< Judges 20 >

1 Then went forth all the sons of Israel, and the assembly came together as one man, from Dan even to Beersheba with the land of Gilead, —unto Yahweh at Mizpah.
Então todos os filhos de Israel sairam, e a congregação se ajuntou, como se fôra um só homem, desde Dan até Berseba como também a terra de Gilead, ao Senhor em Mispah.
2 And the chiefs of all the people—all the tribes of Israel—presented themselves in the convocation of the people of God, —four hundred thousand footmen, that drew the sword.
E dos cantos de todo o povo se apresentaram de todas as tribos de Israel na congregação do povo de Deus quatrocentos mil homens de pé que arrancavam a espada.
3 And the sons of Benjamin heard that the sons of Israel had gone up to Mizpah. Then said the sons of Israel, Tell [us], In what manner was brought to pass this vileness?
(Ouviram pois os filhos de Benjamin que os filhos de Israel haviam subido a Mispah) E disseram os filhos de Israel: falai, como sucedeu esta maldade?
4 And the Levite, husband of the woman that was cut in pieces, responded and said, —Into Gibeah that pertaineth to Benjamin, I entered, I and my concubine, to tarry the night.
Então respondeu o homem levita, marido da mulher que fôra morta, e disse: Cheguei com a minha concubina a Gibeah cidade de Benjamin, para passar a noite;
5 And the owners of Gibeah rose up against me, and beset the house, for my sake, by night, —me, they thought to slay, and, my concubine, they so humbled, that she died.
E os cidadãos de Gibeah se levantaram contra mim, e cercaram a casa de noite: intentaram matar-me, e violaram a minha concubina, de maneira que morreu.
6 So I laid hold on my concubine, and cut her in pieces, and sent her throughout all the country of the inheritance of Israel, —because they had wrought lewdness and impiety, in Israel.
Então peguei na minha concubina, e fi-la em pedaços, e a enviei por toda a terra da herança de Israel: porquanto fizeram tal malefício e loucura em Israel.
7 Lo! ye all, are sons of Israel, —give your word and counsel, here.
Eis que todos sois filhos de Israel: dai aqui a vossa palavra e conselho.
8 Then arose all the people, as one man, saying, —No man of us will go to his tent, and no man of us will turn aside to his house.
Então todo o povo se levantou como um só homem, dizendo: Nenhum de nós irá à sua tenda nem nenhum de nós se retirará à sua casa.
9 Now, therefore, this is the thing, that we will do to Gibeah, —[Go] against it by lot;
Porém isto é o que faremos a Gibeah: procederemos contra ela por sorte.
10 and we will take ten men of a hundred, of all the tribes of Israel, and a hundred of a thousand, and a thousand of ten thousand, to fetch provisions for the people, —that they may do, when they come to Gibeah of Benjamin, according to all the impiety that it hath wrought in Israel.
E tomaremos dez homens de cem de todas as tribos de Israel, e cem de mil, e mil de dez mil, para tomarem mantimento para o povo: para que, vindo eles a Gibeah de Benjamin, lhe façam conforme a toda a loucura que tem feito em Israel.
11 So all the men of Israel were gathered together against the city, as one man knit together.
Assim ajuntaram-se contra esta cidade todos os homens de Israel, aliados como um só homem.
12 And the tribes of Israel sent men throughout all the divisions of Benjamin, saying, —What is this vile thing that hath been brought to pass, among you?
E as tribos de Israel enviaram homens por toda a tribo de Benjamin, dizendo: Que maldade é esta que se fez entre vós?
13 Now, therefore, deliver up the men—the sons of the Abandoned One—who are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death, and vileness be consumed out of Israel. But [the sons of] Benjamin would not hearken unto the voice of their brethren, the sons of Israel.
Dai-nos pois agora aqueles homens, filhos de Belial, que estão em Gibeah, para que os matemos, e tiremos de Israel o mal: porém os filhos de Benjamin não quizeram ouvir a voz de seus irmãos, os filhos de Israel.
14 Then did the sons of Benjamin gather themselves together out of the cities, unto Gibeah, —to go forth to battle against the sons of Israel.
Antes os filhos de Benjamin se ajuntaram das cidades em Gibeah, para sairem a pelejar contra os filhos de Israel.
15 And the sons of Benjamin were numbered on that day, out of the cities, twenty-six thousand men, that drew the sword, —besides, of the inhabitants of Gibeah, were numbered seven hundred chosen men.
E contaram-se naquele dia os filhos de Benjamin, das cidades, vinte e seis mil homens que arrancavam a espada, a fora os moradores de Gibeah, de que se contaram setecentos homens escolhidos.
16 Out of all this people, were seven hundred chosen men, left-handed, —any one of whom could sling with a stone to a hair’s-breadth, and not miss.
Entre todo este povo havia setecentos homens escolhidos, canhotos, os quais todos atiravam com a funda uma pedra a um cabelo, e não erravam.
17 And, the men of Israel, were numbered, apart from Benjamin, four hundred thousand men, that drew the sword, —every one of these being a man of war.
