< Leviticus 9 >

1 And it came to pass on the eighth day, that Moses called for Aaron, and for his sons, —and for the elders of Israel;
A hnin taroe hnin dawk Mosi ni Aron hoi a capanaw, Isarel miphun, kacuenaw a kaw teh,
2 and said unto Aaron—Take for thyself a choice calf, as a sin-bearer, and a ram for an ascending-sacrifice, each without defect, —and bring them near before Yahweh;
Aron koe, nang ni yon thueng nahanelah, kacueme maito kum kanaw e buet touh, hmaisawi thueng nahanelah, kacueme tutan buet touh, na thokhai vaiteh, Cathut hmalah thuengnae sak loe.
3 and unto the sons of Israel, shalt thou speak, saying, —Take ye a he-goat, as a sin-bearer, and a calf and a young sheep, each a year old, without defect for an ascending-sacrifice;
Isarel miphunnaw koehai thoseh, nangmouh ni yon thueng nahanlah, hmae kum kanaw e buet touh, hmaisawi thueng nahanlah, âvâ ka cawt hoeh rae maitoca buet touh,
4 and an ox and a ram for peace-offerings, to sacrifice before Yahweh, and a meal-offering overflowed with oil, —for, to-day, doth, Yahweh, appear unto you.
Tuca buet touh, BAWIPA koe roum thueng nahanlah, maitotan buet touh, tutan buet touh, satui hoi kalawt e vaiyei thuengnae hah thokhai loe. Sahnin nangmouh koe BAWIPA a kamnue han telah dei pouh loe atipouh.
5 So they brought that which Moses commanded before the tent of meeting, —and all the assembly drew near, and stood before Yahweh.
Mosi ni kâ a poe e patetlah kamkhuengnae lukkareiim hmalah a thokhai hnukkhu, tamimaya naw ni a hnai teh, BAWIPA hmalah a kangdue awh.
6 And Moses said—This, is the thing which Yahweh hath commanded that ye shall do, —that the glory of Yahweh may appear unto you.
Mosi ni hai nangmouh ni BAWIPA ni kâ na poe e patetlah hottelah na sak awh teh, BAWIPA e bawilennae teh nangmouh koe a kamnue han telah atipouh.
7 and Moses said unto Aaron—Draw near unto the altar, and offer thy sin-bearer and thine ascending-sacrifice, and put a propitiatory-covering about thyself and about the people, —and offer the oblation of the people and put a propitiatory-covering about them, As Yahweh hath commanded.
Mosi ni Aron koe, khoungroe koe, cet nateh, Cathut ni kâ na poe e patetlah nama e thuengnae, hmaisawi thuengnae sak nateh, nama hoi na taminaw hanelah, yonthanae sak awh. Taminaw ni a thokhai e sathei thuengnae a thueng teh taminaw hanlah yonthanae sak awh, telah atipouh.
8 So Aaron drew near unto the altar, —and slew the sin-bearing calf which was for himself;
Aron ni hai khoungroe koe a cei teh, ama hanlah yon thuengnae maitoca a thei.
9 and the sons of Aaron brought the blood unto him, and he dipped his finger in the blood, and put [thereof] upon the horns of the altar, —and the [remainder of the] blood, poured he out at the base of the altar;
A capanaw ni a thi a sin awh teh, Aron ni a kutdawn thi dawk a ranup teh, khoungroe kinaw dawk a hlun hnukkhu, kacawie a thi hah khoungroe kung koe a rabawk.
10 and with the fat and the kidneys and the caul a from the liver, of the sin-bearer, made he a perfume at the altar, —As Yahweh commanded Moses.
Yon thuengnae sathei thaw, akuen, athin van e maimara hah khoungroe van hmai a sawi. Hottelah, Cathut ni Mosi koe kâ a poe.
11 But, the flesh and the skin, consumed he with fire, outside the camp.
A moi hoi a vuen teh alawilah hmai a sawi.
