< John 8 >
1 but, Jesus, went unto the Mount of Olives.
Yesu wuyenda ku mongo minti mi Olive.
2 And, early in the morning, again, came he into the temple, and all the people were coming unto him; and, sitting down, he began to teach them.
Vayi mu nsuka-nsuka, Yesu wuvutuka ku Nzo Nzambi. Batu boso bayizaku va kaba; wuvuanda ayi wuba longa.
3 And the Scribes and the Pharisees bring a woman, caught, in adultery; and, setting her in the midst,
Minlongi mi mina ayi Bafalisi bannatina nketo wumosi babuila mu kitsuza; bantula va ntuala wu batu boso;
4 they say unto him—Teacher! this woman, hath been caught in the very act of committing adultery!
bankamba: —Nlongi, nketo wawu bambuila mu thangu kaba vanga kitsuza.
5 Now, in the law, Moses, [unto us] gave command to stone, such as these. What, then, dost, thou, say?
Mu Mina, Moyize wututuma ti tufueti vonda baketo ba phila yayi mu matadi. Vayi ngeyo, mbi wuntuba e?
6 [This, however, they were saying, by way of testing him, —that they might have whereof to accuse him.] But, Jesus, stooping down, with his finger, wrote in the ground.
Banyuvudila kiuvu kioki mu diambu di bamfiela muingi babaka bila kioki bafueti kumfundila. Vayi Yesu wuyinama, wusonika mu nlemvo va tsi.
7 When, however, they still continued questioning him, he lifted himself up and said [unto them]—He of you, that is without sin, let him first cast at her a stone;
Bu bantantisa mu kunyuvula; buna niandi wuvumbuka ayi wuba kamba: —Woso mutu mu beno zebi ti kasi disumu ko, kaba mutu wutheti mu kunzuba ditadi.
8 and, again stooping down, he wrote in the ground.
Buesidi yinama, wusonika va tsi.
9 And, they who heard, began to go out, one by one, beginning from the elders, —and he was left, alone; the woman also, being, in the midst.
Bu bawa bobo, baboso batona tina wumosi wumosi; tonina kuidi banuna. Yesu wusiala niandi veka va kimosi ayi nketo va ntualꞌandi.
10 And lifting himself up, Jesus said unto her—Woman, where are they? Hath, no one, condemned thee?
Buna Yesu wuvumbuka ayi wunkamba: —A nketo, mimfundi miaku kuevi midi e? Kadi mutu kasi kubedisa ko e?
11 And, she, said—No one, Sir! And Jesus said—Neither do, I, condemn thee, —be going thy way: Henceforth, be sinning, no more.
Nketo wumvutudila: —A tata, kadi mutu. Buna Yesu wukamba: —Minu mamvama ndikadi kubedisa, Yenda kuaku vayi kadi buelavola masumu.]
12 Again, therefore, unto them, spake Jesus, saying—I, am the light of the world: He that followeth me, shall in nowise walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.
Yesu wubuela kuba kamba diaka: —Minu ndidi kiezila ki nza. Woso mutu wukundandakana kalendi diatila mu tombi ko, vayi wela baka kiezila ki luzingu.
13 The Pharisees, therefore, said unto him—Thou, concerning thyself, bearest witness: thy witness, is not true.
Buna Bafalisi bankamba: —Ngeyo veka wulembo kiteliminanga kimbangi, kimbangi kiaku kisi ki kiedika ko!
14 Jesus answered, and said unto them—Even though, I, bear witness concerning myself, true, is my witness, because I know whence I came, and whither I go; but, ye, know not whence I come, and whither I go.
Vayi Yesu wuba vutudila: —Kimbangi kiama kidi ki kiedika, ka diambu ko minu veka ndilembo kitelimina kimbangi. Bila minu nzebi kuevi ndiba ayi nzebi kuevi ndinkuenda. Vayi beno luisi zaba ko kueve ndiba ayi kuevi ndinkuenda.
15 Ye, according to the flesh, do judge: I, am judging no one.
Beno mu kimutu lueta sambisila. Vayi minu ndikadi sambisa kadi mutu wumosi.
