< Joshua 17 >

1 And the lot for the tribe of Manasseh was, for, he, was the firstborn of Joseph, —as for Machir, the firstborn of Manasseh, the father of Gilead, because, he, was a man of war, therefore had he Gilead and Bashan.
Inilah tanah yang diberikan kepada suku Manasye, anak sulung Yusuf. Daerah Gilead dan Basan di sebelah timur sungai Yordan diberikan kepada Makir, anak sulung Manasye, ayah Gilead. Daerah itu diberikan kepada Makir karena dia seorang pahlawan perang.
2 So the lot pertained to the rest of the sons of Manasseh, by their families, to the sons of Abiezer, and to the sons of Helek, and to the sons of Asriel, and to the sons of Shechem, and to the sons of Hepher, and to the sons of Shemida, —these, were the sons of Manasseh, son of Joseph, even the male descendants, by their families.
Tanah di sebelah barat sungai Yordan diberikan kepada marga-marga lainnya dari suku Manasye, yaitu Abiezer, Helek, Asriel, Sikem, Hefer, dan Semida. Marga-marga ini adalah keturunan laki-laki dari Manasye, anak Yusuf.
3 But, Zelophehad, son of Hepher, son of Gilead, son of Machir, son of Manasseh, had no sons, but only daughters, —and, these, are the names of his daughters, Mahlah and Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah.
Akan tetapi, Zelafehad anak Hefer tidak mempunyai anak laki-laki, hanya anak-anak perempuan yang bernama Mahla, Noa, Hogla, Milka, dan Tirza. (Hefer adalah anak Gilead, cucu Makir, dan cicit Manasye.)
4 And they had come near, before Eleazar the priest, and before Joshua son of Nun, and before the princes, saying, Yahweh, commanded Moses, to give us an inheritance in the midst of our brethren, —And he had given them, according to the bidding of Yahweh, an inheritance, in the midst of the brethren of their father.
Perempuan-perempuan itu menemui imam Eleazar, Yosua, serta para pemimpin bangsa Israel dan berkata, “TUHAN menyuruh Musa untuk memberikan tanah warisan kepada kami di antara saudara-saudara kami.” Maka Yosua memberi mereka tanah warisan di antara saudara-saudara laki-laki ayah mereka, sesuai perintah TUHAN.
5 Thus there fell ten portions to Manasseh, —besides the land of Gilead, and Bashan, which is beyond the Jordan;
Demikianlah suku Manasye mendapat sepuluh bidang tanah di sebelah barat sungai Yordan, karena keturunan perempuan Manasye itu juga menerima tanah warisan sama seperti keturunan laki-laki. Suku Manasye juga mendapat daerah Gilead dan Basan di sebelah timur sungai Yordan. Daerah Gilead sudah diberikan kepada keturunan Manasye lainnya.
6 because, the daughters of Manasseh, received an inheritance in the midst of his sons, —and, the land of Gilead, became the possession of the sons of Manasseh that remained.
7 So then the boundary of Manasseh was from Asher, Michmethath, which faceth Shechem, —and the boundary goeth along unto the right hand, unto the inhabitants of En-tappuah.
Wilayah suku Manasye terbentang dari perbatasan wilayah suku Asyer sampai ke kota Mikmetat, yang terletak di sebelah timur kota Sikem, kemudian terus ke arah selatan sampai ke daerah penduduk En Tapuah.
8 Manasseh, had the land of Tappuah, —but, Tappuah itself, towards the boundary of Manasseh, pertained unto the sons of Ephraim;
Daerah Tapuah adalah milik suku Manasye, tetapi kota Tapuah di perbatasan wilayah Manasye adalah milik suku Efraim.
9 and the boundary goeth down to the ravine of Kanah, southward of the ravine, these cities, belong to Ephraim, in the midst of the cities of Manasseh, —but, the boundary of Manasseh, was on the north side of the ravine, and the extensions thereof were to the sea;
Kemudian garis batas selatan itu turun ke sungai Kana dan menelusurinya ke arah barat sampai ke Laut Tengah. Wilayah suku Manasye sebagian besar terletak di sebelah utara sungai Kana. Di sebelah selatan sungai Kana, ada beberapa kota yang dimiliki suku Efraim meskipun masih terletak di dalam wilayah Manasye. Demikianlah wilayah suku Manasye berbatasan dengan wilayah suku Efraim di sebelah selatan, Laut Tengah di sebelah barat, wilayah suku Asyer di sebelah barat laut, dan wilayah suku Isakar di sebelah timur laut.
