< Leviticus 25 >
1 And Yahweh spake unto Moses in Mount Sinai, saying—
Alò, SENYÈ a te pale a Moïse. Li te di:
2 Speak unto the sons of Israel, and thou shalt say unto them: —When ye enter into the land which, I, am giving you, then shall the land keep a sabbath unto Yahweh.
“Pale a fis Israël yo pou di yo: ‘Lè nou vini nan peyi ke Mwen va bannou an, alò, tè a va gen yon Saba pou SENYÈ a.
3 Six years, shalt thou sow thy field, and, six years, shalt thou prune thy vineyard, —and gather the increase thereof;
Pandan sis ane, nou va plante chan nou yo, e pandan sis ane, nou va netwaye chan rezen an e rasanble pou fè rekòlt li,
4 but, in the seventh year—a sabbath of sacred rest, shall there be unto the land, a sabbath unto Yahweh: thy field, shalt thou not sow, and, thy vineyard, shalt thou not prune;
men pandan setyèm ane a, tè a va gen yon repo Saba, yon Saba pou SENYÈ a. Nou p ap ni plante chan an ni netwaye chan rezen an.
5 that which groweth of itself of thy harvest, shalt thou not reap; and the grapes of thine unpruned vines, shalt thou not cut off: a year of sacred rest, shall there be to the land.
Donn nan chan ki grandi pa aza konsa a, nou pa pou rekòlte li, e rezen nou yo ki parèt sou branch ki pa t taye yo, nou pa pou ranmase yo. Tè a va gen yon ane Saba.
6 So shall the sabbath of the land be unto you for food: unto thee, and unto thy servant and unto thy handmaid, —and unto thy hireling, and unto thy settlers that are sojourning with thee;
Konsa, nou tout va gen pwodwi Saba nan peyi a kòm manje nou; nou menm, esklav yo, ni mal ni femèl, anplwaye nou yo, etranje ki rezidan pami nou yo, sila ki viv tankou moun lòt nasyon pami nou yo.
7 and unto thy tame-beasts, and unto the wild-beasts that are in thy land, shall belong all the increase thereof for food.
Menm bèf nou yo avèk bèt ki nan peyi a va gen tout pwodwi li kòm manje.
8 And thou shalt count to thee seven weeks of years, seven years, seven times, —so shall the days of the seven weeks of years become to thee forty-nine years.
“‘Nou dwe osi kontwole sèt Saba pa lane yo pou nou menm; sèt fwa sèt ane, jiskaske nou kontwole tan ke sèt Saba nan Saba ekoule yo; otreman, karant-nèf ane.
9 Then shalt thou cause a signal-horn to pass through in the seventh month, on the tenth of the month: on the Day of Propitiation, shall ye cause a horn to pass throughout all your land.
Alò, lè lè sa a rive nou va sone kòn belye a toupatou nan dizyèm jou nan setyèm mwa a. Nan jou ekspiyasyon an, nou va sone yon kòn toupatou nan peyi a.
10 So shall ye hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim freedom throughout the land to all the dwellers thereof, —a jubilee, shall it be unto you, and ye shall return, every man unto his possession, and every man unto his family, shall ye return.
Se konsa, nou va konsakre senkantyèm ane a e pwoklame remisyon toupatou nan peyi a, a tout abitan li yo. Li va yon jibile pou nou, e nou chak va retounen nan pwòp teren pa nou ak pwòp fanmi pa nou.
11 A jubilee, shall that fiftieth year be unto you, —ye shall not sow, neither shall ye reap the self-grown corn thereof, nor cut off the grapes of the unpruned vines thereof.
Nou va gen senkantyèm ane a kòm yon ane jibile. Nou pa pou plante, ni rekòlte sa ki grandi konsa nan tè, ni ranmase fwi ki sòti nan branch ki pa t netwaye yo.
12 For, a jubilee, it is, holy, shall it be unto you, —out of the field, shall ye eat her increase.
Paske se yon jibile; li va sen pou nou. Nou va manje pwodwi li ki sòti nan chan an.
13 In this same jubilee year, shall ye return every man unto his possession.
“‘Nan ane jibile sila a, nou chak va retounen nan pwòp tè pa nou.