16 And, even if, I, am judging, my judging, is, genuine, —because, alone, am I not, but, I, and the Father who sent me;
Enati minu ndilembo sambisa, buna tsambusuluꞌama yidi yi kiedika; bila ndisi ko minu veka vayi Tata wuthumba widi yama.
17 And, in your own law, it is written, that, two men’s witness, is, true:
Madi Masonama mu Mina mieno ti: kimbangi ki batu buadi kidi ki kiedika.
18 I, am the one bearing witness of myself, and the Father who sent me is bearing witness concerning me.
Minu veka ndilembo kitelimina kimbangi ayi Tata wuthuma wulembo thelimina diaka kimbangi.
19 They were saying unto him, therefore—Where, is thy father? Jesus answered—Neither, me, do ye know, nor yet my Father: If, me, ye had known, my Father also, had ye known.
Banyuvula: —Kuevi kuidi Dise diaku e? Yesu wuba vutudila: —Beno luisi kunzaba ko ayi luisi zaba ko Dise diama! Enati lunzebi, nganu luzebi Dise diama.
20 These sayings, spake he in the treasury, teaching in the temple, and yet, no one, seized him, because, not yet, had come his hour.
Yesu wutubila mambu momo bu kaba longa mu Nzo Nzambi, wutelama va ndambu buangu bantambikilanga makaba. Kadi mutu kasia nunga ko mu kumbuila, bila thanguꞌandi yifueni ko.
21 He said unto them again, therefore—I, go, and ye shall seek me, —and yet, in your sin, shall ye die: Whither, I, go, ye, cannot come.
Yesu wubuela ku bakamba: —Minu ndieka nkuenda, muaki luela kuthomba ayi luela fuila mu masumu meno. Ku ndinkuenda beno lulendi kuiza kuawu ko.
22 The Jews, therefore, were saying—Can it be that he will kill himself, that he saith, Whither, I, go, ye, cannot come?
Buna Bayuda bayuvasana: —Buna wela kukivonda e? Mananga diawu kalembo tubilanga ti: “Ku ndinkuenda beno lulendi kuiza kuawu ko e?”
23 And he was saying unto them—Ye, are, of the realms below, I, am, of the realms above: Ye, are, of this world, I, am not of this world.
Yesu wuba kamba: —Beno luidi basi nza vayi minu ndidi muisi diyilu. Beno luidi basi nza yayi, vayi minu ndisi ko muisi nza yayi.
24 Therefore said I unto you, Ye shall die in your sins: For, if ye believe not that, I, am he, ye shall die in your sins.
Diawu ndilukambidi ti “beno luela fuila mu masumu meno”, bila enati lukadi wilukila ti “Minu ndidi”, buna luela fuila mu masumu meno.
25 They were saying unto him, therefore—Who art, thou? Jesus said unto them—First and foremost, even what I speak unto you.
Buna banyuvula: —Ngeyo widi nani e? Yesu wuba vutudila: —Wowo ndieti ku lukambanga mu zithangu zioso.
26 Many things, have I, concerning you, to speak, and to judge; but, he who sent me, is, true, and, I, what things I heard from him, the same, speak I unto the world.
Mawombo madi yama mu tuba mu diambu dieno ayi ma kulusambisila; vayi mutu wowo wuthuma widi wu kiedika ayi mambu momo ndiwa kuidi niandi mawu ndieta kamba kuidi basi nza.
27 They noted not that, as touching the Father, unto them, he was speaking.
Vayi basia sudika ko ti Yesu wuyolukila bobo mu diambu di Tata.
28 Jesus, therefore, said—Whensoever ye shall lift up the Son of Man, then, shall ye know, that, I, am he, and, of myself, am doing, nothing; but, just as the Father taught me, the same things, am I speaking.
Buna Yesu wuba kamba: —Bu luela nangika Muana-Mutu, buna bosi luela zaba ti “Minu ndidi” ayi buna luela zaba ti ndivanganga ko kadi diambu dimosi mu minu veka vayi ndilembo tubi mambu momo mandonga Tata.
29 And, he that sent me, is, with me: He hath not left me, alone. Because, I, the things that please him, ever do.
Mutu wowo wuthuma widi yama; kasia kumbika minu veka ko, bila minu ndieta vanga mu zithangu zioso mambu momo meta kummonisa khini.
30 As he was speaking these things, many, believed on him.
Bu katuba mambu momo, batu bawombo banwilukila.
