchidosona. I, “Hayqqidabay de7iya bessan ankoti shiiqoosona” yaagis.