< John 17 >
1 These things, spake Jesus, and, lifting up his eyes unto heaven, said: —Father! The hour is come! Glorify thy Son, that, the Son, may glorify, thee, —
Jesu n den maadi lani o den yaadi ki nuali tanpoli ki yedi: Baa uyogunu pundi, kpiagi abijua ke abijua mo n kpiagi a.
2 Even as thou gavest him authority over all flesh, that, as touching whatsoever thou hast given him, he might give unto them, life age-abiding. (aiōnios )
Kelima adini o li bali ke o die bi nisaaliba kuli, ke wan fidi ki pa han puni o yaaba kuli yaa miali n kan gbeni. (aiōnios )
3 And, this, is the age-abiding life, That they get to know thee, the only real God, and him whom thou didst send, Jesus Christ. (aiōnios )
Ki sua ya miali n kan gbeni mo tie ban bandi fini yua bebe n tie U Tienu imoamoani leni han soani yua Jesu Kilisiti. (aiōnios )
4 I, glorified thee on the earth, The work, finishing, which thou hast given me that I should do.
N kpiagi a ki tinga nni, n soani ki dudi han puogi nni yaa tuoli kuli.
5 And, now, glorify me—thou, Father! with thyself, with the glory which I had, before the world’s existence, with thee.
Baa kpiagi nni anintuali moala nani min den kpa pia yaa kpiagidi hali ke handuna daa tagi, anintuali.
6 I manifested thy name, unto the men whom thou gavest me out of the world: Thine, they were, and, to me, thou gavest them, and, thy word, have they kept:
N teni ke han puni nni yaaba, handuna siiga kuli bandi ayeli, bi den tie a yaaba ke a taa ba ki puni nni, bi kubi a maama.
7 Now, have they come to know, That, all things, as many as thou gavest me, are, from thee;
Moala bi bandi ke han puni nni yaala kuli ñani a yaa kani,
8 And, the declarations which thou gavest me, have I given them, and, they, received them, and came to know in truth, that, from thee, came I forth, —and they believed, that, thou, didst send me forth.
kelima n caaba a tondu, bi mo gaa ki bandi ke n ñani a kani moamoani, ki go daani ke fini n soani nni.
9 I, concerning them, make request: not, concerning the world, do I make request, but concerning them whom thou hast given me, because, thine, they are, —
N miadi a bi yaapo yo. Mii miadi a handuna po ka, n miadi a han puni nni yaaba yaapo yo, kelima bi tie a yaaba.
10 And, all my possessions, are, thine, and, thy possessions, mine, and I have been glorified in them.
Min die yaala kuli tie a yaala, han die yaala mo kuli tie n yaala. N baa ti kpiagidi kelima bi yaapo.
11 And, no longer, am I in the world, and, they, are, in the world, —and, I, unto thee, am coming. Holy Father! Keep them in thy name which thou hast given me, that they may be one, as, we.
N kan go yaa ye handuna nni, ama ban wani baa ye handuna nni, n kpendi a kani, Baa yua n gagidi, kubi han puni nni yaaba yeni kelima a yeli po. Ke ban tua yendo nani mini leni fini n tie yendo maama.
12 When I was with them, I, kept them in thy name which thou hast given me, —And I kept watch, and, none from among them, went the destruction, —save the son of destruction, that, the Scripture, might be fulfilled.
Min den ye leni ba handuna nni yaa yogunu n den kubi ba kelima a yeli po. N den kubi han puni nni yaaba yeni ke bi siiga baa yendo n ki bodi, yua n den baa bodi i diani n kua yaaka.
13 But, now, unto thee, am I coming; and, these things, am I speaking in the world, that they may have my own joy fulfilled in themselves.
Moala n kpendi a kani, n maadi laa maama ki da ye handuna nni, ke ban baa n yaa pamanli buolu cain.
14 I, have given them thy word, and, the world, hated them, because they are not of the world—even as, I, am not of the world.
N waani ba a maama, handuna yaaba nani ba kelima baa go tie handuna yaaba, nani min ki tie handuna yua maama yeni.
15 I request not, that thou wouldst take them out of the world, but that thou wouldst keep them out of the evil:
Mii mia han ñani ba handuna nni ka, ama han kubi ba ke o biado n da paadi ba.
16 Of the world, they are not, even as, I, am not of the world.
Baa tie handuna yaaba, nani min ki tie handuna yua maama yeni.
17 Hallow them in the truth: Thine own word, is, truth:
Gagidi ki hanbi ba imoamoani nni kelima a maama tie imoamoani.
18 Even as thou didst send me forth into the world, I also, send them forth into the world;
Nani han den soani nni handuna nni maama n moko soani ba handuna nni yene.
19 And, on their behalf, I, hallow myself, that, they also, may have become hallowed in truth.
N gagidi ki hanbi n yuli apo bi nintuali, ke bani moko n gagidi ki hanbi bi yula apo imoamoani nni.
20 Not however concerning these alone, do I make request, but, concerning them also who believe, through their word, on me:
Mii mia ha bani bebe yaapo ka, ama n mia ha leni yaaba n baa tuo bi maama ki daani n yeli nni kuli yaapo.
21 That they, all, may be, one, —even as, thou, Father, in me, and, I, in thee, —that, they also, in us, may be; —that, the world, may believe that, thou, didst send me forth.
Ke ban tua yendo nani fini Baa han ye n niinni ke n mo ye a niinni maama, bani moko ntua yendo yeni ke handuna yaaba n daani ke fini n soani nni.
22 And, I, the glory which thou hast given to me, have given to them, that they may be one, even as, we, are, one.—
N puni ba han puni nni yaa kpiagidi ke ban tua yendo nani tin tie yendo maama.
23 I, in them and, thou, in me; That they may have been perfected into, one, —That the world may get to know, that, thou, didst send me forth, and didst love them even as thou didst love, me.
N ye bi niinni amo ye n niinni ke ban tua yendo cain, ke handuna yaaba n bandi ke fini n soani nni, ki go bandi ke a bua ba nani han bua nni maama.
24 Father! As touching that which thou hast given me, I desire—That, where, I, am, they also, may be, with me, that they may behold my own glory which thou hast given me, —because thou lovedst me, before the foundation of the world.
Baa, n bua ke min ye naani han puni nni yaaba yeni moko n yaa ye lankani, ke ban yaa nua n kpiagidi, han puni nni yaa kpiagidi kelima ha den bua nni hali ke handuna daa tagi.
25 Righteous Father! And so, the world, came not to know thee; but, I, came to know thee, and, these, came to know that, thou, didst send me forth:
Baa yua n gagidi handuna yaaba ki bani a, ama mini wani bani a, bi ne bandi ke fini n soani nni.
26 And I made known unto them thy name, and will make known, —that, the love wherewith thou lovedst me, in them, may be, and, I, in them.
N teni ke bi bandi a yeli n go baa teni ban bandili ki pugini ke han bua nni yaa buama n dagidi bi pala nni, ke mini mo n yaa ye bi niinni.