< John 8 >

1 but, Jesus, went unto the Mount of Olives.
Cehlai Jesu taw Olive tlang na ce kai hy.
2 And, early in the morning, again, came he into the temple, and all the people were coming unto him; and, sitting down, he began to teach them.
A khawngawi khaw a dai awh bawkim lut hy. Cawh thlang boeih a venna cun law bai usaw, ngawi nawh cekkhqi ce cawngpyi khqi hy.
3 And the Scribes and the Pharisees bring a woman, caught, in adultery; and, setting her in the midst,
Cawh caqeekungkhqi ingkaw Farasikhqi ing nu pynoet a samphaih huiawh tu unawh law pyi uhy. Thlangkhqi haiawh nu ce dyih sak unawh,
4 they say unto him—Teacher! this woman, hath been caught in the very act of committing adultery!
Jesu a venawh, “Cawngpyikung, vawhkaw nu ve a samphaih huiawh tu unyng.
5 Now, in the law, Moses, [unto us] gave command to stone, such as these. What, then, dost, thou, say?
Mosi a anaa awi ingtaw vemyih a nu ve lung ing thlak mat aham ni a awm hy. Nang ingtaw ikawmyihna nak poek?” tina uhy.
6 [This, however, they were saying, by way of testing him, —that they might have whereof to accuse him.] But, Jesus, stooping down, with his finger, wrote in the ground.
Ce awidoetnaak ve amah thawlh amik puknaak thai aham cainaak ta unawh a mi doet ni. Cehlai Jesu ing koep nawh a kut ply ing dek awh ca qee hy.
7 When, however, they still continued questioning him, he lifted himself up and said [unto them]—He of you, that is without sin, let him first cast at her a stone;
Cekkhqi ing ami doet khing awh tho nawh a mingmih a venawh, “Nangmih ak khuiawh amak thawlh khawi qoe ing vawhkaw nu ve lung ing thlak ma seh,” tinak khqi hy.
8 and, again stooping down, he wrote in the ground.
Cekcoengawh nung koep tlaih nawh dek awh ca qee tlaih bai hy.
9 And, they who heard, began to go out, one by one, beginning from the elders, —and he was left, alone; the woman also, being, in the midst.
Ce ak awi ce aming zaak awh a hqamca awhkawng kqan nawh pynoet coeng pynoet cen bet bet uhy, a huna taw Jesu ingkaw cawh ak dyi nu doeng ce taang hy nih.
10 And lifting himself up, Jesus said unto her—Woman, where are they? Hath, no one, condemned thee?
Jesu ing dyi nawh nu a venawh, “Nu, hana nu ami ceh boeih? U ingawm amni thawlh sak nawh nu?” tina hy.
11 And, she, said—No one, Sir! And Jesus said—Neither do, I, condemn thee, —be going thy way: Henceforth, be sinning, no more.
Nu ing, “Bawipa, u ingawm amni thawlh sak hy,” tina hy. Cawh Jesu ing, “Cawhtaw kai ingawm amni thawlh sak lawt nyng. Cet nawhtaw thawlhnaak koeh sai voel moe,” tina hy.
12 Again, therefore, unto them, spake Jesus, saying—I, am the light of the world: He that followeth me, shall in nowise walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.
Thlangkhqi venawh Jesu ing awi kqawn pek tlaih hy, “Kai taw khawmdek vangnaak na awm nyng. U awm ka hu awh ak law taw ityk awh awm thannaak ak khuiawh am cet kaw, cehlai hqingnaak ce ta kaw,” tinak khqi hy.
13 The Pharisees, therefore, said unto him—Thou, concerning thyself, bearest witness: thy witness, is not true.
Farasikhqi ing, “Nang ing namah ingkaw namah ni dyihthing na na awm hy; nang dyihpyinaak ve am thym hy,” tina uhy.