E contaram-se dos homens de Israel, a fora os de Benjamin, quatrocentos mil homens que arrancavam da espada, e todos eles homens de guerra.
18 And they arose, and went up to Bethel, and asked of God, and the sons of Israel said, Who shall go up for us first, to fight against the sons of Benjamin? And Yahweh said—Judah, first.
E levantaram-se os filhos de Israel, e subiram a bethel, e perguntaram a Deus, e disseram: Quem dentre nós subirá o primeiro a pelejar contra Benjamin? E disse o Senhor: Judá subirá primeiro.
19 And the sons of Israel arose in the morning, —and encamped against Gibeah.
Levantaram-se pois os filhos de Israel pela manhã, e acamparam-se contra Gibeah.
20 And the men of Israel went forth, to fight against Benjamin, —so the men of Israel set themselves in array against them, to fight against Gibeah.
E os homens de Israel sairam à peleja contra Benjamin: e ordenaram os homens de Israel contra eles a peleja ao pé de Gibeah.
21 Then came forth the sons of Benjamin out of Gibeah, —and laid low of Israel, on that day, twenty-two thousand men, to the ground.
Então os filhos de Benjamin sairam de Gibeah, e derribaram por terra naquele dia vinte e dois mil homens de Israel.
22 And the people, the men of Israel, encouraged themselves, —and again set themselves in array for battle in the place where they had set themselves in array on the first day.
Porém esforçou-se o povo dos homens de Israel, e tornaram a ordenar a peleja no lugar onde no primeiro dia a tinham ordenado.
23 Now the sons of Israel had gone up, and wept before Yahweh, until the evening, and asked of Yahweh, saying, Shall I again draw near to battle against the sons of Benjamin, my brother? And Yahweh said, Go up against him.
E subiram os filhos de Israel, e choraram perante o Senhor até à tarde, e perguntaram ao Senhor, dizendo: tornar-me-ei a chegar à peleja contra os filhos de Benjamin, meu irmão? E disse o Senhor: Subi contra ele.
24 So the sons of Israel came near against the sons of Benjamin, on the second day.
Chegaram-se pois os filhos de Israel aos filhos de Benjamin, no dia seguinte.
25 And Benjamin came forth to meet them out of Gibeah, on the second day, and laid low, of the sons of Israel, yet eighteen thousand men, to the ground, —all these, drew the sword.
Também os de Benjamin no dia seguinte lhes sairam ao encontro fora de Gibeah, e derribaram ainda por terra mais dezoito mil homens, todos dos que arrancavam a espada.
26 Then went up all the sons of Israel, and all the people, and came to Bethel, and wept, and tarried there before Yahweh, and fasted on that day, until the evening, —and caused to go up ascending-sacrifices and peace-offerings, before Yahweh.
Então todos os filhos de Israel, e todo o povo, subiram, e vieram a bethel, e choraram, e estiveram ali perante o Senhor, e jejuaram aquele dia até à tarde: e ofereceram holocaustos e ofertas pacíficas perante o Senhor.
27 And the sons of Israel asked of Yahweh, —there, being the ark of the covenant of God, in those days;
E os filhos de Israel perguntaram ao Senhor (porquanto a arca do concerto de Deus estava ali naqueles dias;
28 and Phinehas, son of Eleazar, son of Aaron, was standing before it in those days, saying: Shall I yet again go forth to battle, against the sons of Benjamin, my brother, or shall I forbear? And Yahweh said—Go up, for, to-morrow, will I deliver him into thy hand.
E Phineas, filho de Eleazar, filho de Aarão, estava perante ele naqueles dias), dizendo: Sairei ainda mais a pelejar contra os filhos de Benjamin, meu irmão, ou pararei? E disse o Senhor; Subi, que amanhã eu to entregarei na mão
29 And Israel set liers in wait against Gibeah, round about.
Então Israel pôs emboscadas em redor de Gibeah.
30 So the sons of Israel went up against the sons of Benjamin, on the third day, —and set themselves in array against Gibeah, as time after time.
E subiram os filhos de Israel ao terceiro dia contra os filhos de Benjamin, e ordenaram a peleja junto a Gibeah, como das outras vezes.
31 And the sons of Benjamin came forth against the people, they were drawn away from the city, —and began to smite of the people, slaying as time after time, in the highways, whereof, one, goeth up to Bethel, and, the other, to Gibeah in the field, about thirty men in Israel.
Então os filhos de Benjamin sairam ao encontro do povo, e desviaram-se da cidade: e começaram a ferir alguns do povo, atravessando-os, como das outras vezes, pelos caminhos (um dos quais sobe para bethel, e o outro para Gibeah pelo campo), alguns trinta dos homens de Israel.
32 Then said the sons of Benjamin, They are, being smitten, before us, as at the first. But the sons of Israel had said—Let us flee, and draw them away from the city, into the highways.
Então os filhos de Benjamin disseram: Vão derrotados diante de nós como de antes. Porém os filhos de Israel disseram: Fujamos, e desviemo-los da cidade para os caminhos.
