< John 19 >
1 Then Pilate, therefore, took Jesus, and scourged him.
piilaato yii"sum aaniiya ka"sayaa praahaarayat|
2 And, the soldiers, plaiting a crown out of thorns, placed it upon his head, and, a purple robe, cast they about him;
pa"scaat senaaga. na. h ka. n.takanirmmita. m muku. ta. m tasya mastake samarpya vaarttaakiivar. na. m raajaparicchada. m paridhaapya,
3 and kept coming unto him, and saying—Joy to thee! O King of the Jews!—and were giving unto him smart blows.
he yihuudiiyaanaa. m raajan namaskaara ityuktvaa ta. m cape. tenaahantum aarabhata|
4 And Pilate went forth again outside, and saith unto them—See! I lead him unto you outside, that ye may take knowledge, that, no single fault, do I find in him.
tadaa piilaata. h punarapi bahirgatvaa lokaan avadat, asya kamapyaparaadha. m na labhe. aha. m, pa"syata tad yu. smaan j naapayitu. m yu. smaaka. m sannidhau bahirenam aanayaami|
5 Jesus, therefore, came forth outside, wearing the thorn crown, and the purple mantle. And he saith unto them—Lo! the Man!
tata. h para. m yii"su. h ka. n.takamuku. tavaan vaarttaakiivar. navasanavaa. m"sca bahiraagacchat| tata. h piilaata uktavaan ena. m manu. sya. m pa"syata|
6 When, therefore, the High-priests and the officers saw him, they cried aloud, saying—Crucify! Crucify! Pilate saith unto them—Ye, take him, and crucify; for, I, find not in him, a fault.
tadaa pradhaanayaajakaa. h padaataya"sca ta. m d. r.s. tvaa, ena. m kru"se vidha, ena. m kru"se vidha, ityuktvaa ravitu. m aarabhanta| tata. h piilaata. h kathitavaan yuuya. m svayam ena. m niitvaa kru"se vidhata, aham etasya kamapyaparaadha. m na praaptavaan|
7 The Jews answered him—We, have, a law, and, according to the law, he ought to die, because, Son of God, himself, he made.
yihuudiiyaa. h pratyavadan asmaaka. m yaa vyavasthaaste tadanusaare. naasya praa. nahananam ucita. m yatoya. m svam ii"svarasya putramavadat|
8 When, therefore, Pilate heard this word, he was the more afraid;
piilaata imaa. m kathaa. m "srutvaa mahaatraasayukta. h
9 and entered into the judgment-hall again, and saith unto Jesus—Whence, art, thou? But, Jesus, gave him no, answer.
san punarapi raajag. rha aagatya yii"su. m p. r.s. tavaan tva. m kutratyo loka. h? kintu yii"sastasya kimapi pratyuttara. m naavadat|
10 Pilate, therefore, saith unto him—Unto me, dost thou not speak? Knowest thou not, that, authority, have I to release thee, and, authority, have I to crucify thee?
tata. h piilaat kathitavaana tva. m ki. m mayaa saarddha. m na sa. mlapi. syasi? tvaa. m kru"se vedhitu. m vaa mocayitu. m "sakti rmamaaste iti ki. m tva. m na jaanaasi? tadaa yii"su. h pratyavadad ii"svare. naada. m mamopari tava kimapyadhipatitva. m na vidyate, tathaapi yo jano maa. m tava haste samaarpayat tasya mahaapaataka. m jaatam|
11 Jesus answered him—Thou couldst have had no authority against me, at all, if it had not been given unto thee from above. Therefore, he that delivered me unto thee, hath, greater sin.
tadaa yii"su. h pratyavadad ii"svare. naadatta. m mamopari tava kimapyadhipatitva. m na vidyate, tathaapi yo jano maa. m tava haste samaarpayat tasya mahaapaataka. m jaatam|
12 For this cause, Pilate, began seeking to release him; but, the Jews, cried aloud saying—If this man thou release, thou art not a friend of Caesar, for, every one who maketh himself king, speaketh against Caesar.
tadaarabhya piilaatasta. m mocayitu. m ce. s.titavaan kintu yihuudiiyaa ruvanto vyaaharan yadiima. m maanava. m tyajasi tarhi tva. m kaisarasya mitra. m na bhavasi, yo jana. h sva. m raajaana. m vakti saeva kaimarasya viruddhaa. m kathaa. m kathayati|
13 Pilate, therefore, when he heard these words, led Jesus outside, and sat down upon a raised seat, in a place called Pavement, but, in Hebrew, Gabbatha.
etaa. m kathaa. m "srutvaa piilaato yii"su. m bahiraaniiya nistaarotsavasya aasaadanadinasya dvitiiyapraharaat puurvva. m prastarabandhananaamni sthaane. arthaat ibriiyabhaa. sayaa yad gabbithaa kathyate tasmin sthaane vicaaraasana upaavi"sat|
14 Now it was the preparation of the passover, —it was about the sixth hour. And he saith unto the Jews—See! your King!
anantara. m piilaato yihuudiiyaan avadat, yu. smaaka. m raajaana. m pa"syata|
15 They, therefore, cried aloud—Away! away! Crucify him! Pilate saith unto them—Your king, shall I crucify? The High-priests answered—We have no king but Caesar!