14 And when ye sell anything to thy neighbour, or buy aught at thy neighbour’s hand, do not overreach one another.
“‘Anplis, si nou fè lavant bay zanmi nou, oswa achte nan men zanmi nou, nou pa pou fè tò a youn lòt.
15 By the number of years after the jubilee, shalt thou buy of thy neighbour, —by the number of the years of increase, shall he sell unto thee;
Konsènan nonb ane apre jibile yo, konsa, nou va achte nan men zanmi nou. Li dwe vann nou selon nonb ane rekòlt yo ki rete.
16 according to the multitude of the years, shalt thou increase the price thereof, and, according to the fewness of the years, shalt thou diminish the price thereof, —because the sum of the increase, it is that he selleth thee.
Nan menm fòs ane ki rete yo, nou va ogmante pri a, e nan menm fòs ane ki manke yo, nou va redwi pri a, paske li se fòs rekòlt ki rete ke l ap vann ou an.
17 So then ye shall not overreach one another; but thou shalt stand in awe of thy God, —for, I—Yahweh, am your God.
Konsa, pinga nou fè tò a youn lòt, men nou va krent Bondye nou an; paske Mwen se SENYÈ a, Bondye nou an.
18 Wherefore ye shall do my statutes, and my regulations, shall ye observe and do them, —so shall ye dwell upon the land with confidence;
“‘Se konsa ke nou va obsève règleman Mwen yo e kenbe jijman Mwen yo, pou akonpli yo, pou nou kapab viv an sekirite sou tè a.
19 and the land shall yield her fruit; and ye shall eat to the full, —and shall dwell with confidence thereupon.
“‘Konsa, tè a va donnen pwodwi li pou nou kapab manje vant plen, e viv an sekirite sou tè a.’”
20 And since ye may say, What shall we eat in the seventh year? Lo! we are not to sow, neither are we to gather our increase!
“Men si nou ta di: ‘Kisa n ap manje nan setyèm ane a si nou pa ni plante ni rekòlte rekòlt nou yo? Gade byen, nou pa p semen, ni rasanble pwodwi nou;’
21 Therefore will I command my blessing upon you, in the sixth year, —and it shall make the increase of three years;
alò, Mwen va tèlman regle benediksyon Mwen yo pou nou nan sizyèm ane a, pou li kab pote yon rekòlt twazan.
22 and ye shall sow, the eighth year, and eat of old store, —until the ninth year until the coming in of the increase thereof, shall ye eat old store.
Lè nou ap plante nan uityèm ane a, nou kapab toujou manje ansyen bagay a rekòlt yo, e nou va kontinye manje vye a jis rive nan nevyèm ane a lè rekòlt pa li kòmanse antre a.
23 The land moreover shall not be sold beyond recovery, for, mine, is the land, —for, sojourners and settlers, ye are with me.
“Tè a, anplis, pa pou vann nèt, paske tè a se pa M; paske nou se sèlman etranje k ap demere avè M.
24 And, in all the land of your possession, a right of redemption, shall ye give to the land.
Konsa, nan chak mòso tè ke nou posede, fòk nou fè pwovizyon pou peye ranson tè a.
25 When thy brother waxeth poor, and so selleth aught of his possession, then may his kinsman that is near unto him come in, and redeem that which was sold by his brother.
“Si yon moun peyi parèy nou an vin tèlman pòv ke li oblije vann yon pati nan tè li a, alò, se fanmi pi pre li a ki dwe peye ranson ke manm fanmi li te vann nan.
26 And, when, any man, hath no kinsman, —but his own hand getteth enough, so that he findeth what is needed to redeem it,
Oswa nan ka a yon moun ki pa gen fanmi, men ki tèlman regle zafè li pou twouve ase mwayen pou peye ranson an,
27 then shall he reckon the years since he sold it, and restore the overplus to the man to whom he sold it, —and shall return to his possession.
alò, li va kalkile ane yo soti lè li te vann nan, e remèt fòs balans sa a moun ke li te vann li an. Konsa li va retounen vin pwòp teren pa l.
28 But, if his hand have not found enough to get it back unto him, then shall that which he sold remain in the hand of him that bought it, until the year of the jubilee, —and shall go out in the jubilee, and he shall return unto his possession.
Men si li poko twouve ase mwayen pou reprann li pou kont li, alò, sa ke li te vann nan, va rete nan men a sila ki achte li a jis rive nan ane jibile a. Men nan jibile a, li va libere, pou li kapab retounen kon pwòp tè pa li.
