< Lamentations 5 >

1 Remember, O Yahweh, what hath befallen us, Look around, and see our reproach:
Pakai ka chunguva thilsoh ho hi hingeldoh temin, ven ichan geija vetset ka chan’u hitam?
2 Our inheritance, turned over to foreigners, our houses, to aliens.
Ka goulo diu chengse hi namchom miho achang tauvin, Ka in ka lou jouseu la gamchom miho’a ahitai.
3 Orphans, have we become, and fatherless, our mothers, are widows indeed.
Keiho hi nunei lou panei lou kahi tauvin, kanuteu jong meithai ahi gam tauve.
4 Our water—for silver, have we drunk, our wood—for a price, cometh in.
Ka dondiu twi jeng jong kakichoh thu diuvin aumdoh tan, Ti ding thing jeng jong kakichoh thudiu ahitai.
5 Upon our necks, are our pursuers, We labour, and there is allowed us no rest.
Eihin nungdelteuvin eihin phah pai dingu ahitan, Keiho ka haisam tauvin, ahinlah kingahna ding mun ka neipouve.
6 To Egypt, have we stretched out our hand, to Assyria, to be satisfied with bread.
Neh leh chah ning lhinga kanei jouseu, Ka kihinso jou nadiuvin Egypt leh Asssyria khutna ka kipelut tauvin ahi.
7 Our fathers, sinned, and are not, and, we, their iniquities, have borne.
Kapu kapateu ana chonseuvin ahinlah amaho athi gamtauve, Hijeh chun amaho chan ding thoh gimna leh engbolna hi keiho chunga achu tan ahi.
8 Slaves, have ruled over us, There is none to set free from their hand.
Ka sohteu chu tun keiho Pakaiyin apang gamtauvin, ahinlah koima eihuhdoh diu aum pon ahi.
9 At the risk of our life, do we bring in our bread, because of the sword of the desert.
Gamsun’a pum hatin vai ahop jeh'in thiding kicha pum pumin anneh kakiholun ahi.
10 Our skin, as with a furnace, is scorched, because of the hot winds of famine.
Kel khoh jeh'in ka vousou tapkonga changlhah kikang bangin avom gam tai.
11 Women—in Zion, were ravished, virgins, in the cities of Judah!
Kagal miteuvin Jerusalema numei ho Judah khosunga nungah khang dong ho kichep nan anei gamtauve.
12 Princes, by their hand, have been hanged, The faces of elders, not honoured.
Ka lengteu jong akhutpiuvin akhaisangun, Ka lamkaiteu jong noise tahin ei bolpeh tauvin ahi.
13 Young men, a millstone, have lifted, and, youths, under wood, have staggered.
Gollhang ho chu sumhei goi dingin akaimangun, chuleh pasal chapang ho chu tiding thing aputsahnauva a lonlele jeng tauvin ahi.
14 Elders, from the gates, have ceased. Young men, from their music.
Lamkai ho khopi kelkot ngahin apang tapouve. Khangthahten lam leh la sah abol tapouvin ahi.
15 Ceased hath the joy of our hearts, Changed to mourning, our dance.
Kana lam nao chu lung khamna asohdoh tan, Ka lungsunguva kipana abeitai.
16 Fallen is the crown of our head. Surely woe to us, for we have sinned.
Ka luchang uva konin ka lallukhuhu alhamang gam tai. Ka chonset jeh'un ka chung uva sapsetna achu tai.
17 For this cause, faint is our heart, For these things, dimmed are our eyes:
Hijeh hin kalungu alhalhop tan chuleh kamit uvah mitlhi adimtan ahi.
18 Because of Mount Zion, which is desolate, jackals, have gone prowling therein.
Ajehchu Jerusalem hi akeosehin aki jam tan, Sialten lhat nan anei tauve.
19 Thou, O Yahweh, unto times age-abiding, dost remain, Thy throne, from generation to generation:
Ahinlah Pakai nangma abang na hi jing jeng e, nalal touna chu akhang khangin aum jing e.
20 Wherefore shouldst thou perpetually forget us? forsake us, to length of days?
Ipi dinga nei suhmil jing nahlaiyu ham? Ipi dinga donlou dai louva neikoi nahlaiyu ham?
21 Bring us back, O Yahweh, unto thyself, and we will come back! Renew our days, as of old;
O Pakai neikiledohsah kitnun lang nangma komma nei puilut kittauvin! Ka kipanao masa chu neipe kittaovin!
22 For though thou hast not, utterly rejected, us, thou art wroth with us—exceedingly!
Ahilou leh neipui doh mong mong diu hitam? Ole Ka chunguva nalung hangjing nalai ham?

< Lamentations 5 >