< Leviticus 19 >

1 And Yahweh spake unto Moses, saying:
INkosi yasikhuluma kuMozisi isithi:
2 Speak unto all the assembly of the sons of Israel and thou shalt say unto them—Holy, shall ye be, —For holy, am I—Yahweh—your God
Tshono kunhlangano yonke yabantwana bakoIsrayeli uthi kubo: Banini ngcwele, ngoba mina iNkosi uNkulunkulu wenu ngingcwele.
3 Ye shall, every one, revere, his father and his mother, And my sabbaths, shall ye observe, —I—Yahweh, am your God.
Yesabani, ngulowo lalowo, unina loyise. Gcinani-ke amasabatha ami. NgiyiNkosi uNkulunkulu wenu.
4 Do not turn unto things of nought, And, molten gods, shall ye not make to yourselves, —I—Yahweh, am your God.
Lingaphendukeli ezithombeni, lingazenzeli onkulunkulu ababunjwe ngokuncibilikisa. NgiyiNkosi uNkulunkulu wenu.
5 And when ye would offer a peace-offering unto Yahweh, ye shall offer it that ye may be accepted.
Njalo nxa linikela umhlatshelo weminikelo yokuthula eNkosini, liwunikele ukuze lemukeleke.
6 On the day, ye offer it, shall it be eaten, and on the morrow, —but, that which remaineth until the third day, in fire, shall be consumed.
Uzadliwa ngosuku lokunikela kwenu langakusasa; kodwa okuseleyo ngosuku lwesithathu kuzatshiswa ngomlilo.
7 And, if it, be eaten, on the third day, unclean, it is it shall not be accepted,
Uba kudliwa lokudliwa ngosuku lwesithathu, kuzakuba yisinengiso; kakuyikwemukeleka.
8 But he that eateth it, his iniquity, shall bear, because that which had been hallowed unto Yahweh, hath he profaned, —so then that person shall be cut off from among his kinsfolk.
Ngakho okudlayo uzathwala ububi bakhe, ngoba ungcolise okungcwele kweNkosi; lalowomphefumulo uzaqunywa usuke ebantwini bawo.
9 And when ye reap the harvest of your land, thou shalt not wholly clear the border of thy field, in reaping, —nor shalt thou gather up the gleaning of thy harvest.
Lalapho livuna isivuno selizwe lakini, ungavuni ngokupheleleyo umngcele wensimu yakho; futhi ungabuthi okuseleyo kwesivuno sakho.
10 And, thy vineyard, shalt thou not go over again, nor gather, every single grape: for the poor and for the sojourner, shalt thou leave them, I—Yahweh, am your God.
Ungakhothozi isivini sakho; futhi ungabuthi okuwileyo kwesivini sakho; uzakutshiyela abayanga labemzini. NgiyiNkosi uNkulunkulu wenu.
11 Ye shall not steal, —nor deceive nor lie one man to another;
Lingebi, lingaphathi ngenkohliso, lingaqambi manga omunye kumakhelwane wakhe.
12 Nor swear by my name falsely, —And so profane the name of thy God: I, am Yahweh.
Lingafungi ngamanga ngebizo lami, loba ungcolise ibizo likaNkulunkulu wakho. NgiyiNkosi.
13 Thou shalt not oppress thy neighbour nor rob [him], —The wages of him that is hired shall not tarry with thee, until the morning.
Ungacindezeli umakhelwane wakho, ungamphangi. Iholo loqhatshiweyo lingahlali kuwe ubusuku kuze kube sekuseni.
14 Thou shalt not curse the deaf, Nor, before the blind, place a stumbling-block, —So shalt thou stand in awe of thy God I, am Yahweh.
Ungaqalekisi isacuthe, ungafaki isikhubekiso phambi kwesiphofu, kodwa wesabe uNkulunkulu wakho. NgiyiNkosi.
15 Ye shall not act perversely in giving judgment, Thou shalt neither respect the person of the poor, Nor prefer the person of the great, —In righteousness, shalt thou judge thy neighbour.
Ungenzi ukungalungi ekwahluleleni; ungemukeli ubuso bomyanga, ungahloniphi ubuso bomkhulu, yahlulela umakhelwane wakho ngokulunga.
16 Thou shalt not go about talebearing, among thy people Thou shalt not stand by, over the blood of thy neighbour: I, am Yahweh.
Ungahambahambi njengomnyundi phakathi kwabantu bakini; ungamelani legazi lomakhelwane wakho. NgiyiNkosi.
17 Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thy heart, —Thou shalt, faithfully reprove, thy neighbour, and not countenance him in sin:
Ungazondi umfowenu enhliziyweni yakho; umkhuze lokumkhuza umakhelwane wakho, ungathwali isono ngenxa yakhe.
18 Thou shalt not take vengeance neither shalt thou cherish anger against the sons of thy people, So shalt thou love thy neighbour as thyself, —I, am Yahweh.
Ungaphindiseli, ungabi lasikhwili labantwana babantu bakini; kodwa thanda umakhelwane wakho njengalokhu uzithanda wena. NgiyiNkosi.
19 My statutes, shall ye observe, Thy beasts, shalt thou not cause to breed in two kinds, Thy field, shalt thou not sow with two sorts of seed, —And a garment woven of diverse threads, shalt thou not suffer to come upon thee.
Gcinani izimiso zami. Ungavumeli izifuyo zakho zikhwelwe yimihlobo emibili. Ungahlanyeli insimu yakho ngenhlobo ezimbili. Lesigqoko esemihlobo emibili exubeneyo singezi phezu kwakho.
