< John 21 >

1 After these things, Jesus manifested himself again, unto the disciples, by the sea of Tiberias; and manifested himself, thus: —
Muri iho i enei mea ka whakakite a Ihu i a ia ki nga akonga i te moana o Taipiria; ko tana whakakitenga tenei:
2 There were together, Simon Peter, and Thomas, who was called Didymus, and Nathanael, who was from Cana of Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and, two other, of his disciples.
E noho tahi ana a Haimona Pita, a Tamati, ko Ririmu nei tona ingoa, a Natanahira o Kana o Kariri, nga tama a Heperi, me tetahi tokorua atu ano o ana akonga.
3 Simon Peter saith unto them—I go a fishing! They say unto him—We also, go with thee! They went out, and got up into the boat, and during that night, they caught nothing.
Ka mea a Haimona Pita ki a ratou, Ka haere ahau ki te hao. Ka mea ratou ki a ia, Ko tatou tahi e haere. Haere ana ratou, eke ana ki runga ki te kaipuke; a i taua po kihai i mau tetahi mea.
4 But, morning by this time drawing on, Jesus stood upon the beach; nevertheless, the disciples knew not that it was, Jesus.
Na ka puao te ata, ko Ihu e tu ana i tatahi: otiia kihai nga akonga i mohio ko Ihu ia.
5 Jesus, therefore, saith unto them—Children! perhaps ye have nothing to eat? They answered him—No.
Na ko te meatanga a Ihu ki a ratou, E tama ma, kahore a koutou kai? Ka whakahokia e ratou ki a ia, Kahore.
6 And, he, said unto them—Cast the net, on the right side of the boat, —and ye shall find. They cast, therefore; and, no longer, were they able, to draw, it, for the multitude of the fishes.
Ka mea ia ki a ratou, Maka te kupenga ki te taha matau o te kaipuke a ka mau etahi. Na, i ta ratou makanga atu, kihai i taea te kukume i te tini o nga ika.
7 That disciple, therefore, whom Jesus loved, saith unto Peter—It is, the Lord! Simon Peter, therefore, hearing that it was the Lord, girded about him, his upper garment, —for he was naked; and cast himself into the sea;
Katahi ka mea te akonga i arohaina e Ihu ki a Pita, Ko te Ariki. A, no te rongonga o Haimona Pita, ko te Ariki, ka whitikiria tona kakahu, e tu kau ana hoki ia, a rere ana ki te moana.
8 but, the other disciples, came, by the little boat, —for they were not farther from the land than about two hundred cubits off, —dragging the net of fishes.
Ko era akonga ia i hoe i runga i te poti, kihai hoki i mamao atu i te whenua, me te mea e rua rau whatianga, e kukume ana i te kupenga, i nga ika.
9 So, when they got out upon the land, they behold a coal fire lying, and fish lying over, and bread.
Heoi, no to ratou unga ki uta, ka kite i te kapura waro me nga ika e takoto ana i runga, me tetahi taro.
10 Jesus saith unto them—Bring of the fish which ye caught just now.
Ka mea a Ihu ki a ratou, Homai etahi o nga ika kua mau na i a koutou.
11 Simon Peter, therefore, went on board, and drew the net on to the land, —full of large fishes, a hundred and fifty-three; and, though they were so many, the net was not rent.
Na haere ana a Haimona Pita, a kumea ana e ia te kupenga ki uta, ki tonu i nga ika nunui, kotahi rau e rima tekau ma toru: a, ahakoa tini, kihai i pakaru te kupenga.
12 Jesus saith unto them—Come! break your fast. Not one, of the disciples was venturing to ask him, Who art, thou? knowing that it was, the Lord.
Ka mea a Ihu ki a ratou, haere mai kai te kai. heoi kihai tetahi o nga akonga i maia ki te ui ki a ia, Ko wai koe? i mohio hoki ko te Ariki.
13 Jesus cometh, and taketh the bread, and giveth unto them; and the fish, in like manner.
Na ka haere a Ihu, ka mau ki te taro, a hoatu ana e ia ki a ratou, me nga ika.
14 This, already, is the third time Jesus was manifested unto the disciples, after he was raised from among the dead.
Ko te toru tenei o nga putanga o Ihu ki ana akonga, i muri i tona aranga ake i te hunga mate.
15 When, therefore, they had broken their fast, Jesus saith unto Simon Peter—Simon, son of John! lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him—Yea, Lord! thou, knowest that I am fond of thee, he saith unto him—Be feeding my lambs.
