< John 14 >
1 Let not your heart be troubled: Believe on God, and, on me, believe.
2 In the house of my Father, are, many dwellings; or else I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you.
3 And, if I go, and prepare a place for you, again, am I coming, and will take you home unto—myself, that, where, I, am, ye also, may be.
4 And, whither, I, go, ye know, the way.
5 Thomas saith unto him—Lord! we know not whither thou goest: How know we, the way?
多默說: 「主!我們不知道你往那裏去,怎麼會知道那條路呢?」
6 Jesus saith unto him—I, am the way, and the truth, and the life: No one, cometh unto the Father, but through me.
7 If ye had been getting to know me, my Father also, had ye known: from henceforth, are ye getting to know him, and have seen him.
8 Philip saith unto him—Lord! show us the Father, and it sufficeth us.
斐理伯對他說: 「主!把父顯示給我們,我們就心滿意足了。」
9 Jesus saith unto him—So long a time as this, have I been, with you, —and thou hast not come to know me, Philip? He that hath seen me, hath seen the Father. How art, thou, saying, Show us the Father?
耶穌回答說: 「斐理伯!這麼長久的時候,我和你們在一起,而你還不認識我嗎?誰看見了我,就是看見了父;你怎麼說: 把父顯示給我們呢?
10 Believest thou not, that, I, am in the Father, and, the Father, is, in me? The things which I am saying unto you, from myself, I speak not; but, the Father, within me abiding, doeth his works.
11 Believe me, That, I, am in the Father, and, the Father, in me; —or else, on account of the works themselves, believe ye.
你們要相信我: 我在父內,父也在我內;若不然,你們至少該因那些事業而相信。」
12 Verily, verily, I say unto you—He that believeth on me, the works which, I, am doing, he also, shall do; and, greater than these, shall he do, because, I, unto the Father, am going, —
我實實在在告訴你們: 凡信我的,我所做的事業,他也要做,並且還要做比這還大的事業,因為我往父那裏去。
13 And because, whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, the same, will I do, that, the Father, may be glorified, in the Son:
14 If anything ye shall ask [me] in my name, the same, will I do.
15 If ye be loving me, my commandments, ye will keep;
16 And, I, will request the Father, and, Another Advocate, will he give unto you, that he may be with you age-abidingly, (aiōn )
我也要求父,他必會賜給你們另一位護慰者,使他永遠與你們同在; (aiōn )
17 The Spirit of truth, —which, the world, cannot receive, because it beholdeth it not, nor getteth to know it. But, ye, are getting to know it; because, with you, it abideth, and, in you, it is.
18 I will not leave you bereft, —I am coming unto you.
19 Yet a little, and, the world, no longer beholdeth me; but, ye, behold me, —Because, I, live, ye also, shall live.
20 In that day, shall ye get to know, That, I, am in my Father, and, ye, in me, and, I, in you.
21 He that hath my commandments and keepeth them, he, it is that loveth me; and, he that loveth me, shall be loved by my Father, and, I, will love him, and will manifest, myself, unto him.
22 Judas, not the Iscariot, saith unto him—Lord! what hath happened, that, unto us, thou art about to manifest thyself, and, not unto the world?
23 Jesus answered, and said unto him—If any man be loving me, my word, he will keep, and, my Father, will love him, —and, unto him, will we come, and, an abode with him, will we make.
耶穌回答說: 「誰愛我,必遵守我的話,我父也必愛他,我們要到他那裏去,並要在他那裏作我們的住所;
24 He that loveth me not, doth not keep, my word; —and, the word which ye hear, is not mine, but, the Father’s who sent me.
25 These things, have I spoken unto you, With you abiding;
26 But, the Advocate, The Holy Spirit, which the Father will send in my name, He, will teach you all things, and will put you in mind, of all things which, I, told you.
27 Peace, I leave with you, My own peace, give, I, unto you, —Not as, the world, giveth, give, I, unto you: —Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
28 Ye heard that, I, said unto you—I go my way, and I come unto you, —Had ye loved me, ye would have rejoiced, that I am going unto the Father, for, the Father, is, greater than I.
你們聽見我給你們說過: 我去;但我還要回到你們這裏來。如果你們愛我,就該喜歡我往父那裏去,因為比我大。
29 But, now, have I told you, before it cometh to pass, that, whensoever it shall come to pass, ye may believe.
30 No longer, many things, will I speak with you; for, the world’s ruler, is coming, and, in me, hath, nothing, —
31 But, that the world may get to know that I love the Father, and just as the Father hath given me commandment, so, I do. Be rousing yourselves! let us be leading on from hence.
但為叫世界知道我愛父,並且父怎樣命令我,我就照樣去行;起來,我們從這裏走罷! 」