< Judges 16 >

1 Then went Samson unto Gaza, —and saw there an unchaste woman, and went in unto her.
Potom otide Samson u Gazu, i ondje vidje jednu ženu kurvu, i uðe k njoj.
2 And it was told the Gazites, saying—Samson hath come in hither. So they came round, and lay in wait for him, all the night, in the gate of the city, —but kept themselves quiet all the night, saying, Until the light of the morning, then will we slay him.
I ljudima u Gazi bi kazano: doðe Samson ovamo. I opkoliše i vrebaše ga cijelu noæ na vratima gradskim; i stajahu u potaji cijelu noæ govoreæi: dok svane, ubiæemo ga.
3 And Samson lay till midnight, and arose at midnight, and took hold of the doors of the gate of the city, and of the two doorposts, and tare them away, with the bar, and put them on his shoulders, —and carried them up to the top of the hill that faceth Hebron.
Ali Samson spavav do ponoæi usta u ponoæi, i šèepa vrata gradska s oba dovratka i išèupa ih s prijevornicom zajedno, i metnu ih na ramena i odnese navrh gore koja je prema Hevronu.
4 And it came to pass, after this, that he loved a woman in the ravine of Shorek, whose, name, was Delilah.
Poslije toga zamilova djevojku na potoku Soriku, kojoj bješe ime Dalida.
5 So the lords of the Philistines came up unto her, and said to her—Entice him, and see wherein lieth his great strength, and wherewith we may prevail against him, and bind him, to humble him, —and, we, will give thee, every man, eleven hundred pieces of silver.
I doðoše k njoj knezovi Filistejski i rekoše joj: prevari ga i iskušaj gdje mu stoji velika snaga i kako bismo mu dosadili da ga svežemo i svladamo; a mi æemo ti dati svaki po tisuæu i sto srebrnika.
6 So Delilah said unto Samson, Do tell me, I pray thee, wherein lieth thy great strength, —and wherewith thou mightest be bound, to humble thee.
I Dalida reèe Samsonu: hajde kaži mi gdje stoji tvoja velika snaga i èim bi se mogao svezati i svladati.
7 And Samson said unto her, If they bind me with seven green cords, that have not been dried, then shall I become weak, and be as any other man.
A Samson joj reèe: da me svežu u sedam gužava sirovijeh neosušenijeh, onda bih izgubio snagu i bio kao i drugi èovjek.
8 So the lords of the Philistines brought up to her seven green cords, that had not been dried, —and she bound him therewith.
I donesoše joj knezovi Filistejski sedam gužava sirovijeh, još neosušenijeh, i ona ga sveza njima.
9 Now, the liers in wait, were tarrying for her, in an inner chamber, —and she said unto him, —The Philistines, are upon thee, Samson! And he snapped the cords as a thread of tow is broken, when fire bloweth thereon, so his strength was not discovered.
A kod nje bijaše zasjeda u sobi; i ona mu reèe: eto Filisteja na te, Samsone! A on pokida gužve, kao što se kida konac od kudjelje kad osjeti vatru; i ne dozna se za snagu njegovu.
10 And Delilah said unto Samson, Lo! thou hast been laughing at me, and speaking unto me falsehoods, —Now, do tell me, I pray thee, wherewith thou mightest be bound.
Potom reèe Dalida Samsonu: gle, prevario si me, i slagao si mi; nego hajde kaži mi èim bi se mogao svezati.
11 And he said unto her, If they, bind me fast, with new ropes, wherewith work was never done, then shall I become weak, and be as any other man.
A on joj reèe: da me dobro svežu novim užima kojima nije ništa raðeno, tada bih izgubio snagu i bio bih kao drugi èovjek.
12 So Delilah took new ropes, and bound him therewith, and said unto him—The Philistines, are upon thee, Samson! Now, the liers in wait, were tarrying in an inner chamber. And he snapped them off his arms like a thread.
I Dalida uze nova uža, i sveza ga njima, pak mu reèe: eto Filisteja na te, Samsone! A zasjeda bijaše u sobi. A on raskide s ruku uža kao konac.
13 And Delilah said unto Samson—Hitherto, hast thou been laughing at me, and speaking unto me falsehoods, do tell me, wherewith thou mightest be bound. And he said unto her, If thou weave the seven braids of my head with the warp.
Tada reèe Dalida Samsonu: jednako me varaš i lažeš mi; kaži mi èim bi se mogao svezati? A on joj reèe: da sedam pramena kose na glavi mojoj priviješ na vratilo.
14 So she beat them up with the pin, and said unto him, The Philistines, are upon thee, Samson! And he awaked out of his sleep, and pulled out the pin of the loom, and the warp.
I ona zaglavivši vratilo kocem, reèe: evo Filisteja na te, Samsone! A on se probudi od sna, i istrže kolac i osnovu i vratilo.
15 And she said unto him—How canst thou say, I love thee, when, thy heart, is not with me? These three times, hast thou laughed at me, and hast not told me wherein lieth thy great strength.
Opet mu ona reèe: kako možeš govoriti: ljubim te, kad srce tvoje nije kod mene? Veæ si me tri puta prevario ne hoteæi mi kazati gdje ti je velika snaga.
16 And it came to pass, when she urged him with her words continually, and pressed him, that his soul became impatient, unto death;
I ona mu dosaðivaše svojim rijeèima svaki dan i navaljivaše na nj, i duša mu prenemože da umre,
17 so he told her all his heart, and said to her—No, razor, hath come on my head, for, one separate unto God, have I been, from my birth, —if I were shaven, then would depart from me my strength, and I should become weak, and be as any other man.
