< John 16 >

1 These things, have I spoken unto you, that ye may not be caused to stumble:
Nimewaambia mambo haya ili msiweze kukwazwa.
2 Excommunicants from the synagogue, will they make you; Nay! there cometh an hour, that, every one who killeth you, shall think to be rendering, divine service, unto God!
Watawatoa nje ya masinagogi; hakika saa inakuja ambayo kila atakayewaua atafikiri kuwa anafanya kazi njema kwa ajili ya Mungu.
3 And, these things, will they do, because they got to know, neither the Father nor me.
Watawatendea mambo haya kwa sababu hawamfahamu Baba wala hawanifahamu mimi.
4 But, these things, have I told you, —That, whensoever their hour shall come, ye may remember, that, thereof, I told you. These things, however, I told you not, from the beginning, because I was, with you;
Nimewaambia mambo haya ili kwamba wakati ukifika wa haya kutokea, mnaweza kuyakumbuka na jinsi nilivyowaambia muweze wao. Sikuwaambia kuhusu mambo haya tangu mwanzo kwa sababu nilikuwa pamoja nanyi.
5 But, now, I go my way unto him that sent me, and, not one from among you, questioneth me—Whither goest thou?
Japokuwa, sasa naenda kwa yule aliyenituma; lakini hakuna kati yenu anayeniuliza, “Unaenda wapi?”
6 But, because, these things, I have told you, sorrow, hath filled your heart.
Kwa sababu nimesema maneno haya kwenu, huzuni imejaa mioyoni mwenu.
7 But, I, the truth, am telling you—It is profitable for you, that, I, depart; for, if I should not depart, The Advocate, would in nowise come unto you, but, if I go, I will send him unto you.
Hata hivyo, nawaambia ukweli: ni vyema kwenu nikiondoka; kwa maana nisipoondoka, mfariji hatakuja kwen; lakini nikienda ntamtuma kwenu.
8 And, having come, He, will reprove the world—Concerning sin, and concerning righteousness, and concerning judgment:
Akija, huyo mfariji ataubitisha ulimwengu kuhusiana na dhambi, kuhusiana na haki na kuhusiana na hukumu.
9 Concerning sin, indeed, because they are not believing on me;
Kuhusiana na dhambi, kwa sababu hawakuniamini mimi,
10 But, concerning righteousness, because, unto the Father, I go my way, and, no longer, do ye behold me;
kuhusiana na haki, kwa sababu naenda kwa baba, na hamtaniona tena;
11 And, concerning judgment, because, the ruler of this world, hath been judged.
na kuhusiana na hukumu kwa sababu mkuu wa ulimwengu huu amehukumiwa.
12 Yet many things, have I, unto you, to be saying, —but ye cannot bear them, just now;
Ninayo mengi ya kuwaambia, lakini hamtayaelewa sasa.
13 Howbeit, as soon as, he, hath come—The Spirit of truth, he will guide you into all truth; for he will not speak from himself, but, whatsoever he heareth, he will speak, and, the coming things, will he announce unto you.
Lakini, yeye, Roho wa kweli, akija, atawaongoza katika kweli yote; kwa kuwa hataongea kwa ajili yake mwenyewe; lakini yoyote atakayoyasikia, atayasema mambo hayo; na atayadhihirisha kwenu mambo yatakayokuja.
14 He, shall glorify me; for, of mine, shall he receive, and announce unto you.
Yeye atanitukuza mimi, kwa sababu atayachukua mambo yangu na atayatangaza kwenu.
15 All things, whatsoever the Father hath, are, my own; therefore, said I—Of mine, shall he receive, and announce unto you.
Vitu vyote alivyonavyo Baba ni vyangu; kwa hiyo, nimesema kwamba Roho atachukua mambo yangu na atayadhihirisha kwenu.
16 A little while, and, no longer, ye behold me; and, again a little while, and ye shall see me.
Bado muda mfupi, hamtaniona tena; na baada ya muda mfupi tena, mtaniona.”
17 Some of his disciples, therefore, said one to another—What is this which he is saying to us: —A little while, and ye behold me not, and, again a little while, and ye shall see me; and—Because I go my way unto the Father?
Baadhi ya wanafunzi wake wakaambizana, “Ni nini anachotuambia, “muda mfupi, na hamtaniona tena,' na, kisha, mda mfupi mtaniona,' na, 'kwa sababu naenda kwa Baba?”
18 They were saying, therefore—What is this which he saith: —A little while? We know not [what he is saying].
Kwa hiyo wakasema, “Ni kitu gani anachosema, 'Bado mda mfupi'? Hatujui asemavyo.”