14 Jesus answered, and said unto them—Even though, I, bear witness concerning myself, true, is my witness, because I know whence I came, and whither I go; but, ye, know not whence I come, and whither I go.
Jesu ing cekkhqi ak awi ce vemyihna hlat khqi hy, “Kamah ingkaw kamah dyih qu pyi nyng seiawm, kang dyih qu pyinaak ve thym hy; kai taw hana kawng ka law nawh hana ka ceh hly tice sim nyng; cehlai nangmih ingtaw ka lawnaak ingkaw ka cehnaak hly am sim uhy ti.
15 Ye, according to the flesh, do judge: I, am judging no one.
Nangmih ing thlanghqing pumsa ing awideng uhyk ti; cehlai kai ingtaw u awm awi am deng nyng.
16 And, even if, I, am judging, my judging, is, genuine, —because, alone, am I not, but, I, and the Father who sent me;
Awideng bai nyng seiawm, kamah doengna am ka awm awh kak awi tlypnaak ve thym hy. Kai anik tyikung Pa ingqawi kai taw dyi haih nyng.
17 And, in your own law, it is written, that, two men’s witness, is, true:
Na mimah a anaa awi awh thlang pakhih ing a sim pyi awhtaw cawhkaw a simpyinaak ce thym hy tina awm hy.
18 I, am the one bearing witness of myself, and the Father who sent me is bearing witness concerning me.
Kai ing kamah ce dyih qu pyi nyng; kai anik tyikung ak chang simpyikung taw Pa ni,” tinak khqi hy.
19 They were saying unto him, therefore—Where, is thy father? Jesus answered—Neither, me, do ye know, nor yet my Father: If, me, ye had known, my Father also, had ye known.
Cawh cekkhqi ing doet uhy, “Na pa ce hana nu a awm?” tina uhy. Jesu ing, “Nangmih ing kai amni sim u tiksaw ka Pa awm am sim utyk ti. Kai mah nami ni sim mantaw, ka Pa awm sim hly hlai uhyk ti,” tinak khqi hy.
20 These sayings, spake he in the treasury, teaching in the temple, and yet, no one, seized him, because, not yet, had come his hour.
Bawkim awh tangka amik channaak bawm a venawh a cawngpyi khqi awh ve ak awi ve kqawn pek khqi hy. A tym a pha hlan dawngawh u ingawm am tu hy.
21 He said unto them again, therefore—I, go, and ye shall seek me, —and yet, in your sin, shall ye die: Whither, I, go, ye, cannot come.
Jesu ing a mingmih a venawh awi kqawn pek khqi tlaih bai hy, “Kai taw cet hly hawh nyng, nangmih ing kai ce ni sui kawm uk ti, cehlai nami thawlhnaak awh ce thi kawm uk ti. Kai ka cehnaak awh nangmih am law thai kawm uk ti,” tinak khqi hy.
22 The Jews, therefore, were saying—Can it be that he will kill himself, that he saith, Whither, I, go, ye, cannot come?
Cedawngawh Judahkhqi ce doet qu uhy, “Amah ingkaw amah him qu vang tinawh hy voei aw? Cawh aw, ‘Kai ka cehnaak awh nangmih am law thai kawm uk ti,’ a ti hy voei?” ti uhy.
23 And he was saying unto them—Ye, are, of the realms below, I, am, of the realms above: Ye, are, of this world, I, am not of this world.
Cehlai anih ing, “Ningmih taw ak kai nakawng ni nami law hy, kai taw khan benna kawng law nyng. Nangmih taw ve khawmdek a koena awm uhyk ti; kai taw ve khawmdek a koe na am awm nyng.
24 Therefore said I unto you, Ye shall die in your sins: For, if ye believe not that, I, am he, ye shall die in your sins.
Nami thawhlhnaak awh nangmih taw thi kawm uk ti, tice nik kqawn pek khqi hawh nyng; kai ve anih hawh ni, tinawh kak khypyi ve am namik cangnaak awhtaw nami thawlhnaak awh ce thi tang tang kawm uk ti,” tinak khqi hy.