29 And, when, any man, selleth a dwelling-house in a walled city, then shall his right of redemption remain until the completion of a year after he sold it, —for, [a year of] days, shall his right of redemption remain.
“Menm jan an, si yon mesye vann yon kay nan yon vil ki antoure avèk miray, alò, dwa pou peye ranson pa l la va dire pou tout 1 nan.
30 But, if it be not redeemed before the end of a full year, then shall the house that is in the city that hath walls be confirmed, beyond recovery, to him who bought it, unto his generations, —it shall not go out in the jubilee.
Men si li pa peye ranson li an nan 1 nan ki ekoule a, alò, kay ki nan vil antoure avèk miray la va pase nèt bay sila ki te achte li pou tout jenerasyon li yo. Li p ap remèt nan jibile a.
31 But as for the houses of villages which have no wall round about them, with the fields of land, shall it be reckoned, —a right of redemption, shall belong to it, and, in the jubilee, shall it go out.
Men kay nan vil ki pa antoure avèk miray yo va konsidere kòm chan ouvri; yo gen dwa peye ranson an e yo va remèt nan jibile a.
32 And as for the cities of the Levites, the houses of the cities of their possession, an age-abiding right of redemption, shall pertain unto the Levites.
“Men nan vil ki pou Levit yo, Levit yo gen yon dwa pèmanan pou peye ranson nan vil ki se posesyon pa yo.
33 And, if one of the Levites should not redeem, then shall the sale of the house and the city of his possession go out in the jubilee; for, the houses of the cities of the Levites are their possession, in the midst of the sons of Israel.
Konsa, sa ki pou Levit yo kapab peye ranson e yon vant kay nan vil posesyon sila a va remèt nan jibile a. Paske vil Levit yo se posesyon pa yo pami fis Israël yo.
34 But the field of the pasture-land of their cities, shall not be sold, —for an age-abiding possession, it is unto them.
Men chan pou bèt nan vil pa yo pa pou vann, paske sa se posesyon pa yo pou tout tan.
35 And, when thy brother waxeth poor, and his hand becometh feeble with thee, then shalt thou strengthen him, as a sojourner and a settler, so shall he live with thee.
“Alò, nan ka ke yon moun peyi nou an vin pòv e zafè li vin gate, alò, nou gen pou bay li soutyen. Li va viv tankou etranje, oswa yon moun k ap demere, pou li kapab toujou rete pami nou.
36 Do not accept from him interest or profit, but stand thou in awe of thy God, —so shall thy brother live with thee.
Pa pran enterè ni avantaj sou li, men onore Bondye ou a pou li kapab viv avèk ou.
37 Thy silver, shalt thou not give him on interest, —neither, for profit, shalt thou give him thy food.
Ou pa pou bay li lajan ou avèk enterè, ni manje ou pou fè pwofi.
38 I—Yahweh, am your God, who brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, —to give unto you the land of Canaan, to become your God,
Mwen se SENYÈ a, Bondye nou an ki te fè nou sòti nan peyi Égypte la pou bannou peyi Canaan an pou M kapab Bondye nou.
39 And when thy brother waxeth poor with thee, and so selleth himself unto thee, thou shalt not bind him with the bondage of a bondman:
“Si yon moun peyi parèy nou vin tèlman pòv pami nou menm, e li vin vann tèt li bannou, nou pa pou desann li nan sèvis esklavaj.
40 as a hired servant, as a settler, shall he remain with thee, —until the year of the jubilee, shall he serve with thee:
Li va rete avèk nou kòm yon jounalye, menm kòm yon demere. Li va sèvi avèk nou jis rive nan ane jibile a.
41 then shall he go forth from thee, he and his sons with him, —and shall return unto his family, and unto the possession of his fathers, shall he return.
Konsa li va sòti de nou menm, li menm avèk fis li yo avè l, e li va retounen vè fanmi li, pou li kapab retounen nan teren zansèt li yo.
42 For, my bondmen, they are, whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt, —they shall not sell themselves with the sale of a bondman.
Paske yo se sèvitè Mwen ke Mwen te mennen sòti nan peyi Égypte la. Yo pa pou vann kon vant esklav la.