19 Jesus took note, that they were wishing to question him, and said unto them—Concerning this, are ye enquiring one with another, —because I said: —A little while, and ye behold me not, and, again, a little while, and ye shall see me?
Yesu aliona kuwa walitamani kumuuliza, naye akawaambia, “Mnajiuliza wenyewe kuhusu hili, nilivyosema, 'Bado muda mfupi, hamtaniona tena; na baada ya muda mfupi mtaniona'?
20 Verily, verily, I say unto you—Ye, shall weep and lament, but, the world, shall rejoice: Ye, shall be grieved, but, your grief, into joy, shall be turned.
Amin, amin, nawaambia, mtalia na kuomboleza, lakini ulimwengu utashangilia, mtakuwa na huzuni lakini huzuni yenu itageuka kuwa furaha.
21 A woman, as soon as she is about to bring forth, hath, grief, because her hour hath come; but, as soon as she hath given birth to the child, no longer, remembereth she the anguish, by reason of the joy, that a human being into the world hath been born.
Mwanamke anakuwa na huzuni wakati anapokuwa na uchungu kwa sababu wakati wa kujifungua umefika; lakini anapojifungua mtoto, hakumbuki tena maumivu kwa sababu ya furaha yake kwamba mtoto amezaliwa duniani.
22 And, ye, therefore, now, indeed have grief; but, again, will I see you, and your heart shall rejoice, —and, your joy, no one, shall force from you.
Ninyi pia mna huzuni sasa, lakini nitawaona tena; na mioyo yenu itafurahi na hakuna atakayeweza kuiondoa furaha yenu.
23 And, in that day, shall ye request me, nothing: —Verily, verily, I say unto you—Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father, He will give you, in my name.
Siku hiyo hamtaniuliza maswali. Amin, Amin, nawaambia, Mkiomba lolote kwa Baba, atawapa kwa jina langu.
24 Until even now, ye have asked nothing in my name: Be asking, and ye shall receive, —that, your joy, may be made full.
Mpaka sasa hamjaomba lolote kwa jina langu; ombeni, nanyi mtapokea ili kwamba furaha yenu ikamilike.
25 These things, in similitudes, have I spoken unto you: There cometh an hour, when, no longer in similitudes, will I speak unto you, but, openly, concerning the Father, will I tell you.
Nimezungumza na ninyi kwa lugha isiyoeleweka, lakini saa inakuja ambapo sitazungumza kwa lugha isiyoeleweka lakini badala yake nitawaambia waziwazi kuhusu Baba.
26 In that day, In my name, shall ye ask: —and I say not that, I, will request the Father for you;
Siku hiyo mtaomba kwa jina langu, na siwaambii kwamba nitaomba kwa Baba kwa ajili yenu;
27 For, the Father himself, dearly loveth you, because, ye, have dearly loved me, and believed that, I, from the Father, came forth: —
Kwa kuwa Baba mwenyewe anawapenda kwa sababu mmenipenda mimi na kwa sababu mmeniamini kuwa nimetoka kwa Baba.
28 I came forth out of the Father, and have come into the world, —Again, I leave the world, and go, unto the Father.
Nilitoka kwa Baba na nimekuja ulimwenguni; tena, naondoka ulimwenguni na ninaenda kwa Baba”.
29 His disciples say—See! now, openly, art thou speaking, and, not a single similitude, art thou using:
Wanafunzi wake wakamwambia, “Unaona, sasa unaongea wazi wazi na hautumii mafumbo.
30 Now, we know, that thou knowest all things, and hast, no need, that one be questioning thee. Hereby, do we believe, that, from God, thou camest forth.
Sasa, tunajua kwamba unajua mambo yote, na hauhitaji mtu yoyote akuulize maswali. Kwa sababu hii tunaamini kuwa unatoka kwa Mungu.
31 Jesus answered them—As yet, ye believe:
Yesu akawajibu, “Sasa mmeamini?”
32 Lo! there cometh an hour, and hath come, that ye should be scattered, each, unto his own home; and, me, alone, should leave; —And yet I am not, alone, but, the Father, is, with me!
Tazama, saa inakuja, ndiyo na hakika imefika, ambapo mtatawanyika kila mmoja na kwa wa kwao mtaniacha mwenyewe. Lakini siko peke yangu kwa sababu Baba yupo nami.
33 These things, have I spoken unto you, that, in me, ye may have, peace: In the world, ye have, tribulation; but be taking courage, —I, have overcome the world.
Nawaambia mambo haya ili kwamba ndani yangu muwe na amani. Duniani mna matatizo, lakini jipeni moyo, nimeushinda ulimwengu.

< John 16 >