31 Jesus was saying, therefore, unto the Jews who had believed on him—If, ye, abide in my word, of a truth, my disciples, ye are;
Yesu wukamba Bayuda bobo banwilukila ti: —Enati beno lunkangananga mu mambu mama buna luidi minlonguki miama mu kiedika,
32 And ye shall know the truth, and, the truth, shall make you free.
luela zaba kiedika ayi kiedika kiela kulukula.
33 They made answer unto him—Seed of Abraham, are we, and, unto no one, have been brought into bondage, at any time: How sayest, thou, Free, shall ye be made?
Bamvutudila: —Beto tuidi mu nkuna Abalahami ayi kadi khumbu tusia beto bavika ba mutu ko! Buna buevi wuntubila ti: “Luela ba batu ba kiphuanza e?”
34 Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you: Every one who committeth sin, is, a slave, [of sin: ]
Yesu wuba vutudila: —Bukiedika ndikulukamba ti: Woso mutu wumvanganga masumu, buna niandi mvika wu masumu.
35 Now, the slave, doth not abide in the house, evermore. The Son, abideth, evermore. (aiōn )
Mvika kasi muisi dikanda ko vayi muana, mu zithangu zioso, widi muisi dikanda. (aiōn )
36 If then, the Son, shall make you free, really free, shall ye be.
Diawu enati Muana wulukudidi, buna lukululu mu kiedika.
37 I know that ye are, seed of Abraham; but ye are seeking to kill me, because, my word, findeth no place in you.
Nyinga, nzebi ti luidi mu nkuna Abalahami, vayi lutidi kuphonda bila mambu mama masi ko buangu mu beno.
38 What things, I, have seen with the Father, I am speaking; Ye, also, then, what things ye have heard from your father, are doing.—
Ndilembo lukambi mambu momo minu ndimona bu ndiba kuidi Siama vayi beno lulembo vangi mambu momo luwa kuidi Sieno.
39 They answered and said unto him—Our father, is, Abraham. Jesus saith unto them—If, children of Abraham, ye are, the works of Abraham, are ye doing.
Bankamba: —Abalahami niandi sieto! Yesu wuba vutudila: —Enati luidi bana ba Abalahami, nganu lulembo vangi mavanga ma Abalahami.
40 But, now, ye are seeking, to kill me, —A man who, the truth, unto you, hath spoken, which I have heard from God: this, Abraham, did not.
Vayi buabu beno lulembo tombi kuphondisa, minu, mutu ndilukembi kiedika kioki ndiwa kuidi Nzambi. Abalahami kasia bu vanga ko.
41 Ye, are doing the works of your father. They said unto him—We, of fornication, were not born: One father, have we—God.
Beno lulembo vangi mavanga ma sieno. Bawu bamvutudila: —Beto tuisi bana ba kindumba ko. Vayi Nzambi niandi khatika Sieto.
42 Jesus said unto them—If, God, had been your father, ye had been loving me, for, I, from God, came forth, and am here; for, not even of myself, have I come, but, he, sent me forth.
Yesu wuba kamba: —Enati Nzambi niandi Sieno nganu lueta kunzola, bila mu Nzambi nditotukila; ayi buabu ndidi vava. Ndisia kuizila ko mu luzolo luama vekavayi niandi wuthuma.
43 Wherefore, is it, that, my speech, ye do not understand? because ye cannot hear my word.
Bila mbi lunkambu sudikila mambu ndilembo lukambi e? Bila lulendi ko wa mambu mama.
44 Ye, are, of your father—the adversary, and, the covetings of your father, ye choose to be doing. He, was, a murderer, from the beginning, and, in the truth, he stood not; because truth is not in him: Whensoever he speaketh falsehood, of his own, he speaketh; because, false, he is, and, the father of it.
Beno Satana niandi dise dieno ayi lutidi vanga zinzinunu zi dise dieno. Niandi mvondi tona vana thonono ayi kasia zingila ko mu kiedika, bila mu niandi muisi ko kadi kiedika. Mu thangu keta vuna, buna mu ntimꞌandi mueta ba luvunu bila niandi nkua luvunu ayi dise di luvunu.