33 And, all the men of Israel, rose up out of their place, and set themselves in array in Baal-tamar, —and, the liers in wait of Israel, began to break forth out of their place, out of the forest of Gibeah.
Então todos os homens de Israel se levantaram do seu lugar, e ordenaram, a peleja em Baal-tamar: e a emboscada de Israel saiu do seu lugar, da caverna de Gibeah.
34 And there came over against Gibeah ten thousand chosen men, out of all Israel, and the battle was severe, —they, not knowing that disaster was overtaking them.
E dez mil homens escolhidos de todo o Israel vieram contra Gibeah, e a peleja se engraveceu: porém eles não sabiam que o mal lhes tocaria.
35 Thus Yahweh smote Benjamin before Israel, and the sons of Israel destroyed in Benjamin, that day, twenty-five thousand and one hundred men, —all these, drew the sword.
Então feriu o Senhor a Benjamin diante de Israel; e desfizeram os filhos de Israel naquele dia vinte e cinco mil e cem homens de Benjamin, todos dos que arrancavam espada.
36 So the sons of Benjamin saw that they were smitten, —and that the men of Israel had given place to Benjamin, because they trusted to the liers in wait, whom they had set near Gibeah.
E viram os filhos de Benjamin que estavam feridos: porque os homens de Israel deram lugar aos benjamitas, porquanto estavam confiados na emboscada que haviam posto contra Gibeah.
37 And, the liers in wait, hasted, and rushed upon Gibeah, —and the liers in wait marched forward, and smote all the city with the edge of the sword.
E a emboscada se apressou, e acometeu a Gibeah: e a emboscada arremeteu contra ela, e feriu ao fio da espada toda a cidade.
38 Now, the appointed sign, between the men of Israel and the liers in wait, had been, —to cause a great cloud of smoke to ascend out of the city.
E os homens de Israel tinham um sinal determinado com a emboscada, que era quando fizessem levantar da cidade uma grande nuvem de fumo.
39 So, when the men of Israel turned in the battle, —and, the Benjamites, began to smite and slay of the sons of Israel, about thirty men, for they said, Yea! they are, smitten, before us, as in the first battle,
Viraram-se pois os homens de Israel na peleja; e já Benjamin começava a ferir, dos homens de Israel, quase trinta homens, atravessando-os, porque diziam: Já infalivelmente estão derrotados diante de nós, como na peleja passada.
40 then, the cloud, began to ascend out of the city, a pillar of smoke, —and the Benjamites looked behind them, and lo! the whole city flamed up towards the heavens.
Então a nuvem de fumo se começou a levantar da cidade, como uma coluna de fumo: e, virando-se Benjamin a olhar para traz de si, eis que o fumo da cidade subia ao céu.
41 And, when, the men of Israel, turned, then were the men of Benjamin dismayed, —for they saw that disaster had overtaken them.
E os homens de Israel viraram os rostos, e os homens de Benjamin pasmaram; porque viram que o mal lhes tocaria.
42 And, when they turned before the men of Israel unto the way of the desert, the battle, over took them, —while, as for them that came out of the cities, they began to destroy them in their midst: —
E viraram as costas diante dos homens de Israel, para o caminho do deserto; porém a peleja os apertou; e os das cidades os desfizeram no meio deles.
43 they hemmed in the Benjamites, they pursued them, with ease, trode they them down, —as far as over against Gibeah, towards sunrise.
E cercaram a Benjamin, e o seguiram, e descancadamente o pisaram, até diante de Gibeah, para o nascente do sol.
44 So there fell of Benjamin, eighteen thousand men, —all these being men of valour.
E cairam de Benjamin dezoito mil homens, todos estes sendo homens valentes.
45 And, when they turned and fled towards the desert unto the cliff Rimmon, then gleaned they of them, in the highways, five thousand men, —and they followed hard after them as far as Gidom, and smote of them, two thousand men.
Então viraram as costas, e fugiram para o deserto, à penha de Rimmon; rabiscaram ainda deles pelos caminhos uns cinco mil homens: e de perto os seguiram até Gideon, e feriram deles dois mil homens.
46 So then it came to pass that, all the fallen of Benjamin, were twenty-five thousand men, that drew the sword, on that day, —all these being men of valour.
E foram todos os que de Benjamin naquele dia cairam vinte e cinco mil homens que arrancavam a espada, todos eles homens valentes.
47 But there turned and fled, towards the desert, unto the cliff Rimmon, six hundred men, —who abode in the cliff Rimmon, four months.
Porém seiscentos homens viraram as costas e fugiram para o deserto, à penha de Rimmon: e ficaram na penha de Rimmon quatro meses.
48 Thus, the men of Israel, turned against the sons of Benjamin, and smote them with the edge of the sword, beginning with the city, each and every one down to the beast, even to every one that was met with, —moreover, all the cities they came to, they set on fire.
E os homens de Israel voltaram para os filhos de Benjamin, e os feriram ao fio da espada, desde os homens da cidade até aos animais, até a tudo quanto se achava, como também a todas as cidades quantas se acharam puseram a fogo.

< Judges 20 >