25 They were saying unto him, therefore—Who art, thou? Jesus said unto them—First and foremost, even what I speak unto you.
Cekkhqi ing, “Nang ve a u nu?” tina uhy. Jesu ing, “Nik kqawn pek khqi khing hawh nyng kaw.
26 Many things, have I, concerning you, to speak, and to judge; but, he who sent me, is, true, and, I, what things I heard from him, the same, speak I unto the world.
Nangmih awi ka ni dengnaak khqi awh ve awi khawzah kqawn ham ta nyng. Cehlai kai anik tyikung taw ypawm hy, anih a ven awhkaw, kang zaak ce ni khawmdek a venawh kak kqawm,” tinak khqi hy.
27 They noted not that, as touching the Father, unto them, he was speaking.
A Pa akawng ak kqawn peekkhqi ce a mingmih ing am zasim uhy.
28 Jesus, therefore, said—Whensoever ye shall lift up the Son of Man, then, shall ye know, that, I, am he, and, of myself, am doing, nothing; but, just as the Father taught me, the same things, am I speaking.
Cedawngawh Jesu ing, “Nangmih ing Thlanghqing Capa ce nami tai awh, kai ve anih hawh ni, tice sim kawm u tiksaw, kamah poek awh ik-oeih am sai nyng saw Pa ing ani cawngpyi amyihna ni awi kak kqawn, tice sim kawm uk ti.
29 And, he that sent me, is, with me: He hath not left me, alone. Because, I, the things that please him, ever do.
Kai a nik tyikung ce kai ak khuiawh awm hy; kamah doeng amni cehta hy, anih ak kawngaih ce ni kai ing ka sai poepa,” tinak khqi hy.
30 As he was speaking these things, many, believed on him.
Ve ak awikhqi ak kqawn awh thlang khawzah ing ak khanawh cangnaak ta uhy.
31 Jesus was saying, therefore, unto the Jews who had believed on him—If, ye, abide in my word, of a truth, my disciples, ye are;
Amah ak cangnaak Judahkhqi venawh Jesu ing, “Ka cawngpyinaak ve namim tu awhtaw, nangmih taw kai a hubat tang tang na awm uhyk ti.
32 And ye shall know the truth, and, the truth, shall make you free.
Cawhtaw awitak ce sim kawm uk ti, Awitak ing nangmih ce ni loet sak khqi kaw,” tinak khqi hy.
33 They made answer unto him—Seed of Abraham, are we, and, unto no one, have been brought into bondage, at any time: How sayest, thou, Free, shall ye be made?
A mingmih ing, “Kaimih ve Abraham a cadil na awm unyng saw, u a tamnaa na awm am awm khawi unyng. Ikawmyihna nang ing loet kawm uk ti, na ti?” tina uhy.
34 Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you: Every one who committeth sin, is, a slave, [of sin: ]
Jesu ing, “Awitak ka nik kqawn peek khqi, u awm thawlhnaak ak sai taw thawlhnaak a tamnaa na awm hy.
35 Now, the slave, doth not abide in the house, evermore. The Son, abideth, evermore. (aiōn g165)
Tamnaa ing ipkhui awh am awm poe thai hy, cehlai capa taw ang qui na ipkhui awh awm hy. (aiōn g165)
36 If then, the Son, shall make you free, really free, shall ye be.
Cedawngawh Capa ing nangmih ce ani loet sak khqi awhtaw, loet tang tang kawm uk ti.
37 I know that ye are, seed of Abraham; but ye are seeking to kill me, because, my word, findeth no place in you.
Nangmih Abraham a cadil na awm uhyk ti tice sim nyng. Cehlai nangmih ak khuiawh kak awi ama awm dawngawh, nangmih ing kai ce him aham ni ngaih uhyk ti,” tinak khqi hy.