Te joj otvori cijelo srce svoje, i reèe joj: britva nije nikad prešla preko glave moje, jer sam nazirej Božji od utrobe matere svoje; da se obrijem, ostavila bi me snaga moja i oslabio bih, i bio bih kao svaki èovjek.
18 And, when Delilah saw that he had told her all his heart, she sent and called for the lords of the Philistines, saying—Come up this once, for he hath told me all his heart. And the lords of the Philistines came up unto her, and brought up the silver in their hand.
A Dalida videæi da joj je otvorio cijelo srce svoje, posla i pozva knezove Filistejske poruèivši im: hodite sada, jer mi je otvorio cijelo srce svoje. Tada doðoše knezovi Filistejski k njoj i donesoše novce u rukama svojim.
19 And she made him sleep upon her knees, and called for a man, and caused him to shave off the seven braids of his head, —and she began to humble him, and his strength departed from him.
A ona ga uspava na krilu svojem, i dozva èovjeka te mu obrija sedam pramena kose s glave, i ona ga prva svlada kad ga ostavi snaga njegova.
20 And she said—The Philistines, are upon thee, Samson! And he awoke out of his sleep, and said—I will go out now, as time after time, and shake myself free: he, not knowing, that, Yahweh, had departed from him.
I ona reèe: eto Filisteja na te, Samsone! A on probudiv se od sna reèe: izaæi æu kao i prije i oteæu se. Jer ne znadijaše da je Gospod otstupio od njega.
21 And the Philistines seized him, and put out his eyes, —and took him down to Gaza, and bound him with fetters of bronze, and it came to pass that he used to grind in the prison.
Tada ga uhvatiše Filisteji, i iskopaše mu oèi, i odvedoše ga u Gazu i okovaše ga u dvoje verige mjedene; i meljaše u tamnici.
22 And the hair of his head began to grow, after he had been shaven.
A kosa na glavi njegovoj poèe rasti kao što je bila kad ga obrijaše.
23 Now, the lords of the Philistines, had gathered themselves together to offer a great sacrifice unto Dagon their god, and to rejoice, —and they said, Our god hath delivered into our hand, Samson our enemy.
I knezovi Filistejski skupiše se da prinesu veliku žrtvu Dagonu bogu svojemu, i da se provesele; pa rekoše: predade nam bog naš u ruke naše Samsona neprijatelja našega.
24 And, when the people saw him, they praised their god, —for they said—Our god hath delivered into our hand our enemy, even him who laid waste our land, and who multiplied our slain.
Takoðer i narod vidjevši ga hvaljaše boga svojega govoreæi: predade nam bog naš u ruke naše neprijatelja našega i zatiraèa zemlje naše i koji pobi tolike izmeðu nas.
25 And it came to pass, when their heart was merry, that they said, Call for Samson, that he may make sport for us. So they called for Samson out of the prison, and he made sport before them, and they stationed him between the pillars.
I kad se razveseli srce njihovo rekoše: zovite Samsona da nam igra. I dozvaše Samsona iz tamnice da im igra, i namjestiše ga meðu dva stupa.
26 And Samson said unto the youth that held him by his hand, Place me where I may feel the pillars whereon the house resteth, that I may lean upon them.
Tada Samson reèe momku koji ga držaše za ruku: pusti me, da opipam stupove na kojima stoji kuæa, da se naslonim na njih.
27 Now, the house, was full of men and women, there, also were all the lords of the Philistines, —and, on the roof, were about three thousand men and women, looking on while Samson made sport.
A kuæa bijaše puna ljudi i žena i svi knezovi Filistejski bijahu ondje; i na krovu bijaše oko tri tisuæe ljudi i žena, koji gledahu kako Samson igra.
28 So then Samson cried unto Yahweh, and said, —My Lord Yahweh! remember me, I pray thee, —and strengthen me, I pray thee, only this once, O God, that I may be avenged, with one avenging, for my two eyes, upon the Philistines.
Tada Samson zavapi ka Gospodu i reèe: Gospode, Gospode! opomeni me se, molim te, i ukrijepi me, molim te, samo sada, o Bože! da se osvetim jedanput Filistejima za oba oka svoja.
29 Then did Samson grasp the two middle pillars, whereon the house rested, and whereon it was upheld, and he braced himself against them, —the one with his right hand, and the other with his left.
I zagrli Samson dva stupa srednja, na kojima stajaše kuæa, i nasloni se na njih, na jedan desnom a na drugi lijevom rukom svojom.
30 And Samson said—Let my soul die with the Philistines! And he bowed mightily, and the house fell upon the lords, and upon all the people that were therein. So the dead, whom he slew at his death, were more than they whom he slew in his life.
Pa onda reèe Samson: neka umrem s Filistejima. I naleže jako, i pade kuæa na knezove i na sav narod koji bješe u njoj; i bi mrtvijeh koje pobi umiruæi više nego onijeh koje pobi za života svojega.
31 Then came down his brethren, and all the house of his father, and lifted him, and carried him up, and buried him, between Zorah and Eshtaol, in the buryingplace of Manoah his father, —he, having judged Israel twenty years.
Poslije doðoše braæa njegova i sav dom oca njegova, i uzeše ga, i vrativši se pogreboše ga izmeðu Saraje i Estaola u grobu Manoja oca njegova. A on bi sudija Izrailju dvadeset godina.

< Judges 16 >