10 southward, pertaineth to Ephraim, and, northward, to Manasseh, and the sea was the boundary thereof, —and they touch, Asher, on the north, and Issachar on the east.
11 And Manasseh had—in Issachar and in Asher—Bethshean and her towns, and Ibleam and her towns, and the inhabitants of Dor and her towns, and the inhabitants of En-dor and her towns, and the inhabitants of Taanach and her towns, and the inhabitants of Megiddo, and her towns—the three heights,
Di dalam wilayah suku Asyer dan suku Isakar, ada beberapa kota beserta desa-desa di sekitarnya yang diberikan kepada suku Manasye. Kota-kota itu adalah Bet Sean, Yibleam, Dor (di pinggir laut), En Dor, Taanak, dan Megido.
12 The sons of Manasseh, however, could not dispossess these cities, —but the Canaanites were determined to remain in this land;
Namun, suku Manasye tidak dapat mengusir orang Kanaan yang tinggal di kota-kota itu karena mereka bersikeras tinggal di daerah sana.
13 but, when the sons of Israel had waxed strong, they put the Canaanites under tribute, —though they, dispossessed, them not.
Ketika orang Israel semakin kuat, mereka menjadikan orang-orang Kanaan itu pekerja paksa, tetapi tidak mengusir mereka sepenuhnya.
14 Then spake the sons of Joseph unto Joshua, saying, —Why hast thou given me, as an inheritance, but one lot and one portion, seeing that, I, am a numerous people, because hitherto hath Yahweh blessed me.
Berkatalah keturunan Yusuf kepada Yosua, “TUHAN sudah memberkati kami sehingga jumlah kami sangat banyak. Kenapa engkau memberikan kepada kami hanya sebidang tanah saja sebagai warisan?”
15 And Joshua said unto them: If, a numerous people, thou art, get thee up to the forest, and cut down for thyself there, in the land of the Perizzites and of the Rephaim, —seeing that, too narrow for thee, is the hill country of Ephraim.
Jawab Yosua kepada mereka, “Kalau jumlah kalian sangat banyak dan daerah pegunungan Efraim terlalu sempit bagi kalian, mendakilah ke hutan dan bukalah tanah di daerah orang Feris dan Refaim.”
16 And the sons of Joseph said, The hill country is not enough for us, —and there are, chariots of iron, among all the Canaanites that dwell in the land of the valley, belonging both to them in Bethshean, and her towns, and to them in the valley of Jezreel.
Kata mereka lagi, “Pegunungan itu terlalu sempit bagi kami. Lagipula semua orang Kanaan yang tinggal di dataran rendah mempunyai kereta-kereta perang dari besi, baik yang tinggal di daerah Bet Sean dan desa-desa sekitarnya, maupun yang tinggal di lembah Yisreel.”
17 And Joshua made answer unto the house of Joseph, to Ephraim and to Manasseh, saying, —A numerous people, thou art, and, great vigour, thou hast, thou shalt not have one lot only;
Lalu kata Yosua kepada keturunan Yusuf, yaitu suku Efraim dan Manasye, “Memang, kalian sangat banyak dan sangat kuat. Kalian akan mendapat lebih dari satu bagian.
18 for, the hill country, shall be thine, in that, a forest, it is, therefore canst thou cut it down, and thine shall be the extensions thereof, —for thou shalt dispossess the Canaanites, though, chariots of iron, they have, and though, strong, they are.
Daerah pegunungan juga akan menjadi milik kalian. Karena daerah itu adalah hutan, bukalah hutan itu dan milikilah seluruhnya. Kalian juga akan mengusir orang Kanaan meskipun mereka kuat dan mempunyai kereta-kereta perang dari besi.”

< Joshua 17 >