45 But, as for me, because, the truth, I speak, ye do not believe me.
Vayi minu bu ndilembo tubi kiedika, beno lukadi kunguilukila.
46 Which of you convicteth me of sin? If, truth, I speak, wherefore, do, ye, not believe me?
Nani mu beno wulenda kukhamba disumu diodi ndivanga e? Buna bila mbi lukadi kunguilukila enati ndilembo lukambi kiedika e?
47 He that is of God, heareth, the sayings of God; therefore, do, ye, not hear, because, of God, ye are not.
Woso mutu Nzambi kavuidi wunwanga mambu ma Nzambi. Beno Nzambi kasi luvua ko, diawu ka luwilanga ko.
48 The Jews answered, and said unto him—Do, we, not, well, say: Thou, art, a Samaritan, and hast a demon?
Bayuda bamvutudila: —Mueni ti bukiedika kuandi tulembo kambanga ti ngeyo widi muisi Samaliayi Pheve yimbimbi yidi yaku.
49 Jesus answered—I, have not, a demon, but honour my Father: and, ye, dishonour me.
Yesu wuba vutudila: —Nana, minu ndisiꞌama Pheve yimbimbi ko. Vayi Dise diama ndieta kinzikavayi beno lulembo kundenzi.
50 But, I, seek not my glory: There is one who seeketh and judgeth.
Minu nditombanga nkemboꞌama ko. Vayi vadi mutu wuntombanga wawu ayi weta sambisa.
51 Verily, verily, I say unto you: If anyone shall keep, my word, death, shall he not see, unto times age-abiding. (aiōn )
Bukiedika ndikulukamba: woso mutu wunlundanga mambu mama, kalendi fua ko. (aiōn )
52 The Jews said unto him—Now, we know that, a demon, thou hast: —Abraham, died, and, the prophets, and yet, thou, sayest: If anyone shall keep, my word, in nowise shall he taste of death, unto times age-abiding. (aiōn )
Buna byuda bamvutudila: —Buabu tuzebi ti Pheve yi mbimbi yidi yaku! Bila Abalahami ayi mimbikudi bamana fua, vayi ngeyo wunkamba ti woso mutu wunlunda mambu maku kalendi fua ko! (aiōn )
53 Surely, thou, art not, greater, than our father Abraham, —who, indeed, died? and, the prophets, died: —Whom, makest thou thyself?
Buna ngeyo wumbanza ti ngeyo lutidi mu bunneni. Dise dieto Abalahami, diodi difua voti mimbikudi miomi mimana fua e? Buevi wulembo kibanzila e?
54 Jesus answered—If, I, glorify myself, my glory, is nothing: It is, my Father, that glorifieth me, —of whom, ye, say—He is, your God!
Yesu wuba vutudila: —Enati minu ndilembo kikembisa minu veka, buna nkemboꞌama widi wuphamba. Vayi Dise diama, diodi lulembo tedila Nzambi eno niandi wulembo khembisa.
55 And yet ye have not come to know him; but, I, do know him: If I say, I know him not, I shall be like you—false; but I know him, and, his word, am I keeping.
Muaki beno luisi kunzaba ko vayi minu ndinzebi. Enati thubidi ti ndisi kunzaba ko, buna ndieka nkua luvunu banga beno. Bayi minu ndinzebi ayi ndieta lunda mambu mandi.
56 Abraham, your father, exulted that he should see my day; and he saw, and rejoiced.
Dise dieno Abalahami wumona khini bu kayindula ti wulenda mona lumbu kiama; wumona kiawu ayi wumona khini yiwombo.
57 The Jews, therefore, said unto him—Fifty years old, not yet art thou, and, Abraham, hast thou seen?
Bayuda bankamba: —Ngeyo kudukisidi ko makumatanu ma mimvu, vayi buabu wulembo tubi ti wumona Abalahami!
58 Jesus said unto them—Verily, verily, I say unto you: Before, Abraham, came into existence, I, am.
Yesu wuba vutudila: —Bukiedika ndikulukamba ti tuamina Abalahami kabutuka, buna minu ndidi.
59 They took up stones, therefore, that they might cast at him; but, Jesus, was hidden, and went forth out of the temple.
Bu katuba mambu momo, batota matadi muingi banzuba vayi Yesu wusuama ayi wutotuka mu nzo Nzambi.