20 And whosoever lieth carnally with a woman, she being a bondmaid, acquired for a husband, and neither, redeemed, nor, freedom, given her, inquisition, shall be made they shall not be put to death, because she was not free;
Lendoda, nxa ilala ngokwenyama lomfazi, eyisigqilikazi esikhombileyo, esingahlengwanga lokuhlengwa, kumbe singanikwanga inkululeko, kuzakuba lesijeziso. Kabayikubulawa, ngoba sasingakhululwanga.
21 but he shall bring in his guilt-bearer unto Yahweh, unto the entrance of the tent of meeting, —even a ram as a guilt-bearer;
Njalo izaletha umnikelo wayo wecala eNkosini, emnyango wethente lenhlangano, inqama ibe ngumnikelo wecala.
22 and the priest shall put a propitiatory-covering over him with the guilt-bearing ram before Yahweh, on account of his sin which he hath committed, —so shall he have forgiveness, from his sin which he hath committed.
Njalo umpristi uzayenzela inhlawulo yokuthula ngenqama yomnikelo wecala phambi kweNkosi ngesono sayo esonileyo, izathethelelwa-ke esonweni sayo esonileyo.
23 And when ye come into the land, and plant any manner of fruit-tree, then shall ye count as uncircumcised the fruit thereof, three years, shall it be to you as if unclean, it shall not be eaten.
Lalapho selifikile elizweni, lihlanyele yonke imihlobo yezihlahla zokudla, lizathatha isithelo sazo njengento engasokwanga; iminyaka emithathu sizakuba singasokwanga kini, singadliwa.
24 But, in the fourth year, all the fruit thereof shall be hallowed for a festival of thanksgiving unto Yahweh.
Kodwa ngomnyaka wesine sonke isithelo sazo sizakuba ngcwele, sibe yindumiso eNkosini.
25 And in the fifth year, shall ye eat the fruit thereof, that it may enrich you with its increase, —I—Yahweh, am your God.
Langomnyaka wesihlanu lingadla isithelo sazo, ukuze zilengezelelele isivuno sazo. NgiyiNkosi uNkulunkulu wenu.
26 Ye shall eat nothing with the blood thereof, —Ye shall not practise divination neither shall ye use magic.
Lingadli lutho olulegazi. Lingenzi imilingo, lingachasisi ngemibono.
27 Ye shall not shave in a circle around your head, —nor shalt thou disfigure the fringe of thy beard.
Lingageli amagumbi ekhanda lenu, ungoni amagumbi endevu zakho.
28 Cuttings for a dead person, shall ye not make in your flesh. And punctures in your persons, shall ye not print, —I, am Yahweh.
Lingazicabi enyameni yenu ngenxa yofileyo, lingafaki phezu kwenu uphawu lokuzisika. NgiyiNkosi.
29 Do not profane thy daughter by causing her to be unchaste, —lest the land fall to unchastity, and so the land be filled with wickedness.
Ungangcolisi indodakazi yakho ngokuyenza ibe liwule, hlezi ilizwe liphinge, lelizwe ligcwale inkohlakalo.
30 My sabbaths, shall ye observe, And my sanctuary, shall ye revere, —I, am Yahweh.
Gcinani amasabatha ami, lihloniphe indlu yami engcwele. NgiyiNkosi.
31 Do not turn unto mediums, Nor, for oracles, make search, To render yourselves unclean with them, I—Yahweh, am your God.
Lingaphendukeli kulabo abalamadlozi lakwabalumbayo; lingabadingi ukuze lingcoliswe yibo. NgiyiNkosi uNkulunkulu wenu.
32 Before a hoary head, shalt thou rise up, And shalt honour the presence of an elder, —So shalt thou stand in awe of thy God—I, am Yahweh.
Sukumela impunga, uhloniphe ubuso bomdala, wesabe uNkulunkulu wakho. NgiyiNkosi.
33 And, when there sojourneth with thee a sojourner in your land, ye shall not oppress him:
Futhi nxa owezizweni ehlala njengowezizwe lawe elizweni lakini, lingamcindezeli.
34 As one home born from among yourselves, shall be unto you the sojourner who sojourneth with you, So shalt thou love him as thyself, For, sojourners, became ye, in the land of Egypt, —I—Yahweh, am your God.
Owezizweni ohlala njengowezizwe lani uzakuba kini njengozalwa elizweni phakathi kwenu, umthande njengalokhu uzithanda wena; ngoba lalingabezizweni elizweni leGibhithe. NgiyiNkosi uNkulunkulu wenu.
35 Ye shall not act perversely in giving judgment, —in measures of extent, in weights in measures of capacity:
Lingenzi ukungalungi ekwahluleleni, ebudeni, esisindweni, lesilinganisweni.
36 Just balances, just weights, a just ephah and a just hin, shall ye have, —I—Yahweh, am your God, who brought you forth out of the land of Egypt.
Banini lezikali zokulinganisa ezilungileyo, izilinganiso ezilungileyo, i-efa elilungileyo, lehini elilungileyo. NgiyiNkosi uNkulunkulu wenu owalikhupha elizweni leGibhithe.
37 Therefore shall ye observe all my statutes and all my regulations and do them, —I, am Yahweh.
Ngakho gcinani zonke izimiso zami lezahlulelo zami zonke, lizenze. NgiyiNkosi.

< Leviticus 19 >