38 What things, I, have seen with the Father, I am speaking; Ye, also, then, what things ye have heard from your father, are doing.—
Kai ing ka Pa haiawh ka huh ce nangmih a venawh kqawn law nyng, nangmih ingawm nami pa a venawh kaw naming zaak ce ni nami sai lawt hy,” tinak khqi hy.
39 They answered and said unto him—Our father, is, Abraham. Jesus saith unto them—If, children of Abraham, ye are, the works of Abraham, are ye doing.
Cekkhqi ing, “Abraham taw kaimih a Pa ni,” tina uhy. Jesu ing, “Abraham a ca khqi na nami awm awhtaw, Abraham ing a sai ce nami sai aham awm hlai ti maw.
40 But, now, ye are seeking, to kill me, —A man who, the truth, unto you, hath spoken, which I have heard from God: this, Abraham, did not.
Kai ing Khawsa venawh kaw kang zaak awitak ce nangmih a venawh kqawn law hlai nyng, nangmih ingtaw kai ve him ahamni teng uhyk ti. Abraham ingtaw cemyih ik-oeih ce am sai hy.
41 Ye, are doing the works of your father. They said unto him—We, of fornication, were not born: One father, have we—God.
Nangmih ingtaw nami pakhqi ing ami sai ceni nami sai hy,” tinak khqi hy. Cekkhqi ing, “Kaimih ve caquk caqaikhqi amni. Pynoet doeng kami taak cetaw Khawsa amah ni,” tina uhy.
42 Jesus said unto them—If, God, had been your father, ye had been loving me, for, I, from God, came forth, and am here; for, not even of myself, have I come, but, he, sent me forth.
Jesu ing a mingmih a venawh, “Khawsa ce nangmih a Pa na a awm mantaw, kai ve ni lungna hly hlai uhyk ti, kai taw Khawsa venna kawng law nyng saw tuh vawh awm nyng. Kai kamah poek awh am law nyng; anih ing ni ani tyih hy.
43 Wherefore, is it, that, my speech, ye do not understand? because ye cannot hear my word.
Ikawtih kak awi ve nangmih a venawh ama caih hy voei? Kak kqawn ve am naming zaak thai dawngawh ni.
44 Ye, are, of your father—the adversary, and, the covetings of your father, ye choose to be doing. He, was, a murderer, from the beginning, and, in the truth, he stood not; because truth is not in him: Whensoever he speaketh falsehood, of his own, he speaketh; because, false, he is, and, the father of it.
Nangmih ve nami pa qaai ak thlangkhqi ni. Cedawngawh nami pa ak kawngaih ce sai aham ngaih uhyk ti. Anih ce ak cykca awhkawng thlang ak him na awm nawh amah awh awitak ce ama awm dawngawh awitak ce am tuhy. Qaai awi ak kqawn awh, amah ingkaw amah ni ak kqawn qu kqoeng hy, qaai awi ak kqawn thlang na awm nawh qaai awi ak kqawn thlangkhqi a pa na awm lawt hy.
45 But, as for me, because, the truth, I speak, ye do not believe me.
Cehlai awitak ka nik kqawn peek khqi dawngawh, nangmih ing amnik cangna uhyk ti!
46 Which of you convicteth me of sin? If, truth, I speak, wherefore, do, ye, not believe me?
Nangmih ak khuiawh u ing nu kai a thawlhnaak am tu law thai? Awitak ka nik kqawn peek khqi taw, Ikawtih am nami nik cangnaak?
47 He that is of God, heareth, the sayings of God; therefore, do, ye, not hear, because, of God, ye are not.
U awm Khawsa ak thlang ingtaw Khawsa ak awi ce za hy. Khawsa koe na am nami awm dawngawh ni ak awi awm am naming zaak thai hy,” tinak khqi hy.