kintu ena. m duuriikuru, ena. m duuriikuru, ena. m kru"se vidha, iti kathaa. m kathayitvaa te ravitum aarabhanta; tadaa piilaata. h kathitavaan yu. smaaka. m raajaana. m ki. m kru"se vedhi. syaami? pradhaanayaajakaa uttaram avadan kaisara. m vinaa kopi raajaasmaaka. m naasti|
16 Then, therefore, he delivered him up unto them, that he might be crucified. They took possession, therefore, of Jesus.
tata. h piilaato yii"su. m kru"se vedhitu. m te. saa. m haste. su samaarpayat, tataste ta. m dh. rtvaa niitavanta. h|
17 And, bearing for himself the cross, he went forth unto the so-called Skull-place, which is named, in Hebrew, Golgotha;
tata. h para. m yii"su. h kru"sa. m vahan "sira. hkapaalam arthaad yad ibriiyabhaa. sayaa gulgaltaa. m vadanti tasmin sthaana upasthita. h|
18 where, him, they crucified; and, with him, other two, on this side and on that, and, in the midst, Jesus.
tataste madhyasthaane ta. m tasyobhayapaar"sve dvaavaparau kru"se. avidhan|
19 And Pilate wrote a title also, and placed on the cross; and there was written—JESUS, THE NAZARENE, THE KING OF THE JEWS.
aparam e. sa yihuudiiyaanaa. m raajaa naasaratiiyayii"su. h, iti vij naapana. m likhitvaa piilaatastasya kru"sopari samayojayat|
20 This title, therefore, read many of the Jews, because, near, was the place to the city where Jesus was crucified; and it was written in Hebrew, in Latin, in Greek.
saa lipi. h ibriiyayuunaaniiyaromiiyabhaa. saabhi rlikhitaa; yii"so. h kru"savedhanasthaana. m nagarasya samiipa. m, tasmaad bahavo yihuudiiyaastaa. m pa. thitum aarabhanta|
21 The High-priests of the Jews, therefore, were saying unto Pilate—Do not be writing, The King of the Jews; but that, he, said: King of the Jews, I am.
yihuudiiyaanaa. m pradhaanayaajakaa. h piilaatamiti nyavedayan yihuudiiyaanaa. m raajeti vaakya. m na kintu e. sa sva. m yihuudiiyaanaa. m raajaanam avadad ittha. m likhatu|
22 Pilate answered—What I have written, I have written!
tata. h piilaata uttara. m dattavaan yallekhaniiya. m tallikhitavaan|
23 The soldiers, therefore, when they had crucified Jesus, took his garments and made four parts, unto each soldier, a part; also the tunic. Howbeit, the tunic was without seam, from above, woven throughout.
ittha. m senaaga. no yii"su. m kru"se vidhitvaa tasya paridheyavastra. m caturo bhaagaan k. rtvaa ekaikasenaa ekaikabhaagam ag. rhlat tasyottariiyavastra ncaag. rhlat| kintuuttariiyavastra. m suucisevana. m vinaa sarvvam uuta. m|
24 They said, therefore, one to another—Let us not rend it, but cast lots for it, whose, it shall be; —that, the Scripture, might be fulfilled—They parted my garments amongst them, and, for my vestment, they cast lots: —yes verily, the soldiers, these things did.
tasmaatte vyaaharan etat ka. h praapsyati? tanna kha. n.dayitvaa tatra gu. tikaapaata. m karavaama| vibhajante. adhariiya. m me vasana. m te paraspara. m| mamottariiyavastraartha. m gu. tikaa. m paatayanti ca| iti yadvaakya. m dharmmapustake likhitamaaste tat senaaga. nenettha. m vyavahara. naat siddhamabhavat|
25 And there were standing by the cross of Jesus, his mother, and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary the Magdalene.
tadaanii. m yii"so rmaataa maatu rbhaginii ca yaa kliyapaa bhaaryyaa mariyam magdaliinii mariyam ca etaastasya kru"sasya sannidhau samati. s.than|
26 Jesus, therefore, seeing his mother and the disciple whom he loved, saith unto his mother—O woman, see! thy son!
tato yii"su. h svamaatara. m priyatama"si. sya nca samiipe da. n.daayamaanau vilokya maataram avadat, he yo. sid ena. m tava putra. m pa"sya,
27 Afterwards, he saith unto the disciple—See! thy mother! And, from that hour, the disciple took her unto his own home.
"si. syantvavadat, enaa. m tava maatara. m pa"sya| tata. h sa "si. syastadgha. tikaayaa. m taa. m nijag. rha. m niitavaan|
28 After this, Jesus, knowing that, already, all things, have been finished, —that the Scripture might be fulfilled, saith—I thirst!