12 Then slew he the ascending-sacrifice, —and the sons of Aaron presented unto him the blood, and he dashed it against the altar round about.
Hmaisawi thuengnae sathei hai a thei teh a capanaw ni Aron koe thi a poe teh ahni ni khoungroe petkâtue lah a kahei.
13 And the ascending-sacrifice, presented they unto him piece by piece thereof also the head, —and he made a perfume upon the altar:
Ahnimanaw ni hmaisawi thuengnae sathei moi, takpatinaw hoi a lû hah a poe teh Aron ni khoungroe van hmai a sawi.
14 and he bathed the inwards and the legs, —and made a perfume upon the ascending-sacrifice at the altar.
A vonthung e naw hoi a khoknaw hah a pâsu teh, khoungroe van kaawm e sathei hoi cungtalah hmai sawi.
15 Then brought he near the oblation of the people, —and took the sin-bearing goat which pertained to the people, and slew it and made therewith a sin-bearer, like the first.
Taminaw ni thueng nahanelah a thokhai teh, taminaw e yon thuengnae lah kaawm e hmae a thei hnukkhu, ahmaloe e patetlah yon thuengnae a sak.
16 Then brought he near the ascending-sacrifice, —and offered it, according to the regulation,
Hmaisawi thuengnae sathei hai a thokhai awh teh, hot patetlah a sak.
17 Then brought he near the meal-offering, and filled his hand therefrom, and made a perfume upon the altar, —in addition to the ascending-sacrifice of the morning.
Tavai thuengnae hai a sin teh, vai touh kasum a la teh, khoungroe dawk amom lah hmaisawi thuengnae khoungroe dawk hmai a sawi.
18 Then slew he the ox, and the ram, as a peace-offering, which pertained unto the people, —and the sons of Aaron presented the blood unto him, and he dashed it against the altar, round about;
Taminaw hanelah roum thuengnae maitotan, tutan hai a thei awh teh, a capanaw ni thi a sin hnukkhu, khoungroe van petkâtue lah thi a kahei awh.
19 and the portions of fat from the ox, —and from the ram, the fat-tail, and the covering, and the kidneys, and the caul of the liver;
A mai hoi a ruen ka ramuk e ahrei, a kuen, a thin van e a maimaranaw, tu hoi maito e athaw hah,
20 and they put the portions of fat upon the breasts, —and he made a perfume with the fat at the altar;
A takuep van a toung vaiteh, khoungroe dawk hmai a sawi.
21 but the breasts and the right shoulder, did Aaron wave as a wave-offering, before Yahweh, —as Moses commanded,
Takuep hoi aranglae aphai hah BAWIPA hmalah a kahek teh kahek thuengnae a sak. Hottelah, sak hanelah Mosi ni kâ a poe.
22 Then Aaron lifted up his hands towards the people, and blessed them, —and he came down from offering the sin-bearer, and the ascending-sacrifice and the peace-offering.
Aron ni amae kut a dâw teh, ayânaw yawhawi a poe teh, yon thuengnae, hmaisawi thuengnae, roum thuengnae a sak hnukkhu, a kumcathuk.
23 And when Moses and Aaron had entered into the tent of meeting, —and had come forth, and blessed the people, then appeared the glory of Yahweh, unto all the people;
Mosi hoi Aron ni kamkhuengnae lukkareiim thung bout a kâen teh a tâco hnukkhu, taminaw yawhawinae a poe teh, BAWIPA e bawilennae teh taminaw koe a kamnue.
24 yea, there came forth fire from before Yahweh, and consumed upon the altar, the ascending-sacrifice and the portions of fat, —and all the people beheld and shouted, and fell down upon their faces.
Cathut koehoi hmai a tâco teh, khoungroe van kaawm e hmaisawi thuengnae sathei hoi athaw, hmai a kak. Hote taminaw ni a hmu awh navah a hram awh teh a tabo awh.

< Leviticus 9 >