48 The Jews answered, and said unto him—Do, we, not, well, say: Thou, art, a Samaritan, and hast a demon?
Judahkhqi ing, “Nang ve Samari thlang qaai ak ta ni, ka mi tive thym hy my?” tina uhy.
49 Jesus answered—I, have not, a demon, but honour my Father: and, ye, dishonour me.
Jesu ing, “Qaai am ta nyng, kai ing ka Pa ni ka zoeksang, cehlai nangmih ing amni zoeksang uhyk ti.
50 But, I, seek not my glory: There is one who seeketh and judgeth.
Kamah a zoeksangnaak am sui nyng; ce ak sui thlang pynoet awm hy, anih cetaw awi ak dengkung na awm hy.
51 Verily, verily, I say unto you: If anyone shall keep, my word, death, shall he not see, unto times age-abiding. (aiōn g165)
Awitak ka nik kqawn peek khqi, u ingawm kak awi ve a khoem awhtaw, ityk awh awm anih ce am thi voel kaw,” tina hy. (aiōn g165)
52 The Jews said unto him—Now, we know that, a demon, thou hast: —Abraham, died, and, the prophets, and yet, thou, sayest: If anyone shall keep, my word, in nowise shall he taste of death, unto times age-abiding. (aiōn g165)
Cawh Judahkhqi ing, “Tuh qaai ta hyk ti tice ni sim hawh unyng! Abraham ce thi hawh hy, cemyih lawt na tawnghakhqi awm thi hawh uhy, cehlai nang ingtaw, 'U awm kai ak awi ak khoem taw thihnaak am tan kaw,' ti hyk ti. (aiōn g165)
53 Surely, thou, art not, greater, than our father Abraham, —who, indeed, died? and, the prophets, died: —Whom, makest thou thyself?
Nang ve kaimih a Pa Abraham anglakawh na bau khqoet nawh nu? Anih ce thi hawh hy, cemyih lawt na tawnghakhqi awm thi hawh uhy. Namah ingkaw namah ve ikaw na nu nang ngaih qu?” tina uhy.
54 Jesus answered—If, I, glorify myself, my glory, is nothing: It is, my Father, that glorifieth me, —of whom, ye, say—He is, your God!
Jesu ing, “Kamah ingkaw kamah ka zoeksang qu awhtaw, ka zoeksang qunaak ve kawna awm am awm kaw. Ka pa, nangmih ing nami Khawsa na nami taak ce, anih ing ni kai ve ani zoeksang hy.
55 And yet ye have not come to know him; but, I, do know him: If I say, I know him not, I shall be like you—false; but I know him, and, his word, am I keeping.
Nangmih ing anih ce am sim hlai uhyk ti, kai ingtaw sim nyng. Am sim nyng ka ti mantaw kai awm nangmih amyihna a qaai ak kqawn na awm nyng, cehlai anih ce kai ing sim nyng saw, ak awi ce khoem nyng.
56 Abraham, your father, exulted that he should see my day; and he saw, and rejoiced.
Nangmih a pa Abraham ing kai a khawnghi ve huh aham anak poek nawh ana zeel hy; hu nawh ak kaw zeel hy,” tinak khqi hy.
57 The Jews, therefore, said unto him—Fifty years old, not yet art thou, and, Abraham, hast thou seen?
Judahkhqi ing, “Kum hakip za na law hlanawh, Abraham hu nyng e!” tina uhy.
58 Jesus said unto them—Verily, verily, I say unto you: Before, Abraham, came into existence, I, am.
Jesu ing, “Awitak ka nik kqawn peek khqi, Abraham a thang hlanawh kai awm hawh nyng,” tinak khqi hy.
59 They took up stones, therefore, that they might cast at him; but, Jesus, was hidden, and went forth out of the temple.
Cawh, a mingmih ing khawng aham lung cung uhy, cehlai Jesu ing thuk taak khqi hy, bawkim kawngma awhkawng cekkhqi ce ak changna cehtaak khqi hy.

< John 8 >