anantara. m sarvva. m karmmaadhunaa sampannamabhuut yii"suriti j naatvaa dharmmapustakasya vacana. m yathaa siddha. m bhavati tadartham akathayat mama pipaasaa jaataa|
29 A vessel, was standing, full of vinegar. A sponge, therefore, full of the vinegar, put about, hyssop, brought they unto his mouth.
tatastasmin sthaane amlarasena puur. napaatrasthityaa te spa njameka. m tadamlarasenaardriik. rtya esobnale tad yojayitvaa tasya mukhasya sannidhaavasthaapayan|
30 When, therefore, he had received the vinegar, Jesus said—It is finished! And, bowing his head, delivered up his spirit.
tadaa yii"suramlarasa. m g. rhiitvaa sarvva. m siddham iti kathaa. m kathayitvaa mastaka. m namayan praa. naan paryyatyajat|
31 The Jews, therefore, since it was, a preparation, that the bodies might not remain upon the cross during the Sabbath, —for that Sabbath day was, great, requested Pilate that their legs might be broken, and they be taken away.
tadvinam aasaadanadina. m tasmaat pare. ahani vi"sraamavaare dehaa yathaa kru"sopari na ti. s.thanti, yata. h sa vi"sraamavaaro mahaadinamaasiit, tasmaad yihuudiiyaa. h piilaatanika. ta. m gatvaa te. saa. m paadabha njanasya sthaanaantaranayanasya caanumati. m praarthayanta|
32 The soldiers, therefore, came; and, of the first, indeed, brake the legs, and of the other who was crucified with him, —
ata. h senaa aagatya yii"sunaa saha kru"se hatayo. h prathamadvitiiyacorayo. h paadaan abha njan;
33 but coming, unto Jesus, when they saw that, already, he was dead, they brake not his legs; —
kintu yii"so. h sannidhi. m gatvaa sa m. rta iti d. r.s. tvaa tasya paadau naabha njan|
34 but, one of the soldiers, with a spear, pierced, his side, and there came out, straightway, blood and water.
pa"scaad eko yoddhaa "suulaaghaatena tasya kuk. sim avidhat tatk. sa. naat tasmaad rakta. m jala nca niragacchat|
35 And, he that hath seen, hath borne witness; and, genuine, is his testimony, and, he, knoweth that he saith, what is true, that, ye also, may believe.
yo jano. asya saak. sya. m dadaati sa svaya. m d. r.s. tavaan tasyeda. m saak. sya. m satya. m tasya kathaa yu. smaaka. m vi"svaasa. m janayitu. m yogyaa tat sa jaanaati|
36 For these things came to pass, that, the Scripture, might be fulfilled—A bone thereof, shall not be crushed;
tasyaikam asdhyapi na bha. mk. syate,
37 and, again, a different Scripture, saith—They shall look unto him whom they pierced.
tadvad anya"saastrepi likhyate, yathaa, "d. r.s. tipaata. m kari. syanti te. avidhan yantu tamprati|"
38 But, after these things, Joseph from Arimathaea, being a disciple of Jesus, but having kept it secret for fear of the Jews, requested Pilate, that he might take away the body of Jesus; and Pilate gave permission. He came, therefore, and took away his body.
arimathiiyanagarasya yuu. saphnaamaa "si. sya eka aasiit kintu yihuudiiyebhyo bhayaat prakaa"sito na bhavati; sa yii"so rdeha. m netu. m piilaatasyaanumati. m praarthayata, tata. h piilaatenaanumate sati sa gatvaa yii"so rdeham anayat|
39 There came, moreover, Nicodemus also, —he that came unto him by night at the first, —bearing a roll of myrrh and aloes, about a hundred pounds’ weight.
apara. m yo nikadiimo raatrau yii"so. h samiipam agacchat sopi gandharasena mi"srita. m praaye. na pa ncaa"satse. takamaguru. m g. rhiitvaagacchat|
40 So they received the body of Jesus, and bound it in linen-bandages with the spices, —just as it is, a custom, with the Jews to prepare for burial.
tataste yihuudiiyaanaa. m "sma"saane sthaapanariityanusaare. na tatsugandhidravye. na sahita. m tasya deha. m vastre. naave. s.tayan|
41 Now there was, in the place where he was crucified, a garden; and, in the garden, an unused tomb, wherein, as yet, no one had been laid.
apara nca yatra sthaane ta. m kru"se. avidhan tasya nika. tasthodyaane yatra kimapi m. rtadeha. m kadaapi naasthaapyata taad. r"sam eka. m nuutana. m "sma"saanam aasiit|
42 So, there, by reason of the preparation of the Jews, because, near, was the tomb, laid they Jesus.
yihuudiiyaanaam aasaadanadinaagamanaat te tasmin samiipastha"sma"saane yii"sum a"saayayan|