43 Thou shalt not rule over him with rigour, —so shalt thou stand in awe of thy God.
Nou pa pou domine li avèk severite, men onore Bondye nou an.
44 And as for thy bondman and thy bond-maid which thou shalt have, of the nations that are round about you—from them, may ye buy bondman and bond-maid.
“Selon esklav, mal ak femèl ke petèt nou kapab gen, —-nou kapab jwenn esklav mal ak femèl nan nasyon payen ki antoure nou yo.
45 Moreover also, of the sons of the settlers who are sojourning with you—of them, may ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they have begotten in your land, —so shall they become yours, as a possession;
Alò, osi, se soti nan fis a demere k ap viv pami nou yo, ke nou kapab vin genyen yo, e ladann nan fanmi pa yo ki avèk nou, ke yo va gen tan pwodwi nan peyi nou; yo menm osi kapab devni posesyon pa nou.
46 and ye may take them as an inheritance for your sons after you to inherit as a possession, unto times age-abiding, of them, may ye take to be bondmen, —but, over your brethren the sons of Israel—a man over his brother, ye shall not rule, over him with rigour.
Nou kapab menm sede a fis apre nou yo, pou resevwa yo kòm yon posesyon. Nou kapab sèvi yo kòm esklav pou tout tan. Men pou moun peyi nou an, nou pa pou domine avèk severite youn sou lòt.
47 And, when the hand of the sojourner and settler with thee getteth possessions, and thy brother with him, waxeth poor, —and so he selleth himself to the sojourner [who is] a settler with thee, or to one who hath taken root, of the family of the sojourner,
“Alò, si mwayen a yon etranje, oswa yon demere avèk nou vin rich, e yon moun peyi parèy a nou an vin tèlman pòv ke li vin vann tèt li bay yon etranje ki demere pami nou, oswa desandan a yon fanmi etranje,
48 after that he hath sold himself, a right of redemption, pertaineth to him, —one of his brethren, may redeem him;
alò, li va gen dwa peye ranson nan moman li fenk vann nan. Youn nan frè li yo kapab peye ranson li an,
49 or, his uncle or his uncle’s son, may redeem him, or, a near flesh-relation of his, of his family, may redeem him, or, his own hand may have gotten enough, and, so he may redeem himself.
oswa tonton li, oswa fis tonton li, kapab peye ranson li an, oswa si li vin pwospere, li kapab peye ranson an pou pwòp tèt li.
50 Then shall he reckon with him that bought him, from the year that he was sold to him, unto the year of the jubilee, —and the silver for which he was sold shall be by the number of years, according to the days of a hired servant, shall he be with him.
Konsa, li menm avèk sila ki te achte li a, va kalkile ansanm soti nan ane ke li te vann tèt li bay li menm nan jis pou rive nan jibile a. Pri lavant li an va koresponn a nonb ane ke li te avèk li yo. Se tankou jou a yon jounalye ke li va avèk li.
51 If there is yet a multitude of years, according to them, shall he return, as his redemption price, of the silver of him that bought him.
Si gen toujou anpil ane, li va remèt yon pati nan pri lavant lan pou kouvri yo pou peye pwòp ranson pa li.
52 Or, if [there is] but a small remainder of years, until the year of the jubilee, then shall he reckon to himself, according to the years thereof, shall he return his price of redemption.
Si se pa anpil ane ki rete pou rive nan ane jibile a, li va kalkile sa avèk li. Selon ane ki rete yo li va remèt menm fòs la pou pri ranson an.
53 As a servant hired year by year, shall he be with him, he shall not rule over him with rigour, before thine eyes.
Menm tankou yon ouvriye ki anplwaye ane pa ane li va konsa avèk li. Li p ap domine sou li avèk severite devan zye nou.
54 But if he be not redeemed in any of these ways, then shall he go out in the jubilee year, he, and his sons with him.
“Menm si li pa peye ranson an pa mwayen sila yo, li va toujou sòti nan ane jibile a, li menm avèk fis li yo avè l.
55 For, unto me, are the sons of Israel, bondmen, my bondmen, they are, whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt. I, Yahweh, am your God.
Paske fis Israël yo se sèvitè Mwen; yo se sèvitè Mwen ke M te mennen fè sòti nan peyi Égypte yo. Mwen se Senyè a, Bondye nou an.