< John 2 >
1 And, on the third day, a marriage, took place, in Cana, of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there, —
Danata n den pendi li potaali den tieni kana dogu nni Galile diema nni, Jesu naa den ye likani.
2 and Jesus also was invited, with his disciples, unto the marriage.
Bi den yini Jesu leni o hoadikaaba moko li hiigili yeni.
3 And, wine falling short, the mother of Jesus saith unto him—Wine, have they none!
Duven n den poadi, Jesu naa den yedi o: Baa go pia duven.
4 And Jesus saith unto her—What part can I take with thee, O woman? Not yet, hath come, mine hour.
Jesu den guani ki yedi onaa, pua be n ye mini leni fini siiga, n yogunu daa pundi.
5 His mother saith unto them who are ministering—Whatsoever he may say to you, do!
O naa den yedi yaaba n tuuni likani wan yedi yi yaala kuli yin tieni.
6 Now there were there, six stone water-vessels, placed, according to the purification of the Jews; holding each, two or three measures.
Li sua ke bonciama luoba den ye likani, ki tie ban maa yaa leni ti tandi Jufinba nidihannbima bogida po ke bonyenli kuli baa fidi ki gaa litidikobiga.
7 Jesus saith unto them—Fill the vessels with water. And they filled them up to the brim.
Jesu den yedi ba: Gbieni mani aboba ne kuli ñima bi den gbieni a kuli kali ki ban liadi cain. Jesu den yedi ba:
8 And he saith unto them—Draw out now, and be bearing unto the master of the feast. And they bare.
Kabidi mani ki ban teni mi pocaanjiema yudaano. Bi den kabidi ki ban teni o.
9 And, when the master of the feast had tasted the water, now made, wine, and knew not whence it was, —though, they who were ministering, knew, even they who had drawn out the water, the master accosteth the bridegroom,
Mi pocaanjiema yudaano den wubi yaa ñima n lebidi ki tua duven yeni, kaa bani man ñani naani. Ama yaaba n teni wani den bani.
10 and saith unto him—Every man, first the good wine, setteth out; and, when they had been well-supplied, the inferior: —Thou, hast kept the good wine until, even now.
O den yini opocaano calo, Ki yedi o: Bi yaba kuli yen cuani bi canba po yaa duven n mani bohanla yo, bi yaa ñuni, banji yuandi, ki cuani yua ki mani bonhanla, ke amo anan bi wuoni o bonhamo, ki bancuani o moala ne.
11 This, beginning of his signs, did Jesus, in Cana of Galilee, and manifested his glory; and his disciples believed on him.
Lan n tie Jesu n den cili ki tieni ya bancianma kana dogu nni Galile diema nni ki doagidi kpiagidi ke o hoadikaaba daani o.
12 After this, he came down into Capernaum, —he, and his mother and brethren, and his disciples; and, there, they abode, not many days.
Lani n pendi Jesu den gedi kapenayuma wani leni onaa leni owaamu leni o hoadikaaba, ki tieni likani dana waamu.
13 And, near, was the passover of the Jews; and, Jesus, went up unto Jerusalem.
Jufinba Jaanma ban yi yaama paki, yaala n bua ki bundi mi pendima Jaanma n den nagidi Jesu den suagi ki gedi Jelusalema.
14 And he found, in the temple, them that were selling oxen and sheep and doves, also the money-changers sitting.
O sua U Tienu diegu nni yaaba n kuadi ine, yaaba n kuadi ipe, yaaba n kuadi mu kpaajiemu leni yaaba n lebidi iligi ke bi ye lienni.
15 And, making a scourge out of rushes, all of them, thrust he forth out of the temple, both the sheep and the oxen; and, the money-changers’ small coins, poured he forth, and, the tables, he overturned;
O den taa u baabu ki lebini u ke u tua nani u balijo yeni, ki deli bani leni bi ne leni leni bi pe kuli ki ñani ba, ki tudi ki luni bi ligi lebidiba kpagidi.
16 and unto them who were selling, the doves, he said—Take these things hence! Be not making, the house of my Father, a house of merchandise.
ki yedi akpajekuada ñani mani laa bonla nekanba ki da teni n Baa diegu n tua kpendi diegu.
17 His disciples remembered that it was written—The zeal of thy house, eateth me up.
O hoadikaaba den tiadi ke li diani ki yedi: A diegu yankuali cuo nni hali boncianla.
18 The Jews therefore answered, and said unto him, What sign, dost thou point out to us, in that, these things, thou doest?
Jufinba den taa mi maama ki yedi o: A baa tieni be bancianme ki doagidi ke a pia usanu ki ya tiendi han tiendi yaala ne?
19 Jesus answered, and said unto them—Take down this shrine, and, in three days, will I raise it.
Jesu den guani ki yedi ba: Mudi mani U Tienu diegu ne, n baa maagu ne leni danata siiga.
20 The Jews, therefore, said—In forty and six years, was this shrine built. And, thou, in three days, wilt raise it!
Jufinba den yedi o: Piinaa n binaluobe ke bi den maa ki fidi ki gbeni ku diegu ne, ke fini wani yedi ke a baa maagu ki gbeni ne leni danata siiga!
21 But, he, was speaking concerning the shrine of his body.
Ama Jesu wani den maadi o gbannandi maame.
22 When, therefore, he had been raised from among the dead, his disciples remembered, that, this, he had been saying; and they believed in the Scripture, and in the word which Jesus had spoken.
Wan den fii bi tinkpiba siiga, o hoadikaaba den tiadi wan den yedi yaala ki daani idiani n yedi yaala leni Jesu n den maadi ya maama kuli.
23 Now, when he was in Jerusalem, during the passover, during the feast, many, believed on his name, viewing his signs which he was doing.
Jesu n den ye Jelusalema paki jaanma yogunu yeni, lani tie mi pendima Jaanma bi niba boncianla den laa wan tiedi yaa bancianma ki daani o.
24 Jesus himself, however, was not trusting himself unto them, by reason of his understanding them all,
Ama Jesu ki den dugi bi po kelima o den bani bi kuli.
25 and because he had, no need, that anyone should bear witness concerning man; for, he, understood what was in man.
Laa den tie opo tiladi toa n waani o ban tie maama, kelima wani o baa den bani yaala n ye onisaalo pali nni.