A ka mutu ta ratou kai, ka mea a Ihu ki a Haimona Pita, E Haimona, tama a Hona, rahi atu ranei tou aroha ki ahau i to enei? Ka mea tera ki a ia, Ae, e te Ariki; e mohio ana koe e aroha ana ahau ki a koe. Ka mea ia ki a ia, Whangainga aku reme.
16 He saith unto him, again, the second time—Simon, son of John! lovest thou me? He saith unto him—Yea, Lord! thou, knowest that I am fond of thee. He saith unto him—Be shepherding my sheep.
Ka mea ano ia ki a ia, ko te rua o nga meatanga, E Haimona, tama a Hona, e aroha ana koe ki ahau? Ka mea tera ki a ia, Ae, e te Ariki; e mohio ana koe e aroha ana ahau ki a koe. Ka mea ia ki a ia, Heparatia aku hipi.
17 He saith unto him, the third time—Simon, son of John! art thou fond of me? Peter was grieved, that he said unto him, the third time, Art thou fond of me? and he said unto him—Lord! all things, thou, knowest: thou perceivest that I am fond of thee. Jesus saith unto him—Be feeding my sheep.
Ka mea ia ki a ia, ko te toru o nga meatanga, E Haimona, tama a Hona, e aroha ana koe ki ahau? Ka pouri a Pita no te mea ka toru rawa ana meatanga ki a ia, E aroha ana koe ki ahau? Ka mea ano ki a ia, E te Ariki, e mohio ana koe ki nga mea katoa; e mohio ana koe e aroha ana ahau ki a koe. Ka mea a Ihu ki a ia, Whangainga aku hipi.
18 Verily, verily, I say unto thee—When thou wast younger, thou usedst to gird thyself, and to walk whither thou didst choose; but, when thou shalt become aged, thou shalt stretch out thy hands, and, another, shall gird thee, and bear thee, whither thou dost not choose.
He pono, he pono taku e mea nei ki a koe, I tou tamarikitanga, i whitiki koe i a koe, i haere ki tau wahi i pai ai: ka koroheketia koe, ka whakamarokia e koe ou ringa, he tangata ke hoki mana koe e whitiki, e kawe ki te wahi e kore ai koe e pai.
19 Now, this, he said, signifying, by what manner of death, he should glorify God. And, having said this, he saith unto him—Be following me.
I korerotia tenei e ia, hei tohu mo te mate e whakakororia ai ia i te Atua. A ka puaki tenei kupu ana, ka mea ia ki a ia, Haere mai i muri i ahau.
20 Peter, turning about, beholdeth the disciple whom Jesus loved, following, —who also reclined during the supper upon his breast, and said—Lord, who is it that is delivering thee up?
No te tahuritanga o Pita, ka kite i te akonga i aroha ai a Ihu e aru ana; ko tera hoki i whakawhirinaki ra ki tonu uma i te hapa, i mea ra, E te Ariki, ko wai te kaituku mou?
21 Peter, therefore, seeing, this one, saith unto Jesus—Lord! and, this one, what?
A, i te kitenga o Pita i a ia, ka mea ki a Ihu, E te Ariki, e aha ra tenei?
22 Jesus saith unto him—If I will that, he, remain until I come, what is that to thee? Thou, be following me.
Ka mea a Ihu ki a ia, Ki te pai ahau kia noho tonu ia kia tae mai ra ano ahau, hei aha mau? haere mai koe i muri i ahau.
23 This word, therefore, went forth unto the brethren, that, that disciple, should not die. Howbeit, Jesus did not tell him, he should not die; but, If I will that, he, remain until I come, what is that to thee?
Heoi ka puta atu tenei kupu ki nga hoa, e kore taua akonga e mate: otiia kihai a Ihu i mea ki a ia, E kore ia e mate; engari, Ki te pai ahau kia noho tonu ia kia tae mai ra ano ahau, hei aha mau?
24 This, is the disciple who beareth witness concerning these things, and who hath written these things; and we know that, true, is, his witness.
Ko taua akonga tenei e whakaatu nei i enei mea, ko te kaituhituhi hoki ia i enei mea: e mohio ana ano matou e tika ana tana whakaatu.
25 Now there are many other things also, which Jesus did, which, indeed, if they were to be written one by one, not even the world, itself, I suppose, would contain, the books which must be written.
Na tera atu ano tona tini o nga mea i mea ai a Ihu me i tuhia katoatia, e mea ana ahau, e kore pea te ao nei e whai takotoranga mo nga pukapuka e tuhia. Amine.

< John 21 >